Oceans Of Energy Part 2 - The Concept Of Energy Nutrition

Oceans Of Energy Part 2 - The Concept Of Energy Nutrition

Oceans Of Energy Part 2 - The Concept Of Energy Nutrition

Part 2 - The Concept Of Energy Nutrition

In the absence of a better model and in light of the fact that we know literally nothing about the finer points and requirements of the energy body, I have chosen, for now, to simply imagine that the energy body was similar in certain basic requirements to the physical body.

When I first began to investigate this, I asked myself the question, “Let us look at the basics here. What are the most basic, the most simple requirements for a functioning physical body?”

The answer to this was a stable range of environments and constantly renewing incoming nutrition - water and food.

It stands to reason to make that bridge and to consider that the energy body too has these basic needs. Energy needs to flow and just as physicality flows in its very own way (please see “Quantum Healing” by Deepak Chopra for more on this flow), if we expend energy then we need sources of replenishing it.

Human beings are designed as social creatures – we are structurally social mammals.

Therefore, a part of our energetic requirements naturally are emanations from our fellow social mammals and these come in a very wide range of manifestations, from “Romeo & Juliet” type love energies to what happens between a first class torturer and his victim on the 7th day in the dungeons or a murderous rage that seeks only to destroy being directed at you personally.

Just in human interaction, there exists naturally this extraordinary wide and broad range of energies of which we generally allow ourselves to experience on the tiniest narrow band – we arrange our lives with great care so that we need never experience any of the extremes if at all possible. This of course is because no-one ever taught us how to handle or channel these extreme energies.

Little boys are told not to cry but they are not told how to not cry or what to do instead when the pressure of energies builds up inside of them that naturally seeks release through tears. So they are left to their own devices and most of them either fail completely and do burst out into tears, leaving them to think of themselves as weak and powerless and then spend a lifetime avoiding situations which might cause a recurrence; others may find that if you exert enough will power, you can stop these rising energies that are seeking expression and force them back down the channels they came from, compacting them down and end up with hearts of stone.

But be this as it may, the fact is that as a result we have created a situation where all of us live in malnutrition circumstances just with people energy alone. Firstly this happens as we try and control what energies are being generated in the first place – heading off criticism AND praise both at the pass, organising our lives so we will never have to experience fear, or bereavement, or sadness, or jealousy or anger and so forth.

Next, we also build shields to protect us from what’s left in the way of incoming energy that may damage us which is an important topic in itself and all of this is simply a result of not knowing how to handle these energies in our systems.

Now, you might consider it a very radical thought that “negative energies” we have been so afraid of all our lives, have seen our parents and role models be so afraid of all of theirs, are actually beneficial and needed to balance and to develop our energy bodies.

But you know, the indicators are there.

People who have been in wars and even in concentration camps, people who have really loved and lost will often say surprisingly that it was important to them to have been there, that it changed them for the better.

If offered the choice of never having experienced what they did and lead a “normal” bland life where nothing untoward ever happened to them and to trade this for how things are now, even with many practical problems arising from their experiences, they will NOT give them up for the world.

It is my supposition that experiences are designed to change us; that we must indeed change to develop into a true adult form of mind and possibly body too, and that the handling of these incoming energies in a holistic and systemic way is exactly what allows us to do this, namely to learn from our experiences in a whole new way, to be changed for the better by these experiences and not be broken by them in the process.

Saying YES To Energy Flow

One of the reasons that people in the First World often turn to pets for energy suppliers is that the barriers against love, affection and attention from other people are not in place and the energies can flow freely.

There is, of course, the other side of the coin. Animals do not have barriers as a rule to incoming energies and they will actually accept attention from humans who are bursting to give these - but cannot find any fellow human recipients for their energies, only barriers upon barriers where their contributions bounce out flatly too.

