Addendum 4 - EMO Session Stories
These session stories are contributed by ETPs who are daily using EMO in a healing setting with their clients as examples for you of what it is like to be in a session – both as a client as well as a healer.
EMO is used by practitioners and healers from many different modalities because it is so easy and flexible. Even in the most rigorously supervised "psychotherapy" style settings, it sounds not very different from some form of talking therapy or metaphor treatment; there are no strange holistic tools, no wording which might give away that we are doing nothing but pure energy healing here instead of standard psychology!
EMO combines beautifully with all other forms of Meridian & Energy Therapies (EFT, TFT, TAT, BSFF etc) and can slide in and out of physical treatments such as massage and acupuncture with absolute ease and even without the clients being any the wiser as to what the EMO-P might have been doing.
When combined with Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Touch, faith healing, laying on of hands, EMO becomes truly magical and especially if the practitioner has truly accepted that "I am a healer", you can expect to see truly outstanding results.
EMO also lends itself perfectly to the more "cerebral" or "logical" approaches to changework such as coaching and NLP, fitting seamlessly into the paradigm, the treatment forms and the techniques whilst supercharging their effectiveness simply by removing blocks and shields to have those techniques really work as their originator intended.
The same of course applies to the more esoteric schools of healing, of magic, of shamanic work; being structural and so very basic, EMO has never an issue with the techniques being used, with the mindsets being used, and even Catholic priests can use it to help their clients, just as well as a Reiki practitioner or a Reflexologist might.
EMO really does fit in with everything but there is one modality that sparkles more than most when the "fairy dust" of EMO has been added, namely all forms of hypnotherapy. With a practitioner who has an experiential understanding of trance states and no fear of working in those different layers and levels, truly profound changes can be had that literally change lives.
But enough of the introductions; here is a short selection of "real life" session stories from EMO practitioners and their clients for us to consider, to learn from and to enjoy.
Fibromyalgia And Old Emotions
Contributed by Kath Baker, EMO-P
This client is in her 40s and was suffering with Fibromyalgia.
During the consultation she told me her grandfather to whom she was very close to died when she was 10.
At the age of 11 she was experiencing lightening pain in her wrists, had many inexplicable pains later and various operations. She always had a bad back, was allergic to tea (used to drink 40 cups a day, but had cut down to 20). For the last 6 years was unable to work due to the fatigue, headaches, and pain. Although she knew tea upset her she was unable to cut down any more.
When we talked about granddad she told me she missed him a lot but she did not cry when he died. I knew she used to sit on granddads lap to be very close to him and they used to drink tea together. I felt that this loss was contributing to her illness in some way. I used the EMO process during the reflexology treatment whilst she was getting in touch with the feeling of how much she missed him.
As the energy moved through her body it was at times intense, and exactly the same as that experienced during a fibromyalgia attack. She was able to describe clearly the routes it was travelling and these mirrored specific meridian pathways exactly. After two such sessions she was experiencing hardly any pain, when a stress occurred she was able to go and lie down and soften the energy and allow it to leave, massively reducing the duration of an attack.
After her second treatment she experienced such a rush of energy she was awake most of the night! She felt this was her cue to try to cut down on tea. I gave her dietary advice to eat as unprocessed a diet as possible , no wheat and dairy and plenty of water. She also began taking a whole food product consisting of dried fruit and vegetable juices in capsule form to supplement her diet and aid detoxification. She dealt with her cravings for the tea and the accompanying headache when she tried to remove the last cup easily. After just three sessions her doctor and her physiotherapist were amazed, she has gone into remission after 6 very painful years.
The bonus of working this way I think she would say was how it really showed her how emotions were affecting her physicality. We continue to use EMO during reflexology sessions for all stressful situations In total this lady has received 7 sessions and is now doing a part time job, hardly any pain. The pain in her back is now gone also.
Kath Baker, EMO-P - Hayling Island, PO11 9SN, United Kingdom
Low Self Esteem
Contributed by Jeanette Pettiford, MA, PhD, EFT, EMO-P
A young lady presented with low self-esteem as her main problem that was affecting all areas of her life and her current love relationship. She stated the low self-esteem came from childhood abuse.
We started with the usual listening and validating and some pre-explanation of what EMO does. Once the client understood and was willing to proceed I asked her to tell me more about her low self esteem until she was tuned into it at which point I asked her where she felt that issue in her body as she thought about it.
From there we followed the basic EMO protocol, which worked very well and seemed to make time fly for us both (an hour felt like 15 minutes.) The energy in her body softened and moved to various places and then the client had a strong urge to exhale. I told her that was a good exit point and she continued exhaling very long, even out breathes that seemed to make her feel lighter with each one. She said she could feel it leaving her body. I supported her to continue until she felt it was all out. She breathed for a long time, over and over, out it came. The majority of the session was basically her exhaling.
