Addendum 5 – EMO In The Field
EMO was always designed to help one individual person "in the field", i.e. not necessarily in the magic circle of a therapist's office but when things happen in real life, at home - that is exactly when I needed help the most and that is why I made that aspect such a priority in designing EMO.
So these little stories are not case histories. They are not meant to be scientific and they are not here for testimonial purposes.
These "in the field" stories are personal experiences from all sorts of different people, under all sorts of different circumstances, and for all sorts of different reasons, told as they were told and in their own words.
I have included them here in order to give you, dear reader, an idea of the sheer scope and flexibility of what you can do with EMO; so that when you have your own experiences you can see for yourself that it is ok to feel like that because others have experienced this too.
These are also all learning stories and teaching stories which tell us a lot about how people's problems and the energies below are correlated, interlinked and how we actually work as people, in real life.
All contributors names apart from my own have been changed to ensure privacy. These stories came by mail, by email and by telephone; some I was privileged to have experienced personally or witnessed.
This is by far my favourite section of this book and I am delighted to have this section as the closing chapter - written by the people who are using EMO where it should be used - in the field.
No More Tears On The Pillow
Contributed by "Julie"
There’s a personal issue I’ve been working on for more than two years using at various times most of the techniques I know. The pain has been temporarily relieved, but any of a vast number of triggers, both external and internal, can drop me back into it at any time. Last night, as I went to bed, one of those triggering thoughts crossed my mind. I gave my usual sigh of pain and longing and grief and self-pity and all the other things that are wrapped up in this (a recent loss with deep roots in early life and who knows how many earlier lives, as well).
And then something incredible happened. Another thought crossed my mind. One I hadn’t been able to imagine thinking before. “Well, that’s one way to respond to this, but you could have a different response.” Simple? Yes. Obvious?
Yes. The intended and desired (well, with parts of me, at least) result of all the other work I’d done on this issue. But I’d never got to that point before. I’ve been stuck so deeply in this one for so long. I’d been locked into my previous response.
Now here’s the important part. I hadn’t even got to the point of doing an EMO procedure on it, but the shift in what was possible happened apparently without effort or intention on my part. With that shift suddenly available, I could easily do a bit of EMO more with it, and go to sleep contentedly and full of awed gratitude for what Silvia has offered us, instead of with my customary tight chest and jaw and tears on my pillow.
My hypothesis is that something about doing EMO – which we all did LOTS of during the Training last weekend – has shaken loose or opened up all sorts of possibilities that simply weren’t available to me before. And I saw this over and over again in many others during the weekend – most noticeably, of course, in those I already know well.
I am a changed woman.
Old Car Crash Pain In The Heart Area
Contributed by "Marian"
About 18 months ago I was in a nasty car crash, taking the full impact of steering wheel in chest when car hit a tree.
Since then, from time to time I have terrible pain around heart area, which builds from a sensation front and back in heart chakra. In the past it has taken about half an hour of not knowing what to do with myself, for the pain to work itself out (!)
A while ago when I was somewhere that I really didn't want to go through that, I tranced it as soon as I recognised the warning signs, and that sorted it immediately.
Just sitting here now I recognised the signs again, thought "it's just energy", put my hand to the area, closed my eyes, had the intention that it would soften, and find its pathway.
Almost immediately I started to yawn like a hippo, then had urgent message to run to toilet, and ... guess what? I'm still yawning, but the discomfort all gone.
Thank goodness.
There In The Present
Contributed by “Alison”
I was feeling generally out of touch with myself and my surroundings. I sat in a concert I had been looking forward to for months and felt as though I wasn’t there at all. When the person on the stage began playing a song that I had been longing to hear performed live I decided to use EMO and see what would happen. I took a deep breath as if inhaling the music and, at once, felt a heaviness in my throat and around my ears. I put my hands to her jaw and let their warmth sooth the feeling and ease it. Soon I felt the heaviness pouring into my shoulders and, as I returned my hands to her lap, it began flowing free and fast out through my thumb and index finger.
The energy continued flowing freely through my hands for the duration of the song, and as it ended and I began clapping wholeheartedly I became aware that I now felt very much “there” in the present moment, in the crowd and enjoying the concert.
Contributed by "Jaya"
In order to try EMO for myself, the challenge was to deal with something painful, something I had truly consigned to the bin as not being ever wanting to see again – and quite literally as I had just thrown away a pile of highly unflattering photographs of me, taken specifically to illustrate an article and needed by the designer over the weekend.
I decided to retrieve them and do an EMO™ procedure while looking at each one.
Now here’s the really exciting part. I actually WANTED to do it. I felt, not just interested, not just curious while wondering how I’d fit this into my heavy workload, but impatient, with a shiver of excitement. I wanted to do it right now. So I did. I retrieved the photographs from the trash.
What a range of feelings I encountered as I worked through them, one after the other.
Pain to see how ageing is showing in my face, the jowls beginning to sag, anger at the photographer for not noticing that my hair was astray, for not having chosen a better angle, for not correcting the sharp shadows from the flash, anger at the camera for taking so long to click that the expression on my face was sometimes glazed, sometimes moronic, sometimes creased with puzzlement and impatience, anger at myself for not having powdered my nose, even disgust that I’ve done nothing about my eating and exercise patterns to counteract the heaviness I was seeing so graphically.
‘I know how I can look, could look, should look. I’ve been letting myself go. What a stupid pose. Why didn’t I button my jacket? Why didn’t I do something different with my hair?…’ and on and on.
‘This isn’t me, can’t be me. Oh, but the camera doesn’t lie. Is this really what people see when they look at me? Yikes, how much my self-confidence has been based on the security of my attractive appearance.’
And that was just the first photo!
I’m sure you can imagine it, and more. By the time I was finished, though, in just a few moments, not only was all that gone, but I was able to say, “Well, if we have to use some of these, then I think that’s probably the better one.’
