14 - Reality Creation
14/1 – Who Chooses Your Wallpaper?
It's common knowledge these days that we each create our own reality, right down to choosing to stand in that particular spot where a part of us knew the lightning was going to strike.
I've sometimes mentioned this subject to groups of people one might call sincerely unenlightened, and when they responded with consternation, I would ask, "Well who chooses the colour of the carpets in your house?"
At the very lowest level of reality creation are the material things we choose to have in our worlds.
You'll probably find this hard to believe, but there are people out there who live in houses they don't like, with furniture they don't care for, surrounded by ornaments they hate; who wear shoes that hurt and bras that pinch, work in dreary jobs they abhor and have relationships that make them physically ill.
Some people don't even like their own friends; yet they either feel powerless to do something about it, or worse, don't even know that they have a say in these matters at all.
Physical, practical reality creation seems to be one thing, and the kind of reality creation that is in the realm of magic seems another.
Yet they are both part of one and the same system - there's consciousness at work that makes choices and plans, and then they manifest in the form of practical objects, situations or people.
In my experience, the physical and the magical are not opposites as is so often held, but they are at the end of a sliding scale of a truer representation of what the world is really like in the classic "dimmer switch" scenario. The world is physical and magical both, at the same time, always interwoven somewhere along a scale with infinite subdivisions.
For some of the people I've met, creating a sanctuary within was the very first time where they got in touch with reality creation at any kind of level. Ok, creating a safe, supporting and beautiful world inside for yourself to enjoy is not exactly the same as being able to snap your fingers and manifest a pot of gold in your living room - but it's certainly a start towards that end.
Now I cannot know how many books, lectures and workshops on the subject of reality creation you have ingested already - these might have been said to be about abundance, or how to have better relationships, or how to overcome weight problems, or how to be a Reiki practitioner; in the end, all these are about creating a better reality for yourself.
Perhaps you've done none of these things and don't intent to - it doesn't matter. Whether you are already a reality creating wizard, or you've just begun to prick up your ears at the possibilities for a better life inherent in the concept, sanctuary building will be good practise for when you're ready to carve your own "heaven on earth" out there from the good ol' rock hard reality.
Sanctuary building, decision making about what you want from it, repairing, re-decorating, finding and building new resources, and expanding it, provides an ideal and super safe setting for learning some very basic lessons about the whole business of reality creation.
14/2 – Reality Creation 101
Here are some of the things that you will learn in the process of creating realities in the sanctuary realms, entirely free in every way to do, have and be what you choose exactly:
14/2/1 – What Is Possible For YOU?
Faced with unlimited choice, and unlimited possibility, you will learn one heck of a lot about your limitations of belief of what's possible FOR YOU, what's necessary FOR YOU, and in the end, what you actually believe you deserve to have and not to have.
I've had people who could not surround themselves with pleasure and beauty, try as they might, and in the end had to come to the conclusion that it was because they didn't believe they deserved it. Well I'm glad they discovered this inside their heads whilst stuck in a traffic jam, whilst lying on the couch or washing the dishes - rather than after a lifetime of wasted struggle and unhappiness, on their deathbeds!
This kind of information about yourself is absolutely invaluable in order to sort something out that is blocking real happiness and positivity from EVER manifesting in your real life - because you can't have on the outside what you're not ready to accept on the inside.
What you actually believe you deserve to have and not to have, is what you will get. One gentleman who shall remain nameless had a most enchanting sanctuary with great relationships but couldn't contemplate "dirtying" it with any kind of sexual activity. Strangely, in his own life he was successful in just about every aspect - but had not had sex with anyone in years.
So, doesn't it make sense to address your views on relationships first before spending the money on a dating agency?
Sanctuary building also nicely exposes what you think you're good at, and what you think you need help with. Just read that last sentence again, and in case you're not yet listening full and completely, I'll repeat it for you: Sanctuary building also nicely exposes what you think you're good at, and what you think you need help with. People think all kinds of weird and limiting things about their own skills and abilities "as are", never mind about their own potentialities "as could be".
You wouldn't believe the stuff I hear – "I can't draw to save my life." (Oh yeah? Let me just go and get the kitchen knife and we'll test that assumption!); "I'm useless with numbers" (How come you're sitting in my house instead of with a very confused neighbour across the road?) "I'm a terrible driver" (So how many people have you killed this last two weeks?); "I'm just not physical enough" (OK you stand there and I try and walk through you); and stuff even more ludicrous than that.
Not all of these people are fishing for compliments, either. Some of them really believe this kind of nonsense about themselves!
In the sanctuary project, the time comes when even the most worm-like of people finally begin to realise where these "inner advisors" and "wise helpers" they rely on so heavily, actually come from. Do you remember the lady who felt so inadequate in the decorating department; she called in an interior designer to do this work for her? Well, she rang me up a few months after the session, to tell me that she had just moved into a new house and astonished everyone with the decorating ideas, but no-one knew "that she had cheated by using her inner designer instead". As she said the words to me, she all of a sudden started to laugh uncontrollably and simply couldn't stop. I was also laughing and we just set each other off again and again until we were both exhausted. Last I heard, she was advising others on the subject and had even gotten paid for a job she did for the firm her husband worked for.
"I am the designer," she said.
In your own explorations and creations, of course you call in help as and when you feel you need it. You can use the information thus revealed about your lack of self belief in these areas in a conscious manner, or just let it go and use the marvellous resources you've discovered thus like our decorating lady did and allow these things to integrate smoothly and joyfully over time.
14/2/2 – How Do You Make Decisions?