When she felt she was done, I challenged her with her presenting issue and told her she would always have low self esteem because of her abuse.
She responded with a completely calm, serene voice and stated that that simply wasn't true about her any longer. She needed no further explanation and neither did I because it was so true and matter of fact. She stated it clearly as fact and then kept saying how amazing this was. She repeated a few times "that was amazing!" that got me feeling very good about EMO all over again and it struck me how amazing it was for energy that was stuck for years to come out and the issue be altered for the better as a result. We both agreed if everyone knew EMO there would probably be no wars.
This session was different than many others I've had in that there wasn't a lot of visuals or needing to check in and keep reminding them to soften and move, etc. once it moved it did and kept moving out through the breath the whole time and she just surrendered to it and kept breathing until she felt done.
I followed up a week later and she said she still felt the low self-esteem was gone, she was practicing EMO on herself and sounded very calm and that she really didn't have anything to report other than she had a great week and was feeling fine. She expressed her desire for a session in the future on an entirely different matter.
Birth Issues
In contrast I had a recent session with someone who had an issue since birth since she was born a preemie and then "given away" and that the resulting feelings about it permeated her entire life and threatened to end her love relationship which she did not want to happen.
With this case, I jotted down all the words she used in describing her issue and then went ahead with the EMO protocol. Her energy softened and moved but each time it did a new aspect or visual or metaphor came up that she felt the need to speak on. Each time she did I listened and then asked her where she felt that in her body and went into the EMO protocol. This continued on for several rounds of EMO protocol and then her responses about more aspects coming up.
She was very honest about how she was doing and what she was unwilling to do - (which is very important feedback for the practitioner and shows the importance of safety to be honest session. Giving an accepting, supportive presence, and being interactive with the client, is supporting their empowerment to take care of themselves.) The client mainly did not want to cry in someone else's presence. I said tears could be a good exit point but since that made her uncomfortable I said to soften the energy around her eyes, brush away the energy of the tears and support it to move, which it did and she did not have to cry it out.
Her energy continued to move, we utilized ghost hands and it seemed it would never end. I'd challenge her on one thing and another aspect of it would come up, I'd ask her where she felt that in her body and so on. This session ran over time, but I felt she was moving exactly what she needed to move.
An interesting thing about this one was that as her energy was moving out she didn't want it to be "wasted" and just fall out onto the floor or into space. She felt it was her love energy leaving and not having any place to go or be received. I went with that by asking her where did she want to send her love and she replied that she wanted to send love energy to orphanages and I said how I'm sure they'd love to receive her special love, so for a long time she sent this energy out. That really made her feel a lot better.
When this part was done she sort of got into her head and her practical concern of not knowing where to look for a job, that she wanted to work in an orphanage but still felt her love wouldn't be received anywhere and this caused her a distressful feeling. Where do you feel that in your body I asked? And so we moved that. After some time I challenged her on that one by saying that no matter how hard she looked she would not be able to find anyplace that would receive her love and her response what a resounding "F*** you" and anger, I didn't skip a beat as I asked her where she felt that in her body and that was a hard, deep energy that needed to soften which took some time and then proceeded to move out. There was relief with that round. The anger was gone and she felt it was possible that there were lots of orphaned kids out there would love to receive her love.
I felt this was good progress and a good stopping point.
Again, at the end of the session I hear the client say, "that was amazing." It gets me excited about doing EMO with people.
Upon follow-up a week later, the client reported feeling good and still practicing EMO on herself here and there and a desire for another session on her relationship in the future.
PTSD From A Car Accident
Another session that went well had an unexpected outcome. I used EMO on a person's PTSD symptoms, which had returned upon being involved in a car accident. Her original PTSD was from years back being in a major earthquake. The session went well, we went with her feelings and symptoms and where she felt them in her body, softened them and supported them to move and at the end of the session she felt not only were they all gone but the pain in her neck and shoulder from whip-lash were also gone (which we didn't even address or focus on or intend to move at all.)
Upon a follow-up e-mail she said she felt much better but had some "residual", I responded by reminding her to ask herself where she felt that in her body…soften…move…support it to find it's exit point. That was like a 'light bulb' going on for her as she realized that whatever she felt anything she could tune in and could use this simple technique. She requested future sessions for her and for the other person who was in the car accident with her, which we are in the process of setting up.