What a contrast to the panic I’d felt the day before when the designer told me he absolutely, positively had to have them over the weekend, so there was no chance to re-shoot. Not only that, I could even appreciate the warmth and sincerity and openness I saw in my own face. I could find the person in the photos appealing, likeable. “Hey! That’s me I’m talking about!”.
I’ve never experienced such a shift from fear and doubt to… ‘Oh, WOW!’
I’d caught the scent of this, the scent of something truly different, truly new, of enthusiasm and eagerness. But I had to eat this pudding for myself to really taste the difference, the keen, avid, glowing, buzzing, FUN of doing EMO.
I can think of it as a means to break out of the trances we’re locked into – the trance of ‘I’m not pretty enough, and I have to be pretty or…’ And many, many others.
And as I write this, I’ve got those photos sitting on my desk right here, in front of me. I look at them and I feel affection, a real warmth for the person on these photographs and that is ME.
I can still see the faults, mistakes, and it’s just fine, I don’t want to throw them out, they are fine, nice even, I am fascinated by that look in my own eyes. I like the photographs and I like what they are showing me about self, so much more and so other than just the skin type beauty.
I’ll do whatever I need to do to be there for a full EMO training. This is so good, I want more.
Calmly Facing A Turning Point
Contributed by "Debrah"
I just had my first session of EMO over the phone and I have to tell ya... it saved my marriage and gave me a new freedom, and another choice before submitting to medication (for anxiety).
I can't tell you how calm I was in facing a huge turning point and confrontation.
All went well. But it was more than my marriage, it was facing a long standing fear that has to do with all types of stuff "labels" and explanations but can be summed up in a regular shot of adrenalin and fear in my chest that is now gone. I tried it again on my own and it worked fine. I couldn't believe that it actually lasted and my anxiety is much, much less but getting smaller each time I do it.
My thoughts have evolved quickly as to how to handle the intent from will it work, I hope it works, get out, can it get out, to a demand to get out and labelling it good/bad and then a sort of "your free to go, keep what I can use and let go of what I no longer need". I feel more of a communication with the energy in myself, with myself and with All-That-Is.
This is amazing stuff!
Lost Lover Found
Contributed by "Angelina"
I've had a really wonderful experience with a very old emotional thing that really knocks me to the floor each time I go near it - or should I say, used to!
I was doing some furniture shifting and found a picture that is rather meaningful in above context and whoosh! there it was, huge charge of energy, immediate tears, the lot. But then I thought very clearly through it all, "I can handle this energy!" and said it out aloud.
Immediately, a really strange sliding sensation started up on the left hand side of my face and the pressure and tears receded noticeably. So I said it again, loudly, "I can run that energy!" and that sliding sensation started up on the right as well, slower and more thickly but going down, nonetheless.
A few moments later and there was clarity.
I just couldn't believe it. I have held on to this agony for - 20 years? 25? Before that moment with the picture it was always as though the emotion itself was connected to something so holy and important that I just never wanted to mess with it in any a way, no matter how painful - I didn't want to touch it with counselling, hypnosis, healing, EFT, NLP, TAT, you name it.
But that moment there, I did it - I ran the energy through my body.
The effect afterwards was just astonishing. It was not at all flat but the emotions were of a totally different order and nature. There was what I can only call a deep respect and love for the person in question that was quite amazing, mountainous if you will but it didn't make me want to sob and cry at all, rather it felt empowering to have known him and have had him be in my life. Also, it felt as though he was still there and I think that's correct, I probably invoke him or his energies every time I think about him or am reminded of him and whatever happened there, allowed me to actually experience that real presence which may well be why there were no bereavement related abreactions afterwards as there always were before - instead of tremendous loss and sorrow. just love.
Weight Issues
Contributed by "Alice"
I thought I'd tackle weight issues, and got out a photo of me early 20's posing in a gownless evening strap (from my Latin American dancing days!!), anyway, a couple of sizes slimmer than now!!
What an interesting experience, very very emotional. In fact, all I could feel was emotion and nothing in my body. Looking closer the emotion became intense as I thought of bringing this image into my body. It was trying to come in at the solar plexus and couldn’t get in (intense emotion) so I had to let it in strand at a time. This big shield was a belief barrier about the fact that I couldn’t possibly look like that again, it was like I just couldn’t get it into my body, this energy, this belief that I could be like that again!!
Anyway, after taking it in strand at a time eventually increasing the flow I could step into this energy and felt congruent with it.
On reflection, I thought this idea of ETing photos was excellent. It handles so many aspects all at once.
Getting More Luck Into My Life
Contributed by "Ross"
I had an epiphany in a taxi this morning! I was on my way to give a presentation and talked to the driver about it as we got stuck in a traffic jam. When we got to the place and I had paid him, the driver said to me with a smile, "Good luck on your presentation!" I immediately said right back, "No luck needed, I'm very well prepared." when it struck me what I had just done in EMO terms.
The man had send me a real present of "luck energy" - and what did I do? Bat it back just as quick as you can as though it was a red hot potato! So I took a deep breath and said to the driver, "I'm sorry about that, could you wish me luck again, please?"
He was surprised but laughed and shook his head, and said again, "Hey man, good luck with that presentation."
I took a deep breath and let it in and - wow! It was amazing! As though I'd taken a drug - it just swished and sparkled through me, woke me right up and felt just great. It really was a wonderful gift from this stranger.
I thanked him and that feeling stayed with me and still comes back when I think of him laughing and saying, "Hey man, good luck."
The only thing is that I am now asking myself, how much luck could I have had but did not because I kept it away from me?
