The Empire Builder’s Tool Kit
In this section, I have added some extremely useful techniques which you can use as well as your own favourite techniques to help you out on a day-by-day basis.
They are all easy to use, even for someone who has not met these techniques before and all are practically proven to be highly effective in real life situations.
Mix and match these approaches as and when you need them.
Most importantly, USE THEM to help you regain clarity, change your mind, have more energy and sleep better as well.
Heart Healing
The most important energy system "organ" is the energy heart - this is the nuclear reactor at the centre of the energy system. It powers all of the energy system and is intricately linked to every part of us - thought, physical body, meridians, the lot.
Get the Heart stabilised, and ALL YOUR SYSTEMS will be stronger, more powerful and work better.
People still pray and meditate to achieve "peace of mind" which is the same as "peace of energy system"
We are going to use this oldest of techniques as a general anxiety and adrenaline remover prescription, at least 3x a day, EVERY DAY, as our central stabilisation process.
Place both hands on your heart of energy. Close your eyes and feel your hands.
Move the hand closest to your chest very lightly in a circle and take seven deep breaths in and out, counting down on the out breath aloud:
On Zero, open your eyes and continue with your day.
This takes only a minute but it gives your body a break, like a miniature holiday.
Three such little holidays EVERY DAY will begin to take off some of the accumulated adrenaline and reduce your overall stress levels for the sake of 3 x 1 minute spent.
Do this regularly and you will find that it becomes EASIER AND EASIER to slow down, to calm down.
With practice, this simple gesture becomes a stabilisation ritual in moments of crisis
EFT FreeFlow
If you are already familiar with EFT, continue to use the Classic Protocol as and when. If you are not, follow these instructions to calm your mind and relax your body.
This is essential for mental stability as well as physical energy levels and well being; and this simple EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Protocol shaves YEARS of trying to attain similar results by meditating.
Begin by gently placing your flat hand where the large star is on the lady’s chest, taking 3 deep breaths in and out, and stating a problem, or a desire, or anything that’s on your mind at the time.
Now, tap gently on the first point, the beginning of the eyebrow, and simply say what comes to mind – letting your mind and energy flow freely.
Tap the points (these are main body meridian points) in the following order:
Eyebrow, Corner of the Eye, Under The Eye, Under the Nose, Under the Mouth, Under the Collarbone, Under The Arm, and then the finger points: Thumb, Index Finger, Middle Finger, Little Finger, Between The Last and Second To Last Knuckle (in lieu of the ring finger) and the Karate Chop Point on the side of the hand finishes the round.
Take three further deep breaths and then you can either do it again on another topic, or if you are clear and relaxed now, go back to your work at hand.
You can use this technique to relax, to help you make decisions, to remove limiting beliefs and in general, to “straighten out your emotions and your thoughts” before you act.
Magical Affirmations
Affirmations are a form of “magic spell” when they are being used correctly; they replace previous negative thoughts with positive directions and instructions to ourselves and the universe at large.
Like a prayer, when they are just rattled off with no meaning behind them, they are nothing but annoying and pointless noise; when they are spoken with deliberation and from a position of CHOOSING THIS, rather than what was there before, they are a powerful motivational device that can help us very well with our task of keeping our mind focused on success, rather than on failure or possible problems.
Here are some tips to make affirmations work for you.
1. To avoid the common problem that affirmations are being mistaken for just a lie or make belief, we append the phrase, “This is my will” after speaking any form of affirmation.
So, instead of repeating “I am successful” over and over, we use the form of, “I am successful, this is my will.” After a while, you’ll have gotten the hang of it and when you have, you can drop “This is my will” off the end and simply do any affirmation and know what it is, and how you are supposed to process this.
2. Affirmations work best in REAL TIME and REAL ENVIRONMENTS. So, if you wish to encourage glossy hair, for example, you make those affirmations when you brush your hair, and NOT when you’re in a totally non-related situation. For strong teeth, we use the appropriate affirmation whilst brushing our teeth, and for all else the same, always appropriate to the environment and what is happening in real time.
