Addendum 1 – The Road To EMO
The following is an annotated transcript of the first time EMO was presented to an audience of MET peers at the European Energy Therapies Conference, August 4th, 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University by Silvia Hartmann. This lecture outlines the developmental history of EMO and how the underlying principles and pre-suppositions were arrived at.
EMO Energy In Motion – The Developmental History
You might have heard a few things about EMO by now, and so what I want to do is to make you familiar with the theoretical underpinnings and the developmental history of the therapy form I have called EMO or EMO for short.
In order to understand what EMO is, what it is for and how it works, we have to back up to 1988. Now it is important to understand that I am not a teacher or a healer, but my mission is to learn and find out more about the universe. I see things and if I find them fascinating, I will explore them with single-minded intention. When I understand something new, I might write about it.
EMO is a completed segment of a jig-saw puzzle I have been working on for as long as I know. It’s a fantastic healing tool, a superb intuition trainer and a lot more besides, depending on how you want to use it or what you want to use it for.
In 1988, I was working with the patterns of animal behaviour. We were studying the drivers for attention seeking behaviour disorders in social mammals at that time and I certainly wasn’t swimming with the dolphins back then. We were studying things like the effects of certain food colorants on the behaviour of Cocker Spaniels, doing statistics and actual research, collecting data and such.
But our story begins as we started researching the Attention Seeking Behaviour Disorder (ASBD) patterns – and I must point out that this particular disorder spans a vast range of problem behaviours and can manifest in extreme and bizarre problems. Attention seeking behaviour can escalate into aggression, withdrawal, self mutilation, autism and rage attacks, trance behaviours, in fact all the really serious behaviour problems in social animal behaviour not directly caused by environmental circumstance is attention seeking behaviour related.
Now, this was the very first time that I personally came across the idea that there was something invisible at work, that there was something a social creature needs, and if they don’t get this invisible and un-measurable something, the creature will get sick. First, it gets stressed out, then it gets psychotic, gets skin diseases, the body breaks down and in the end, it will die.
We tried to find what this might be, find alternatives – pheromones, chemicals, practical, hard causative reasons for this but in the end, we just had to throw up our hands in horror and admit that there was, indeed, something invisible at work – a kind of energy exchange that happens when one social creature requests attention from another and if it doesn’t receive it, there is a of shortfall in their systems and they are reacting to this with panic.
There are old studies that prove that babies will die if they don’t receive social attention, even though their physical bodies were being cared for. It is true that variants on the old “attention seeking disorders” probably account for 85% of all human illness, mental and physical alike. That’s why people die in old people’s homes and women whose children leave home become depressed or hysterical as a result.
But be this as it may, what we have here is that energy is being requested from another creature, usually of the same species. This energy needs to be sent, and then it needs to be received by the one who requested it. Lastly, they need to be able to process it. There is something beneficial, nutritious about this energy which social creatures need to function and actually, even to survive.
This was my first ever contact with the “energetic nutrition system”, and it was profound. Now when the energetic nutrition system breaks down, as is the case in autism for example, when the creature will seek attention but when it is given – sent – but they cannot receive or process it, very serious problems arise.
In 1993 I published my research findings and the resulting conclusions I drew from it in a paper called The Harmony Program which explains and deals with the problems relating to this systemic energy exchange that is absolutely structural and just the same in people as it is in dolphins, monkeys or poodles.
So, as I said, this was my first brush with the energy system and the understanding that we as people have energetic nutritional requirements. From then on, I began to tentatively investigate these invisible occurrences that had such amazing impacts on the physical well-being and an individuals abilities to deal with life at all.
In 1993 I began the study of General Semantics after coming into contact with this most extraordinary of fields through NLP, and for the next years I would continue to work on my “universal map” every day, and in many different ways. Always I was careful and kept myself strictly focussed on directly observable, provable behavioural results as the final test for any of the very many modalities, approaches and disciplines I explored during this time.
In 1998, I discovered EFT. I found it deeply fascinating and took the leap of faith and ordered the tapes. And when I started to look into it, I began to see that there was something special going on – this was not just hypnosis, not just a pattern interrupt, not just some weird ritual. There was an extra component that fascinated me and the effects of the basic EFT sequence on people’s minds and bodies. And still, I was not thinking or talking about “energy bodies” or any such thing, for what, pray tell, is energy?
When asked for a scientific explanation, these days I shrug my shoulders and say, “Energy is something invisible that we can’t see and can’t measure, but that must be there else certain things wouldn’t be happening at all.”
Like a hologram or a pebble you throw into the pond and you can’t see the pebble anymore, but the ripples are there and clearly visible, and ergo there must have been something to have caused these ripples even though I can’t see it now.
Therefore, and still to this day, I don’t seek to find or look at energy. What I do is to look at the results.
And the first question I always ask is, “Could this result have been caused by something else? Something that might seem like energy but it isn’t?” Low level pheromones, hearing things at the far edge of your perception and you’re not even consciously aware that you might have heard it at all, substances in the environment, other factors explicable by current science, and so on.
See if you take all of that away, then you are left with the real magic. I want to be absolutely ruthless about that, strip it right back and always check and test, not fall into delusion at the first opportunity. Strip it right down and there it is – real magic, and boy do I want to find this.
Now, I have a very, very low boredom threshold and a very short attention span – unless I’m really interested. Do you know, I spent 4 years doing EFT. Four years! 20 hours a day, doing it, teaching it, researching it, thinking about it, talking about it. And not variants of EFT either, in the vein of, “Let’s tap all the points backwards and hey look! I have a new therapy!” but the classic protocol exactly as it comes.
I wanted to really learn about EFT, so I stuck firmly with Gary Craig’s original design and did that, and nothing else, over and over and over, so many people, so many opening statements, so many problems, so many different circumstances. Until after 4 years of this, I finally got to the point where I thought, I’m beginning to get a hang of what this might be and what this might mean.
It was only after this had happened that I allowed myself to learn about the other Meridian Energy Therapies like BSFF, TAT, TFT and so forth, because that basic EFT sequence, as simple as it might appear, has so much depth to it and represents such an extraordinary opportunity to learn about how people really work, it is simply fascinating. And I won’t begin to say that I know everything about it now, I think you could spend a lifetime with it, just enough so I feel I have some appreciation of what EFT can teach us about people.
Amongst the most important things that EFT taught me was about the relationship between the energy system and emotions. The EFT discovery statement says that a negative emotion is caused by a disruption in the energy system. Everyone knows this, everyone reads this but few people actually sit right down and really think about what that actually means.
And if you were to take it to it’s final degree, what it does mean is
that emotions are to the energy body as pain is to the physical body.