Falling In Love With Your Demons
Contributed by "Patricia"
Right now anger is my favourite thing in the world. As soon as I notice that I am feeling pissed off, I know that I get to EMO another issue. I'm in near automatic mode at the moment and all I have to do is fully intend and whatever I feel is clearing. Barely have to locate it.
Almost not at all with anger --fear still requires a little concentration.
Things are clearing so fast it's disconcerting. I may transform into a totally unrecognisable being any minute!
EMO Romance you say? I think that's as good a quick description of EMO as any. I am in love with the entire universe, cause everything brings new change and all of it feels good.
Either Silvia has invented access to ecstasy, or I'm succumbing to mania for the first time at the ripe age of 40.
Btw, If you really want auto-EMO to kick in big time, do something that has scared you to death for years while getting only 1/4 your normal sleep for 2 nights or more. EMO every fear and wobble, till you don't have to do it anymore cause the universe is doing it for you. Wheee!
Yesterday morning I woke up with a very strange feeling, and realized that it was annoyance that I have not arranged my life to make it possible to write all the time.
I said, "What???" and the voice in my head said, "Well, I am a writer, and my life must accommodate that."
EMO on, something in my gut went clunk, and I couldn't scare myself with the idea of doing what I've always known I was supposed to do, no matter how hard I tried. As opposed to the last 40 years when I ran and hid in fear, over and over and over.
Nothing on earth has prepared me for the feeling of dancing wildly with my demons. And falling in love with them again and again.
Love, Patricia (Writer).
Frightening The Relatives With Emotional Control
Contributed by "Anna"
I totally freaked the living daylights out of some relatives today (sister-in-law, her three kids, mother-in-law and my kids).
We are all sitting round the kitchen table having coffee, talk comes up of some very traumatic, sad past thing. My voice quavers in mid-sentence, tears start up. I stop in mid sentence, sob, "Just a minute, must do EMO." It was instant and easy, just blocked both sides under the eyes. About five seconds later, I continue on the same sentence in a perfectly happy and conversational fashion, look up and see all of them just staring at me in a mixture of fear and horror.
But none of them asked what had happened or what I did just then - I guess they were afraid of what I would have said! However, it was not all in vain. Nephew (16) upon leaving whispered to me, "That thing you did, when you were crying - can you show me how to do that sometime?" and I gave him a conspiratorial wink, a nod and a knowing smile.
EMO rocks!
Calming a Severely Distressed System
Contributed by "Rosalie"
Four weeks ago we went on holiday abroad with some very old friends and, sadly, our friend died whilst we were in Italy. I thought I coped very well and was reasonably strong for my friend - it was all very sad. I seemed to be holding up until the day of the funeral when I just went to pieces. I felt worse than I had done at the funerals of some very close relations, including my father. I don't know about any of you but when I am immersed in a problem big time I sometimes "forget" to help myself.
The day seemed to get worse and when the night time arrived I was a wreck. I went to bed and then it struck me that I really should do something to help myself, but what? Tapping, TAB'ing, BSFF, TAT?? I know!!! EMO!!! Believe me or believe me not, within 5 minutes my whole system had calmed down and I went straight to sleep. It is such a simple but amazingly effective procedure. The therapist does not necessarily need to know details of their client's problem so, used in this way, it is an extremely respectful way of working and I would think can be incorporated into almost anyone's practice.
Of course I learned a lot more during the workshop and, whilst there, worked on the fact that I find it difficult, almost impossible, to accept compliments. If someone says I have done a good job or I look nice in a particular outfit I cringe and want to curl up. It always makes me feel soooo uncomfortable. Wow, the problem went within minutes and I am totally fine with it now. This is truly amazing, great stuff - thanks Silvia for inventing it and making it so easy to learn!
Physical Awakening Of An Abused Energy Body
Contributed by "Sue Ellen"
In a nutshell - I was raped by all and sundry from age 3-21 yrs, hanged twice (someone intervened each time, so I'm still here), and experienced and witnessed violence and atrocities of many flavours. EMO has come along about 10yrs into my healing journey, and I knew it was going to have a mega impact.
My guides said it is the next evolutionary step for mankind, and having heard how it is developing some people, I can't wait for my turn!
For me, EMO really has been all about the physical body!
It was my physical body that was terrified of coming on the course (ill for a week before and during) and being asked to take down the 'safety' barriers. I really identified with what was said about a 'closed' system. During our practicals, I was hopeless at receiving energy (even the offer of money or a little compliment) and it really illustrated to me why I'm impoverished, burnt-out etc. (God, don't I sound a sorry case!!)
Day 2 of our course was the turning point for me - working with a practitioner / healer. It really got things moving, and I experienced enough shift states to convince me all was not lost. What I noticed, however, was that I needed (demanded!) lots of very physical interventions, like thumping and pummelling down the shoulders, back and pelvis.
By myself, it's not been so easy either. Every time I tried EMO, the energy kept getting stuck in the same old places, and wouldn't budge with intent/healing alone. I've been giving my lower back lots of deep massage which is gently dissolving one of my biggest blocks. In fact I'm gradually starting to massage/love all of my body - at long last. It has really brought home to me the value of the physical therapies in combination with deep energy therapy.
Something that did work for me from the start, and is getting easier every day, is dancing the energy through my system. That seems to keep things moving, and I find my body seems to mirror what the energy is doing, drawing it in from the Universe or the Earth, undulating it through in waves and spirals, concentrating it in my heart or power centre, and radiating it back out again etc. Looking forward to dancing with my demons too ... and falling in love with them again and again ...
Speaking "His" Name
Contributed by "Jeannie"
Some years ago I had a relationship that came as near to my dream of how 'it' should feel that I've ever been. Not that it was perfect, as it wasn't.
But it made me realise I was capable of very intense feelings without being the mushy idiot I had previously assumed was part and parcel of the job.