The problems with energy exchanges and energy flow are that they are either not received at all (shielded out) which happens when we consciously say “NO!” to an incoming energy form; get stuck in blockages when we say “NO!” halfway through a process (or, “Reverse, reverse!” if you will); or resist the process of letting the energy flow out by shouting, “No, I’m not letting that go!” and trying to hold on to it.

Apart from people and human energies which are not received because we have said “NO!” to that particular energy at some point there are a great many other types which then are no longer available for the essential nutrition and widely varied energy diets our Energy Bodies require for full functioning.

Weather is a good example of this. Storms, rainy weather and cold weathers are tremendous energy providers - if one would open up to this. Current group consensus in the First World, however, is that anything other than a sunny, warm day with a cloudless sky is “bad weather” and must be avoided, bemoaned, and shielded against in every way possible.

The very act of saying “NO!” to “bad weather” in and of itself reverses and disables parts of the energy system and this leads to people who hold these views to becoming more acutely affected by cold or rainy weather in return - with mental depression or psychosomatic flare-ups, for example.


EMO & Breathing

Breathing is probably our most direct and profound personal experience of energy exchanges with the universe directly. Breathing in and out is how we determine if someone is alive or not – it is that fundamental.

How we breathe has to do with our existing mind-body totality states at the time; when people are afraid or awaiting something, they will naturally hold their breath.

Breathing is used for all kinds of human activities in order to control state in people – singing together brings everyone in a congregation into rapport, as does laughing together at the same time; when you breathe together, you enter the same state automatically.

This is also used in psychotherapy and related fields in order to create rapport; and another aspect of this state correlation is that the deeper we breathe, the more “connected” to our physicality we become.

We could think in our context of the act of holding the breath or breathing very shallow to be versions of saying NO to an incoming energy form; breathing something in deeply also states that we are allowing the energy of it to enter us profoundly and into every cell of our bodies.

In the basic EMO process, breathing in deeply when trying to make contact with any form of energy makes the physiological responses more noticeable; you may use this to help pin point where your blockages are located.

Breathing in deeply and with focus on the existing energy blockage may help dissolve this blockage as further energy is directed to this erea. I would make the point that breathing into an overly dense erea will make the feelings worse and so this becomes a valuable feedback device in its own right.

Breathing out, on the other hand, is very helpful when you are the “soften and flow” stage and the energy is beginning to move. I often think in the terms of, “I want to sigh it all away, sigh it away and let it go ...” when I do this; I find it helps release the energies in question.

Lastly, disruptions in breathing patterns are an absolute indication of a disturbance in the energy body. When you think about something and find that your breathing becomes shallow, irregular, unusually deep or even gasping or sob like, you can be sure there is something that needs attention paying to it immediately.

Breath is an excellent indicator of the Even Flow.




There are many other naturally existing energies that are blocked by individuals. Many people have strong colour preferences - someone might say, “Orange is not my colour.” or, “I don’t like the colour orange.” which is the equivalent of saying, “NO! to orange.”

Thus instructed, the energy body deflects that particular vibration and we are very literally, in scurvy conditions.

It is important to note that the processes which have been described here are not an addition or a new invention, but simply represent an observation about naturally occurring exchanges in reality.

It is impossible to repair a person’s self esteem, for example, who hold it to be the truth that they are worthless, with counter-examples or by sending them (telling them, showing them, demonstrating to them) that this is a false decision IF this person is INCAPABLE of receiving the energies associated with this sentiment.

Thus it is possible that the most beautiful model on Earth is in tears because she is convinced that she is ugly; the most beloved person who has innumerable family members and friends who all care deeply about them is entirely convinced that “No-body loves me.”; and the most talented and gifted people can state with absolute conviction that, “I am worthless.”

It needs to be clearly understood that it is not the meanings of such words or phrases which will heal and put a great many things to rights, but the energies these words and phrases contain and carry.

These energies go to the energy body and there, fulfill tasks of repair, of healing, of renewal. In doing so, they correct at the underlying energetic level what is wrong which then becomes reflected in psychological and physiological changes too.