3. Practise makes perfect. Many people have “tried” the old fashioned forms of affirmations and found they got nowhere with them. This style of modern psycho-energetic affirmations WORKS and the more you use it, the better it works.
At the very least, when you are affirming your will to success, you are NOT thinking destructive thoughts that would otherwise hurt you further.
“Two wolves are fighting in my mind –
one is called success, and the other, fear.”
“Which one will win?”
“The one I feed, of course.”
Power State Questions
How You Can Get To Be Lucky, Blessed and Successful
Simple, yet inordinately useful, is the act of ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS.
A question begs an answer and causes something to go into motion inside our neurologies, like a machine that’s been fired up, and a single question can produce a thousand million answers, sometimes over a life time; this doesn’t ever stop until the original question is deleted.
People ask the wrong questions and thus CREATE REALITY.
They ask, for example, “What is WRONG with me?”
As you can immediately understand, the list of possible answers can be endless, most literally.
This also known as “sorting for failure” or “wrongness”, as was the case above.
The act of “sorting” is much the same as “directing attention” and it produces the corresponding mind/body/energy states as a side effect.
We have had a lot of fun and amazing benefits from asking the RIGHT questions.
Have you asked yourself recently just HOW it is possible that YOU are so blessed? With so many talents, ideas, intelligence, all the things you can do, all the wonderful things you have been allowed to experience already?
My goodness! Well, I don’t know ... perhaps it’s because God loves me especially ... or perhaps I was born under a lucky star ... it could be my genetics ... my karma, my fate ...
Can you see how immediately that works to turn a whole big Titanic self concept of failure around IN AN INSTANT – in fact, in the very instant the right question is asked?
What is good about me? What is surprising, delightful, wonderful about me? How come I’m so blessed, have such good friends, that I am so immensely lucky? What have I done to deserve all this?
You could lie in bed, night after night, and wonder and wonder and never quite get to the bottom of it ... :-)
How To Get Into The Right State To Do Anything
Our good friends, the magical questions, intelligently asked, can do even more for us than have us endlessly wondering just why we are so blessed and so lucky.
Imagine, for a moment, you had sat down to write a really important advertisement but now you’re looking at the blank screen and you’re all in pieces, nervous, unsure as to what to say, conflicted inside and your mind racing at a million miles an hour.
We need to teach ourselves to AIM FOR A STATE that is just right for the task at hand, so that our neurology has at least a DIRECTION to take us TOWARDS, if nothing else.
Any movement TOWARDS that desired direction is going to be a MAJOR IMPROVEMENT over the swirling chaos of “Oh I don’t know what to do!”
So, we take a deep breath, or two or three, or even use the Heart Healing technique, and then, we ask ourselves the following question:
“Do I remember a time when I was calm, clear, focussed; more than that, a time when I wrote something with all my heart and soul, and it was a really good experience and what I wrote was brilliant and right on the money?”
As in direct response your mind goes off to search for such a time, or something LIKE that, as close as we can get to THAT, our state begins to shift in EXACTLY THE RIGHT DIRECTION to get the task done.
This works for all and everything.
Meetings: “Remember a time when you were brilliant and got on like a house on fire with everyone who was there? When it went really well?”
Decisions: “Remember a time when we made a really good decision, one that turned out later on to be one of the best decisions we could ever have made?”
Even little things like phone calls: “Remember a time when you were right on target when you phoned someone and it went ever so well?”
USE this strategy of asking questions that aim you towards your best states as much as possible, as often as possible, and in many different circumstances as possible (“Remember a time when you sat in a traffic jam and you were completely calm and happy, relaxed and thinking interesting thoughts?”)
It’s a master key to learning to be able to get into any state, any time, just FOR THE ASKING.
Magic Answers To Practical Questions
People really don’t use the immense power of their own minds and intelligences enough by a long shot.
