Part 3 - Introducing Shields
As soon as we begin to talk about taking in energies and moving them through the requisite channels of our energy bodies, we immediately encounter the energetic reality of “shields”.
Here is an example:
EMO-P: “You are intelligent.”
C: “I don’t feel anything at all, it is as though that doesn’t even touch me.”
EMO-P: “So when I say, You are intelligent, how close to you does that get?”
C: “No closer than that.” (indicates with outstretched arm, palm flat towards EMO-P, about 2 feet from his body).
EMO-P: “That is a shield, just like they have on the starship Enterprise, designed to keep that kind of energy out because your system thinks it might be dangerous.
How would you feel if we made just a tiny pinprick hole into that shield, so just a very small amount of energy can come in, get a taste of what it would do to you, what it would be like?”
C: “Ok but it would have to be a very small hole.”
EMO-P: “Yes, like with a pinprick laser. Can you allow that hole and I say the sentence again?”
C: “Ok. I’m ready.”
EMO-P: “You are intelligent.”
C (looks reflective)
EMO-P: “What happened?”
C: “Well it kind of came in fast, then it went into my chest (indicates area just between his nipples). It felt strange.”
EMO-P: “Shall we do it again and this time, let that energy find its requisite channels?”
C: “Ok.”
EMO-P: “You are intelligent.”
C (takes a deep breath literally in time with the sentence): “Right, its gone in there and it seems to be making its way straight through, into my back and spine and then I’m losing it.”
EMO-P: “Its just such a small amount, I guess it fizzles out. Do you feel like making the hole a little bit bigger, let a bit more energy in?
C: “Yeah, ok, it’s now the size of a coin. Do it again.”
EMO-P: “You are intelligent.”
C: “Alright, it goes in, through to the back, up my spine and out the top of my head. Feels strange, electric.”
EMO-P: “What do you want to do now?”
C: “I would like to try making the hole bigger.”
EMO-P: “If you are sure? Alright, here it comes again: You are intelligent.”
C (breathes in deeply and starts to smile): “That is not bad, not bad at all. Electric but good. It feels good. Can I get rid of the shield completely?”
EMO-P: “Do you want to?”
C: “Yes, I think I do. Yes, I do.” (smiles broadly)
Shields are energetic realities that are outside the physical body. You generally become aware of the presence of a shield when:
There is a problem but instead of the normal, clearly locatable sensation in the body there is a feeling of numbness or not feeling anything at all;
You feel detached or far away from the problem;
There is a feeling of “pressure” across a wider or undefined area of your body;
You feel a physical pushing sensation away from the incoming energy;
There is a sensation of emptiness or constant hunger;
You have the feeling there is a block or barrier to the energy coming in which is outside of you.
All of these are an indication that there is an energetic shield OUTSIDE of the physical parameters of the body.
The energy can’t even come in and thus, causes no normal emotional response and no physical response. What you do get, however, in the presence of the energy that is being shielded out, a sensation of pressure across a wide and unlocalised erea as the shield is being pushed backwards.
Sometimes, shields seem to exist for no good reason at all; but much more often, they are clearly a protective device because the systems behind the shield cannot handle the influx of the specific energy that is being prevented from entering the system for a good reason.
There may be:
Blockages in the channels which are meant to carry this form of energy through and out. If the energy came in with force and ran into these blockages, it would cause pain and probably illness.
Energetic injuries along the channels designed to carry this energy; and this includes the wider systems which are being fed by those channels.
The channels not being fully developed or well developed enough to handle the force of this energy. This can be simply a developmental problem, i.e. some systems may have not grown up as they should have done, become stuck in time or have failed to develop from a juvenile state into full maturity.
It is for these obvious reasons that we don’t just rush in and tear down shields as a bye-the-bye, but that we take care and investigate the conditions behind the shield first in order to make the shield naturally redundant or prepare it for removal or dispersal.
To find out about the conditions of the energy body behind the shield, we make a tiny pinprick hole into the shield first to allow a minute quantity of the energy to come in and show us where the pathways are, and where the problem ereas of the pathways lie.
In the case of our “You are intelligent” gentleman, there seemed to be no further problems; the energy came in quite nicely and did not get stuck anywhere, found the pathways easily and it was just a question of taking the shield down to allow him to experience what the “energy of intelligence” would do to his body and his mind.
Here is an example where there was an injury behind the shield.
Here, the client has already made the tiny hole to allow herself to find out what exactly this special form of energy under investigation would do to her if it was allowed to come inside.
EMO-P: “I love you.”
C: “Oh, oh that hurts. Its hurts bad, I must close the gap immediately.”(clearly distressed, nearly tearful)
EMO-P (gently): “Ok so now we know just why you have that shield and what its purposes are. It is obviously a protective device, protecting an injured erea. Where does it hurt the most?”