You see I had been brought up in a family almost totally devoid of any feeling that wasn't anger. Love was expressed as anger, caring was expressed as anger. There were no soft feelings, and should any ever creep their way in, they were very quickly squashed with; yes you've guessed it, anger.
I believed myself unable to demonstrate affection, a belief that was reinforced by every man who accused me of being hard, cold, controlling. But this time was different. Different in so many ways I would sound like something from Alice in Wonderland if I tried to explain. Needless to say I found myself so plugged in and turned on by this guy, I was totally smitten and unable to hide it. When he left I was devastated. I fell to pieces, much like a carrier bag with too heavy a load.
Time didn't heal as promised, but I did find myself a changed person, changed for the better. Life moved on, weeds grew in the garden, the children became young men and I lost other things that were dear to me. All the time though I held onto that time in my life when I had felt alive. I prayed I would feel that way again some day.
I didn't of course, and it wasn't until I was giving myself a good going over with EMO one day on a winter sun lit beach that I realised why. Part of me was stuck and I couldn't find that part no matter how hard I looked.
So I took to my bed with a Tachyon cell and worked the EMO™ magical spell. I spoke 'his' name, I recalled the smell and texture of that soft skin in the place my head would nestle in his neck. And there it was. Not shielded out but shielded in. A love so intense, a love so true, preserved in a sphere and held apart from everything else to prevent spoiling.
Common sense told me I had to let it out, but I so wanted to keep it. How did I know this and where did that knowing reside in my body? I softened and moved all my objections (a bit like the apex effect in EFT - I can't remember what they were or how they felt), until all that was left to do was to melt the shell of the sphere, which was by now as easy as sucking chocolate from a Malteser.
The release was much like that moment when you slide your cold, exhausted body into a hot bubble bath, or curl up in a freshly made bed in the middle of a rainy afternoon.
It sounds corny to say I now view the world through different eyes, but it's true. I laugh so much more, I live and love so much more. Many years ago I remember a friend had a poem on her wall. I was always fascinated with one the phrase, "Love wasn't put in your heart there to stay; Love isn't love 'til you give it away." Now I'd finally got what it meant!
The Sandwich, The Enemy ...
Contributed by "Petra"
I'm very overweight and every so often I think about doing something about that. But as I suffer from aerobophobia (a fear of luminescent rubber sportswear) I leave it where it is.
I did notice a couple of days back that although I eat food, structurally and mentally I say NO to it in a big way. It's like every bit of everything at all and every sip of everything no matter what is going to make the fatness worse and there is a groundswell awareness of this "being so".
So, experimentally I said to a ham sandwich, "Ok, come join me and do something for my body."
My young daughter glanced at me, then got up quietly and left the room ...
But anyway.
The ham sandwich didn't actually say anything back but I did become aware of a virtual screaming all over my systems, No! Oh dear god no! Don't you know that every single bite will just make you fatter and fatter???? What are you doing??? It will make your life even worse than it already is!!! No-one will ever love you again!!! Stop!!! NOOOO! Don't eat it! NOOOOO!!!!
Wow. Now where did I feel that in my body?
In my stomach. In my ovaries. In my cheeks and jaw. Between my shoulder blades. In the back of my neck. In my throat.
Everywhere, really!
I can only wonder what that actually does when you are indeed eating and drinking things and at the same time, energetically everything is fighting like crazy to not have anything to do with the food at all - is there some slim energy body ghost of mine leaving the building every time I have a cup of tea???
I am sure this could this slow down digestion in the hard body - fat people move food through their digestive systems significantly slower than thin people.
But back to the sandwich.
I looked at it and immediately, the storm and sensations started up again. This time, it occurred to me to think, then say out loud, "This sandwich is ONLY AN ENERGY."
That was a good idea because it calmed me down significantly and what I did then was to take a bite and treat the sandwich going down just like a normal EMO experience, only this time it was sandwich energy!
It was a really interesting experience. I undid all sorts of blockages in my jaw, in my throat, there were stuck things under my eyes, in my stomach, in my heart - all over the place. When I was done, I wasn't actually hungry anymore, either and put the rest of the sandwich away for later.
Love For My Father
Contributed by "Heather"
My aim was to have a loving, connected, affectionate relationship with my Dad. The problem was that in thinking of that, his energy coming towards me, I felt a hard lump in the solar plexus AND a BIG barrier in front of me to my right.
I felt the barrier to be about the awkwardness of physical expression with a male family member, due to rejecting some kind of sexual aspect and something else about my Dad’s personality that made me cringe. I worked on softening and clearing the solar plexus. It was a very hard energy, which took a lot of softening.
Then we went to the barrier. It was all I could do to allow a tiny pin prick of a hole in the barrier to allow a tiny thread of this energy through and into me and through me. But it felt good.
I opened the hole a bit more and allowed a flow into my right shoulder and down my arm and right side of the body.
Oh, did it feel good. I finally dropped the barrier and very gently allowed more and more of this beautiful energy to flow into me until every part of me was full to the brim. I felt, warm, I felt complete, I felt full, oh it was so good. I was moved to tears at the experience that I never felt ever in my life before. The energy of my father’s love filling me.
I basked in the fullness of this beautiful gentle energy for sometime, as it flowed in to me and through me, before a soft gentle misty rainfall to start to cool and refresh me. When I came round, all I could feel was this fullness and completeness and had a big satisfied smile on my face.
I think about my Father now with a new warmth and loving feelings. There’s no barrier now. No coldness. I still feel the fullness now as I write. I look forward to our new relationship building. I actually feel love for my Father
4am Chakra Expansion
Contributed by "Gloria"
My personal experience with EMO has been wonderfully rewarding. The day following my initial phone session with my EMO-P I was the victim of a robbery: my car was broken into, and my purse, containing money, credit cards, check book, driver's license, automobile registration (and who knows what else) was stolen.
That night I awoke at about 4 in the morning feeling rotten.
