Addendum 2 – Questions & Answers
Feelings, Blocks & Shields
Q: I don't feel anything in my body at all when I hear/think of the statement.
A: There are two possibilities with this. Either, it is simply not a relevant statement for you and so try something else you find "difficult to handle" - "YOU are the most beautiful person I've ever seen!" or perhaps, "You are so stupid!" - whatever, really. Also see the next question, that might be the problem in this case.
Q: It doesn't actually get to my body, there's a shield or block before it even arrives close to me.
A: That is an often occurring response - people learn to make shields to deflect the incoming energies suspect of being damaging. Unfortunately, they often end up with the energetic equivalent of scurvy or starvation behind their shields. Choose a statement of your own, perhaps something minor to start with, and do what you have to do to soften or remove the shield so it can properly touch you. Often, setting such a block or shield aside temporarily and just for this one exercise can provide the experience and incentive to know that it is perfectly safe to do it and to do it more often in future, and as your ability to unconsciously convert and channel a wider spectrum of energies grows with experience and use.
A shield can be softened, moved temporarily or made more see-through by gently touching it, massaging, or stroking it away.
Q: I can get it to come in a little way but then it gets stuck (in my stomach, in my head, in my chest etc.)"
A: What we have here are the equivalents of dried up river beds - the channels for the energy flow are absolutely there but haven't been used for so long or even ever that it might not be immediately obvious what the route for this energy should have been and it circulates around and around, trying to find a way out.
It helps to keep with it, to focus on it and to have the intention of softening and a gentle trickle in the right direction, the right channels to get underway. You usually notice then that there actually is an exit point or more but it's small and not efficient enough yet to handle this energy. By the very moving of energy through these channels for the first time, they come to life and begin to allow a flow to occur - it might be slow the first time, just a trickle that needs you to help it along, soften it's passing all the way to the final exit points where the rest of it leaves your body - through your head, your fingers and toes, through your skin, straight down your spine as though you had a tail, in all different kinds of ways.
You - or another - can help this softening process along by gently touching or physically massaging the area where the energy seems stuck. You can do this physically which is really nice and very beneficial and you can also do this with "hands of ghost" - with your intention and your imagination.
The first time is the slowest; when you do the same incoming energy (using the same statement as before) again, you'll notice it's much more apparent and will need less help from you to complete that circuit.
On the third or fourth try, it moves already quite swiftly and freely and it is then you get this lovely "re-energising" effect from the process.
Q: What do you do when there is a strong fear or resistance to dropping a shield?
A: You ask, where do you feel the strong fear in your body? Show me with your hands. It is just an energy that needs to flow. When that is repaired, you can then go on to start with the pinprick protocol and take it from there.
Channelling Energies
Q: Is this practical for "real life"? Isn't it too complicated, takes too long?
A: Well, the truly neat thing about this pattern is that the unconscious mind seems to really like it and picks it up very quickly and with very little practise in a workshop or by yourself, or with a friend. Once you' have done it a few times on different topics, you can already begin to notice that you are starting to do this automatically and spontaneously in various "real life" situations - usually with much surprise and delight when it happens for the first time.
I think there are two reasons for this. Firstly, it is actually the correct way to handle incoming energies of any kind, namely to channel them in the correct channels that absolutely exist for these purposes already, through and out, removing the food in the process and releasing what's not wanted or needed without any further ado.
Secondly, it's clearly beneficial and very energising - it feels good to do this. There are no negative side effects, no ecology problems with this pattern, quite in the contrary - it revitalises and nourishes the entire ecology of a person and softens in the process many other problems, alleviates fears and so forth, so it's no wonder the unconscious mind likes it and learns very quickly how to do this!
Q: Can you really channel ALL energies in that way? Even pure evil, pure nastiness, pure aggression?
A: Try it, is all I can say. Energy is energy, very much as colours are colours. Purple doesn't hurt you any more than orange does. Allergic responses to certain types of energies clearly show that there is a problem in how these energies are handled within someone's system much, much more than that there's anything wrong per se with these "incoming energies" that exist quite rightfully both as a part of the universe at large, as well as being a part of human interaction in general.
It is a fact that there are a great many energies we clearly currently cannot channel or digest or process at all, especially high and powerful energies and regardless of whether they were labelled as positive or negative.
I have yet to meet a person who can handle pure love without really going into grand contortions of pain, regardless of what they might profess to the outside world, and as to "the light" - well. Without the filtering down delusions, the real thing is like a blasting sandstorm of such intensity, it would burn us up like the vampires under the noonday sun with the current state of affairs in our energy systems that spin out of control when a total stranger gives you a dirty look!
I would keep on avoiding these powerful energies for now and until the energy system has recovered at least some basic flow and can handle at least basic energies once again without causing any unfortunate repercussions.
Q: If I allow negative statements/energies into myself such as, “I am an idiot”, does this not function like an affirmation? Will I end up believing that this is true about me?
A: In short, no and no.
It is very strange how this energy ingestion does not do at all what we think it might do. When these statements are handled not like words, at the conscious level, but as energy forms, they become harmless and energising – good statements or bad. I have seen people get into hysterics of laughter over using “You’re an idiot” as an EMO exercise. They are laughing because they are having a whole new position on the whole topic; most likely they’ll be thinking now, yeah I have done some amazingly idiotic things in my time, but that is no longer a problem, really more like something that just happens when you are human and you are living in our bizarre environments.
It won’t make them any more idiotic, quite in the contrary. I believe that we make our worst mistakes and decisions when we are afraid, energetically blocked up and contorted, worried, anxious, not thinking clearly. When your energy system runs clearly, then you think clearly too and that is all there is to it.
I can talk for hours and not convince you of this; I must invite you to try it for yourself and then you will understand how channelling energies actually sets you free from the content – and how truly wonderful that feels.