C (puts hands over mouth and jaw area in a gesture reminiscent of someone who is deeply distressed and in shock at bad news)
EMO-P: “That erea needs healing first before we can put any energy into it at all. It can’t handle any energy at this point, it is too devastated. Are you ready to heal this now?”
C (crying now): “Yes but how? It feels so terrible, it is such a mess, so much pain ...”
We will come back to energy healing at a later stage; for now it is suffice to note that shields sometimes, but not always, are callous devices directly designed to protect already damaged ereas from further pain and injury.
Luckily for all concerned, energy healing with intention especially when applied to where it belongs, namely the energy body rather than skin, muscles or bones, works extremely well, is extremely easy and extremely reliable – and once again, something even a small child can do naturally.
In the context of the shields, firstly we correct these problems, then allow gradually more and more energy to come through the shield until it can be resolved or dissolved entirely and the energy flows smoothly and perfectly.
With freshly restored networks and systems, we need to be careful of the quantity and intensity of the energies we are asking these to handle; in this way the shield devices can be very useful as an active measure to slow down energy flow for a time to give the new and fragile channels a chance to become accustomed to the energy flow and become strong enough to handle these energies directly and without any need for protective shielding.
Reluctance To Dropping A Shield
Often, people are very afraid to even consider the idea of letting a small amount of an energy into their systems from which they have hidden away all their lives.
However, this fear is of course also “only an energy” and so this may be resolved up front to clear the way to begin work with the shield.
This would work like this:
C (shakes head, backs up in the chair): “I don’t like this at all, I don’t want to have anything to do with this at all.”
EMO-P: “Where do you feel this reluctance in your body?”
C (puts hand to her throat): “In my throat. Hard and scratchy. And in my stomach too.”
EMO-P: “Let us deal with the throat one first. It is only an energy, remember, so let it soften and flow, that will feel better.”
Once both these ereas (throat and stomach) had been released and the flow re-established, the EMO-P comes back to the topic of the shield.
EMO-P: “Now, how do you feel about letting a small amount of energy in, just to test it out and find where there are any problems that need our attention?”
C (takes a deep breath): “Yes, yes I think I’d like to do that. Only a small amount, though.”
EMO-P (smiles): “Of course. Just as small an amount as you decide. Are you ready to make a tiny little hole into the shield?”
C: “Yes. I think I’ll make the hole just there.” (Points forward and slightly up and to the right).
I would like to repeat the note that we never force or try to persuade anyone, and including ourselves, to drop shields when we are not ready to do so.
Unwillingness equals simply the fact that something needs to be addressed first to make everything unfold in the right order.
Shielding From “Frightening Energies”
It is absolutely fascinating to note that most shielding comes into being because the energies which are being thus stopped at the boundaries or outer layers of the energy body are being perceived as frightening or damaging when they are the opposite.
Here is a very interesting example:
C: “I feel awful. I have a stalker and this is absolutely ruining my life.”
EMO-P: “Where do you feel this in your body?”
C: “Like a pressure all around me, enclosing me like an ever shrinking egg.”
The word pressure, rather than pain, and the egg description are a give-away for the fact that here are energies pressing in on a shield as opposed to being stuck in the energy body or striking an existing injury, for example.
EMO-P: “Do you want to make a pinprick hole into that egg shield and let some of that energy in, find out what it would do to you?”
C: “No, I really don’t want to – this is nasty slimy energy and I want nothing to do with it.”
EMO-P: “Yes, I can understand that totally, I’ve been stalked too at one time. But when I was doing my training, they said specifically that there is no such thing as nasty energy. I wonder if we could make an even smaller hole, somewhere where it would be safe to try it out?”
C: “Well I guess if we made a microscopic hole near my little finger and closed it off right away again ...”
EMO-P: “Yeah, that sounds good to me. Shall we try it?”
C: “Ok.”
C: “Oooh! Oh! Oh WOW!”
EMO-P: “What? What’s happened? What’s going on?”
C (excited and amazed): “That was totally weird, amazing – it went into my little finger, right into the bones and it strengthened my bones!”
EMO-P (amazed): “Wow, I didn’t expect that ...”
C (very fast, excited): “And I got it, instantly – I’ve always been told I have no backbone, I’m a wimp, I never stand up to anyone – do you think this energy could give me a backbone? Strengthen my bones?”
I really find it fascinating that in this particular case, the “oppressor” energy seemed to be exactly what was required to bring this lady into a form of balance where she would be neither a victim, nor an oppressor but would be able to stand up to this oppressor and future attempts “with a strong backbone”.
It is also interesting to note that following this session the stalker stopped stalking, in the absence of any physical intervention or change. The client did not go to the police or behave any differently than she had before; it is my supposition based on many similar experiences, especially with children who were bullied at school that the energy shift takes the individual out of the preferred range of the oppressors – they don’t “smell so tasty” on the energy levels any longer and the oppressors seem to then go and find other victims that match their preferences instead.