As with everyone I tell them I have homework for them: 1. I tell them to drink lots of water as water helps conduct energy 2. I tell them to get some rest and give themselves some time for their energy to "settle", 3. I tell them to keep practicing EMO on themselves when anything came up by getting in the habit of asking themselves where they feel it in their body and 4. To call me a week later at a set time for a free follow-up.
These session stories were brought to you by (Jnet) Jeanette Pettiford, MA, PhD, EFT, EMO, who can be contacted by phone in the United States at (619) 507-5152 or via e-mail at
Contributed by Tina Cooper, EMO-P
By the time 'Johnny' asked for help, he had been unhappy most of his life, but his unhappiness had now turned to despair following the breakdown of his third marriage. Friends had beseeched him to get help, as his slide down the slippery slope of depression was gathering pace. He was already receiving counselling through his GP, but this was about to come to an end as the practice would only fund a short course of treatment, which given the continuing problems, was not proving to be too successful anyway.
Johnny believed his problems originated from the abandonment he had experienced when his mother and father had left Johnny and his sister Carol with their grandparents whilst they moved several hundreds of miles away and started a business.
As soon as the EMO process began, it was clear Johnny had constructed a very effective shield. The counselling had given him the idea that he should feel bad about his parents leaving, but he actually felt very little. When questioned, the only sensation he felt regarding this major incident in his life was a slight pressure in his chest. We ET'ed this away, (like fog lifting and being blown away) which proved to be a great introduction to the EMO process, but it was clear that Johnny would need to do some work on his shield if he wanted to progress any further.
Using word triggers, ("Your mother left because she didn't want you"; "You were a disappointment to your parents - it's no wonder they didn't want to take you with them"; "You were useless so why would they want you around?" all of which had come from Johnny himself), we worked at slowly allowing some of this energy inside the shield.
Firstly Johnny used a very fine needle to inject just a few 'drops'. The result of this was a vague bubbling feeling all over his stomach area. He gathered this together into the one place and allowed it to raise, much like the bubble in a bottle of soda, until it left via his mouth. A little belch confirmed its departure.
We repeated the process, this time using a larger syringe. The sensation was stronger this time, and concentrated around his left side. Johnny described it as akin to having trapped wind.
He wanted it to depart in the same way as the bubbles, so it took the same route, up and out. I had asked him to track its progress with his hands, and he was pleasantly surprised at how his hands seemed to move of their own free will.
I think he was probably convinced I was the one who needed help when we begun, but EMO was working its magic and Johnny was becoming more reassured that he could cope. What he had believed would be an overwhelming experience was proving to be no more stressful that a spot of daydreaming.
Buoyed up by his success so far, Johnny decided to 'open a window' on this shield - just the fanlight to start, but enough to cause a stabbing sensation just below his heart. I reminded him it was only energy, and that he had the skills to shift it. This he did, quickly and effectively by softening and moving the energy out through the top of his head.
The smiles should have given me a clue, but I asked him how he was feeling just to be on the safe side. Giggles were all I got in response. It had been such a long time since he'd felt so good he simply couldn't help himself. The rest of the shield was deconstructed in a similar way - opening the small window first, then the large one, until the energy was literally blowing through Johnny like a spring breeze into a stuffy room.
Now Johnny was actually feeling, over several sessions we were able to do a lot of work on the issues surrounding his parents' departure, all of which was very effective. The biggest success however, came when I suggested he telephone his dad and tell him he loves him. A previously stony, cold person unable to connect to the hurt he had carried with him all his life, became animated with so many sensations it was akin to watching a sack of snakes wriggling for freedom. Johnny had energy moving up and out of the top of his head, down each leg, flicking from the ends of his fingers, spewing out of his mouth. He had become very adept at the EMO process and moved very quickly to shift whatever presented itself.
But did he meet the challenge? With a laugh he reached for his mobile and dialled!
Tina Cooper, EMO-P. 49 Southwell Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0RW, Tel. 01502 518913 - Email -
A Poor Relationship With Father
Contributed by Regan Duggan MH.CT, EMO-P
I would like to tell a story of a lady who had mentioned several times about the very poor relationship with her father. She started on about the years of mistrust, emotional and physical abuse to herself and family, for a while I made the age old mistake of trying to reason with someone who had a preconceived idea, this went on quite some time until eventually I conveyed the notion that there was no point hearing the same scratched record over and over and no desire at all to change it.
"There's no way you'll ever change the way I feel about my father,” she me told me.
This lady had never been able to sit still for 5 minutes, couldn't watch a film, never had a decent nights sleep, was always on edge nearly all the time.
She believed that this stemmed from her father always telling her she was useless, would never achieve anything.