In the case of psychological changes, as a person “takes readings” of their internal energetic landscapes, this translates directly into self concept understandings and realities.

In this context it is also important to note that we do actually have a great deal of influence over our energy systems and we always did. Allergies, for example, come about when the body-mind flags a substance as being a danger and puts the entire energy system into full out reversal (see Sandi Radomski’s “Allergy Antidotes”).

People also have severe allergies to certain energy forms which translates into strong and irrational feelings about things that really should not cause such responses, such as a particular section of species we share this planet with, the aforementioned colours and weather states, but also things such as smells, music, tastes, words, sights – all kinds.

Working with EMO to return to the energetic source of these disturbances makes a huge difference in the actual experience of these occurrences on the visible behavioural and physical levels.

A Personal Experience With Saying Yes To An Energy Form

For this exercise, choose a form of music you particularly despise and indeed, have never liked for whatever reason.

Find an example of this music on a radio station or on TV, play it and now begin to consider this as “just an energy” – where does this hurt you or where do you feel it in your body?

Run the basic EMO technique on this energy occurrence until the energy of that music flows freely throughout you.

Sit with the new experience and the new thoughts and insights this has generated for you for a while before you return to your normal activities.


I cannot stress enough how very wide ranging this simple movement of saying “Yes!” to any type of incoming or surrounding energy form in your environment actually is.

One lady I know used this on a train in response to getting very annoyed with two small children who were clamouring and screaming. Five seconds of EMO later and she noticed to her utter amazement that she actually felt both energised by the contact with these children as well as truly compassionate to their frustration and boredom. Other ETPs report incidents like finding the taste of raw lemon extraordinarily invigorating after a small shift and even allowing themselves to be “infected with the party spirit” in a rowdy bar and feeling quite at home with what was happening around them.

One gentleman used EMO to remove all barriers between himself and a new language he had to learn and allowed himself to have it “just flow in”; the result was first of all that the language lessons were no longer dreaded and depressing, which in and of itself would have to be considered a blessing, but also that he learned the language easily and right from the start used it at home to make little comments that his wife could not understand which he thought was entirely hilarious.

I have a story mailed to me by a holistic therapist who opened herself to the “energy of the high street” where she lived – nothing but concrete, exhaust fumes and kebab shop smells which had previously left her with a strong feeling of negativity and depletion. She felt herself entirely rushed by fast, powerful energy and made the comment of having a sense of “awakening” in that unlikely environment.

Time and time again people express true astonishment how even life long beliefs and experiences can change from bad to good with nothing more than a small internal adjustment at the energy levels – I can only invite you to be without fear and give it a try.

It is well worth doing.

Having The World – And Eating It ...

Some years ago I noted that I was buying lamps rather compulsively.

Table lamps, to be more specific.

Round table lamps, preferably made of a single piece of glass or a seamless round shade over the bulb inside – I have dozens of them, all over the place and it never really struck me as being unusual until one Christmas, I was in a super shopping mall which was stuffed full of jewellery, consumer goods of all possible kinds, clothes, stereos, books, gifts, toys – everything a bored First World Westerner might like to spend their hard earned cash on to improve their fates in some shape or form, if only for a moment.

And the only thing for all the hours I spend there with my children that day which made my interest truly flare up for a moment was – yes, you’ve guessed it. Basically a crystal ball with a light beneath it in a shop that sold novelty table lamps.

It was then I recognised there was something amiss. What exactly was I trying to buy? I already have more than enough of the things to know that buying yet another one won’t do the trick, won’t fill that strange need I had to bring exactly what? into my house?

I thought about this on and off over the Christmas Holidays, and at one point was in my office when the low winter sun just moved over the tops of the houses opposite my garden and I saw it burst brightly through the windows, flooding the room and I understood that what I was trying to buy was not a lamp, but the lamp was a metaphor for something else – an energy source like the sun.