Emotions Pain & Pleasure
----------------- = --------------------
Energy Body Physical Body
Now in physical medicine and care, it’s been a while since people only tried to treat pain and make it disappear – “Oh the pain is gone, that must mean the problem’s over.” Sure, some horse trainers still do it. The horse tears a ligament and you numb the whole leg with a powerful painkiller so it can still run the race. Ok, so you have to shoot it afterwards but at least you’ve got that one last trophy.
Medicine used to be liked that, but isn’t anymore. When you come with a pain, they won’t just give you a painkiller but instead they ask you, what could that be a symptom of?
Thus is the deal with emotions and the energy body just as well.
But we’ll come back to that in a little while.
During my time with EFT, I was developing various therapeutic patterns based on the insights derived from working with energy, emotions, memories and people’s various manifestations of their totality.
One of the breakthrough patterns was what would eventually become a paper called Guiding Stars.
EFT treatments showed me how limited the existing psychological models were we were dealing with prior to the advent of energy psychology as a whole, and they were limited because they were basically all trauma based. The idea was that we get born more or less alright, then something horrible happens that messes us up. This, however, isn’t true all by itself because there is this whole other realm of outstanding emotions which are non-trauma in nature, positive if you want to call it, numinous experiences that mess us up just as well. Because it’s not the pain of an experience that causes the changes, the cascading neurological shifts at all but instead, what does it is the intensity of the emotions, and this is regardless of whether they are “good” or “bad”.
If the emotional intensity is high enough, it causes cascading shifts in the neurology. It creates new life patterns and overwrites what went before and from then, new patterns of behaviours are established and these are entirely regardless of whether they end up being damaging or have any shred of sanity about them at all.
As an example you might like to consider a grown woman who has been in terrible relationships all her life. Is she a deranged masochist with low self esteem? Actually, probably not. It’s far more likely that in a childhood devoid of loving attention and joy, there was this one moment when her father (who also abuses her on a regular basis) stumbled home, reeling drunk and smelling of alcohol, sat her on his lap and called her “My little princess.” And she felt loved for the first time. And it was such an amazing moment of joy, of transpersonal happiness that she patterned unconsciously all her relationships from thereon on that one moment – the lesson the neurology has learned is that if you want to feel loved, you need to find a man who structurally and practically resembles that one man who made you feel like that before, right down to the smell of alcohol on his breath as he said the magic words. That’s Guiding Stars, originally from 2000.
The reason I never released this pattern properly was because when you uncovered Guiding Stars, people had such appalling abreactions, it was truly frightening.
Imagine something has gone on for 50, 60 years and find out just why it was that they have put their children into a position of being abused by one horrible man after the next, and they’re now in asylums or have committed suicide for example, and they got how it was and what it was and what they had been doing with their lives the abreactions were so horrendous, I’ve never seen anything like it.
The loss of life for the sake of this one moment of happiness – I have ruined my entire life.
Especially with women who can’t have children anymore, but also all over, you can’t turn the clock back, can’t do it differently. Whoa. It’s horrendous. And the pain they had caused by following this route towards the Guiding Star to themselves and everyone around them – it was so horrendous that I didn’t dare release the thing.
But now here we are getting into interesting things.
Guiding Stars made me stop and understand that it isn’t the emotion that’s the problem, but the energy behind the emotions and the intensity of that energy – the concept of Significant Emotional Experiences or SEEs. However, these are usually only applied to trauma – negative emotions, thus leaving a whole heap of drivers for people’s behaviours like addictions and staying in unhappy marriages and a huge range of bizarre choices and behaviours that make no sense at all, not even to the person themselves, come into consideration. And this is when I really had to do something. For it is when someone comes to you and talks about joy and they talk about pain, we are so entrained to want to keep the joy and get rid of the pain, it is really difficult to keep a clear and scientific mind on these issues. But that is exactly what we need to do to take the next step in this progression. I need to re-name this. I can’t think allow myself to think in terms of “good and bad” emotions here because it will totally compromise the whole investigation.
So I started to simply think in terms of energy.
Hence, the slogan – Energy, NOT Emotions.
Energy Not Emotions
Now once we started to do that, things were getting interesting. Well, they were pretty interesting before that, too, but you could say they were getting a great deal more interesting still – a quantum leap in interest!
Energy – NOT Emotions.
As soon as you put your mind around that, a whole lot of things just start to cascade.
You treat the sickness, NOT the pain in medicine. We need to treat the energy, not the emotions, in energy therapies. And that clicks it all into place.
You have a cut in your arm and you stare down at it and you will it to close.
Does it close immediately?
No, of course not. You can argue the point and bring out statistics that say if you stare at your arm and will the wound to close you stand a chance of it healing between 5-17% faster than if you gave it no attention at all, but generally that’s a waste of time and that’s why no-one’s doing it.
Can you in the middle of a panic attack just think, ok, I won’t be having this anymore?
No, of course not.
The reason for that is that we are using a screwdriver where you need a wrench.
Intention is designed for and ONLY works with energy.
Intention moves energy – instantly, in quantum space, immediately, just for the asking as though it was just nothing.
The old magic principle states, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”, and that’s pretty close to the mark. To move energy is exactly what intention does and what it is for. That’s how it works. Totally quantum, timeless and spaceless, you can do distance healing for someone on the other side of the planet or someone who died 15 lifetimes ago and have it be effective because in that realm there is no restriction on time or space.
Intention moves energy because it is made of that same stuff, it’s of that realm.
When people do therapy and let us leave the meridian tapping out of that for a moment, they label and talk about their emotions.
Person has an emotion, like they are scared, and now we are going to label it, then we talk about it, more labels, and what this is, is an interface device like Microsoft Windows is for your computer. So the labelling becomes an interface device – and the labels we give to our emotions such as calling them a sadness or an anger are always only translation devices and you always, always loose a great amount of information in translation. There is a hell of a lot more going on in the code of a computer that runs Microsoft software than you could ever see or guess from looking at the screen.
Where this really gets complicated is that the emotion is not the problem, not at all.
The problem is of course the energy system underneath which tries to speak to us through that medium of emotions.
Now we are beginning to see why psychotherapy is so hit and miss compared to surgery, for example, namely because it is at least doubly abstracted away from what is causing the problem in the first place.
Now, back to the Harmony Programme.
In 2001, I was thinking to myself, “Ok, so we can tap on traumatic problems. And we have been tapping for four years. But we are not actually getting any major shifts in our life styles. Ok, fair enough, I want to give EFT, Gary and Roger Callahan every respect that I have. What I do does not replace EFT at all, doesn’t even compete, isn’t even in the same ball park. Gary Craig should get a Nobel prize for the design of it and making it so user friendly. EFT is brilliant.