We started to do EFT on various issues such as I hate my father, he makes me sick, I can't stand him near me. Things were moving gradually when I suggested how would she feel if her dad came in the room right now, sat on the arm of the chair and reached over to touched her – immediately, she pinned herself to the back of the chair and an expression of total fear and shock came over her.
Right now it was time for EMO!
"Where do you feel it." I asked.
"In my stomach, I feel sick."
I followed the standard process then as you should be aware of by now, and in the space of about a minute it had found its way out down to the feet and the feelings were gone. Her words were, “How the f*** did you do that!!”
I said, "I never- you did!"
When I heard from her again some time later, she told me that about a week after the session her father unexpectedly came into a pub she was at. She said, "There was absolutely no reaction at all, no feelings of anger or rage, just a ‘Oh, that's my dad there’ – I was totally calm.”
She also told me that she now sleep like a log a night and can sit down and watch films all the way through.
In summary she has taken back a huge amount of power, which she had willingly given to her father, this in turn has allowed her to live her life as she sees fit.
Contributed byRegan Duggan MH.CT EMO-P
Anxious About Being Too Far From Home
Contributed by Gunnar Moritsen
I work with Hypnosis, Regression and Healing, but I have also been in UK two times, year 2000 and 2002, to learn EFT.
When I got a mail about EMO something said to me "this I for you", but I didn't knew why?
I have had a block about EFT, because it seemed too "easy" to get results.
In November 2002 I was in UK and learned EMO and one of the first work we did, was to clear my limitation to speak English and my "easy" limitation about EFT, and I stood in the room, I didn't knew what to say, my blocks were gone, so now I asked a lot in English and I also tapped EFT on another person!
At home in Denmark I have worked a lot with a client, he was anxious to be alone home, so his wife had always a phone with her so they could be connected. He was also unable to walk more than about 100 meters from his front door.
Now he feels safe at home, and he is also walking a longer distance, but his walking area is still only about 3 kilometres around his home.
Sitting at home I asked him to visualise he was walking to a shop he had mentioned (before last week, he had not been so far away for 26 years) and where he now was still safe. I said to him, "please walk longer down the street and tell me if you get an emotion". The emotion was some anxiety, "where in your body is this anxiety?" - "in my legs". I said "It is only energy so please focus on it and let it out".
A little later he said "I can’t feel it any longer, it has gone".
"That's fine", I said "take on your coat and lets walk". We walked to the place he had visualised, walked a longer distance until a new aspect came up.
He was very satisfied so he didn't want to make more work this day, but he is now working alone and has mailed me, his walking distant has been even longer.
Severe Depression
I have also worked with a lady who has a very bad depression and the tablets don't help any longer, so she had received electric shock treatment several times.
We have had good results with Hypnosis/Regression, but the problem has not gone.
At the end of the last session I saw, she had some emotions when we talked, and I hadn't told anything her about EMO, but I said "Where do you feel this emotion?" - "In my stomach". We did EMO and she said by herself, very confused "What has you done to me? I don't feel anything in my stomach".
It is only energy.
Contributed by Gunnar Moritsen, Gronlokke 5, 4622 Havdrup, Denmark 4618 6029 - -
A Wonderful Person ...?
Contributed by Ananga Sivyer, Dip Kin, CTAMT, EMO-P
Graham took to using EMO easily for processing incoming negative statements, but was reluctant to use it when someone told him they thought he was a “wonderful person”.
He winced and shifted in his seat and said that the statement made him feel very uncomfortable. When asked where in his body he felt that discomfort he said it was in his chest and felt hard and heavy.
He put his hands over the area as suggested and began softening the sensation by rubbing his hands around it in circular movements.
After a while he said it felt like something was moving down into his stomach but he didn’t want to move it any further. He wanted to hold onto it and keep it there and not let it go.
We talked for a while about what might happen to a river that held on to its water with no sense of flow and movement and Graham readily volunteered that it would soon stagnate. He decided to hold the feeling in his stomach for a few moments more before moving the feeling through and out of his body as an experiment. When he felt ready he moved the feeling on. I repeated the statement to him again and watched as he breathed it in, put his hands briefly on his chest, then moved them down to his stomach, and noted that as he did so a trace of a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth as he moved the energy on and out of his body.
Again I offered the statement, by now he was smiling broadly and put his head to one side as if listening as he moved the energy through more quickly this time.
Then he opened his eyes and said, with a big grin, “Say it again”!
Contributed by Ananga Sivyer, Dip Kin, CTAMT, EMO-P –
Changing A Life Pattern
Contributed by Sandra Hillawi
This is a case of using EMO which was quite amazing. It is detailed, but I thought it might be useful to relate because of how we started and what the outcome was.