I was seeking and craving a form of energy that was in short supply in my life – and which clearly could not be fulfilled by buying it in the metaphorical form of table lamps.

At the time, I then went on to simply imagine a sunrise in my mind whenever I was in dire danger of yet again purchasing a crystal ball lamp and the craving receded.

Now we have talked about Energy Nutrition and in this context, there are other options to help someone who has a shortfall of a particular energy in their systems and needs it to heal or grow or become more balanced, feel happier and more at home on this planet.


Becoming An Energy Vampire

Whenever I explain the concept of taking energy out of anything at all to satisfy your own needs and hungers, people don’t quite get it just how many situations this covers, how much this entails.

Placing my hand, for example, on or near a lamp in a shop that I really feel I need to have, buy, own, take home, make it mine and make it become a part of me, and allowing this energy to come to me, resolving any blockages that stand between me and that object’s energy, satisfies a hunger and a need a hundred times more profoundly than buying the object.

The applications of this one simple principle are truly and literally endless – and they are endlessly satisfying and intensely healing, too.

In the olden days, tribes used to eat their ancestors and their warrior enemy’s bodies in order to obtain their wisdom, strength and spirit.

Now, we look upon this with raised eyebrows, for although we understand what they were trying to do, we might have a notion that this might not be achievable in that way alone.

And yet, how is this different from eating a vanilla ice cream because that just somehow evokes the energies of a long gone childhood happiness that got tied into the sense, taste and experience of vanilla ice cream?

How is it different from someone trying to feel love, feel more worthwhile, more strong within themselves by eating anything at all?

I have stood in a supermarket, watching a friend who put just such things on the “energy of vanilla ice cream” holding out her arms quite literally to the ice cream freezer and beginning to tremble, cry and then find a whole new balance, a whole new joy that was absolutely real and left her with a deep sense of appreciation for the “energy of vanilla ice cream” and what, if it was let right into her starving systems, could do for her in reality.

It was pretty extraordinary to see from the outside.

But that is nothing to how extraordinary it feels when you are actually doing this yourself.

In this way, you can become a true energy vampire and feed on just about everything and anything – and in the process you are healing yourself and nourishing yourself so profoundly, you have to experience this to understand what I am talking about.

Hugging trees, for example, or simply dissolving the blocks in your energy body and your wider systems to really and truly partaking of “Father Earth & Mother Sky”, is logical and obvious to most.

But there’s so much more, it makes my head spin sometimes.

Consider this, for example – the very real and very difficult concepts of Jealousy & Envy.


Jealousy & Envy

Lazaris defines these two in the following way which I like and would like to share with you: “Jealousy is when someone has something you don’t have; but envy is if they have something but YOU know YOU will NEVER have that.”

These are very particular pains and pointers to deep wounds in our energy system that are virtually impossible to repair from the outside in; they are also dangerous energies to evoke in others.

Someone who is jealous and envious will in turn, try to provoke these energies from others in order to re-balance a system that feeds endlessly upon itself. No amount of holy thinking can overcome this; think of the root causes of both jealousy and envy as open sores and then someone sticks a needle into that sore – no amount of meditation can overcome the instant and very real pain this would cause in an instant.

Quite spontaneously, whilst out in Victoria Station with a friend, the topic arose of “being jealous of the good looking people walking by”. We argued for a while if this was jealousy or far more likely, the deeper bitter envy instead but that really doesn’t matter – who cares about labels when the pain is real enough?

This friend was particularly focussing on big men with broad shoulders and bulging muscles, nicely displayed on this hot summer’s day because many were wearing short and cut off T-Shirts. Just for fun, we thought about trying to allow him to “eat these energies” instead of looking at these men with pain of envy and feelings of inadequacy.