I trust you’ve heard that “We have all the resources we need to be really successful in all things, right here, right now” ?
I trust you thought, “Yeah right ...”
But look. When another person asks you for advice, I bet you have all manner of really practical and helpful suggestions on how to get out of scrapes, what to do, what to say and even what to think and feel.
So why not use your own wisdom for YOUR OWN SELF?
It’s free advice, and not just that, no-one knows about what you do better than you do!
Learn to ask yourself questions in order to discover the answers that will make you rich and famous.
Such as, “If I wanted to write an advertisement that really speaks to intelligent people and makes them want to put their hands in their pockets to buy this product, what would be the very first thing to tell them?”
Or you can be a little more direct and simply address that “answer system” we all possess and say, “Alright. Give me a good headline for this advertisement. What should I say?”
I actually did that exact question and the answer that came to me in response was what you read in the advertisement that caused you to buy this very book:
“Let me help YOU
You’re not going to learn to write headlines like that by following “standard formulas” in “How to write great headlines and make mega bucks”.
They come like all good things do FROM YOUR HEART, from right inside YOU and that’s what makes them so powerful.
USE this system of ASKING YOUR SELF and learn to listen, learn to work with this inbuilt super system that we all possess.
It’s as easy as asking, “What should I do next?” – and listening to the answer.
Spells, Chants & Prayers
As I’m sure you know by now, all these techniques are DEVICES to direct our thoughts and through our thoughts, our feelings, experiences and actions TOWARDS SUCCESS.
Some things work for human beings, and these things have been in use for millennia.
We should take heed of such approaches because they have proven themselves in the worst and darkest battlefields of human endeavour; they can assist us just the same today, in our own here and nows.
God Is Beautiful
This comes from Hare Krishna, and here, instead of a variety of affirmations, prayers and requests, it uses just a single one for every purpose, every circumstance, and this is in essence:
God Is Beautiful.
This simple phrase serves as a break state, to help someone kick themselves right out of convoluted stress-thought loops, as well as a state setter and immediate balm for stressed out, malfunctioning energy systems.
Physicality follows suit, and balance and clarity is regained.
Use this to stop negative thoughts and feelings that arise instantly in response to environmental circumstances (such as seeing something that displeases you, being in an uncomfortable situation, feeling lost or anxious etc).
Use it to replace thoughts of judgement or old entrained thoughts that keep on coming
Use it to answer questions that you cannot answer because you don’t know what the future will hold to stabilise yourself and re-focus back on the Here & Now.
At the very least, you thought or spoke something that is really true – and this cannot help but bring us CLOSER to real reality, which is always a very, very good thing indeed.
Spells & Chants
When stress is high, it is natural for people to fall into repetitive behaviours to help stabilise themselves. This is why folk will turn a light switch a hundred times to alleviate their anxiety – it works by attrition but when such a thing has a GENERATIVE aspect to it, it becomes a very powerful personal development device.
Writing small spells in the old fashioned, rhyming and nearly childlike way is a good exercise in goal setting and mind direction; it is fun to do and bringing lightness into an otherwise dour situation is always a good thing.
Here is a short money spell I wrote when I became aware of how often I was worrying about money. I really did worry ENDLESSLY – and it started up all the time, as soon as I would see a bank, an advert for a bank on the TV, a bank robber, an armoured truck, any reference to anything related to money at all, and I would simply freak out again.
Even just by seeing my own purse and picking it up before going out to shop!
Something had to be done, and so I wrote this spell:
Money in my pocket, and money in my hand
Money in my home and money in the bank
Money flows towards me like a river to the sea
It’s easy and it’s magical as counting 1 – 2 – 3!
You can loop this spell by saying at the end of it: “And ... There’s money in my pocket ...” thus starting it all over again and until you run naturally out of steam.
Writing spells and chants is really easy. Don’t try and be clever, for these things work on a very basic level indeed.