The client came in having a "sense" of some big issue coming up that she did not know quite how to deal with, nor even what it was (gulp! I thought!) and she proceeded to talk about her relationship and how she observed a pattern of her partner becoming aggressive and how she was blocking that energy and him getting worse as a result.
She related childhood patterns of her not being important or worthwhile when she had an opinion to express and was repressed then as she is in her relationship now, although wanting to change these patterns but being unable to do so.
We started with visualising the aggressive energy coming in from her partner. She felt it in her throat but also sensed a barrier outside in front of her face. We started to clear the energy in the throat and came back to the barrier which she would not even open a bit due to fear, which she felt in her stomach.
We went to the stomach to find a great pile of old dark energy, black coals which needed burning, energy never been moved before. The energy could only move so far up the body and was blocked. She then felt aware of another area, a treasure chest, never been opened. We opened it and what started to unravel was a network of channels which became her "tree of life" but outside of her body. She had to accept this whole tree into her body for all her energy pathways to be fully present. Then this sapling (her inner strength, herself, identity) had to be supported with stakes & wires (being so new, never having been there before). I asked her to run time faster so the tree got stronger, which it did, and only then could all the old blocked energy dark coals (original fear) fully flow out of her body. We also ran time faster then too, as the coals were taking ages to burn! During this whole process the client was burping continuously!
We finished with some cleansing & refreshing water energy and tested the original response to the incoming energy of her husband.
Her response was interesting. She said, she no longer needed to heal pains, as she now had inner strength & support that she'd never ever had before and that she could now relate differently with her partner and the world around her. It was like she'd found herself.
I have gone into this much detail to illustrate the point of the potential of this work, in this case, changing a life pattern! Amazing. And also to illustrate and re-emphasise, probably more to myself, to just trust the process and work with the person where they are at in their energy system.
Another case today, came in for EFT for her guilt she was feeling since leaving her boyfriend last year. She was now in new relationship, pregnant but the guilt was causing her depression and beginning to effect eating patterns. I thought I would try EMO instead. It took all of 10 minutes to clear it all up completely using the standard approach, clearing energy in the stomach, behind the eyes and back in the stomach again. I was amazed yet again.
Weight, Insecurity, Age Issues
The client is a singer and model, age 27. She has great insecurity issues about her age, about whether she'll make it in music since she is getting older and because she is so insecure she cannot go away from home and leave her partner to do recording work.
She also wants to lose weight and sees her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) as stopping her and her sugar & chocolate cravings. Her passion is music but she's frustrated and trapped by her issues about age and insecurity and so cannot see herself ever being fulfilled. She has been feeling this way for years and had been to all kinds of therapists for help.
We started on the belief that she's past it in music at 26, using EFT, which then opened up to her having a few more years and now feeling more relaxed about it, and we did the rest with EMO.
We looked at how she feels about her age, her insecurity about other beautiful younger singers, her insecurity about working away, her insecurity about her weight. I then paid her a compliment (she's stunning) and she received it, which amazed her as at her last visit she batted it right back to me. I checked her confidence levels, they'd gone up to 9 1/2, the last bit being due to her wanting to lose 1/2 stone. We then looked at what is stopping her from losing the 1/2 stone - her IBS and her chocolate & sugar cravings.
Interestingly, she'd felt a whole block of energy in her abdomen regarding her IBS from under her chest to the pelvis - we cleared this up with EMO. Also, having reduced her actual sugar craving that day with EFT to 0, she still had a sense that she had a craving in general and that it was only 0 for today and it could still be a problem. After clearing the energy attached to that thought she said now chocolate & sweets just seemed to her like any other food and did not have any hold over her now and she was confident she could eat sensibly and lose the excess.
I was just amazed at how much we got through and how quickly she cleared all this up. It was so fast and she was totally clear on all the issues as we tested and tested afterwards to check.
Experiences From A Training Weekend
One student who had learned EMO previously always wondered whether she was imagining the energy flowing and was not sure if she really could feel anything. When we did the shields exercise she had some BIG shields! On allowing the energy in bit by bit (and there was big fear to clear in the abdomen before we could start with the shield), she got to a point where she felt comfortable to drop the rest of the shield and let the remaining energy in ...... well the last bit of energy came rushing in and she literally jumped backwards 2 feet with the impact of it, and laughed in amazement! I think she's now a believer!
Another student decided to tackle the shield she had against her mother, who always used to grab her face and kiss her on the lips, right up to when she died, which made the student cringe and want to pull away! Although she had a good relationship with her father, she never had a loving relationship with her mother, who she felt was always wanting to drain her own energy.