As usual, there were big, big shields to allowing this energy of being well built and muscular to enter my friends systems; but once he dissolved them and allowed himself to experience this, the envy dissolved as if by magic and instead of hating the owners of these physical attributes, he began to admire them instead – and then began to look at other people too and made a comment about the amazing varieties and shapes of humans in general.

I will admit that I had contortions in my energy systems about “blondes” – as I’m not cheerleader material and have dark brown hair, I have harboured jealousy on that score which I have manfully try to suppress for as long as I can remember.

On this day, I dropped shields and allowed myself to interact with the “blonde energy”; after all my friend had been brave and I felt I should be able to do the same.

Imagine my surprise when something very similar happened to me. It was no big deal, no revelation or enlightenment shift, but something did shift because where these “blondes” had been a preferred focus of envious attention and negative thoughts all these years before, as soon as I did allow this energy to come into me and pass on through, they just became people and I too was free to notice all the other many shapes and sizes that walked by the cafe’ in Victoria Station in their thousands.

We then went on to try some more features and attributes – attitude, for example. There was a group of very well dressed business men, highly focussed and discussing their important business of the day. Their energy was amazing to experience because it was so very unlike what I am used to or even used to wanting to have in my life.

Later, out on the roads in London, we “took in” the energy of statues. Of very expensive cars. Of old buildings. Of ethnic foods and music. It was truly overwhelming and a most fantastic experience – and what a difference to all those other times when I have hastened through the streets of London in a constant state of rejection, denial and wishing bitterly I was elsewhere.

These energy experiences are really quite amazing. Many ETPs report that once they began to drop shields they were absolutely astonished how alive everything was, the people, the landscapes, even the buildings and how much buzzing energy was all around them. They further report that they felt as though they were on a strange and amazing planet they had never visited before and that was extremely invigorating in its own way.

So, what might life be like if you became an energy vampire?

It is truly extraordinary, that is for sure. There is nothing that you cannot have to be with you, in you, through you, of you, fully experienced and then released.

It is the most empowering sensation.

I had been poor my entire life and at one point, I was beginning to earn some real money and had for the first time a large amount of money in the bank that was not immediately earmarked for urgent payments here and there. I remember collecting the bank statement and as I walked through the town, having this really strange thought – namely that there probably wasn’t a single item in any of those shops that lined the road that I couldn’t afford to buy on this day.

I had to stop and collect myself, and the world appeared different from that day on and this has not changed since then.

EMO is even more profound than that; it is not just objects you can have, you can “have” any attribute, any vibration, any person, any song - anything at all and you can have it now.

All you have to do is to find out where your shields and blockages are, dissolve them and open yourself completely to the energies inherent, let them flow through you and the needs and wants are filled, old pains and aches soothed and your world becomes a different place.


Energy Nutrition In Brief

Energy is all around us.


We need to absorb energy from:


  1. Energy from sun, moon, stars, weather, planet itself, etc.

  2. Plants, rocks and other animal life.

  3. Energy from others of our own species including:

    • Personal and physical contact

    • Emotional Emanations

    • Energy Emanations

    • Transferred Emanations (Works including Works of Art)


Energy can NOT be ingested by:

  • eating an item/person

  • owning an item/person

  • buying an item/person

  • surrounding ourselves with items/person


Energy is ingested ONLY

by taking the ENERGY of the item into our systems.



Making Room For New Energy

When people begin to work with their worst energy blockages and let this finally begin to soften and flow, that is of course not the end of the story. It doesn’t just flow that one time only.

Now a flow has been re-established, this part of the energy system will draw to itself energies once more on a regular basis and flow on a regular basis, as and when. At least this part of the energy system is “open for business” once more, if you will.

That is actually a very important point when we come to consider different kinds of energies in human interaction and our responses to them.

Of course, trauma, insult and injury, which is where we started and the focus of much if not all personal development constantly lies are something we are perfectly happy to “flow away” and have it return to the Oceans of Energy from whence it came; but now, let us consider the matter of incoming “positive” energies.