Q: I have been told that anger is a sign of stagnant chi or non-flowing chi and that it is really bad to get angry or to use anger energy. How does that tie in with the idea of channelling all energies?
A: Anger is the label given for the experience of a certain class of emotions and these emotions are derived from a change in the individual's totality which includes energy body state changes.
One could and indeed, should, make a major distinction between the actual energy being involved and the manifestations of folk who cannot handle this energy correctly within their systems.
Anger, as is vengeance, fury, and various other forms of this type of energy, are a) existing, b) extremely powerful, and c) have their rightful place in the universe.
There is an enormous difference between the experience and usage of these energies to fuel endeavour of one kind or the other, and the kinds of childish symptoms of shallow breathing, feet stomping and jumping up and down with a red face which indeed denote a disturbance and breakdown in someone's systems and which would thereby and very logically, slow them down in a fight or other suchlike situations.
Unfortunately, the big big misconception about the emotional energies is that it is their existence or their raising which causes the problem, when in fact it is the handling thereof which does.
In other words, what tends to happen is that people (especially men) waste their lives attempting not to have these emotions at all because somehow, they ended up thinking that the way to be in control is by not having them and ergo, never losing control at all.
This causes even more disturbances in the energy system and all kinds of psychosis, not to mention psychosomatics as is well known. Sitting in sweat lodges and screaming your head off for a week is definitely NOT the answer, although it does serve as a pressure valve to head off the worst side effects of the blocked up, messed up systems before they explode under the stress.
I would say that it would be useful to:
1. Recognise the energies involved as always being useful by the simple virtue of their existence;
2. Learn to raise these energies (as opposed to trying to never experience them at all);
3. Learn to ride, channel and make use of these energies successfully.
Pont 3 ends up looking as though the guy in question was never angry at all as they don't turn red or scream and shout - and that is where that weird misconception and misunderstanding about that state being about not experiencing emotions comes from in the first place.
So it's quite right then, grown men shouldn't cry. And neither should grown women. It's simply a sign of failure to control and run correctly the energies in one's system which should have been, but wasn't, learned step by step in the run up to adolescence.
So, and to go back to the beginning:
Anger, YES. It's a very powerful force.
Tantrums, NO. That's a sign of systems mismanagement.
Q: I have muscle tested people who have a lot of anger but are using it for "righteous goals", and they test strong; they also seem to achieve a lot in their lives. How does that tie in with EMO theory?
A: I believe what happens when someone has a "righteous goal" to focus their anger-energies on is that they somehow allow themselves to say YES to the energy that rushes through them.
That's my EMO "energy nutrition" theory - in the rushing through of the energy the system becomes energised and extremely powerful - physiologically that would come out as being faster, stronger, lighter on your feet, more aware of the environment and mentally it would be a state of highly focused yet wide ranging clarity.
When you on the other hand say "nononono!!!" to any kind of emotional energy or rather just energy because the emotion is the effect, NOT the cause (which is the energy itself) you slow it down, disturb it, distort it and that HURTS - emotionally and if you do it hard enough (aka exert enough will power!) it will hurt physically, too. Not just anger either but all the heavies - love, desperation, fear, terror, hatred, desire, the lot of them - all works exactly the same because. there is an energy principle at work below the surface of our awareness.
Which makes me think that EMO might just be the most important energy drill a person could ever learn. I've had a couple of personal experiences with heavies and riding the lightning with EMO and I can tell you it is an extraordinary feeling. Not at all the floaty "Oh I don't give a damn" kind of detachment but a completely different experience of the same energy - it doesn't hurt any more and the clarity is just extraordinary.
A Natural Ability?
Q: If EMO is a natural ability we have, how did we lose it?
A: That is a very good question and something I've mused on for a long time.
It is my assumption at this point that the problem lies in people - most peoples these days - behaving as though there was no energy realms AT ALL.
We hear tell that "way back when" civilisations had a healthy respect for energy in all its shapes and forms, native tribes of one kind or the other talking about "everything being alive", aligning with the spirit of an animal or a landscape, "eating" their enemies in a ceremonial way to partake of their essences, using energy healing as an obvious choice for health care and so forth.
In our worlds, that's not so anymore. We don't even have words for "energy", using this undefined term in all kinds of ways that is probably inappropriate and adds to the confusion.
We don't have children's books "Susie & Her Anger Blockage" or, "Peter Meets A Powerfield".
From what I can see, in order to raise children who naturally work with their energy systems step by step just as they learn to become housetrained and their walking gets steadier over time, it would take an environment where a) this learning was essential and important, and b) these happenings were being modelled for them by their elders.
I believe that small children learn primarily by modelling and imprinting and that they model their parent's (or environments, or caretakers) ways of dealing with energy.
Then there is another point.
Because the adults are totally unaware of all things energy related, they are drowning little kids in energy forms of such strengths and severity that a freshly developing system has no hope at all to take these energies and survive without damage.
A parent who can't, for example, sort their own "anger energies" and lightning-conducts that sort of pure discharge power into a little baby must be blowing their sensitive systems to smithereens. So the first order of the day for such a kid must surely be to build barriers, and quickly, else they're going to go mad.
This is where the shields come from which then lead to energetic scurvy, all of this unconscious so no-one can rescind these decisions later on, and no culture to give guidance as to how to conduct oneself energetically at all.
How did all of this happen?
I am thinking it could be an evolutionary process and as simple as that. This is a long and convoluted story but animals have a fine awareness of energy fields and their general processing of energy is just dandy in the context of their various environments to which they have adapted.
People did this brain-growing thing and somewhere, conscious and self reflexive thought came into it and all hell was let loose. Patriarchies, for example, and I noted with interest the other day how the social organisation of a gorilla tribe was just like that of an Amazonian jungle tribe as I switched from one TV channel to the other, is one of these evolutionary things we're about to transcend which is a very nice thing indeed but demands an entire re-organisation of the human race on a pretty profound level.
