Triple Heater/

Triple Warmer Meridian Points

TW 1 On the lateral side of the ring finger, about .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.
TW 2 When the fist is clenched, the point is located in the depression proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and small fingers.
TW 3 When the fist is clenched, the point is on the dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in the depression proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint.
TW 4 On the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, in the depression lateral to the tendon of muscle extensor digitorum communis.
TW 5 2 cun above TW 4, between the radius and the ulna.
TW 6 3 cun above TW 4, between the radius and the ulna, on the radial side of muscle extensor digitorum.
TW 7 At the level of TW 6, about 1 finger breadth lateral to TW 6, on the radial side of the ulna.
TW 8 4 cun above TW 4, between the radius and the ulna.
TW 9 On the lateral side of the forearm, 5 sun below the olecranon, between the radius and the ulna.
TW 10 When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon.
TW 11 1 cun above TW 10 when the elbow is flexed.
TW 12 On the line joining the olecranon and TW 14, midway between TW 11 and TW 13.
TW 13 On the line joining TW 14 and the olecranon, on the posterior border of muscle deltoidus.
TW 14 Posterior and inferior to the acromion, in the depression about 1 cun posterior to LI 15 when the arm is abducted.
TW 15 Midway between GB 21 and SI 13, on the superior angle of the scapula.
TW 16 Posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, on the posterior border of muscle SCM, almost level with SI 17 and BL 10%.
TW 17 Posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process.
TW 18 In the center of the mastoid process, at the junction of the middle and lower 1/3 of the curve formed by TW 17 and TW 20 posterior to the helix.
TW 19 Posterior to the ear, at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the curve formed by TW 17 and TW 20 posterior to the helix.
TW 20 Directly above the ear apex, within the hair line.
TW 21 In the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and slightly superior to the condyloid process of the mandible. The point is located with the mouth open.
TW 22 Anterior and superior to TW 21, level with the root of the auricle, on the posterior border of the hairline of the temple where the superficial temporal artery passes.
TW 23 In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.


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