I did EMO on the spot and felt all of my chakras go from feeling knotted and collapsed to feeling light, twinkly and expanded.
I fell back to sleep feeling peaceful and the next day I calmly went about setting things straight, without feeling victimized or resentful.
A few days later, in conference with my EMO-P, I had the opportunity to experience guided EMO.
The EMO-P and I were discussing a chronic relationship problem of mine, and I said I felt "slimed around my heart." Following their gentle prompting, the slime around my heart changed to warm compassionate tears.
A few days later, I had the opportunity to speak with the person I'd felt slimed by, and amazingly, I still felt warmly compassionate and able to feel their love instead of their intrusiveness!
I am very excited and eagerly anticipating learning more about EMO and becoming a practitioner myself.
The Energy Of Best Sellers
Contributed by "Hazel"
I was in town yesterday, waiting to be picked up and having concluded my business about ten minutes early. So I wandered into a book store and was faced with the "Top Ten Best-selling Softbacks" shelf which held innumerable copies of each one of the Bestsellers.
"Hm," thought I (who has dreadful contortions about the whole topic of writing, publishing, editors, etc etc etc), "I wonder what would happen if I sucked a bit of that Bestseller energy into my systems? Well, let's have a go."
So I went and pretended to be rather indecisive as not to be removed by the security guards for strange behaviour in a public bookstore and just floated my hands over the No.1 books (a cooking book by The Naked Chef (!)) and did a bit of EMO there. Fascinatingly, there was extreme shielding of many layers, many types and all sorts in between me and the whole display through which I had to fight my way first before a "door of perception" was established.
Face to face with the bestsellers, so to speak, was very strange. Cold, sharp energy. Very focussed. Very interesting. Very painful as it hit internal blockages with force (which would account for the past necessity of all those shields to keep it out). No gentle softening here, I just put up with the unpleasant sensations as it basically smashed through the various blockages in an entire non-holistic fashion. Ouch. But then when it was all done, it ran clearly and I ended up feeling very focussed, very sharply aware of things around me.
Strangely, no thoughts about writing. Or books or anything like that. Nor any memory flashbacks, insights or anything else. Over 24 hours later, still nothing about books came along, so I'm beginning to think this whole deal never had anything to do with writing or books at all.
But that I must say is one of my very favourite things about EMO all around. Things, it seems, are not at all what I always thought they were. Which gives me some hope of solving some seemingly insolvable puzzles.
Since then, I have noticed the following changes in my behaviour. Firstly, I find it difficult to recall even how I used to feel about publishers and "writing for markets" and "artistic integrity" and such. I remember I used to have problems with that, profoundly, but I don't feel like that anymore. I just write now!
Secondly, I noticed that anger, jealousy and bitterness at "more successful" (aka best-selling!) authors has completely disappeared. They are doing their thing, and I'm doing mine, and good luck to them is my attitude these days. As a piece of behavioural evidence, before that day I was spitting acid at the mere mention of "Harry Potter". After, I went to see the movie, enjoyed it tremendously to my surprise and then went on to read all the books with keen interest and admiration. I would make the comment that this particular energetic adjustment has done a lot to make my life nicer, more pleasant, more open and I am very, very glad I did it. I can only recommend to anyone who has real jealousy/anger problems on any achievement topic to have a go at this, it is an excellent piece of very welcome and long overdue changework.
EMO Makes Housework Easier!
Contributed by "Sally"
45 minutes was well spent time for a young lady who felt overwhelmed so much by the thought of doing housework she sat down, had a cigarette and felt bad. At the beginning of the EMO process she realised there was a heaviness all over her body, this energy came out of both legs leaving her toes tingling, she was then aware that there was an area in her head which felt blocked, this was softened and it left, this happened three more times in different places in her head every time we introduced the thought of the housework until, finally, breakthrough, she was feeling happy and visualising herself cleaning in every room of the house, playing music and feeling good about doing it. An interesting point about this story is, she did feel really tired that evening but awoke early, feeling good and telling herself, get up , get on with it. "
PERSONAL NOTE: This is my daughter, what a difference. My daughter does not have a house like a palace but she said the benefits are still in place she can motivate herself to do it happily. This did have a speeding up effect on her elimination system as well and she lost a couple of pounds in weight.
Friendship Is ...
Contributed by "Julian"
A friend called me this afternoon. I was really glad to hear his voice, get me out of repetition of work for a bit, and said, "Oh hi! How are you darling!"
Friend: Actually, I'm depressed.
Me: Oh! Do you want to give me a bit of that?
Friend <surprised>: Are you sure you want some?
Me: Well it's only energy and I could do with some right now.
Friend: Oh ok then - here goes ...
Me <gets a sensation of a deep grey wide ocean type of cold but very powerful energy washing through her entire body>
Friend & Me <sigh deeply and exactly in unison>
<a moment's silence>
Me: So, where are you? Do you want to come over for a coffee and a
Friend:<very brightly> Oh that'll be great! Ten minutes ok for you?
So and whilst waiting for friend to arrive, J thought many things to himself. About the man in the movie Magnolia "who had all this love inside but just didn't know where to put it."
About the amazingness of someone saying, "I'm so sad." and another responding with, "Would you like to give me some of that sadness, lighten your burden?"
About the possibility that if people exchanged energies like that openly, might some folk then not to have wring that energy out of hearing animals scream, or other types of victims for their "sadistic" impulses.
About how cool it would be if I could say, "Oh I am so happy!" and instead of responding with an immediate dampener, someone would say back, "Oh dear, that's wonderful, can I share it please? I haven't been happy for years! I've quite forgotten even what it feels like!"
There is so much we can do and learn to do differently - it really sometimes takes my breath away.
Even Sceptics Can Heal ...