Make sure they have a good rhythm you can clap with your hands and tap with your toes so your whole body can get involved.
Make sure they rhyme to give them that punch at the end which completes the spell and makes it come to life.
Finally, make sure that the spell states exactly what you want – just in case it works like magic and you get what you are spelling for!
The Joy Of Money
Whilst we’re on the topic of fun, energy and spells, I would like to offer you the experience of falling in love with “the energy of money”. This is a really full systems, fabulous “cleaning device” to blast away all our old notions about money being dirty, nasty, unclean – all that old jazz that isn’t worth the paper it isn’t written on!
Wherever you are right now, get up and do it at least the once so you get a FEEL of how different this is and how HAPPY and amazing this makes you feel.
The more energy you can put into it, the better this works, in a simple cause and effect. This is how you do it.
1. Stand UP!
2. Loosen your feet, your hands, arms, neck and shoulders. Wriggle a bit and get your energy system and your body flowing.
3. Chant the spell out ALOUD, in fact as LOUD as you can, so you can really hear it ringing across the levels, planes and layers.
Clap your hands to keep the rhythm and DANCE the entire spell WITH YOUR WHOLE BODY:
Money joy and money pleasure,
money riches, money treasure,
come to me my friend of old
come to me in shining gold,
I'm in love for I can see
you are perfect energy!
Feed me, lift me, bring me joys,
bring me pleasures, bring me toys,
Rushing brightness I adore,
clear me, raise me, more and more!
Money come and play with me!
I invite you - 1 - 2 - 3 !
4. As soon as you get to 3, you clap and cheer out aloud, wave your arms in the air just like you would after your favourite team has scored a goal or your favourite artist has just finished your favourite song most triumphantly, and you shout, "Yeah! Money! Money!!! We LOVE money!!! Whoohooo!" whilst clapping and jumping around.
5. When you're done, and whilst you're still grinning to yourself and you're slightly hoarse and out of breath, give yourself a pat on the shoulder and say, "Ok, so THAT'S what REAL magic actually feels like!"
6. Next time you do it, go for EVEN MORE excitement, energy and delight.
Active LOVE and ACTIVE CHEER AND INVITATION will completely change your relationship to money, basically right away, and really get more and more money flowing towards you, as well as making you far more loving and careful of it, too!
Have fun, have PLEASURE and let that money energy FLOW!
Falling In Love – A Meditation
As the last word on the topic of how to be rich, successful, a true empire builder and champion, a CONTRIBUTOR who makes a real difference, someone who really has changed their stars for a brighter and better future, I would like to offer you the following meditation.
Read it out aloud.
Keep it close to you.
Read it often.
Make a real commitment to remember this, and to put in into action, every day and as often as you can.
From there, you can do no wrong, you can only go upwards, forwards and explore your bright new, brand new stars!
We just need one single person
to be absolutely on our side.
who has faith in us,
someone to really love us as we are,
no questions asked,
without reservations
or judgements of any kind;
Just a single person
who will always be there
to help us, protect us;
To inspire us, applaud us
when we have succeeded in something,
no matter how insignificant
it may seem to an outsider;
who will encourage us
to strive towards
the best we can possibly be,
and always, always cheer us on;
who cannot ever be tempted away
by youth, beauty, money, bribes
and will always choose us,
every day, each moment afresh;
someone to stand by us
when everything falls apart,
who will love us no matter what;
who will never let us down,
never give up on us,
never leave us
and who will always, always
be fiercely and actively loving of us
in every way, every day,
until we take our last breath in physicality.
Well, that person is here.
It is you.
And now, finally, we can start
on the road to be that person
we always knew we should have been -
with a little help from our self,
our endlessly loving totality.
Silvia Hartmann 2002
© Silvia Hartmann 2000-2005
All Rights To Text & Title Reserved In All Media, Including Future Media.
Published By
DragonRising Publishing
For The StarFields Network
United Kingdom