It is possible that this “healing with oppressor energy” could be an example of the homeopathic and also energy based principle of “curing like with like” which seems nonsensical if considered with Aristotelian logic but not when considered with Quantum Logic.
Dissolving Shields
Being a quantum energy occurrence, shields can be dissolved on a single thought command of their owner. This is usually not the most ecological of solutions though and so we dissolve them gently, step by step. The most usual procedure seems to be to make an ever increasing hole into the shield, allowing more and more energy to flow in and to keep this absolutely in step with how much of this specific energy the energy body’s systems can handle as they re-adjust.
Other options are to make the shield overall less dense, more nebulous and rise away like mist; turning it into a colander which eventually breaks down altogether, or to shrink it if it is of a particular size and in a particular location.
Here is an example of the latter:
C: “I feel there is something between me and my students when I teach – it is like I can’t get through and I can’t reach them.” (gestures and paints a square block in the air, on a level of his eyes, about a handspan’s width)
This might be a good moment to point out that all energy manifestations in EMO can be viewed and tracked by watching a person’s movements and especially their eye movements, head movements and hand gestures.
Hands especially go to the places that hurt when you ask, long before a person has worked out consciously where something hurts. Hands paint walls, shields, blockages and all sorts of other existing energetic realities into the room. Looking carefully at your own gestures and those of other people will show you time and time again where their ghosts are, where their shields are, what they duck away from, try to ward off, wave away, motion towards themselves, break through – it is absolutely fascinating.
If you can imagine these movements and gestures being directly caused by an energetic occurrence, you can begin to really see a person’s private world and limitations; you can see where things are tense, problematic or where it hurts in their bodies and in their wider energy bodies too.
These movements are never random but in direct response to something that is there, only we can’t quite see it yet.
Now, back to our gentleman who had a two foot high and three foot wide block, the width of a hand span, two handspan’s out right in front of his eyes which stopped him from contacting and reaching his students. This energetic occurrence is completely defined in time and space by his hand gestures, with co-ordinates and cause and effect of its own existence; he is not imagining it but it is really there. Let’s find out what happens next.
EMO-P: “That’s like a wall. Hm. What would happen if you kind of looked over that for a moment?”
C (cranes neck in response and withdraws very rapidly, blushes and shakes his head decisively): “Oh no, I couldn’t stand that, that is just ...”
EMO-P: “Well clearly the wall is there to protect you from feeling what you just felt. Where did you feel that, I couldn’t stand that, in your body?”
C (immediately indicates his throat with one hand and half a second later, with the other hand lower down on his central chest): “I’m not sure ...”
As we have noted before, at this point it is not safe to take the wall down – there is a serious problem with the channels somewhere in this gentleman’s throat and chest. This example also nicely shows something you will notice time and time again in yourself and with others – the body knows immediately but the conscious mind needs some time to figure out where it actually hurts.
The longer someone takes to figure it out consciously, the more detached they have made themselves become from their own feedback devices which are designed to let you know when something is going wrong and action needs to be taken to put it right, or damage will result.
Once the healing of these channels had taken place and the energies could run in some minor quantity, it was time to make the wall smaller. This gentleman chose to have it melt from the outsides in. The very last remaining core of this energy wall was a spot, about the size of a large antique coin, right in the very center of his vision at the focus point of about two hand spans – which interestingly, happened to be exactly the distance his father preferred when shouting abuse at him whilst raising him up to his own eye-level by grabbing the child’s clothing and pulling him off his feet.
Of course, for the EMO process it is not necessary to know this but it is very true that cause-and-effect relationships become apparent in the course of doing EMO that can have the intensity of revelations, as entire life systems all of a sudden become known and understood.
Clarity and conscious understanding which results from renewal in the energy body is something that in my opinion is one of the most profound proofs that the underlying theory of EMO is entirely sound and works with the realities of human organisation across energy-neurology-physicality. This clarity and understanding is also something you can look forward to experiencing as the whys and wherefores of your own problems become revealed to you.
Here is the foundational EMO Shield Protocol once more in brief.
EMO Shield Work Protocol
When you have discovered a shield, proceed as follows:
Create a small opening to allow a “taste of the energy”.
Note where this energy comes into your body.
Find any blockages or sensations of the energy running into an injured erea.
“Soften and Flow” the blockage or disturbance; heal an injured erea.
Trace the path of the energy to make sure it is clear, all the way from the entry to the exit point.
Heal or repair any ereas which show up as feeling uncomfortable during this process and re-trace the channel again until you are absolutely fine and ready to let in more of the original energy.
Gently reduce the shields effect to allow more and more of the original energy to run through the restored channels. If at any point you become aware of any further discomfort anywhere in your system, stop and treat this with intention to restore the Even Flow until the energy really flows perfectly.
When all is well, dissolve the shield entirely and let the energy rush in, through and out repeatedly so you experience the “Energised End State”.