But I digress I guess.
I would say that we're as energy-disabled as we are because of conscious contortions and false learning and indoctrination, which makes the conscious thought processes poisonous to ourselves and totally screws up a system that has conscious control built in as a natural and very profound evolutionary advantage.
Energy Pathways
Q: Does EMO use meridians?
A: To answer this, I go to a teaching story about the human neurology.
People think of the brain as this big walnut in the skull, but that's not correct. It's much more like a super-octopus, extending tentacles basically to each and every cell in the body.
Indeed, if one was to immerse a human in a bath of acid that would dissolve all flesh, bone, tissue, muscle, everything at all and just leave the neurological pathways intact, the system would be so dense that you would be perfectly recognisable to your friends, only a funny colour.
Now that's pretty dense. That's a lot of pathways. If you add to this the systems for transporting blood around the body, from the great big veins to the tiniest little capillaries, we're getting a sense of the level of complexity inherent in just two of the physical body's systems.
I see no reason why the energy body is any less complicated. Being what it is and having the possibility of more than one thing being in the same space as another it probably is a whole lot more complicated.
Luckily for us, we do not need to concern ourselves with where these pathways are, what they are called or where they should be. Nor even what kinds or if they are this kind of energy system or another because in EMO, we don't need this. We just treat what presents itself, all the time.
We use attention - where is it? how is it manifesting? and where does it need to go? - first and then intention to repair if necessary, give permission for flow, if necessary, to establish a smooth flowing in that area.
This is essentially very different from approaches such as acupuncture and acupressure which uses a "cause-and-effect" pathway system built up over a lot of trial and error, much like TFT's original algorithms, really.
It is different because firstly, we don't have any built up of experience to say, if this client says bereavement, the block's bound to be just above their nose, a bit to the right, because that's where all the other people's bereavements were too. I like this because it makes every client fresh and new and allows for absolute individuality both in experience as in treatment.
The other difference is the use of intention to resolve the problem. If you will, EFT et al are halfway between traditional acupressure or acupuncture on one hand, and EMO on the other, because you stimulate the main points AND pay attention (tune in, say opening statement etc) to the problem. We, on the other hand, are stimulating what is asking for stimulation and healing, straight out feedback from the body, and the repair is by intention firstly and foremostly.
There is also one other main difference between acupressure and acupuncture and EMO, and that is the fact we are NOT treating PHYSIOLOGICAL occurrences. I've always made a really big deal about this difference because it really is important - EMO is for channelling energies, NOT for physiological problems. There may be a beneficial knock-on effect somewhere down the line, but I'm just not a physician and would NEVER try and teach my grandma to suck eggs - or tell an acupuncturist, for example, that I know what they are doing or could do it better.
You could say that EMO is offering to cover the issues that are NOT covered by traditional energy medicine and thus, represents a co-operative effort rather than trying to take over or replace those kinds of treatments in any way.
Hope this helps if it comes up and you are asked about it.
Q: Is the perfect end state for the energy to leave the body? Or is it going where it is supposed to go?
A: Both. In the process of flow - coming in, going through the energy system and then leaving it to rejoin the Oceans of Energy - in that process something healing and important happens for the system overall. And I thank you for this question. The point of EMO is not to cure someone of depression or release old memories or anything like that at all - it is only to re-establish the Even Flow which exist when energies flow in or out, are not being held on to, are not being reversed, are not being shielded out but are flowing through the energy system.
The only true purpose of EMO is to establish the Even Flow.
Q: What if the client gets it wrong where it is in their body?
A: Ok let's for a moment consider that you have somehow deceived yourself that you have a pain in your stomach, and I as your therapist tell you that you are deceived and wrong about your own pain - how would you feel?
You wouldn't be very happy. Of course.
I find when people are told that what they are feeling is not the truth, and that they are completely deluded and that it takes for someone else to tell them what they're feeling because they don't know what they are feeling is a very appalling thing. I don't ever do that to people, yet people do that to me all the time. They say, “I know what's wrong with you. I know what your problems are.” And I think, "Get lost! You have no bloody idea!."
I think that staying with the client and asking what the client is experiencing is absolutely perfect.
Even if that's what is being presented is a defence mechanism, it is still of the client and is still being presented and there is an energy there somewhere.
I just so don't like other people to tell me what I am feeling. How DARE they? Yes, you are right, I am indeed angry about this, and I can tell you honestly that the way EMO works based on client feedback only and literally ties up the EMO-P into not being allowed to say much more than ask two questions has a lot to do with that.
Either way, it is about time that we got to really pay attention to ourselves, in therapy or out, and reclaim the right to feel as we really do, so that is a good thing in my opinion.
Q: Can we tranceform the energy for a positive application to pull something in?
A: Yes, we call that to raise or evoke energy. You can do that as simply as to say, "I am a healer" and notice where that hurts and causes contortions, move it out and through until it flows really fast and powerfully. There is an end state to EMO proceedings, we call it the Energised End State when the energy really zips - whoosh! - through the system and that's a really good feeling. You can set the direction by just saying what you want to do - "I AM a public speaker."
Q: When an energy just moves through you, does that mean you are alright with that energy, on that issue?
A: Yes, when it zips through, you're fine. You might have trouble convincing people to let go of Guiding Stars and positive blockages, it happens at EMO trainings all the time. Someone gets told, "You're perfect." and the person says, "Aaah, that feels all lovely and fuzzy round my heart area, wonderful."
Then you say, ok, now move it through and out and they go, "No! Get away from me! I haven't felt like that in years, I want to keep this feeling!" I then say to them, "Look you can always hire an unemployed layabout to shout this stuff at you as you leave your house to go to work in the mornings. Just let it go."