And it’s not that EFT doesn’t work wonderfully or that it isn’t quick enough. The problem is the chunking down movement to the details of the problem. It is difficult to deal with global problems with the tapping therapies, and every person who is a developer in the field is trying to address this problem in some way. I’ve noticed this when I was making up the AMT trainer’s manual – TAT, bigger, more global, like I forgive everything. BSFF says, my God there’s a million aspects, can we just go down to the root causes of them all and release them quickly, because if we have to tap for each one of these aspects, we’ll be tapping until the stars are falling from the sky.
I made the SLOW EFT protocol at some point which was tapping on the bigger issues, more global nominalisations, the big interlinked gestalts like, “Mother”, “Money”, that kind of thing. “I” – whoa! So what I did was to make the Slow EFT protocol to tap on a single point whilst concentrating on a global nominalisation like “money” – I don’t think anyone ever got through that.
Well – I called it SLOW EFT, didn’t I. You take something like “money” and you tap on this one point, just one point, until the whole thing has run clear and all aspects have exhausted themselves – well it takes forever! After just one point you end up a complete wreck on the floor, and you can’t possibly start on the next point until the next day, and that’s why I say that to my knowledge, no-body actually ever got all the way through that protocol. But at least I get credit for trying. I was trying to do something to make EFT more useful for big, global life change issues. Which is something a lot of therapists like the sound of, real sea changes, become someone else. Not little fiddly bits like not being afraid of mice anymore.
Big stuff, like being someone who could be happy, being someone who could be loved, being someone who could be successful.
So that’s what I was wanting, was working towards from every angle I could think of. I was trying all sorts of things to get these big shifts that would transform a person into a whole new state of being. And one of the things I was trying, and this is very relevant in this context, was the “Inner Child Healing Protocol” and the other was a Project Sanctuary based technique called “LoveLine”.
All You Need Is Love ...?
I was still trapped in this whole George Harrison thing, all you need is love.
If you chucked enough love at people, they’d get better. Love is good for the energy system, right?
That is one of those strange delusions. As though love was the only form of energy existing on this planet! Worse, as though most people even knew what love was in the first place – what are they all labelling in that way? Is your love the same as my love? I have this funny feeling it probably isn’t. And if we both channelled universal love if we were brave enough to touch THAT, which most people wisely don’t even though they might say they do, and it flows through me, it still ends up completely different by the time it comes out than it would if it flowed through him over there.
But still, there I was, under the delusion that all you need is love.
So I thought, ok, let’s do a spiral loop pattern whereby we do proxy healing for past selves and particularly on the baby you yourself once were, because a whole heap of people go round saying that they have birth trauma – after 40 years in psychiatry they are still – still – saying things like, “I was never meant to be here.” – “My parents never wanted me.” – “I shot out like a cork across the kitchen table in a flood of blood and that’s why I am the psychopath I am today.”
Now I’ve heard this so much that I thought we use a solid proxy protocol to heal the baby, with opening set ups like, “Even though the baby was never loved.”, “Even though this baby was abandoned...” and so on, in order to heal the part of the person who was that baby because in quantum space this baby will grow up better than it was before; as it does so and the changes ripple through he becomes a better healer to heal even more of the injuries of the baby when you do the spiral loop pattern next time around.
A lot of people really liked it and they’re still doing it today; it’s a nice pattern.
However, I was disappointed with the lack of instantly observable change this produced. It was nice and holistic but not fast and furious enough for my liking.
I wanted more.
So back to our friend “love” which is said to heal all ills.
Ok, I thought. If love heals, I’m going to chuck love at the problem. We’re going to generate so much love that people are going to drown in it.
I designed this excruciating pattern called LoveLine which is a Project Sanctuary/TimeLine based pattern. It would have the victim stand in the place that denoted the moment of their birth, looking ahead at a long road, stretching off into the distance. On the side of this road would materialise all the people who had ever loved this person, be it only for a split second – a stranger in the street perhaps who looked at them, really saw them and gave them their admiration, a market trader giving a small child an apple free of charge with a smile, right up to a lover who had declared their love and had entirely meant it – at that one moment in time.
So. There would be all these people coming to me because “no-one’s ever loved me”.
I would run the LoveLine pattern on them – and what would transpire?
Even the most forsaken individual had literally football stadiums full of people crowding the sides of their lives roads – thousands and thousands of incidence of love, big ones, small ones, every day, all the time.
It was truly extraordinary.
It was just as extraordinary how shocked the “no-one’s ever loved me” people were when thus directly placed face to face with how much love there actually been in their lives. Shocked is the only word for it. They would look at me, eyes wide open, mouth open and say, “But how can this possibly be? I can see now how much love there was for me – but why did it never feel like that? Why do I still feel so unloved, and so lonely? What’s wrong with me?”
I was beginning to seriously wonder the same thing about myself.
As I was taking people through the LoveLine pattern, of course I couldn’t help but make the journey myself, time and time again and it was true, it was as though I was walking within an invisible shield and all the love and admiration, friendship and offers of support would bounce flat off and never reach the starving me who lay inside. And from this place of constant starvation, I was driven to ever more desperate attention seeking behaviour which, in turn, would produce the energy that still didn’t reach me, no matter what.
Love autism, if you will.
And that’s where EMO begins to unfold. There is something wrong in humans with the way they process these incoming energies; it was then I began to understand and make the connection between the presence of energy forms (all kinds) and any given individual’s ability to not just receive these energies, but to process them correctly and derive the necessary nutrients from it as it passes in, through and out a person’s system – the Even Flow.
From being a very small child, I have been fascinated by the story around scurvy.
Ships became strong and fast enough to make very long trips across the oceans of the world and on the really long trips, the sailors would become ill with this disease called scurvy. The sailors would become ill but the officers strangely did not; this was attributed for quite some time to the fact that the officers were better bred and from wholesome stock than the low mutant class sailors. Until one day this rather intelligent doctor guy started an investigation into diet, found the Vitamin C connection and today, we don’t really have to have scurvy anymore and the children in the First World get told, “You better eat your sprouts or your hair and teeth will fall out.”
This is one of my favourite childhood stories; as I was doing LoveLine and considering the lessons learned there, I remembered the scurvy story and connected it with the symptoms that people were showing; but the malnutrition was not only about love. By this time I was also well aware that emotions are just feedback devices for the energy body and I knew that there was more to energy in the Universe than just love.
There is a whole wide range of energies. If the energy body is anything like the rest of the Universe, then the energy body NEEDS a huge range of incoming energies to function properly and fulfil the purposes for which it was designed.
Do you know, I can’t begin to imagine what a fully functioning, fully operational, fully fed human energy body would actually look like. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was a huge sun, a star that radiates out far and wide. Perhaps that’s the whole deal with “stars” – people want to look like them, want to be like them, want to be close to them? Perhaps they have just 5% or so better functioning energy bodies than the rest of us.