Anyway, she was the volunteer for the shields demonstration. It was a big issue for her, which incidentally she processed in no more that 10 minutes, but it was so moving and beautiful. She said afterwards that she now felt love for her Mother which she never had felt before. It was interesting to observe that her whole demeanour had changed afterwards. She became so much more gentle, so beautiful and the absolute embodiment of love. It was amazing. She said it was the most important 10 minutes she had ever spent working on herself yet!
Contributed by Sandra Hillawi MH,CT,MT,EMO-P, Passion for Health Centre for Natural Healing, 96 Sydney Road, Gosport, PO12 1PL. Tel: 023 92 433928 - Email: - Website:
Panic Attacks & Pain In The Heart
I was working with a client who suffered from panic attacks and who had booked in for an EFT session.
Even beginning to talk about the problem caused the young lady to become very upset as she was thinking of a major core issue; she was crying hard and nearly abreacting, she was suffering massively.
I asked her to tell me where the 'failure' lived in her body and she told me it hurt in her heart; she put her hand over it and was crying quite loudly. I suggested for her to start softening it and it began to move. The more it moved, the calmer she became until she told me the 'failure' wanted to come out of her little finger.
I almost started to cry myself because, as you may or may not know, the little finger is where the heart meridian point sits and at just about the top joint it got a bit stuck.
So I reached over, tapped on the point and – out it shot!
The client was absolutely amazed, feeling much better than she had for a long time and I – felt almost evangelical after that, I must admit.
Gaura Dasi, APAMT, EMO-P. Chandra PDS, Kent, United Kingdom.
Fear Of Criticism
Contributed by Susan Courtney BA, CTAMT, EMO-P
This client was a 27 year old lady with serious self confidence problems and in particular, an inability to deal with criticism and a severe fear of criticism.
I explained EMO to her and she was willing to try it.
When the idea of being possibly criticised came up, she immediately described a tightness in the center of her chest that was very painful to her. This energy began to soften slowly and then move downwards. She followed the movement with her hands down towards the root chakra area and I noticed that a small smile began that became bigger and bigger the lower her hands went. Then the energy found its exit and she had this great big smile on her face and was eager to do it again because it felt so good.
We talked about the experience and she said that she felt completely different about being criticised now. She laughed and wondered if it would feel this good, certainly not something to be so afraid of any longer.
During our conversation I mentioned the idea of taking energy into yourself and she was eager to try this. There was a glass of water on the table. I was observing; as she put her hands around the glass and began to draw this energy into herself, I had a strong sensation of water splashing – I felt as though I was standing right next to a waterfall! We both said, “Wow!” and sat grinning at each other, that is the energised end state, when words simply fail.
This lady has become a dedicated fan of EMO and has used it by herself on lots of issues since then, including treating herself for hunger pangs as she has had weight issues in the past; she is no longer so afraid of criticism and treats herself with EMO if any old thoughts of failure or rejection occur to her.
Contributed by: Susan Courtney, B.A., CTAMT, EMO-P. London/Tonbrigde, Kent, United Kingdom.
Understanding Shame In A New Way
Contributed by James Stanbridge
This client was a young lady who had been the victim of a multiple rape approx. 3 years ago. Since then, she suffered from severe anxiety attacks, paranoia, suicidal thoughts and sleep disturbances.
She had never visited with the same psychologist/counsellor/support group for more than a maximum of four sessions as she felt they did not understand her and did not care enough to try and understand how difficult things were for her.
She told me that in these groups and with the other psychologists she constantly felt pressured to do all these things, admit to all these things and this was all wrong. So I asked her where she felt the wrongness in her body and with surprise, she indicated her forehead. I explained EMO a little and she was perfectly happy to let the “thick, nasty, slimy” energy soften and flow down her face, down the front of her body and out. She told me she felt much better after that and was surprised; then she made a quite off handed comment about shame. I picked it up and said that often people who had been attacked felt ashamed; to my surprise, she did not respond at all negatively to that suggestions but simply stated that she was extremely ashamed of “the mess they had made out of that girl” back then and that it was “the mess” who was ashamed of herself and now presented such a problem to her current self.
It was natural to ask her to look at “the mess” and to enquire where she felt the sensations in her body as she looked at “the mess”. There was a shield in the way but once again I was surprised how the young lady immediately and eagerly worked at resolving this. It seemed natural and easy to her. When the shield between her current self and “the mess” had gone, she experienced strong emotions in her throat and under her eyes; another location was in the collarbone area. When these were cleared, she sat upright and surprised me by calling out loudly, “Oh my God, oh my God!”