Contributed by "Gary"
Has anyone else noticed a real noticeable increase in their "healing powers" since the onset of EMO?
And/or a serious attitude change to the whole thing since we did the "You are a healer" exercise at the training?
I found myself, much to my surprised horror, calmly offering someone who had had a tooth extracted two days ago which broke and had to be chiselled out of their back jaw and who'd been in agony since the Novocaine started to fade, some "healing".
Before I knew it, I was sitting next to them, feeling around near their jaw with my hand about a foot away and before I knew THAT, my hand had sharply flipped over so it was palm away from their face and I was drawing massive amounts of energy out of their jaw that raced up my arm and rushed all through my systems. At the same time, person literally shouts, my God, what are you doing, this is an incredible feeling!
A part of me is standing like five foot away with eyebrows raised and arms crossed as "the other me" just as calmly and with quiet efficiency goes on to clear a very old blockage/shard higher up on the person's cheek, sort some channels in their throat, neck and back and then says, "There we are."
Person totally astonished, moving jaw from side to side, pain gone and also, long standing always present ear ache which I was (consciously) entirely unaware of.
Total time spent, about three minutes. No EMO, just straight energy healing.
And that is not like me at all!
The Realms Of The Psychics
Contributed by "Rani"
You asked if anyone else noticed a real noticeable increase in their "healing powers" since the onset of EMO?
Yep! :) but I had put it down to being as a result of a certain EMO-P accusing me of being a healer!
I learned some Reiki healing a few years back and took the attunement (as did much of the population of the UK!) but never really used it other than for family and close friends and then only very occasionally - until the EMO training weekend I had the kind of notion that healing was a lovely thing to be able to do for people but wasn't really "my thing".
That has changed for me personally big time. My first realisations here arrived during the lunch break on the first day when we were playing around, were trying something out on me and ended up doing "healing" on my knees (yes healing for sure - it felt very "healy" and fantastic!) and I, in return helped out one of the other participants with something around their shoulders...
I know a few tricks with acupressure, tui na, holding neuro vascular and lymphatic points etc which have helped friends and some clients out many times - these are things that I've always considered kind of mechanical/adjusting techniques - I am aware that when using these things now something's different - I'm getting more positive feedback and I can really feel things moving through my hands.
It was this that was on my mind when I wrote my EMO review and made reference to my experience (see below):
"It took a little while for me to get going with EMO. Although my very first tryout over the phone with an EMO-P has had far reaching repercussions in my life of the most positive and exciting kind, I wasn't consciously aware of them at first (i.e. the "you are a healer" experience). Now things are very different. By the end of day one on the training I was feeling things I thought I never could, by the end of day two I was feeling things I thought belonged to the realms of others - healers, psychics, mystics, and by the closing of day three... well, to be frank, I'm still processing here."
The Onion Induction
Contributed by Silvia
At an energy therapies conference, I was in my rooms, having coffee with some folk and including a couple of non-therapist visitors. We were just messing around, telling stories and such, when one of the non-therapists mentioned something that really took the sun from the sky, metaphorically speaking, and darkened the energy in the room instantly - clearly something very traumatic from her past that must have been causing much pain and suffering on a daily basis.
One of the happy campers chirped up, "Where do feel that in your body?" and oh dear, there we were, with a massive life issue touched and presented and NO WAY that something of that severity could be dealt with there, in those surroundings.
So I took control of it and suggested the slightest of softenings round the edges of the "giant hard block on her heart" so that a little mist would begin to rise and show us where the channels were. Found them easily enough.
So then, and seeing the entirety of the situation, I said the following to the poor person:
"Now that your body has found the channels, it can begin, in it's own time, and no sooner than you are ready in all ways, to let this energy go, a small layer at a time, like the layers of an onion, as and when it's right, taking all the time you need to gently begin to dissolve this, a gentle mist moving from the surface and as it does so, making this blockage just a little smaller in turn.
"Are you happy for this to be so?"
(Person nods wholeheartedly, tears in their eyes.)
"Then let it be so, let this process continue, a layer at a time, in your own time, whether you are paying attention to it or not, until all is restored, re-balanced, and working better even than it ever did, all things healed, all things resolved."
Person was very grateful to me for both giving these gentle suggestions as well as NOT forcing the issue in any way - it was a pretty beautiful compromise really and a useful pattern which I used again when a demo subject at the EMO breakout session was going into something that would have taken longer than I had time for, and revealed much more about the process to the audience than I was willing to share with them.
I had it go on "automatic pilot" and got her intention, permission and consent to have the process continue in it's own time to full ecological resolution. This one said to me afterwards that it was a huge relief and still felt really good, and that they had felt as though I had really taken care of them properly and were very moved by that.
I would offer this for any situation where the deal's too huge to be facing all at once; where people are afraid and need more time; when you run out of time; whenever you feel it's appropriate to slow things down a bit for the rest of the person to be able to catch up with themselves and their changes, cognitively or energetically.
Now I appreciate it's not as fast and furious and there's the real possibility that you won't be getting thank you letters as the thing resolves so gently and gradually that the client never knows it's gone but what the hell.
Some folk deserve it after all they've been thru and I guess there are things I'm still carrying that probably cry out for just that kind of treatment, i.e. giving them time to dissolve a little at a time and in their own time.
EMO - The Ultimate Challenge ...
... A Week in a Caravan with my Parents!
Contributed by Ananga
I begin my tale in the true tradition of family revelations “I love them dearly but…”
I have just returned from a “holiday” in France with my daughter and parents in their touring (i.e. small) caravan and spent a most interesting time playing with EMO during the many and varied opportunities that such a dwelling and combination of personalities can manifest.
I’ve done it before, twice, they love taking my daughter out and they are most attentive to her and she really does enjoy it. I, however, find it a shifting mix of a break away from e-mails and work, the pleasure of seeing my little girl, have huge fun and horrific oppression!