I think we should be clear that the human energy body doesn’t end at the barrier or the skin. There are people who say we have these “further” energy bodies, etheric, Auric layers and so on. It’s difficult to prove or to disprove. We don’t have new scientific evidence or proper measurement procedures for this kind of thing. What we do have are some very, very, very old maps. Very old maps drawn by people who did not know how to represent 3 dimensional objects on a 2 dimensional tablet or drawing. This didn’t actually come about until the middle ages, and I let you draw your own conclusions as to what that might mean about the diagrams we are using at the moment.
I am not happy and I have to be Spock under these circumstances and I would have to say, “I don’t trust this map. It is better not to have a map at all and to look around yourself, take readings at regular intervals to see how much water you really have under your keel than to blindly follow a map that may or may not be completely wrong and lead you straight onto the rocks.”
When I don’t trust a map, I go back to direct observation. That’s what I do and it has served me well. I am very lucky to have as one of my good friends Ananga Sivyer, who is a meridian specialist and researcher who works with the Chinese system but also the Ayurvedic systems which precede the Chinese energy systems maps.
We have an energy body and it is my hypotheses that the energy body has nutritional requirements. What might these requirements be? Let’s start big – it could be all of it, every available form of energy on this planet. What generates energy? Once again, the answer is everything. Everything on this planet generates energy. A rat produces energy, this table has an energy body – everything emanates energy.
If we think about our energy body as the body of an alien, an entity which we know next to nothing about and which we can be pretty sure is not egg shaped like the diagrams will have you believe in most people.
Indeed, you could think that they were distorted, swirled up, with back spots and with vortices, and one thing they all are and that is they are ENTIRELY UNIQUE for each individual, for every single human on this planet, for even if they were conceived as identical twins, from the moment of conception their environments would be different as their physicalities inhabit different locations and their experiences diverge.
Everybody has a totally personalised, totally individual energy body.
That is so very, very important to understand and to know.
That is our first principle, we have to bring energy in somehow.
One of the most basic, basic tenets of the Universal Laws is that energy needs to flow.
Energy is FLOW and anything else is unnatural and damaging in the most profound and easily measurable ways.
So I began to devise methods to make myself and others “drop shields” and to take incoming energy into their energy systems, into their starving energy bodies, where this energy could be used to source repairs, vitality, and immune functions to help us bounce back far more swiftly and profoundly when “shit happens”, as it does invariably and simply by design of living in these societies and states of being of ours.
The Storm Drains
Whilst I was trying to figure out a way to get people to drop the invisible shields that keep all the beneficial and much needed energies at bay and out of reach, something dramatic happened to me personally one night.
I saw something that caused me to “freak out completely” – a technical term, if you will, denoting an instant and profound loss of control and any common sense, any conscious input, as I was simply overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, they were so painful, they had my physically on the floor, choking and retching.
For a long time, I could do nothing but suffer this and eventually regained enough composure to start an “emergency ritual” – I’d been doing EFT for so long, it came to me as the Lord’s prayer comes to a one who has counted rosary beads for years and recited it so much, it was a ritual.
This relieved the symptoms enough so I could start thinking again, and the very first thought I had was that this was all wrong. This is not the right response to an environmental happening, to be so completely disabled by what is nothing but a natural occurrence, a part of life itself. If there were still predators about, this would be a survival issue, hell, if I’d been in a car or “operating heavy machinery” when I saw what I did and it had happened there, it would clearly be a survival issue today as well.
It simply can’t be right to instantly drown in a flood of emotions like that!
There must be existing systems to deal with that kind of occurrence – storm drains, if you will, that can spring into operation to prevent a complete systemic collapse and shutdown as had happened there to me in that moment.
I talked to a colleague and friend about this and it was there that I first began to think of emotions as nothing but feedback devices to the existing conditions in the energy body, and that what I had experienced were just the repercussions of an energetic happening – an incoming energy form that I had no way of dealing with, no “storm drains” to channel it through and out.
When we re-called the experience and began to look for the possibility of real pathways in the energy body which were designed to handle these energies, and handle them with ease, we made some very surprising discoveries, and EMO as we know it today, was finally born into conscious awareness.
The Benefits Of “Bad” Energies!
It’s a natural response to want to keep “bad” or “harmful” kinds of energy at bay – however, in nature there is no such thing.
There is only energy – different kinds, different flavours, different manifestations, but at the end of the day, it’s just energy. Orange is no better or worse than green – it only becomes that way when people get involved and make decisions as to the merits of one over the other.
When they do so, an automatic process is initiated that seeks to protect someone from that which has been declared “bad” – it will deflect it, keep it out, hide away from it and generally do anything at all the energy system knows how to do to keep the “bad” energy away.
However, I had a very personal experience to the opposite a few months prior.
I had initiated a mailing list project about abundance and set tasks for the participants – little challenges of one kind or the other which had to be completed to prove one’s dedication, else the person was removed from the list. One of these challenges led to about hundred people being removed, which caused a storm of protest, accusations and a flood of email into my inbox full of insults, curses and being called every conceivable “bad” thing under the sun – from being insane to a dictator, from arrogance to imposterism, take your pick.
At the time I got upset about it and decided to try something new – there was so much of it that I could not argue all of that away. So instead, I printed out all the emails and sat myself down in a comfortable place, read them all carefully and for every statement being made about me, I forced myself to consider what it would mean if it was right, if it was absolutely true.
Now, I didn’t know that what I was doing was instead of deflecting the “incoming”, opening myself up and to take it in instead. My unconscious mind always precedes my conscious understanding by many months, sometimes by years!
What happened that instead of sinking into deepest, darkest depression, I learned many things about myself, felt less vulnerable to criticism of all kinds, adjusted my self concept and came away from the exercise with a whole newfound sense of strength and personal power.
It also taught me something about labelling myself – I was no more the ogre than I was an angel, I was no more arrogant than full of humility, no more good than bad; instead, I began to think of myself as a human who does all these things, best they can, and sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn’t but at the end of the day, who knows but me what my intentions were.
So, and when we were beginning to search for the “storm drains”, I remembered the above exercise and suggested to my friend and fellow energy magician N that we should try to hurl some insults at each other, see what would happen and if we could find a system that could channel these “incoming energies” through and out, so that “words would never hurt you again” and also, so that we would learn something about the hypothetical storm drain system in the energy body.
One fine night in the spring of 2002, on the telephone, I shouted an “insult” at my friend N.
She responded by saying that it was just like she’d been punched in the solar plexus with a physical fist. Intuitively, I had the notion that it might feel like that because the incoming energy had run into some kind of shield, causing these physical sensations as repercussions.
I asked her to allow the energy in (just the energy, not the insult or “it’s meanings”!) and when she did, and when she found a natural pathway through which these energies travelled, and when they moved smoothly through these pathways and out of her fingertips, she ended up laughing in delight and saying, “My God, that feels so good! Hit me again, quick!”