Q: Would the same pathway be used every time when you let an energy go?
A: We don't know where the pathways are. They are completely unpredictable and idiosyncratic. People have it go out their backs, sometimes it goes up, around the head, then down the spine and out. Sometimes it comes out of their eyes or mouth; sometimes it comes out of every pore of their skin. Each one is potentially different and that's why have you keep asking the client or yourself, where is it going? What is happening?
Some people have the same problem with the same ereas and channels over and over again. It is likely that you are looking at a variation of the “Fault Line” manifestation in that case and you need to do healing first and then EMOing later.
Q: What happens when someone experiences unwillingness to 'let go' of energies? Anxiety energy, for instance, may cue someone with the belief that the universe is unsafe to be vigilant. Without the anxiety they (their subconscious) may feel that the 'guard' is down and they may not be able to protect themselves as effectively.
A: The focus on the physiological aspects or manifestations of whatever the problem may be circumvents just about all the defence systems someone has put into place which is the neatest thing in the World.
We simply don't talk about "their old friend anxiety" at all, only where they feel something in their body. We are not letting anxiety go but are only repairing an energy disturbance, and that can't want or do anything; whilst someone is still arguing secondary gain, they are clearly not yet in that place where you are simply feeling the feelings of the body that tell you there is something very wrong which really needs to be resolved before it gets any worse and causes a nervous breakdown or physiological disease.
That is why it is so important to repeat our mantra, “It’s only an energy!” to ourselves and to our clients over and over again at the beginning and until we stop slipping off into all the conscious stuff.
Another approach I have also taken to get around the protective rationalisations is to go for straight energy healing and cut all further talk. They have a long standing "issue". They tell you it's in their lower back. You go and ask permission, put your hands on their lower back, (I am a healer, full healing intentions, energies of mine, do what you need to do, flow where you will, I give myself permission to HEAL) and then just do the job like that.
Ask the client how it feels, how that other feeling they had when you started is changing, keeping the client focussed totally on the physiology all the time - there's an energy problem there, let us undo it, repair what needs to be repaired, make right what once was broken, put it to rights, put it back as God designed it should have always been.
This is the most powerful and powerfully effective version of EMO.
If you can't touch the client, you can still have a go or do it proxy with them touching themselves. Touch breaks through the shieldings. It wakes up the energy system and the energy system wants it - so badly that many other things can be overridden in that way.
Depending on the context of sessions with clients, and how dysfunctional/damaged their energy bodies actually are, there may even be merit in starting slow with general alignments rather than straight into the depths of their worst problems. That would be the First Aid medicine approach of stabilising the patient before they get wheeled off to have the bullet removed.
Whenever there is trouble, going back to physiology and starting there seems to be a key point in the treatment of the more severe emotional "psychological" disturbances.
EMO & Hypnosis
Q: Is EMO hypnosis? It has the word trance in it!
A: Ah yes, so it has ...
Hypnosis is the art of altered states; firstly, move into altered states and secondly, to make use of the greatly enhanced and very different experiences and abilities you can find when you shift state into a different gear. Such as being able to remember with crystal clarity every little thing that has ever happened to you in your entire life or to turn off the experience of pain altogether – and then all the rest of the truly astonishing “hypnotic phenomena”.
As soon as you turn your attention inwards and begin to move energy with your mind, you enter an altered state by definition.
We do not use this state to give any suggestions other than to support the client in finding out where the energy wants to go and encourage them to move it; as this is the key component of hypnosis – the suggestions the practitioner makes once the client has arrived in a trance state, EMO is not definable as a form of hypnosis.
Q: How do I use EMO in hypnosis?
A: Here is an example of you might want to say. I suggest for non-hypnotherapists to also read this because it contains all the main instructions and wordings to make it easy for another to run the process.
"And as you are thinking about your problem, all that confusion, hurt and pain, all those blockages which have stopped you over the years from manifesting your true will in all ways, from being who you were always meant to be, you are becoming more and more aware that these are nothing more than disturbances in your energy body, and you begin to feel an excitement rising and a hope too as you realise today is the day to let go of all of that, to clear and cleanse the channels of energy that you can feel now in your body, from the tip of your toes through your legs and into your hips, into your spine and into your neck, flowing freely across your face like cooling, gentling water, energies finding their rightful pathways at last, into your shoulders and down your arms, right out to your very fingertips, tingling lightly.
"Now, we are going to place our attention on that part of your energy body where the real blockages reside, where the real pain originates and you know where that is. You know where that is, you have felt it for so long. Understand now that it is nothing but an energy which needs to flow and you can begin to feel it softening now, slowly at first, gently the outside layers are beginning to dissipate and rise like the finest mist, finding their pathways and their channels back to the all-there-is, re-establishing the first linkages to the Even Flow as the softening and release now begins to spread far and wide, further inward, energies releasing at long last, hardness turning to softness and then begin to flow, as they were always meant to from the start, as was always right for you."
<Go on until client shows or indicates that blockage/damage has been resolved in much the same vein.>
"And now, with your energy bodies channels and pathways functioning once again, young and new they are, we allow the restoration to continue, energy bringing in the much needed building blocks to strengthen those channels and the systems who have waited for this healing for so long, and a profound healing it is, soft and respectful, layer by layer, moment by moment, coming back to health and channelling the natural energies around us with such ease and lightness, faster and stronger as the channels grow stronger in return, a rushing flow to energise you, nourish you, build you from the inside out and you can feel it, can't you, feel it flowing and how good that feels, how alive, how right and true."
Apart from that, and whatever you do, when you notice an emotional reaction, there is always a good time to just ask the basic question of where they feel it and to let it dissolve.