She told me that she had mistakenly thought that “the mess” needed healing but when the energy from the collarbone area had began to soften, “something had switched” and she had understood that the mess did not need the healing at all – it was she herself who needed to be healed of the shame.
She said, “That – I don’t want to call her a mess anymore – that girl didn’t do anything wrong. She doesn’t have to be ashamed. She is hurt of course, but there is nothing wrong with that at all, it is all me! Don’t you see, it is all me. It is me who needs the healing!”
It was extremely emotional for me to observe and facilitate the client’s energy tranceformations as she kept looking at the injured girl and using EMO to move her responses, one after the other – shame, guilt, anger, disgust, sadness, compassion – with every emotion that went away, the client became brighter and more centred, more powerful a presence in the room.
When she said that it was all done, she expressed the desire to sincerely thank the girl from the past who had not needed any healing at all but who, in the contrary, had shown her who needed to be healed.
“She healed ME”, the client said.
Contributed by James Stanbridge, PhD
Aspergers Boy's Fear Of Others
Contributed by Silvia Hartmann
I conducted an EMO session with an Aspergers diagnosed 12 year old child relating to fear of being noticed and being looked at because he had to attend a public concert at a local school with his group from the special unit and had a lot of fear about it.
The boy in question accepted EMO readily and easily, much more so than EFT which had been attempted but which he didn't want to do at all and rejected completely. The mother had made some progress with proxy work, which didn't help though with his real time problems at his special school especially with other children or his own state control because he wouldn't do it himself.
I explained about feelings being stuck energy that needs to leave somewhere and he accepted this readily and without argument. It took a little while to have him locate the physical sensations relating to the fears but once he had found the first one, it all went astonishingly smoothly and easily from there.
First there was fear of being noticed by the other children, in his stomach, which moved up and came out through his mouth. He was much calmer after that.
Then, there was a fear of being looked at directly, in his head. This moved all around and came out through his skin.
Next was fear of what they would say to him - comments about his looks, about being stupid. Once he had the hang of it, he actually started to giggle when I told him sternly that he was a total idiot and useless as well.
Then he mentioned another fear, namely that of his parents being upset when the staff told them afterwards about him "having had a bad day", producing looks and demeanour of disappointment in the parents, and silence. This was in his chest and took the longest to move, half went up and out of the top of his head, the other down his back.
I then offered him to do "one on me" – I don't know why, it just happened - and he readily yelled some abuse at me which he truly enjoyed and also, was paying intense attention to me and fascinated with how it moved around and out for *me*. For whatever reason I cannot fathom, I asked him to tell me that "You have failed, I knew you would! I knew it all along!"
It was fascinating how this boy who is normally very, very reserved and expressionless really got into that and shouted it at me, flat out, with the intensity of an Oscar winning actor and with full meaning AND eye contact (he doesn't normally give eye contact).
When he did, it really did something extraordinary to my systems, a huge effect and sensation that led to me saying to him that I understood now that it's not the winning or failing, but having had the guts to TRY in the first place that takes the medal.
I'm really not sure what happened there or why I did that, if it was for him or for me or for both of us but it certainly wasn't like any therapy session I've ever conducted or experienced, ever.
The practical outcome was also very interesting, strange. He didn't "freak out" and actually said he had looked forward to the public performance and had even had noticed the unusual thought that he wanted to respond to someone who said something to him.
He also at one point during the performance at the school, got a pen out and wrote his own name on his arm, upside down so that one could read it if one was looking at him, and stated that he "had no idea why he did it and only noticed after he had done it".
I suggested the idea that there was a part of him that really wanted people to know his name and who he was, and this other part that was still traumatised and needing to hide away after having been bullied and hurt at his previous school and he agreed that this was the most likely reason for the "name writing". He was very accepting of it all, very open, perfectly happy to talk to me about it - that in and of itself is totally unheard of with this boy, such a breakthrough, it's extraordinary.
I have known this boy for quite a while and today it was like I've found myself in a totally different country with him, that wasn't therapy or anything like that, something different altogether - I just don't know quite how to describe it. But it was good, and I just can't think of him as a client or a child at all now but I'm thinking of him as a fellow person, just equal in some way - very strange and yet immensely perfect, indeed.
Low Self Esteem & Depression
This gentleman suffered from "low self esteem" and "depression". When asked where he felt this problem in his body, he indicated his jaw with his hand whilst still consciously thinking about it for quite some time, then finally he said, "In and around my mouth, like a hard tightness.”
This was treated straight up with no further discussion as to his history, past or any other treatments he might have had and within seconds of the energy disturbance having been resolved, he began to shout out loud, "I know what it is! How can anyone take me seriously if I never speak out for myself, never tell them who I am, and that I'm worth something!"