For the next two hours, we shouted insults at each other – simple things about our physical appearances at first, then more deeply rooted, older stuff, and eventually things that we had avoided all our lives – things and statements we were so afraid of another ever possibly saying to us that we had constructed our lives around never having to hear this being said.
“You are a liar.” – “You are an impostor.” – “You are a miserable coward.” – “I am so disappointed in you.” – “I’ve never loved you and I never will.” – these and many, many more were traded on that night, allowed into our energy bodies with some struggle at first, and once they had arrived and found their pathways, moving swiftly through and out, leaving us sparkling, high, feeling virtually invincible and so profoundly delighted, it is hard to convey.
Now, I really do have a wall in my house upon which I make notes of new therapy patterns and breakthrough insights. There are hundreds of patterns on that wall, and I only write up and release the most minute percentage of these. Many of these are extremely good, others a little too good for public release (as in too powerful, too frightening for the general public). The basic EMO pattern joined all these others and we kept playing with it in the days that followed.
I have a number of friends who are therapists and I usually run the new patterns by them for feedback and to try them out, to get a bit more perspective and also, to help me make up my mind what is useful and what is not, and which ones to place my further attention on to develop them into a user-friendly therapy pattern or technique.
They liked this pattern a lot and as I was telling one person about it, I noticed that they didn’t have the usual resistance to letting the insults come their way. I had a hunch and tried something new – when she was waiting for me to come up with a new insult, I said clearly and with volition into the telephone: “You are an extraordinary healer.”
Bull’s eye! She burst out into tears on the spot, and thus the next level of application had been found – energy system contortions to incoming compliments. I should have thought of this before in view of the LoveLine experiences, but here we were, in the country of firstly allowing so called “positive” energies to come in as well and moving them through and out just exactly the same as we had done with the “negative” insult statements.
The main trick with the basic EMO process is to come in from the physical, i.e. the physical sensations that occur in the physical body as a response to an incoming energy form. Playing with insult and praise for a week or so with a number of different people had the effect on me that I began to notice the physiological real-life sensations that alerted me to the presence of stuck energy and emotions in my system, and notice these sensations in many different environments.
For example, I noticed a tension and pressure in response to a dubious email heading in my inbox. Noticing it and then, moving it away gave me a deep sigh of relief and set me to wondering how I had managed to go through life for 43 years and NOT notice how emotional responses were affecting me all the time, in so many different situations, all through the day and night.
I – and the other EMO experimenters – were beginning to re-contact our physical bodies, after a lifetime of ignoring the physiology as best as we could, until it would really scream at us and could no longer be ignored. We were also becoming far more acutely aware of the actual movement of emotions, feelings and sensations in our bodies in response to our various daily lives and as extraordinarily illogical as it may be, working with the energy body in this way became very grounding, heightening our perceptions of what was going on with us and clearly showing us where we might need to stop and think, or do some more work, or change our minds entirely as to what we thought was good for us and what wasn’t.
In the meantime, we were widening out the applications for the basic process of moving energies through our systems with nothing more than intention and the will to give permission for this to occur.
No longer was this confined to what people said or did to us. One of us found that human touch also produces a physiological response and if this was thought of as an incoming energy, a single fingertip resting lightly on the back of your hand could literally send shivers throughout your entire body as the energy from the touch travelled in and through channels we never even knew we had. A feast of kinaesthetic stimulation for bodies that were rarely touched outside of intimate relationships and a wonderful set of experiences lay all of a sudden very much “at our fingertips”.
“In The Field”
As I said, I have many, many therapy patterns and techniques “on the wall”. What totally convinced me of how useful EMO actually is and made me say, “That’s it. I’m going to release this one, big time, and I’ll put my name to it, no holds barred!”, was a personal experience at a party.
On this particular occasion, a person arrived I’d been trying to avoid for a long time. It was late, I was tired and had quite a bit to drink. A situation unfolded and they said something to me that really did create the “punched in the stomach” response – in the past, this one incident would have been enough to floor me with psychosomatic symptoms afterwards for about a week.
But there and then, immediately as it had happened, and without being in any position to give instructions or any attention at all, there occurred a softening and the sensations and feelings simply began to flow and moved through me, all through me and then there was peace and congruency in my body, and clarity of thought in my mind.
The Storm Drains had happened. We had woken up my energy system enough so that it automatically sprang into action and dealt with the “flood” – simply, instantly, profoundly and WITHOUT me having to do anything at all.
I sat at that party and truly, I couldn’t believe it. That it could really be this simple. That my body had really learned how to do EMO, and remembered, and just went right ahead and did it for me when I needed it and the conscious mind wasn’t able to give the instructions.
I had received what I had asked for – a natural system for transforming emotional energies IN THE FIELD as a natural response to what the World presents to you.
And that night and in that moment, EMO was fully born and created.
More Repercussions, More Surprises
At this point, I was a happy bunny. I had what I wanted – a response instrument, a ready made technique that with very little practise really changed the way we experienced the World around us.
Being able to NOT get upset and stressed out anymore about what people said and did to us, led absolutely directly to not being afraid of many things anymore. It was quite extraordinary. When you’re not afraid of criticism anymore, you can do a whole lot more and easily so than you could before. When you’re not afraid of bad press, you can publish to your heart’s content. But there was more! For example, those of us who were controlled by feelings of guilt and others were using this mechanism to have us do and be all sorts of things that we didn’t want to be doing or being, with the guilt “pain” gone, we found we could stand up to them and just say, “No!”.
For many of us, that was about the first time in conscious memory that we were free of all kinds of fears, of doubts, of direct blockages that had stopped us from going forward and getting for ourselves what we in our hearts long knew, we deserved more fully than was ever previously given.
Also, being able to allow positive comments into our energy systems brightened us absolutely and it really did begin to change our self concepts and our ideas as to who or what we actually were.
What more can you ask for in a simple little technique?
It worked a treat on emotions, and the more you did it, the better it became, the easier, and then it went onto automatic pilot so you didn’t even need to pay attention to it anymore.
I didn’t give any thought at all to long term “therapeutic” applications, only to be able to deal with emotions as and when they arose – after all, there’s only this now and then the next now after that, and if you can handle your emotions in the now, then you can handle them, period!
Indeed, dealing with the “now” emotions was a really important aspect of my new dream technique – to be honest, dear reader, after all these years in Personal Development I am just sick and tired of stirring around in the old messes, the old memories, the thousands of small and big incidents, remembering them all and re-living them in order to change their hold on me. I really have come to a point where I no longer care just what Daddy said to me when, or what the birth trauma was – please. It’s been decades, let it be enough now. I wanted to just declare an amnesty on the past and instead, concentrate on the here-and-now as this is, truly, the only leverage point we can ever have to make the future better than what had ever gone before.