EMO & The Auric Field
Q: Can EMO be used to repair the wider Auric field?
A: I have been working with High Energy Fields for years and it's fun and truly magical in all ways. Also very useful and educational.
What it doesn't do, however, is produce reliable, recognisable, immediate and instant change in the Hard.
Of course it doesn't because it's stepped off and takes a while to filter through in the right ways, and also, cause-and-effect are not the kind of thing we're used to so whatever happens as a result of High Energy Field work has a habit of manifesting in strange ways that are often not even recognisable as related to the original piece of work. The other reason is that High Energy Field work is complex, fragile, encompassing and very subtle, and our existing conditions are a BIG unsubtle and inelegant mess that needs something very direct and as close to source as possible to start sorting it out.
The reason I made EMO is as a starting point to the whole idea of working with energy systems.
Here we are, in our own body, learning to track sensations and emotions, finding energy channels and in doing so, learning something about the nature of energy itself and how it is not at all like we always think, with gravity, heaviness, time passing linearly and all the stuff we have come to expect, presuppose and all of that.
What it is, is a whole new territory, a basically alien world where what we learned about "how things work" doesn't actually help but in truth, it hinders - aka, if I've had a problem for fifty years, then it takes fifty years to deconstruct the problem, a heavy brick at a time. If my problem has arisen because of a trauma that has the charge of a nuclear explosion then it needs a counter charge of the same intensity to remove it. And so forth.
When we talk about shields, that's the first time we're stepping beyond the skin boundary and into real invisible territory. To be safe and sure about what we're doing there (even this close to the body) requires some experience first IN THE BODY for any single human to actually know what's what, to recognise the feedback they're getting inside themselves, what types of feedback there are, how they know things.
That's essential to know and have experienced properly FIRST before we move on and out into the other forms of EREAS (existing energetic realities) and begin to manipulate them with volition and in consciousness.
It is also essential to repair the most important, the biggest, and closest to the physicality in existence, structures before we go on to do more "magical" stuff.
If there was a word that expresses the word ESSENTIAL better and you know it, please insert it here.
As it stands, we're no better than hunchbacks and elephant men and women lurching around on the various planes, with the elegance of a something that totters and stumbles blindly.
The state we're in, energetically speaking, it's a blessing we're not getting to handle the high energies and the real powerful stuff that exists because it would blow us up and send us spinning into insanity and physical illness.
People who try in spite of this non-readiness get burned big time when they attempt High Magic, even at the lowest levels thereof.
Having recognised this, I have taken the requisite step to sort some of this out before we go any further.
EMO is designed to re-align the most important parts of our energy systems, the ones the most closely aligned to physicality and manifestation and have them working better.
Its also a form of "feeding up" the astronauts before they disembark in their spacecraft – what is the point of having weak, sick, freaked out, malnourished folk trying to go out and explore the stars?
How is someone who is running on 12% or thereabouts, burdened down with all those unhealed (energetic) injuries, no channels functioning, turned inward with their own long term pain and suffering, unable to receive and process even the most basic of energies that exist all around us, exhausted after 40, 50 years of trying to live that way, going to be in any position to be brave enough to face the universe, strong enough to withstand the storms and pro-active enough to handle it all?
I got a Chinese fortune cookie on Saturday at my birthday party.
It said, "When the burdens of life get too heavy, don't pray to lighten them. Pray for a stronger back."
That illustrates the point about what EMO is in the greater scheme of things quite nicely.
Q: I have come aware of a disturbance which is outside of my physical body and I am wondering whether this energy is mine or from an external source since it was not within me physically?
A: Well in keeping with the observation that "this bird was once a mountain and will become a wave, or a tree ..." energy moves or should move in, through and out, being held in shape by matrix like structures which define what is what during an individual's development.
But apart from that, of course the energy body extends way beyond the physical skin parameters. There is all sorts going on in your wider energy body and it has all sorts of repercussions on your current state of being.
However, EMO at the beginners level focuses on verifiable physiological sensations - these are the strongest of all field disturbances and a training ground for understanding how to work in these realms, and very importantly, how to distinguish between real occurrences and illusions by practicing with the stronger occurrences first.
You described the sensation of the energetic occurrence or erea as "like a motorcycle helmet but an airy one" which is very indicative of how sensations fade when they get further away from the physical body and also, how they become very different from the sensations we are used to experiencing with the physical body (and which we are used to describing in "ordinary hard terms" which neither have the reach or flexibility to be particularly effective in describing these energetic occurrences).
There are a whole lot of thoughtfields if you will, dense ereas of energy systems that do something, generate something, are an ecology in their own right which did not originate from us at all. Now I'm not even going to go down the path of "spirit attachments" which I believe is a metaphor for the most dense and cohesive thoughtfield systems but those are an example of programmes running inside our energy bodies which did not originate from us.
We also get send all sorts of energetic packages all the time by all kinds of people (and entities for all I know) which if they get "ingested" and integrated into our energy body systems (rather than passing through and out), can cause a hell of a lot of trouble and confusion.
In your particular case it might well be that the helmet was a protective device, a shield to something. I can't really say, its always difficult working from descriptions and without having been there.
But to sum up:
Yes, of course the energy body extends way, way beyond the physical skin.
Yes, there is all sorts going on in the wider energy body which we will get to in due course and when our apprenticeship with "EMO Level 1" (the inner energy body) has been completed.
Yes, there are outside energy systems which did not originate from within us nor serve us at all and which will have to be dealt with in due course.
But if any of you should encounter problems in the wider energy field, know that all the basic tenets of energy work with EMO hold there just as well:
- Stuck energy isn't good
- Find out the "natural channels" (only there are not really channels there anymore, so its more like, find out the natural currents of the energy in question).
- allow it to take its path as it was designed to, facilitate this in any way possible.