I have put the word “positive” in inverted commas for of course, energy is energy and there really are no good or bad energies, as there are no good or bad clouds, raindrops or atoms in the universe.

However, we have been entrained to consider some things as positive and some things as negatives; you could say we have been falsely polarised like electric plates to draw something towards us and reject other things altogether. This entrainment sets our energy system to do this kind of thing for us automatically and below the level of our conscious awareness; and this is actually a good metaphor because of course a polarised metal plate cannot let go of what it has been set to attract either.

Here is an example which demonstrate this particular side of the energy exchanges coin:

EMO-P: “Now listen carefully. Are you ready? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.”

C (takes a deep breath, puts one hand to his heart): “Oh, that feels wonderfully warm in my heart area, really glowing, amazing.”

EMO-P: “Ok, it is just an energy. Let it flow.”

C (instantly and with conviction): “No chance! I haven’t felt that good in years, possibly not ever. I’m gonna keep that right there!”

You can see pretty much right away how we are talking once again about a serious energy blockage.

Sure, this time around it isn’t an energy that manifests as hurt or pain and causes those kinds of sensations but one that feels all warm and fuzzy; and yet let us remember that energy is energy and the principles are exactly the same.

This is particularly important in the context of this section, namely that energy flow, once it has been re-established, allows the possibility of more of the same energy to be received.

It is true that people who hold on particularly tightly to a particular experience, often quite an old one, actually preclude more and future occurrences from taking place – there is no place for new energy to go to in that person’s system.

Moreover, these energies get stale and hard over time and are no longer useful or beneficial and of course they no longer nourish the system. But there is one more repercussion which is probably the most damaging by far.

When these incoming energies pass through the channels designed to take them, they actually change the system as they pass on through.

Like the hand that writes on the clay tablet in passing and thus changes the blank slate forever, in the exchange with the energies and the energy channels, the energetic organs and set ups in the energy body create a transformation – the energy body becomes new, it becomes other than what it was before this energy passed through.

EMO-P: “Look. It’s just an energy. Do me a favour and just let it go through and out. If you don’t like what that feels like, I can simply call you beautiful again like I did before and you can hold onto that one instead.”

C (reluctantly): “Oh alright then. I’ll give it a go.”

EMO-P: “Ok, so where does it want to go?”

C: “Well it seems to want to go deeper inside me, like into my lungs? Oh my god – it is spreading from there all over my body! What an extraordinary sensation! I can feel that same warmth everywhere and now it is coming out of all the pores of my skin.”

EMO-P: “And does that feel good, does it feel right?”

C (takes a deep breath, runs his hands through his hair, looks up and smiles): “Yeah. Yeah it does. It feels wonderful. Thank you.”

EMO-P (smiles back): “You are welcome. So what are you thinking or feeling now?”

C (reflectively): “Ah it is strange. Good. Unusual. Like beauty was not something that was ever a part of me at all, like it was over there somewhere and I was here. Now, its like – in me? a part of me? That is a very, very strange thought to be having. I have never thought of myself in that way, never thought I had anything to do with beautiful. That was for other people, not for me.”

This same gentleman also went on to make the comment that following his experience with this particular energy being allowed to pass through his systems that his idea and concept of beauty had changed completely. He stated that before the “energy experience” with beauty he had thought of it like a kind of plastic beauty, the kind you see on TV, models, actors, shiny cars, sculpted hedges and such. After the energy experience, he thought of beauty in a different sense altogether – in his own words, “a true beauty that isn’t anything like that, it is wilder and much more powerful, much more real, nearly frightening in its intensity.”

This is a good example of the benefits one derives from not holding on to energies but to let them pass. This gentleman’s change of heart if you will from plastic template beauty to this wild, powerful and amazing definition of beauty is something that is sometimes said to be acquired by experience, and it is called wisdom. To have a personal understanding, contact and definition with the concept of “beauty” in this way is quite an extraordinary change with many repercussions along the way; and as the client said, it makes the world more real and more exciting to live in. Now, this young man is open to seeing and receiving the energies of beauty every day – and wherever he goes because this energy like all the others is an integral aspect and part of the Oceans of Energy in which we live.