But one day, Susan Courtney interviewed me about EMO and following the interview, we had a little chat during which she mentioned that she had just received the “most unflattering” photographs possible from a shoot for a national magazine and was very upset and incapable of choosing one – they were all terrible and she had thrown the lot of them into her dustbin prior to phoning me.
I suggested she retrieve the photographs and do the basic EMO process whilst looking at them. I thought of this much as being very similar to doing mirror work with EMO, which we had done quite a bit of by then.
Susan did as I suggested, by herself after the phone call was over. Then she rang me back to tell me, very excitedly, that her feelings about the photographs had changed entirely and she now “liked what she saw” and was even fascinated by the woman in the pictures and wanted to learn more about her – a major breakthrough one might say.
Back then, as she was telling me about her experience just a few moments after the fact, something strange came to me.
Theoretically, and if EMO only changed the experience in the now, Susan should have been appalled every time she looked at the photos – as in: look at the photo, feel appalled, move the energy, feel better; look at the photograph, feel appalled, move energy, feel better, and so on.
But that wasn’t what had happened.
Doing it just once on each photograph changed the actual experience of the photograph profoundly so the feelings of being appalled never came back – and that must have meant that something else was changed by the act of moving the energy the first time.
Something profound, something old and something that may have had many roots in childhood, self concept, self image and all sorts which might take years in therapy to even list, never mind begin to treat.
It began to dawn on me that EMO was thereby not just changing the now, but was changing the very energy system itself and permanently so, AND in so doing, removing old injuries and problems that might have been there for 50 years or more!
And that is when EMO all of a sudden became a “therapy tool” and we began in earnest to use it for therapeutic applications.
“Where in your body is the sadness ...?”
It is interesting isn't it.
You know what that's like. Someone comes and says to you, "YOU! are an EVIL person!" and it's like whoosh! punched in the stomach. It's a physiological reaction to someone just saying something. Oh and as a bye-the-by, pointing with the "naked finger" at someone is actually a form of directly sending energy at someone, and that's why little children aren't supposed to do it. We don't need magic wands - we have one. Two. Five – ten, even!
This thing with saying something to someone, telling people things, like, "You are beautiful." - "You are an idiot!" produces these responses of shields or blockages. It's a fantastic example to make energy, incoming energy, and a person's response to that not only visible to the naked eye but also feelable to the human body.
So these sorts of energies - let's find someone who doesn't think they're particularly beautiful so we can demonstrate this better? I see we still have some blank faces. N would you like to be so good, because you are a responsive person.
What can I insult you with?
N: "My nose."
S: "What's wrong with it?"
N: "It's big and horrible."
S: "Ok just be relaxed have your hands loose and just respond."
S: <loudly and strongly> "You have a BIG and HORRIBLE nose!"
Now look at that. The whole woman is actually swaying away here, as though a physical force was pushing her.
S: "What IS that on your nose? Is that some sort of a lump?"
Look, she is physically turning her head away there. As I'm speaking, the energy is travelling towards her and she is moving out of the way as though it was a missile that mustn't strike her.
S: "But of course, you know your nose is truly horrible? Seriously now. <turns to the audience> When she came in, be honest, wasn't that the first thing you all thought? My god, how can the owner of such a nose take it out in public?"
<N curled up, holding her nose in her hands to cover it up, audience is laughing>
S: "Ok, look now would you like to sort yourself out because I don't wish to hurt you in any shape or form here. Let's do the basic EMO protocol. Where is this energy coming into your body? Where can you feel it, where does it hit you?"
N: "On the top of my head."
S: "Can you just let it go through and out as it should, so we can have the Even Flow established?"
N: "Ok."
S: "How does that feel now?"
N: "No it's alright, it's fine."
S: "Would you be able to go to this person there and show him your nose, close up?"
N: "Yes, sure."
<audience laughs out loud as man pretends to be horrified>
S: "How are you feeling? Is it ok? Did it hit you anywhere?"
N: "No its fine. It just went through and out. Straight out."
S: "Well thank you for putting up with that, that was a nice demonstration."
<audience claps and laughs>
So, this shouting insults at each other was actually how we discovered this in the first place. We had a lot of fun with it. Shouting insults at each other, noticing where that hits you in the body, working on the energy behind the sensations, not the emotions, not the memories of what your father said to you 75 years ago, simply giving the energy the instruction to soften and move through its requisite paths and it just slithers off without a backward glance - without an argument, without a care in the world, and when you do it again and it flows swiftly, you get an energised end state which is very nice as well.
Incoming energies from the universe - and they could be from people, they could be from sunsets, they could be from colours - are blocked in people. That's the first problem. They are blocked from ever entering the energy system at all and we call this shields.
When I was doing the demonstration with N and said that her nose was horrible, it didn't even hit her. It was shielded and deflected off by an energy barrier that wouldn't even let it come in. For those of you who are that way inclined, try that on your Doors of Perception. Something interesting happens when you open those.
Now shields are always a problem because they lead to scurvy and starvation as there is no energy coming in at all.
You are sitting behind that shield and no-one and nothing can get to you.
The shields were established by direct conscious command as a response to avoid suffering - obviously.
A man looks at a woman and says, "You are really beautiful." She thinks, "He just wants to have sex with me." That is a shield. Then she goes home and cries in front of a mirror because no-body likes her, no-body loves her and she's ugly, because in order to feel differently, that man's statement would have needed to come in to be utilised, processed, made a part of her energy system.
Sometimes, instead of being deflected outright, the energy comes in a way but then gets stuck and what we have then is a pressure cooker effect. The energy builds up and up and when it reaches a certain threshold, it turns into a physical sensation, then into a pain. The example where someone is told, "You are fired!" and they curl up in pain and say it was as though they had been punched in the stomach is an example of what happens when emotion bridges into physicality.
That means already that the emotion is so dense, so stuck, so blocked that it has nothing else left to give, it has nowhere else left to go, the whole feedback system as to what's going on in the energy body is long past breakdown point, and now it's physical because it goes, energy body -> emotion -> physical in that order.
If energies get blocked in the energy body, this creates our emotional problems and if it gets dense enough and goes on for long enough, then it bridges into physicality. If it still doesn't stop and it gets denser still, you have to do something to relieve that pressure - have a nervous breakdown, an anger tantrum, you name it.
All energy workers know this, what does energy needs to do?
Right, it needs to flow. Always. Always needs to flow in and out. And these energies that we are blocking up carry nutrients that are systemic requirements for the energy body's immune system to bounce back from injuries.
You know, shit happens. Logs fall on your head, bad leylines appear, you can stand in a bad place - shit happens. But a fully functioning energy body, with it's immune system intact and in place, working as it should, might even be able to handle ... Jehovah's Witnesses.
I know it's a stretch, but the hope is there.