- heal disturbances along the path if this is required to facilitate the natural movement of the energy.
There is a whole world of this stuff out there beyond the basic EMO Inner Energy Body work. I would prefer that at this time, we'd take it easy and keep working with the inner energy body.
Any work done here will help in being better balanced and more finely tuned as well as more experienced and far, far more capable when we get into the wider ereas.
Metaphors & Energy
Q: What happens when someone uses a persistent metaphor, such as a flame in the chest, and doesn't want to think of it as only energy? Can we not simply then talk about "the flame in the chest" rather than about energy?
A: It is really important to understand that EMO isn't metaphor based.
It is body based instead.
It actually isn't psychotherapy in any shape, form, type, metaphor or anything like that, it's simply bit of much needed repair work for your energy body, and that's all!
So, in EMO a "persistent metaphor" becomes JUST ENERGY and gets to "slither off without a backward glance" once permission is given.
If there's a feeling of "emptiness" after the blockage in the energy system has been uncorked then one needs to trace the channels further up to find further blockages that precluded a smooth energy flow in that area.
And that's it. That's all there is.
Please remember that you cannot move a flame, a sword, a glowing orb or any suchlike thing through the meridian/energy system - these are different systems which are essentially incompatible.
If there is a flame, then there must be a fire and with that fire comes an environment that includes oxygen. If there is a sword, then there must have been a hand wielding it at some point. Metaphor work is fine energy work on a very subtle level with its own rules and regulations; EMO is here-and-now, instantly observable and very close to the "Hard" indeed.
IF there is a great and profound need to be working at that particular level, one might deliberately and with volition switch into a metaphor session which is a totally different modality altogether, much more different in fact than say, Gestalt is to EFT.
It is really essential to understand about EMO that it's not THAT therapy where you turn a sensation or feeling into a red ball or a sword or a anything at all one can have even further emotions, thoughts and feelings about in turn, running then a relationship consultation between all the parts and transferences in question as well as working in a very different level altogether.
There are such healing and even energy field adjusting therapies, many of them very good indeed including my very own Project Sanctuary. They are very good in their own level and time but EMO isn't one of them and when you're doing metaphors, you're basically NOT doing EMO but one of those instead.
Q: How is talking about "energy" not also a metaphor?
A: Yes, of course, that's an important question.
First of all, we need to be clear about the fact that all communication, all language and all conscious thought is conducted as a metaphor.
All language is metaphor. All language forms are metaphor.
Maths is a metaphor, music is another type and when I say, "This is a cat" that's a metaphor too because I can't be having a real cat inside my brain nor get it out through my mouth - and nor can anyone get it in through their ears!
Talking about "it's only an energy" is what you could call a "re-frame" - meaning that by changing the word or metaphor, a whole lot more changes besides in an instant. That is the old, "She was a stubborn old witch" vs. "She was a strong mature woman who stood up for her beliefs." - we have the same "energetic occurrence" but when it is being described differently, the thoughts and actions that derive are different in turn.
The description of "energy" and especially "quantum state energy" opens up possibilities of time/space freedom that cannot exist conceptually when you talk about "a plank of wood".
Further, it really rather precludes being able to have feelings about it and to make judgments about it, even to have a relationship with it which is often based on the former, causing the latter.
This is a long story really, but the key is that all communication and thought by needs happen with metaphorical interfaces in our current formats of thinking and experiencing (and not necessarily by design).
There are different kinds of metaphorical interfaces for different purposes and it's often a question to pick the right one to get something done.
There is a class of metaphorical interfaces that is known to psychotherapists and such as "metaphor" because the way things (occurrences, collections of space time events, experiences etc) are being described is different from other forms of descriptions which are just as metaphorical if only you knew it - such as someone saying to you, "Good Morning." In this class of metaphorical interfaces (the one generally referred to as "metaphor"), objects are used and anthropomorphized, imbued with active thought and volitions, but retaining the identity of the object and it's limitations AND it's context in a restrained, gravity, distance and time bound experiential world I call the Hard.
This has uses but also, can lead one down the wrong garden path in a big hurry, which is one of the reasons why that class of metaphors hasn't really ever been properly described and explored, in spite of having been in use since history became recorded and probably long before that, too.
There are many, many other classes of MIs (metaphorical interfaces) and if one was to look at them (!!) as tools for a specific job, one can come to notice that some work better for some jobs than others. For some jobs, it's true, the right ones simply haven't been written yet, and others are as horrendous as the Windows Operating system which is full of bugs, misleading information, cumbersome as hell and slows down the power of any underlying hardware to a snail's crawl. Others are more functional like Linux but lack a good GUI (graphical user interface) and thus can't be used by most of the population.
End of the day, we try to describe experiences which is all we can have or know, in some way. Conceptualising "Quantum Energy" as a metaphor of flow and related to water is not bad as it opens up whole new realms of possibility which just weren't there before, including instant change and non-judgemental, systemic repair.
And so, what I'd suggest you say when someone asks, "But isn't energy a metaphor too?" is,
"Sure. Just happens to be a much more useful metaphor."
Q: Does EMO have 'aspects' similar to EFT?
A: Yes, EMO has "aspects" the same as EFT. It happens that when you test the same (statement, memory, thought, topic, etc) a different sensation turns up or it's noted in two or more distinct locations from the start.
The nice thing about EMO is that the aspects (or connected issues) reveal themselves nicely in the correct order and sequence quite naturally so you just clear them up as well.
When you start with two (or more) body locations just ask which one is the most noticeable or the most painful and that is always the one to start with. Sometimes they all go like domino stones even though they are seemingly unconnected after the first or most important one has been resolved. Sometimes they are just separate and you can do them (and any aspects THEY might have) then in the order they turn up.
