Part 7 – Patterns For Healing & Transformation
To say that there is a lot you can do with the basic EMO technique would be a serious under-estimation.
In this section I have brought together some interesting patterns, uses and approaches we have come across so far.
By all means, try them out, find out what you can do with these to make your life more interesting and exciting than it has previously been.
Eating With Love
You might be familiar with the concept to bestow an energetic blessing on food prior to consuming it as a means by which to make it even more nutritious and healthy than it already is.
This following pattern is more about "making friends with food" which is something a great many people really need to do.
Just about every food item is "bad" in some way; we have been told scare stories about genetically engineered foods, crop spraying, impoverished soils and artificial fertilisers and then of course, the terrible effects especially on one's fatness (aka ability to attract love and livelihood) - food has become a threat rather than a wonderful class of living beings which enable us to be around to enjoy this incarnation at all.
So let us consider the energetic dimension of eating something - anything at all and let us also consider what happens when we consciously reverse and block up energy flows between us and the food which after all, will absolutely become a part of us in all ways as soon as it is beginning its journey towards our stomachs.
In the light of this, try the following:
1. Get any kind of food item, it matters not what type, and hold it in your hand.
2. Look at the item and say to yourself, "THAT is actually only an energy. Hm, where do I feel THAT item in my body?"
3. Do EMO on the resulting body sensations.
4. Now, eat the item. As you do so, keep focussed on the idea that this is a welcome energy which will keep you alive; and that if it is absolutely welcome in a fully Even Flow situation, will do you the world of good in every sense and on every layer - and definitely including the level of the physicality.
5. If you become aware of any reversals, blockages or other unhelpful sensations as you bite off, chew and swallow the item, remove them in the usual fashion.
6. After consuming the item, wait for a little while and consider what might have changed and what different ideas, thoughts etc. are coming to you. If there are strong fears of any kind or other forms of strong emotions as the result of this first exercise in "eating with love", be sure to treat those as well to make the every day experience of consuming food into a whole new experience.
As a side remark, I might make the note that by changing your response to a great many things, physical responses also change. I have evidence of at least two people who, following an EMO session, no longer suffer from hangovers following alcohol “abuse”, for example and very many more who have used the change in the flow of energy in their bodies in order to suddenly no longer have “cravings” or “withdrawal symptoms” to all manner of substances. Allergic responses can also change quite dramatically.
EMO is a very new modality and as I have said numerous times before, we do not treat for physical symptoms and any change in the physical conditions of the body are only side effects and not the point of an EMO treatment.
Although we may have in the back of our minds the thought that if we change the energy relationship with food, we’ll “lose weight” and then become lovable etc., in my opinion even going into these “eating with love” exercises from that point of view of that is not the right attitude.
The energy body and our relationships in the Oceans of Energy deserve our full attention and commitment entirely regardless of the benefits or outcomes, the secondary gains or the pats on the back from others. Indeed, you cannot abuse these systems for if you try them from the wrong standpoint or for the wrong reasons, they simply bog themselves down altogether and the disturbances get worse, rather than better.
Unconditional regard for the energetic realities – and including our own energy bodies – is the only way forward towards true health and benefits which might follow.
Now, Where Do You Feel THAT In Your Body?
Very early on in the development of EMO, we found a particularly enlivening application.
Try this with another:
1. Lightly place one fingertip on their skin at any given place.
2. Ask them, "Can you feel this?"
3. Have them let this "energy" find its requisite channels and circuits - all the way in, around, through and out.
4. As they move the energy, make tiny circular movements to stimulate the sensation.
5. Continue until they have reached the Energised End State
There are clearly a great many usages for this particular pattern and the therapeutic applications are by no means the ones with the most impact, nor with the most fun being had. Two (or possibly even more!) people being able to do EMO doing this as a partner exercise and at the same time create experiences and sensations which would leave Tantra practitioners gasping with envy - and without the need for much practise, at that. And whilst we are on this topic, how about ...
Raising Sexual Energy
One of the most powerful energy systems in the body, if the sexual energy related ereas are not functioning as they should you can absolutely guarantee ill health and misery in mind, in body and in spirit.