To learn to not have to hold on to “positive” energies, whatever they may be, structurally opens the way for more of the same, to open our systems to these energies and to experience whole new realms of these energies.

Contrary to public opinion, the results of this are not to make someone big headed.

The young gentleman in the example did not walk away strutting like a peacock and declaring himself to be the most beautiful person in the world to all who would stand and listen – in the contrary. With his new and different definition of what beauty means and how he has a right to this simply by being a part of this world in the first place, the whole topic simply becomes resolved to a higher level, a different state of being.

Thus it is also with other forms of energy that people have been taught they must keep away, else it would make them big headed, arrogant, unbearable or people would stop loving them.

Energies such as creativity, intelligence, logic, the aforementioned beauty – there are many of these. Should you personally feel like the young man did that there are some of these who “are outside of me and have nothing to do with me”, here is an EMO reminder that they need not be if you invite them in and then allow them to complete their journey through you and out again, changing you in the process in the most beneficial and holistic way imaginable.

Now it is time to ...


Play EMO With A Friend!

I highly recommend to you that you find a friend and you play the EMO game with them. This is how EMO came into being in the first place. A friend of mine had been severely insulted and was smarting after the fact, feeling real pain and telling me about this when it occurred to me that there was no physical cause for this pain and it had to be nothing but the equivalent of an energetic boot print on her chest if you will.

I asked her to deal with this energetic occurrence by placing her attention on it and have it dissolve away and literally seconds later, all her heartache was gone and we were both laughing and giggling.

It is important to me to have you know that EMO is NOT some dour, boring ritual or meditation – it is a dance with energy. Light, easy, powerfully refreshing and basically, entirely delightful.

Have fun with this!

Allow yourself to have fun with this, because it really is enormous fun if you do it with the right mind set.

Explain the basics to a friend or lend them this book, then get together and play.

Shout insults at each other – stuff from way back when you were teased at school and that still smarts when you think of it: “Look here comes Miss Piggy!” – “Stupid Sally is a Wally!” or whatever the kids or adolescents used to throw at you and you had nothing to defend yourselves from that at the time.

Criticise each others bodies, mental abilities, motives, ethics, abilities to make things work, attitude in the ringing tones your parents and teachers used to use and that still makes you cringe in pain today when you even think of it.

Play with calling each other names, and also calling each other by name in the same tone of voice your mothers used to or your fathers when they called you up for punishment or to complain about something.

You know what sets you off – use it.

Use the basic EMO routine to find the place where it hurts in your body, remind each other of the mantra: “It’s only an energy!”, move it through and out and do it again until you are just laughing delightedly when your friend shouts at you, “You are the most useless piece of *** in the Universe!”

Then turn it around and go for the opposites which are just as difficult, just as hard and some of them even “harder to swallow” than the negatives: “You are beautiful.” – “You are desirable.” – “You are wealthy.” – “You are worthy.” – whatever comes to mind and indeed, whatever you want or want more of.

Take turns on saying to each other with meaning, “I love you” – “I like you” – “I want you to be a part of my world” – “You delight me” and take a note where it hurts and gets stuck in the giving as well as the receiving.

As you do this, make sure neither of you slip off and begin to intellectualise reasons as to why you can’t be beautiful or wealthy, that you cannot love or allow yourself to be loved, why it would be bad or dangerous for you to believe anything like that, etc. etc. etc. ...


Remind yourselves, focus on it, find the channels and let the energies flow then swish fast and powerfully.

Have FUN with this – it is meant to be exciting, invigorating; a dance for you to dance with your own energy system, as was always meant to be the case.


Posted Feb 16, 2017
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