What I've also noticed a lot again is the fact that sometimes a single channel has numerous knots in it. For example, the energy starts in the stomach, gets blocked in the solar plexus, moves happily up, then gets blocked in the throat, up into the head, gets blocked on the top of the head and only then it's all smooth flowing.
Also, and I thought this was way weird because I've never witnessed it, was an experience where someone cried floods out of their left eye whilst the right remained entirely dry and normal following some work that was very much stuck on the left side of their head. Fascinating to watch, it must be said, even though somewhat disturbing!
Q: Can you combine EFT and EMO?
A: Oh yes – they work perfectly together and you can use both systems seamlessly within a single session. For example if someone is working with EMO and the energy gets stuck, a few taps can help loosen the system enough for the energy to just slide away. Alternatively, if you are working with EFT and the SUDs are not coming down sufficiently, you can switch to EMO at any time to rescue the session. This is particularly useful when there is a lot of conscious resistance to solving the problem (conscious contortions). You can also use the EMO system of locating a body sensation, the using EFT on that body sensation – “Even though I have this barrier in my forehead, I deeply ... etc”.
The reversal corrections of EFT are also useful sometimes in EMO; and EFT is further a good option for clients who find EMO way too spooky.
I consider a full knowledge of both systems essential for a modern energy healer; and for anyone seriously involved in personal healing/development to be able to use both is a must in my opinion.
Q: Does EMO work at the same level as EFT?
A: That is an interesting question. EFT is essentially meridian based and works with the meridian system. There is of course a great deal more to the energy system than just meridians and it is indeed my assumption that some disturbances in the meridian system are actually symptoms of disturbances on other levels of the energy body rather than being the cause.
It has been noted by ETPs that if you raise a certain topic with EMO that it does not always responds to EFT for resolution; and I believe that is so because the topic and the disturbances are not meridian based.
On the other hand, people who know about meridians often find to their delight that sometimes, EMO sessions show the flow in a meridian on a particular topic more or less exactly as the Yellow Emperor said it would – the energy takes a path as described by an entirely meridian-unaware person “off the street” that is just like in the diagrams.
The nice thing about all of this is that although it is fascinating to muse upon such things, it is entirely immaterial in the context of healing the energy body and restoring the Even Flow – we simply don’t need to know what energy level is producing these “pain calls” via the physiological system of emotions and sensations in order to get the job done.
In the meantime, the more we do it, the more we learn and the more information and experience we have; in the end, I am sure we will end up with a pretty good, workable AND testable new model of the many layers of the human energy system – even though we actually don’t need this at all.
Q: What is the essential differences between EFT & EMO?
A: EFT and TFT derived techniques have in common that they work best when target very specifically (low chunked) at a single memory/disturbance.
The MET community of developers have tried their best to get around this which becomes a severe limitation when people start trying to work on transformational life pattern stuff and complex systems such as addictions instead of wanting to remove a single phobia, one-event PTSD etc.
One way of doing this is making more and more complex protocols (with huge lists of PR reversals, grids, matrices and so forth).
Another way is going right around this limitation of the TFT based tapping techniques and do something like BSFF and EMO and work differently with the energy system altogether.
The Slow EFT protocol (and Willem Lammers Consecutive Points Protocol which is the TFT version of that same thing) tries to address this and it works reasonably well for things that have so many aspects you might as well tap until the sun has died (esp. high end nominalisations such as mother, money, "I", etc) (the SLOW EFT protocol can be found in the Advanced Patterns Of EFT)
There is also another and much bigger problem, namely that in order to tap on anything you have to be consciously aware that it's there. The real big stuff is either physiologically stored or well repressed and doesn't present itself in consciousness at all, and therefore cannot be tapped on, of course.
Seems to me that there are three types of personal development.
One is symptom removal and that's well catered for with the end result being that one is able to lead one's EXISTING life EXACTLY but with some efficiency improvements in the every day running of what there is already.
Second type is life change stuff such as putting some sort of right angle into the current timeline - getting divorced, leaving the country, different job, giving up cocaine and the lifestyle derived therefrom. Long term use of METs does seem to bring that one on, but rather slowly, chaotically and weirdly, with much pain and trauma in the interim (and I'm not sure if that isn't feedback on it not quite working as it should).
Last type of change is what I would call re-birth. That's a whole new incarnation in this life, different person altogether. It's the hardest one to do but the one with the most promises, as in re-birth ALL the old "till death do us part" decisions are rescinded in an instant and one would really be able to start afresh (religions try to go for that but don't usually get it right). That is of course the ball park in which EMO plays, by design because that is what I want for myself and those I love.
The most users and the users who will pay the most are in Group One, naturally, and thus EFT and other lower chunked techniques suit them to the ground. There is some merit in working out what one's aims actually are in personal development, that helps with the choice of possible techniques applied.
Physical Pain & Disease
Q: Can EMO be used for physical pain and/or disease?
A: I expressly forbid my practitioners and trainers to offer any form of physical healing via EMO. Indeed, it goes as far as making them all sign a document that states should I ever get to hear they did offer EMO for pain relief or to cure any form of physical problem at all they will be immediately disbarred.
The reason for this is as follows and best illustrated by the following story.
Last night I was talking to a "cynic" who really attacked EMO in every which way without knowing anything about it, making many accusations based on their unfortunate personal experiences with the older, less effective types of healing.
The whole deal of treating physical illness and being a charlatan for promising cures to the desperate came up yet again and I gave my usual speech at that point:
"EMO is called EMO-trance because we ONLY deal with EMOTIONAL ENERGIES.
We don't deal with anything else.
That's what it's for. To TRANCEFORM EMOTIONAL ENERGIES and restore our energy body by doing that.
So when some comes along and they are dying of AIDs, say, we ask about their emotions - are they afraid to die? angry at the person who gave it to them? distraught because they will never grow old, never have children, never have a full life? terrified of the processes of pain and decomposition that are said to occur?