Even those who do not wish to actually have sex and want to raise these energies for different reasons must appreciate that unless these energies run smoothly and clearly, they are useless for any endeavour, no matter how good the intentions or how holy the pursuit.
The "touch" protocol from above will come in useful to track disturbances and to begin a healing process in this area of your energy body and all the related systems; working with affirmations such as , "I am a sexual being" - "Sexual energy is innocent energy." - "Sexual energy is power for my life." etc. is extremely useful too.
People who have had bad experiences with human sexual exchanges, may they have been physical or non-physical in nature will need healing before they can start EMOing. Depending on how much damage exists in the fabric of the energy body, this might require both self healing and then to seek a capable assistant.
The 360' Field Clearer
This is a more advanced EMO exercises that is very useful under many different circumstances. For this, we need a steady energy source that comes from one direction.
Examples of these energy sources could be the sun, the moon, a person, an object such as a photograph or a generator such as a crystal or a tachyon cell.
You can also create a steady energy field by making it, for example to have a horizontal waterfall of a particular energy source coming towards you.
Once you have established your energy source, procede as follows:
1. Stand facing the energy source squarely on and open yourself to the energy. If you need to work on your shieldings and any damaged or blocked ereas, do so until the energy flows smoothly.
2. Now, slowly – I mean very slowly! – begin to turn and allow the energy to flow into you as you do so from the different angles as you move all the way through 360’ degrees.
3. If at any time you become aware of further responses which would indicate a disturbance, stop there and trance it through until there is no longer a problem.
4. Once you have completed an entire circuit, do it again, a little faster this time, to make sure that your energy body is entirely clear all the way around.
5. You may do it once again and really go for the energised end state on this occasion.
The reason and purpose for this exercise is to become aware of systems disturbances that are behind our conscious awareness.
We have a tendency to store things that would be too troublesome to have within our field of awareness behind us (as is, for example, indicated in the common phrase of, “I have put the past behind me.”)
But out of sight is not out of existence and indeed, some of the most profound disturbances and energetic burdens can be found on “the dark side of the moon”, including injuries you are not normally aware of and also, displaced and disconnected ereas including attachments (energetic systems not derived from or produced by yourself).
This is also something to be considered for practitioner assisted sessions and one of the reasons why some EMO-P interventions are best done in a standing position.
The Fairy Wish
I have been working with the underlying structures of goal setting and the process of making something “come true in the Hard” for many years.
In general, and although this is a deep oversimplification, how likely any given thought, idea or desire manifests in the Hard is strongly linked to how congruent a person can be when they aim themselves towards this goal.
Fears, doubts and internal conflicts undermine the endeavour of reality creation at every step of the way.
The Fairy Wish is an EMO clearing pattern to be able to wish for something with all your heart, if you will.
The Fairy Wish Pattern
As with affirmations, in self help this pattern is best performed in front of a mirror so you can make the wish to yourself.
In partner work, one partner makes the wish and the other becomes the “fairy godmother” who will grant the wish.
Pick something you have always wanted but cannot imagine ever having unless there is a miracle of some kind.
State the wish out loud (that is very important) to the witness – yourself in the mirror or your partner.
Note where the disturbances occur in your body as usual.
Treat the disturbances in the order of the biggest one first, as usual.
Re-state the wish.
If necessary, perform further healing and clearing until your energies run clearly and powerfully, and the act of stating the wish has a powerful sense of creating reality about it.
Your practise partner or you to your mirror image would say, “Your wish has been granted.” to conclude the Fairy Wish pattern.
Giving & Receiving Gifts
This is a partner exercise you can also do with yourself in the mirror. It is particularly popular with young children and truly wonderful fun; indeed, if performed at Christmas it might well bring back the idea of the Christmas Spirit as a reality.
Look at the person in front of you and think of a gift to give them. This gift will be an energy form; in order to transfer the gift we will have to package it into metaphorical form so the conscious mind can take part in the game.
As we are transferring an energy form, there is no limit as to what may be given; you could give, for example:
Direct objects such as a diamond, a golden crown, a beautiful sculpture, a warm coat etc.
If you for a moment allow yourself to tune into these four energies, one at a time, you will notice that they are all very very different indeed and even quite specific; if you were to notice how they feel in your body and then consider them as energies alone, you understand how the transfer is being achieved.