It’s a joke among my friends that I’m a good person to travel with – I take things like Swiss army knifes and torches, wet wipes and the like – the kinds of things that people mock you for taking and continually ask to borrow. On the last two visits I was sure to take EFT and diverting reading such as Project Sanctuary they were both essential to my survival.
This time I took EMO too…
From feeling trapped amidst the waves of one of my father’s “serious depressions” and instantly being transported to childhood times of walking on eggshells for days on end (done in about 2 minutes) to clearing a most uncomfortable pressure in my head when he did an emergency stop on a dual carriageway and reversed back to a turning he’d missed that my mother had pointed out to him well in advance (about 2 minutes again including aspects such as “he always talks to her like she’s stupid” and “he never listens to anyone” and how this makes me feel since he’s my Dad).
This one I really loved doing. How does/did it make me feel? Bloody frustrated are the words that spring to mind - he’s arrogant, you can’t tell him anything because he can’t/won’t listen and on it goes… But where do I feel it… such a huge pressure across my forehead and down my arms, my fists were actually clenched and I wasn’t at all aware of this until I decided to do some EMO right there and then and really take notice of how this affected me.
I’m 36 years old and have always felt tense around my father, for sure the degree of tensions varies greatly, from light hearted and affectionate exchanges where it is absolutely minimal to the strain of us being very different people with very different ideas to the overwhelming stress of being around him when he’s suffering more than anyone else in the world - it’s always been there and, no doubt, I’ve spent years with teeth and fists clenched, tension in my head and who knows where else.
Once again here I am seeing EMO as the most profound tool for dealing with anything that comes our way in the here and now and, pause here to reflect on the vast healing potential, getting things moving that have been stuck for years.
So here I am back home unscathed and unscarred and not, as so many times in the past, feeling like I really deserve a good holiday after all I’ve been through!
I advise all travellers to update their checklists… passport… tickets… EMO…
Learning From Our Children
Contributed by "Stella"
Following the out of this world experiences at my first EMO training, I was high as a kite and the very next day, when my three year old "little monster" came rushing into my bedroom at the break of dawn (!!) I sort of automatically dropped shields and reversed the usual resistance - you know, oh go away and leave me in peace! especially first thing in the morning.
But I was not prepared for what happened when I did.
The energy charged from him into me and I burst out into tears immediately - how could I have ever rejected this being, this star? Oh good god, what have I been doing all these years thinking of him as a burden? I immediately started the EMO process, and an emergency it was too because I really didn't want him to think he'd "made me cry" - poor darling!
We ended up cuddling in bed and I have never felt so close to him, so loving, and so totally energised by his presence - what a total difference to trying to hide under the blanket and trying to block him out. I can only say that was a complete transformation for me in too many ways I can see.
I am so grateful that I was allowed to experience this. It would have been a miracle gift to just feel it the once but I can feel it all the time and it has raised me, made me into a much better mother, I feel better, happier in my own skin - thank you for EMO. And that really doesn't convey what I really feel.
Throwing Away Books
Contributed by "Verity"
This is a story about moving house, letting go of a part of your life but it need not be a bereavement.
This lady had to leave the house she had raised her children in and move into a small flat and one of the things she simply could not take with her was a huge room full of books.
Many of these needed to be thrown away, others sorted into boxes to go to a charity shop, but none of this could be done because the lady was incapable of putting the books into the bags and boxes and stood crying instead.
So she phoned her EMO-P.
The EMO-P suggested that she did not need the physical books because she had read them all and to take whatever energy she needed from the books and make it her own, permanently.
So the lady started with the first one, allowing the energy from the book to go into her. It got stuck near her collarbone area and needed a little encouragement, but then flowed away freely and she found that she had no problems at all placing the book in the garbage bag as it had become simply paper and print and nothing beside.
Once the process had begun, it became faster until all the books were sorted successfully and the lady felt perfectly happy, calm, steady and energised.
She had also a third pile of books, those she would take with her because she still wanted them in some way - a thought that had not even occurred to her before.
Following this, the house move went perfectly well and there was virtually no bereavement or regret to the change in the days and weeks that followed.
First Successful Complaint
Contributed by "Charles"
My 12 year old son bought himself a computer game with his own pocket money. When he got it home, it didn't have a free special something in it which had been promised in advertisements and which was the main reason for him buying the game.
He was distraught so I suggested he should go back to the shop to get it sorted out.
He didn't like that idea at all, saying that the shop owner would think he just wanted to get another of these valuable collector's items for free.
I suggested that he should try it; that he was a good customer there and he had never taken anything back maliciously before. But he was clearly too scared at the idea.
I asked him if he would allow me to show him one of my "weird tricks" and I was lucky that time because the thing meant a great deal to him and had wiped out his savings too, so he was motivated for once and grudgingly said, "Ok then but it'll never work."
The fear of going back to the shop was in his lower abdomen and it moved real quick and easy - zoom and out, just like that. I was surprised and even a bit jealous how easy he made it seem. I have to struggle to even start the process, I don't find it easy to feel where these emotions are kept.
Anyway, it took all of two minutes and he took a deep breath and said, I'm ready to go now. Worst that can happen is they just refuse to give me a new one.
I offered to take him in the car and wait outside for him (I believe in letting kids do these things for themselves, they need to learn to get along without us). He went in, upright and full of purpose. Eventually he emerged triumphantly. They had opened some more packages and found that all of them missed the special offer item from that particular box, so they opened another fresh box and those were ok. He got one of those, no problem. Not only that, because he had saved them embarrassment from other users, they even gave him a free gift for telling them about it.
A triumph of personal development, and a triumph for EMO, I'd say. And - did I notice a look of new found respect for old Dad there in the car?!