We can treat THAT. We can help them with THAT.
Do you think that would be valuable to them?"
And the cynic just crumbled and said, "Yes, it would. It would help them immeasurably - why, it might even slow the process of disease itself because they feel better, stronger inside."
At which point I said with a very evil smile, "Well but that's not the point now, is it. Because we don't deal with the disease. Or the person's physical health. Only - ONLY! - with their emotions and with their energy bodies."
They went away deep in thought and I thought, how useful it is this to have it set up like that. It makes EMO bombproof to any form of accusation of snake oiling, bottom feeding and charlatanism and indeed, allows the ETPs to go where many other holistic healers fear to tread. EMO deals with restoring the energy body via the feedback devices of feelings and sensations.
What you do in the privacy of your own home with thoughts such as, "Hm, that pain in my ankle might just be only an energy - where does that want to go?" or, “Where do I feel this diabetes in my body?” is, of course, none of my business.
Distance Healing, Proxy Healing
Q: Can EMO be used for distance healing?
A: Yes, certainly. The form to use is the basic and very simple EMO Proxy protocol, which is a simple shamanic move of becoming the other and asking, “Where do I feel their problem in my body?” and then to move the energy as usual.
Another variant is to imagine the person in a “dreamtime space” and to conduct a normal EMO session with them there by asking as normal, “Where do you feel this problem in your body? Show me with your hands.” This being a dreamtime space, you might be able to actually see the energy disturbances directly there and do some extremely effective work.
You can also treat animals with the proxy protocol. For example, someone who might have a nervous cat might think/say to themselves, “Where do I feel my cat’s problem in my body?” and trance it as normal.
Other energetic entities, such as businesses, rivers, landscapes, houses etc. may be dealt with similarly as do past selves, people who may already be dead and even ghosts.
If you find these notions disturbing, simply ignore this more esoteric aspect and know that if you are doing an EMO session and you are feeling something and then you restore Even Flow, you are always doing your own energy body a big favour and leave it at that.
Q: Can EMO session be conducted successfully over the telephone?
A: Oh yes indeed – it was invented on the telephone in the first place and was refined in over a hundred telephone sessions before it was ever done for the first time interactively with client and EMO-P being in the same room together.
As the EMO-P is constantly asking for feedback, and with the additional feedback of the client’s (or practice partners, friends) tonality, breathing patterns, rate of speech etc. it work very well indeed at the distance.
EMO being quantum based, it make technically no difference whether the EMO-P is right next to the client or 5,000 miles away – if it does make much of a difference then it is likely that this would be based on limiting beliefs by one or the other (which may be tranced away before the actual session for the presenting problems even begins).
The EMO-P can help the client with intention and the ghosthands come in handy for telephone work too.
Explaining EMO
Q: How do you explain the basic EMO technique to someone who has never done something like that (energy moving) before?
A: Here is a short sample version of what I might say to such a person:
Everyone has feelings all the time.
Feelings are not a problem, they just come and go in an instant – in one ear and out the other – or at least, that’s how it should be in a perfect world.
Feelings become a problem when they get stuck somewhere and can’t move along and out as they should. Then you have the original feeling, and the next and the next all piling on top of one another and increasing the pressure until you get physical pain in that area. If the pressure gets too bad, people have panic attacks or throw a fit or start screaming and crying, they have to do something to release the energy build up but that’s a desperate measure.
What we are going to do is to open up the pressure valves and let the feelings flow through and out as they should, and when we do that, you will notice that the physical sensations tell you clearly how much better you feel and how right it is to be doing this.
In your body are channels for this energy to run through and out. Some of these channels haven’t been used in a very long time, but they are there and when we find them, the energy can flow through and just leave your body – sometimes through the skin, sometimes through your hands and feet, sometimes it comes out of your mouth, it’s different for everyone.
We will find the pathways for the energy and release the block that causes the pain.
You work from the inside and I help from the outside and between us, we will be able to free up that part of your body so you can feel these things and they won’t hurt anymore as they flow through and out as they should.
Q: When do I need to consult an EMO-P?
A: When you are stuck by yourself and have tried everything you know and would like someone experienced to help you get back into the flow; when you have “issues” that frighten you to approach by yourself; when you have the strange feeling that there is “something you are not thinking of” but that, if discovered and treated, would help an awful lot; when you would like an unbiased second opinion, and when you want to learn more about what you can do with EMO and would like someone you can ask personal questions of.
Q: How do I get to be an EMO practitioner? Are there any qualifications I need?
A: You get to be a licensed EMO practitioner by successfully completing a training with a licensed EMO trainer. You can find these listed on ()
This is a two day training and you do not need any qualifications to attend other than a true desire to learn how to give and receive healing of the energy system with this unique modality.
However, a certification in EMO does not give you permission to practice therapy – you will need to check with your local legislation as to what you need in the way of insurances, licenses and education in order to be practicing legally and safely.
In general, EMO practitioner trainings are taken by those who are already practicing as counsellors, coaches, therapists, psychologists etc. and who wish to add EMO to their toolbox of techniques.
Q: I really enjoyed this book and find the ideas exciting and fascinating – what should I do next?
A: I can’t recommend it highly enough – get together with some friends and play! Try it out on every form of emotion and sensation that comes your way; on thoughts and memories that hurt you, and on the other hand, start “taking in” some energy forms you might not have tried before.
Learn with friends and with practice partners about yourselves, how your energy systems work, what you let in and what you need much more of, where your shields are – in other words, please USE the system.
I have made it as easy as possible and I don’t think a day could go by where you would not find some new uses for the basic technique of saying “Yes!” to the Oceans of Energy, and in doing so, saying “Yes!” to life.