You can also give:
Qualities. We have already mentioned this, but you can think of yourself as a real life fairy godmother and bestow intelligence, luck, fame, fortune, beauty, logic, joy, peace – anything at all.
Animals. The energy of animals is something that many people deeply crave and every species has an energy all of its own. I would make the note that phobias of animals may be cleared in this easy, natural and ecological way.
People. This is interesting and can be a very powerful process to give someone a mother, a father, a child, a lover, a guide, a friend, a teacher, a protector. Remember that we are only dealing with energy here and the ability of the recipient to be able to run these energies cleanly and to be free of injuries and disturbances on the topic.
Landscapes and natural manifestations. This includes anything from a single small plant in a pot to an entire ocean, a desert under a moonlit sky, a tropical jungle and further out to giving a sun, many suns, the night sky, the universe and everything in between.
Symbols. Symbols are things we might often not really understand but which carry a lot of energy. Be it a pentagram or a cross, anything that is not simple Even Flow is an indication of a disturbance; we should not fear or worship either for they are only symbols for existing forms of energy. Other symbols include, for example, the tree of life and of course, the entire Tarot deck.
Mysteries & Magic. This would include generic and open ended answers and questions, understanding and learning, higher energies, higher beings and the Akashic records; and more mundane things such as astral travel, ESP, clairvoyance and telepathy.
The Gift Protocol
1. First person to raise the energy by considering a gift for the other (or the self if done in mirror work).
2. Once the gift has been found, you speak out clearly, “I give you the gift of (...)” and hand over the gift, making an appropriate gesture of giving with both hands.
3. The recipient notes where they feel this energy in their bodies and makes the necessary adjustments with the help of the first person.
4. The gift is repeated until it is received entirely and runs through the system clearly. Make sure the recipient does not hold on to this energy anywhere, no matter what – re-assure them if necessary that it will feel even better still once the Even Flow is fully established, even if they cannot imagine it just yet.
5. Share any insights and then switch the giver/receiver positions.
NB. The giver should also take some note as to what it feels like to raise and give this energy. Sometimes, it can be even more powerful an experience to create the Even Flow from that perspective, rather than as the recipient.
The Energy Of Money
Quite a few of the EMO patterns in this section revolve around the simple process of making peace and finding a peaceful, Even Flow resolution to painful energetic relationships.
Money and the energy of money and people are forms of energetic occurrences in the Oceans of Energy who need some serious relationship counselling.
Here are a few basic patterns to work with this energetic relationship.
1. A Penny Saved ...
Simply hold a penny (or the smallest coin in your denomination) in your hand and look at it. Work with the energy until it rushes through you freely. Notice how your thinking, decisions, ideas and feelings towards this smallest representative of the idea of money changes when you have cleared your disturbances.
2. The Concept of Money
Where do you feel “money” in your body? Do you have any shields to money? Any places where you are holding on to that energy form? Clear it all and establish Even Flow on the idea or concept of money.
3. The Past, The Present & The Future
Consider your (and your families, if appropriate) money history and treat what needs to be treated. Then, consider your money present and your money future. On this particular topic, you might be wanting to take a look at the time/money connection too and where that would be noticeable in your body.
4. Accepting Being Rich
Choose a representation of rich. No, not just that sort of rich – I mean, really rich. Sultan of Brunei rich; Sun King of France rich, Citizen Kane rich.
A picture of a palace, the Hope diamond or the vaults of Fort Knox might be useful in order to raise this energy so that you can work with your response to this.
As No. 3 brings in the time connection, this brings in the power connection and this particular exercise is an essential pre-requisite to being able to conceive of owning and handling large amounts of money cleanly, easily and without putting your energy system into reversals.
5. Partner Exercises
Partner exercises in sending and receiving all and any forms of money, abundance, wealth etc energies are extremely useful to bring awareness of problems in the giving-receiving energy systems and to allow you both to clear these successfully.
Especially in the context of money, being able to give and receive without holding on or trying to impede the natural flow (or even to speed it up unnaturally!) is absolutely essential for really understanding how money works, as well as being absolutely confident and comfortable with this energy form in all ways.