It is important to notice that these blocks are actually not the problem in themselves, or not by themselves.
Yes, that's where it hurts, that's where the pain is, yes that's where you get your ulcers, tumours, or whatever you get, but what's happening below that blockage?
Those systems below the blockage, they are arid lowlands, deserts which have not seen rain or energy for years, where there should be flowers growing and there is nothing - because it all got blocked up here.
But there is something else. So you have your desert areas behind the blocks, but blocks also happen by holding on to any kind of emotion. Giving a direct instruction that an energy be held there in perpetuity - and these are direct instructions by the conscious mind, this is not the unconscious at work that does this, these are fully conscious decisions and instructions - "I will NEVER forgive you. NEVER!"
And on the other hand, we have the Guiding Stars. "I wish this one second would last forever." - "I never want to be anywhere else but here with you, NOW."
A powerful example of this was a lady whose husband had died five years ago and she was just in a terrible, terrible state. In her own words, and that was so fantastic, she just said it like that, "You know, just before he died, he was just lying there and they told me he'd have perhaps 10, 15 minutes left. And I stopped time. And there is this place where he is still alive and everything that is good about me is still there, holding his hand."
She gave a direct, conscious command to stop time and her energy system did the best it could, without killing the physicality, took out everything that wasn't needed to run the body on like an automaton, and made it happen for her.
It was fantastic. And you know, this is a metaphor. But what's a metaphor? Metaphor is the label on a jar with energy inside it so we can tell what's underneath. A can of peaches has a picture of a peach on the front so you know there's some peaches inside. A picture of a peach is not a peach and a metaphor is not the energetic reality.
How was that resolved? Any ideas? Logical, re-establish the Even Flow?
Well what was needed was for her to let him die.
Rescind that instruction. Let time move on. And yes, although he's been dead for five years, as far as this lady's energy system was concerned, he died last week, in my office.
Blocks and energy kernels are those things that people hold onto so tightly, that one moment of glory in their lives. You can see people in old people's homes, going over the same stories, time and time and time again, that one time when they were in Paris in 1964 and took part in this dance competition, they won and a famous French singer came and gave them a trophy and it was the best moment of their lives.
This causes havoc in the energy system, just as much havoc as the "I will NEVER!! forgive you." or the "Stop time! He must not die!" Other variations of this are “He still lives in my heart.” and I have even once heard someone say about a moment of transcendence, “I enfolded the moment and held it close to me so it would be with me forever.”
Everything in the energy system has got to flow, it must be flowing. You can't block out the rubbish, or even avoid it. People will be people. They will stomp on your foot, give you a bad response, you will be getting wet, cold and frightened - you can't avoid it. No more than you can avoid the good stuff. But you must not hold on to either of them because it really, really plays havoc with your energy system.
Let's go back to the core ideas to be sure.
Emotions are nothing but feedback devices to the existing conditions in the energy body. An early warning system. This escalates into physical sensations and then into physical illness to draw attention to itself.
Intention ONLY acts on the energy system level. When you placing your attention on the physicality and you try to change the physicality, some of this will ricochet around the system and with luck, you'll get a bit of fall out benefits as some of it reaches the energy system too. Which completely confuses tests and research - it works a bit but not reliably and is totally unpredictable because of this wrongful targeting and just get lucky with the odd ricochet here and there.
How do we work with this insight?
Well I propose to work with it in the simplest way possible. A lot of people are appalled by this and they say, it's too simple.
In 2001 I wrote a course called Energy Healing for Animals, and it's about pure energy healing and probably the most amazing piece of work I've ever written.
Animals are interesting because they don't get better just to please you or so you don't feel you're a bad healer. Thus, energy healing with animals is a fantastic feedback device in order to find out if you are completely deluded if you think you're a great healer or whether there is really something going on.
I recommend this highly. Try some lame horses for a change. Put your hands over them and then observe. Are they really now stretching out their legs, moving more freely? If they are not, back to the drawing board.
In Energy Healing for Animals, the core statement I repeat over and over again is that we need to develop a feedback system to teach us the difference between really touching energy realities and when we're only hallucinating. That is to me - and this might not be so for you - the absolute essence and core of the task ahead.
We must make clear distinctions because people can and do hallucinate so amazingly. They can build complex delusions and live in them their entire lives and never see the true light of day. This is a terrible state of affairs because the real world is so much better than the most candyflossed delusion could ever begin to be. That's the difference between true magic and nonsense - the difference between a real sunrise and a painted cardboard fairground with a few candles and if you get close you'll see it's all peeling.
Over here is reality and there is delusion. For the love of god, let's make sure we're going in the right direction.
Especially with energy healing with people, they want to have a nice happy thing going on, "Oh yes this is great, I can really feel it and ooh I'm having such a good time..."
That's nice but you know, it isn't energy healing.
Energy Healing is whoosh! power! A powerful thing that makes the lame walk and the blind see. That causes instant remission for cancer and AIDs and restores people's spines - THAT's healing. Accept no substitutes. To call anything else that isn't THAT healing is a total insult to the power of the field.
Now how the hell you teach people who are training to be healers to distinguish between illusion and intuition?
Well, EMO does that by its very design and its very structure.
EMO As A Healing Teacher
I am going to give you a very brief demonstration to make really clear what I mean and what we are talking about here.
I was at a healing thing, and the idea was they would be teaching people how to use their intuition.
So we had a person sitting there, and the instruction was that the person should be really focussing on their problem in order for me to read their aura and figure out what their problem is.
<Invites Chrissie Hardisty to come forward. She sits in a chair.>
Ok, so you focus on your problem and I stand behind you and put my hands on your shoulders and I imagine what your energy might be like and then I give you a guess.
Right, you were thinking about your left foot?
Is that right?
<C shakes her head and laughs>
Ok, so it's not.
Fair enough.
But that's ok, because I have this system called EMO. It's a damned sight quicker.
Would you like to see how it works? Yes? Ok, here we go.
S: "Hi my name is Silvia. What's yours?"
C: "Chrissie."
S: "Do you have a problem?"
C: "Yes."
S: "Where in your body is that? Show me with your hands."
C: "It's here." <places hand on chest>
There you go. I mean seriously, how much easier does it get?
Where's your problem, show me with your hands. Now we know exactly where the blockage is in her energy system, without reading auras, hallucinating, without anything at all. My six year old can learn to this - never mind, my dog can learn to do this!
Which means that we have our hands free for more interesting and useful things, like helping the client, learning something about healing and all the rest of it.
But why I'm calling it a Healing Teacher is this. See, if you want to learn how to do this, as you are asking here, "Where is it in your body, show me with your hands.", guess quietly in your head and you can go, "I bet three quid it's in her left foot." So she shows you that it is in her stomach.