The Nurse Who Dared To Care
Contributed by "Anna"
I had the most amazing experience today. I work in a geriatric ward and learned EMO because I saw a practitioner for a personal problem. The next day when I went back to work, something happened that I believe has changed me forever.
We have this old man, an ex-army colonel. He is 83 years old, doesn't have any relatives and cranky as hell, dying of cancer, waiting for a place in a hospice.
That lunchtime when I went to bring him his meal, he was obviously in severe pain and when I came in he broke down for a moment and made this tiny gesture with his hand, like he was saying, help me, when he couldn't say it if you know what I mean. He doesn't say please or thank you ever, when he's up for it he just barks orders and complains all the time, nothing is ever good enough and no-one likes him.
As I looked at him there in such pain I really felt the shields I made around me, thick as a glass wall all around me, more like a tower really where I was safe inside and I don't know what happened I just dropped it and let him come to me, let him touch me.
It was the most amazing thing. I went over and took his hand and looked into his eyes and it was like falling in love with him, with that old man but it wasn't sad, it wasn't like I had always thought it would hurt to care for them - it was completely different. It wasn't sad at all, it was - just amazing, that's the only word I have. Amazing and energising. He stared up at me and held my hand tightly and went very quiet, and then he said, "Thank you."
Conclusion To EMO Energy In Motion Vol. I
EMO is a brand new system and it is under constant evolution.
Because of the underlying simple yet profoundly useful pre-suppositions on how the energy body works in humans, the possibility for developing patterns and applications for EMO are virtually limitless, and there will be many, many more patterns and techniques that will arise from these underlying presuppositions.
As is usual, lower chunked special applications are also under development – EMO for weightloss, EMO for prosperity, EMO for healing and so forth.
My personal interest lies in the more magical applications but even so, please know that what you have seen, read and hopefully experienced so far is only the beginning.
At the end of the day, EMO is a system of exploration, of learning on a very personal basis on what goes on in the Universe and with people who try to make their life here in our world.
I trust you too will use EMO in this spirit and I look forward to hearing about your contributions and experiences on the forums, lists and in magazines, bookshops and articles on the Internet.
Please make a point of visiting the new portal on () to stay in touch with important developments and new discoveries, techniques, patterns and practical applications.
I thank you for your interest and I sincerely wish that you will take EMO for a real good test drive, really take it to its limits and then some.
Silvia Hartman
Glossary Of Terms
Attachments – Ereas in the wider energy field which were not generated or derived from the individual whose field it is.
BSFF – Be Set Free Fast, one of the METs.
EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, originally engineered by Gary Craig from TFT (Thought Field Therapy by Roger Callahan). Revolutionary and user-friendly system to clear energy disturbances by paying attention to the problem and tapping on 14 major meridian points.
Energy Nutrition – Thinking of energy flowing as the equivalent of nutrients flowing into, through and out the physical systems and, in their passing and interaction with those systems, bringing the building blocks for existence, growth, repair and energy for all living functions.
Erea – Short for “existing energetic reality”, an erea is a dense field or system with a purpose and a personal identity. Ereas can be parts of the inner energy body in the sense of “areas”, in the greater energy body and even self sustaining outside any one originating individual or occurrence.
EMO-P – EMO Practitioner
Evocation – The act of raising energy by intention.
Fairy Wish – An EMO reality creation pattern whereby one makes a wish and removes all blockages or disturbances for the energy thus raised to flow freely, and powerfully.
Fault Line - A highly damaged ereas that are simply hyper sensitive and the first to respond to stress of any kind. Fault Lines draw attention to themselves even if the actual problem is in a different part of the energy system; in doing so, they often massively confuse cause-and-effect attributions.
Guiding Star – A single moment of epiphanic joy or an enlightenment moment which people try to hold on to and re-create mistakenly by actually trying to recreate the circumstances and people and objects present to make it happen again.
Hands Of Ghost – Two or more hands made of intention to touch where you cannot touch in physicality in order to assist the flowing of energy through their own channels or to soften energy blockages. Hands of Ghost can be warm and healing, cool and soothing, powerfully massaging or just gently touching subtly in response to what is needed at any point in time. You can, of course, also have Arms of Ghost or an entire representation of your intention enfolding yourself or another in a full embrace if so desired.
Intrusions – Ereas which were not generated or derived from the individual whose energy body it is and which have become part of the energy body (grown into the energy body). When this happens, they are mistakenly classified as “being of me” and all the protection devices that would normally protect the energy body are called into action to protect the intrusions just as well, making them very resistant to any attempts of removal or healing.
MET – Meridian & Energy Therapies, meaning the new forms of energy based mind-body healing techniques such as TFT, EFT, BSFF, TAT, etc. and EMO.
The Hard – All that usually known as “the real world” but actually is entirely "man made" – credit cards, people dying from cancer, global warming, pain and suffering and all of that.
Shields – Existing Energetic Realities (ereas) which block an energy form from coming into the central energy body or even into the wider energy body. In order to find the correct channels for the energy that has for some important reason at the time been kept at bay, we make a tiny pinprick hole like a laser hole into the shield to find out where the energy comes in, what it feels like, tastes like, what it does in the body and to move it through its own channels. With a very small quantity of incoming energy, which is less stressful for the client or for yourself, this can be discovered as can be discovered if there are areas, channels, parts of the system through which this energy passes needs to be unblocked or repaired first before the shield can be dropped completely.
Storm Drains – Specific major channels designed to be capable of handling the strongest and fastest energy situations – if there is no damage to these channels or blockages in those channels and if they have developed properly as they should and have not become atrophied.
TAT – Tapas Acupressure Technique, one of the METs.
Totality – An entire human being, the mind-body-spirit-energy-etc. totality which is one single person.
EMOing – The act of moving energy deliberately through channels or layers of the energy body. Term used by ETPs to describe the act of doing EMO.