This is a good example how with these "sensation based" treatments often incredibly obvious connections come to light.
However, they are only "incredibly obvious" with the wisdom of hindsight, and one must wonder how many years it might have taken to find out the connection and resolve it, if ever.
Completing The Diamond Transformation
I know we probably know this about EMO by now, but it is true that I was really blown away by doing this spontaneous treatment with someone on a - well, I guess you can call it a "super issue".
The life defining deal, the real big thing, over 30 years in the past and having spawned innumerable symptoms, related occurrences, formed life patterns, belief structures and values hierarchies, had the deepest possible tie ins with people and objects - a huge big deal in all.
Now, this "super issue" had at the core of it a massive Guiding Star (epiphanic positive experience or anti-trauma) with a “lost love” and all the rest of the system grew around this, as is so often the case with such experiences and their aftermath and basically, the person in question had been holding on for dear life to this memory/energy from their end and had build their entire life more or less like a shrine around this Guiding Star moment of feeling loved and loving totally in return.
The idea turned up that they were very tired and weary of their role as the priest to that temple they'd build to the one experience but that there was no way, even though it was as clear as anything that they would be wasting the rest of their lives just as successfully in that function and set up as they had done so far with what been going on for the previous 30 - unless they would allow this system to become liquid and "let it go" at last.
Talk about resistance to the very idea! Wow. That was really something. The emotional responses and pleading, absolute refusal, just everything in full out reversal at the mere suggestion that this would be a good thing.
So I actively took this whole deal and switched it into the EMO world view and here, what we had was not emotions and love and contortions and entanglements and constructs and feed back loops and and and and and, but instead, this total clarity and simplicity of an energy that they had enfolded and held in their heart.
Literally, in their heart.
An energy that was so intense and so dense that it was hard as a diamond, and if anyone would try and remove this, the person would fear that their "heart was being torn from their chest".
Rightfully so, as the diamond had grown into the very structure of their energetic heart.
And in this view of clarity and logic, it was incontrovertible
that this diamond hard energy represented a structural problem of extreme proportions;
that it physically and practically entirely blocked the flow of any kind of energy through the heart;
that the systems below and around were parched and atrophied for the lack of flowing, living energy;
and even that this energy had never done what it should have done to the entirety of the system because it did not complete its pathways and did not ever complete the entirely positive and beneficial transformation to the energy body its movement through the system would have initiated.
From this viewpoint of clarity and logic, there was simply no doubt as to what had happened.
It wasn't a tragedy.
It wasn't a blessing.
It wasn't Karma and it wasn't God's will.
It wasn't all those contorted meanings or anything at all, it was simply there, cause and effect, with the pathways to what needed to be done laid out in crystal clarity for everyone to see, to understand, to appreciate.
There was no doubt at all as what needed to be done, and no resistance at all to having it happen - it was so perfectly and so clearly the right thing to do, the only thing to do that the person spontaneously said with complete conviction, "The transformation has to be completed, the diamond energy must be allowed to move."
As the person began immediately and without any hesitation to soften the very outside layers and ingrown connections to have them rise like mist and begin their journey through the dust dry pathways and channels which had not been used for 30 years, I was watching them with a sense of amazement and awe.
This was the same person who had thought that they could not ever let go of this; that it was the only thing in this life for them and they could never hope for anything better.
This was the same person who had virtually fought to the brink of death to protect the diamond in their heart from any intervention by any healer, psychologist, therapist, well meaning friend and from themselves, too.
This was the same person who now, after just one look at the clarity and logic of the energetic realities in their energy body was feeling the 30 year old diamond energy beginning to rush through the channels in their body, beginning to breathe faster and glow, trembling as the transformation which had begun all that time ago finally was allowed to be completed right in front of my eyes.
They were absolutely at a loss for words afterwards and so was I.
We were just sitting there, looking at each other and this strange sense of epiphany? rebirth? righting a wrong? holiness? was right there with us in the room and nothing needed to be said - what could you say to that?
I came away from that with a whole new found respect for the basic principles of EMO and a whole new respect for how that simple switch into the viewpoint of energy and flow had simply side-stepped all the energetic injuries, all the emotional pain entanglements, all the beliefs and decisions, all the thought constructs designed to protect the status quo and to make some sense of it.
And in this place of clarity and logic, how there was a compassion to be found that totally touched both the person and myself so intensively - this was not a cold and barren place, bereft of feelings but in the contrary, a holy space, a space of awe that takes your breath away.
Now that's what I call energy healing!
Silvia Hartmann -