Prejudice Removal
This is one of the most fascinating exercises with EMO you can undertake. Very simply, the aim is to remove prejudices about people from your energy system.
People automatically create templates and cause-and-effect relationships between energetic injuries and the people who caused them, just as they make these cause-and-effect relationships between positive experiences and people.
People, however, are not templates and just because a man happens to have curly brown hair does not mean he will be just as nice or just as horrible as “that other man from way back when who had curly brown hair”.
Templating is a dangerous thing either way around; it can lead people to be drawn to certain templates or types without finding out what they are really like just as well as it can lead them to reject certain types because of the same reason. Whether it is too much trust or too much rejection, either way is not very useful and can lead to a great deal of totally unnecessary trouble in relationships.
Further, templating strongly interferes with our natural abilities to “read another person” because simply put, when we template we just don’t.
That little grey haired woman becomes instead “my mother” and not only do we never get to find out just who this person really is, nor get to find out if indeed she has important new learnings for us or what the possibilities of a relationship, no matter how fleeting.
This is a very dangerous state of affairs; someone could easily let a homicidal maniac trustingly into their house because “he reminded me of my dear old uncle Bob” when if this template had not been in the way they would have been able to read that murderers true intentions and would have been able to protect themselves.
So now that we have established that it is safer, better and generally sounder to meet people directly and without prejudices, here is the Removing Prejudices exercise.
This exercise is extremely powerful and the more you do this, the more amazing it becomes in its repercussions on you and your reality.
Very simply, upon meeting or seeing a stranger, we ask ourselves, “Where do I feel that person in my body?” and then resolve the blockages and disturbances, “good or bad” it matters not, until your are running completely cleanly on that person.
You will find two things.
Firstly, you will notice things about this person as though your eyes had been opened to all manner of qualities and aspects (good or bad!) about this person you didn’t see before.
Secondly, you will notice a real increase in your desire to learn more from and about this person.
This does NOT mean that you have to spend time with any of these people or make them be your friends.
You don’t have to listen to them or talk to them at all; just being able to “receive” people without blockages gives you a great deal more information than a year’s round the clock surveillance by the CIA could assemble.
I would also like to re-assure you that in opening yourself to people, one at a time, will not make you unhappy, depressed or vulnerable; if you are afraid or have a strong negative response to this idea on whatever grounds, please treat this first and as a high priority.
Energy relationships are blessed in the fact that they do not have to carry the burdens and contortions of responsibility for the other over time and space; all the “hard” problems and difficulties are suspended and they really no longer apply.
If you have the will and the courage, this is probably the most transformational energy exercise you could ever wish to undertake.
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall ...
Talking of “transformational exercises”, what would happen if you were to stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself where you feel THAT person in your body?
You might do the totality or concentrate on aspects – your hair, your wrinkles, your eye colour that is so uncannily like your father’s ...
You might do this with your clothes on or off, in front of a full length mirror or in the bathroom under neon lights and run your response energies until you begin to have some kind of idea developing that you are not what you always thought you were.
Energy Dancing
Music, movement and dance are flow personified; when we combine this with energy clearing, we create extremely powerful and moving experiences that are as deeply pleasant as they are healthful and transformative.
Music raises powerful energies and produces powerful emotional responses in people.
You know how some songs and some kinds of music affect you; to do EMO by yourself and dancing the movements of the energy in your body through and into a full out energised end state is literally ecstatic.
An EMO-P once went to a festival where two hundred drummers were performing; when she opened herself fully of the sounds, sensations and energies this produced she said she nearly fainted with the power of it.
We can use the power of music to touch our energy systems to bring things out into the open that might need resolution but we would never be able to express in words or even understand consciously quite what they might be about.
Music also circumvents our defences, such as cynicism, anger and denial and it just catches us out and brings us face to face with our pain, loneliness and the realities of our feelings.
This being so, learning to run these energies with the aid of music to help evoke them in the first place is an extraordinary self healing tool with tremendous transformative power.
Once again I would re-assure you that working with music in this way does by no means turn it flat or meaningless or makes a song that you really loved (but it always makes you cry!) into something unimportant.
EMO does not work that way.
You will be able to experience these energies differently once they do not hurt any longer and the true beauty and meaning for you personally will become revealed.
It is truly worth doing for that alone.