You will be getting right and wrong answers. And they feel differently. If you do this enough, you will very soon be able to tell the difference between when you're having a real intuition - and what is intuition? It's a message from the unconscious mind which computes a great deal more about the nature of the Universe than we consciously ever could - a reading of the patterns of reality that it has just undertaken on your behalf and delivered it's conclusion - and when you're either hallucinating or doing transference and projections.
This is another set of factors that interfere in taking proper realistic readings from other people and the Universe at large.
She might come in and say she has problems with bereavement. Where do you feel that in your body? and voom, your stomach flips over but look, that's my bereavement. HER bereavement is actually in her throat.
This totally direct approach to finding out where a problem is located does a whole array of things all at the same time.
First of all, it makes EMO incredibly quick.
Secondly, if you want to use it that way, it teaches you to actually KNOW in your own self reliably whether what you are doing is intuition, hallucination, transference, your problem, her problem, where exactly the problem is located, without ever having to be afraid to feel like a fool whilst being completely confident that you will get it right, every singe time.
Much more importantly, the clients are truly happy because they get to tell you and show you where it really hurts them. This is so much safer and better than having to be in this weird position where you are all nervous and guessing best you can, thinking, "I hope I'll get it right." like when I was guessing about Chrissie's left foot. And when people don't get it right, a lot of people and especially healers who have a rather high opinion of their own opinions, they will try to convince themselves and the client that there really is a problem in her left foot when she doesn't have one and desperately wants help with that problem in her stomach.
The next step in the EMO process would be for me to tell her that it's just a stuck energy, an emotional energy and what you have is a number of channels in the body through which that should be moved through and out.
I'm not even going to think "meridian system". I'm going to say to her, if this energy expands and softens, where would it like to go? Can you show me with your hands?
C: "It would like to go downward."
S: "Can we assist it in going downward?"
C: "Yes."
S: "Can you keep telling me what's happening whilst you are doing that."
C: "It's starting to move downward and just slowly going down my legs."
Now if you were a healer and you were assisting this client as a healer, you would say, "You assist this from the inside with your intention, and I assist this from the outside with mine." This makes the whole process much more smooth and elegant.
S: "So where is it going now?"
C: "It's going right down and out through the toes?"
S: "That's great. How about the original erea? Is it softening?"
C: "Yes it's softening but it's still there."
The fact is that energy lives in the quantum realms and there, there is no time. This could just be gone in a flash, as easily as that.
Now, this is a long standing problem and people have their time to do this. It is important to make it comfortable for the client.
S: "How are you doing?"
C: "It's moving."
S: "Do you think that process could continue by itself and on it's own, now that the channels have been found and established?"
C: "Maybe, not sure."
S: "Ok, now what if you were to put your hand on that place, and assist this softening yourself? How does that feel?"
C: "Yes that feels good."
S: "So you go and sit down and finish this process because that's more important than a silly demonstration."
See, this is how it works. You ask the client at every step of the way - what is it, where is it, what's happening. And it's important to remember that in EMO, we are not moving metaphors, we are not moving emotions, or feelings. You are not moving 40 years of misery but only moving an energy. Softening and moving an energy.
This principle is applicable to everything. From allowing sunsets to come in, from watching a movie on the TV and all of a sudden, you burst out into tears and wonder, where did that come from? Move it, soften it, let it go, re-establish the Even Flow.
And you can do this with the most complicated, long standing problems.
One of my favourite ever moments with EMO was this. There was a person and they were totally upset, "Oh dear I have this terrible problem and I've had it for ages and it's in my stomach and it hurts and I can't move it."
I said, "Ok, fair enough. It's only an energy. Start softening it."
The person said, "But it only wants to protect me!" and I don't know why, on that day I said, "It's only an energy - it doesn't want anything."
"Oh, alright then."
Voom! it simply disappeared, just like that – slid down her body and it was gone.
I went "Oops, ecology?"
But we tested and it was fine. When she said, "But it only wants to protect me!" I saw this HUGE therapeutic landscape stretching out before me, with parts integrations, calling in the angels, probably even an Indian dance, I have no idea.
Another lady at some point said, and that creased me up. She had some sort of thing stuck in her back and wasn't sure if she wanted to let it go.
I said, "Oh go on, it's not doing you any good at all, it's just stuck there, messing up your energy system. Just let it go."
She said, "Oh, alright." Then she sat up bolt upright and said, "Ouw!"
"What happened? Feedback, feedback?"
And she said, and I quote, "It just slithered off - without a backward glance!"
I couldn't help myself and had to say, "Bloody hell. After 45 years of continuous efforts to get rid of it, and that's the thanks you get!"
That is a scary aspect of EMO and make no mistake, it really can be quite scary.
There's this problem you thought you would have had until the stars fall from the sky and it's this really big deal that's ruled your life for decades - and it just goes. Just like that. No ecology problems, nothing. Just an energy and it just basically goes away but for a single thought command. And that can make you feel like a right fool. Even more so than EFT ever did. It really makes you feel a fool for having had that problem for so long.
Which is why the practitioners hardly ever do what I would call pure EMO with their clients - they just can’t handle it. With themselves and friends they do it but for most people it's just too fast and so we talk first and take it easy, make sure people are comfortable with it.
EMO Self Help
I'd like to say a few words about the EMO self help protocol. Of course, EMO needs a self help protocol else it would not be any good at all - if therapists don't need help then I don't know who doesn't.
It's essential the same as the basic protocol and it works like this:
Firstly, you notice where the upset is in your body.
Secondly, you show yourself where it is - put your hand on it you can reach it.
There is some merit in speaking about it out loud, and then you soften the energy to let it move along the pathways, wherever they may be. And it's surprising where the energy goes.
Once, I did a session and the energy swished out my spine, and I had a lovely energy tail! Very nice indeed.
But remember that we don't know where the pathways are - the only way to find out is to do it, and then afterwards you know where it is. And it's not always only pathways either. The energy can turn into a fine mist and rise out of the body entirely, but that's another story.
The key point in making EMO work for you is to not fall into the trap of trying to treat the pain, the emotion or the meanings of the problem. You cannot move a metaphor through your energy system. That's like trying to flush a toilet roll down the system that's designed for water and soluble things. The energy system cannot handle metaphors, so in EMO you can't go on about "this big black ball in my stomach". That's just an energy - it isn't big, it isn't black and it certainly isn't a ball, but only an energy. An energy can travel happily through meridians and other channels in the energy body but a ball cannot - this would cause entirely unnecessary suffering and thus mustn't be done.
So remember, "It's just an energy!" is the slogan. BSFF has, "Treat that!". In EFT we say, "Tap yourself on that, I should.", and we EMOrs have, "It's just an energy."
So, we have the self help protocol and the healing work. We have talked about the theoretical underpinnings and the development of the abilities of the healer.
So this, ladies and gentlemen, is EMO.