The evolution of the worksong

I'll be honest, I've never been particularly keen on working. Sure, I have moments when I think actually, this ain't that bad. But it 's one of those things, I sometimes forget that it's there, I mean really, spending ones days in an office really isn't what life is designed to be all about.ย 

I was thinking today about the legendary worksongs of yesteryear, immediately conjuring up the imagine of men working in the plantations, againsts their will, the music bring life back to their souls and spirit.ย 

Well, this is I work song I have written for myself, obviously my circumstances are hugely different, there is no comparison, this is simply a step forward from the footsteps our fathers and grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers took all of those years ago.

Work song 1

Work Song 2

Work song 3

Work song 4

Work song 5

Work song 6

Work song 7

Work song 8

Work song 9

Work song 10

Work song 11

Work song 12

Work song 13

Posted Jan 8, 2013
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