An ability rather highly priced by the army and the business world, decision making involves taking risks and overcoming fear of failure. It's a way of thinking or you might call it a strategy on how to approach such situations in general. When people are faced with difficult decisions, the issues themselves often overwhelm this underlying process and strategy, but it's in the strategy where the power lies.
In your sanctuary, you can make decisions in perfect safety, because you can undo anything again and try something else if your first decision failed to deliver to your expectations.
What you will find out, if you don't already know, is that whether you took a right or a wrong decision is really rather impossible to judge, especially in the long term, and even more especially in the very, very long term.
Every decision sets into motion a whole series of connected events, or ripples, if you like, that will influence in ever widening circles more and more people, situations and events the longer it goes on. I've made some dreadful decisions in my time, yet they have led me to places that I wouldn't have missed for the world; I'm sure you've got some similar examples in your own life.
The thing is, these interconnected events don't get to manifest in the future if no decision is taken, and either nothing happens at all or, and that's much worse, you get swept up in someone else's reality creation by default and this very possibly might not be to your liking and very often not in your best interest! Therefore, finding out how you make decisions, how you deal with the consequences, and all the ins and outs of your own particular way of coping with this aspect of reality creation, brought to an elegant solution, is going to be a gift of tremendous value to yourself in everything you'll ever do in the real world.
14/2/3 – The Nothing Principle
One of the very core concepts of reality creating is the “nothing principle”. This simply states that nothing is nothing and must always remain nothing, because you can’t improve, develop, grow, streamline or adjust a nothing.
Nothing is nothing.
Something, on the other hand, and regardless of how miserable, small, pathetic, simple, or useless it might appear at first glance, is something.
And something can be improved when attention is given to it – it can be developed, morphed, even erased if necessary (which is not something you can do with a nothing!).
To understand this clearly is a major task for artists, for example, who seek perfection in form and function and have the unfortunate habit of tearing up their beginning “something” efforts because they are displeased with them and turn them into a “nothing” instead from which, as we’ve observed our principle states, then nothing further can grow.
Similarly, for sanctuary builders and reality creators, any effort and no matter how haphazard or childish it might appear should be treasured and hailed as a great accomplishment – you’ve actually done something that is a starting point and now we can go on and make it better, make it brighter, make it other, make it more and make it become something amazing as time goes by.
If you want to build a castle, you can start with a single mud brick in the middle of an otherwise empty field and guess what? That is already more than 99% of the population ever achieve – they never get that far! You add another and then some more, and the foundations are starting to take shape. After a while, the first little castle stands in the middle of the field. For sure, it’s not very impressive but you have something there that 99 out of 100 people will never have at all – and now, you can improve it and make it better with the wisdom of hindsight, the bricklaying experience you have gathered and should you at some point pick up and make a second version somewhere else, you can already bet it’s going to be even better than your first effort.
So, the important lesson in the Nothing Principle is that things get better with time and effort and it expects you to start with a small something somewhere – that is the very core of reality creation and something you can practise to your heart’s content in sanctuary so that when the time comes, you will be able to replicate this principle in the Hard as well, not allowing negative comments from yourself or others to dissuade you from your creations and keeping firmly in mind that you are dealing with a developing system in which you, the creator, are learning the whole time with every little thing you do, with every little decision you make, and it doesn’t really matter at all if an individual decision results in this or that – it’s feedback and ALWAYS AND ONLY a learning process and a step on your way as you develop your abilities and powers over the time of your life.
14/2/4 - Accepting Responsibility
I used to think of responsibility as this terribly heavy grey thing you lug around on your bend and aching tired shoulders. I realise now that's just what the "powers that be" wanted me to believe so I would be ready and willing to hand this supposed burden over when they came asking for it - like the conquistadors "relieving" the natives of their gold.
This delusion of mine lasted until the day someone pointed out that the word is actually made up from two words that define a very different meaning: response - ability, i.e. the ability to respond.
When you're looking after a baby in a room by yourself, and it starts to cry, it's your response ability to deal with this. It means nothing more and nothing less than that you are the only one in this situation who has the ability to respond - and then it's your decision whether you are going to go ahead and accept this and say, "Yes, that's correct, the kid's too little and also he's the one who's saying that there's something that needs to be dealt with, there's no-one else here who could respond, I'm the only one who has the ability to respond in this situation."
This "acceptance of responsibility" doesn't mean, however, that you now need to go and do something about it, nor for that matter, that there's only one way to respond. Whether you're going to do something about it, or what precisely you're going to do, is entirely your choice. You could respond (because you have that ability!) by simply walking out of the room and closing the door behind you.
A long time ago I was speaking to a young woman who was bitterly angry about the way a couple in her street mistreated their pet animals. She had called the RSPCA and they had done nothing about it, and she "couldn't get to sleep at night for thinking about the suffering of these poor creatures; and I there's nothing I can do."
I pointed out to her that she could simply cut a hole in the fence when the couple went out and steal the animals in question, if she felt that strongly. She was completely taken aback by that suggestion and spluttered and stuttered for a while and in the end cried out, "But I'd be arrested!"
At this point, and being somewhat tired of the conversation, I leant forward, looked her in the eye, and said, "If it's that bloody important to you, then stop whining, do something about it, and accept the consequences."
One of these side effects of responsibility are the consequences of your actions. Whether it's the external "laws of the land" as in the example with the mistreated animals, or your own internal law, or even a combination of the two as in the example of leaving a crying baby in a locked room - response ability also includes that you are willing to respond to the outcome of your choices. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, as it were.
For many people, the idea of taking response ability for their entire lives is about as shocking a suggestion as the idea of sticking your head in a blender. It would mean accepting that the mess that is their lives is of their own making, of their own creation. Don't get me wrong. I don't blame them for it. It's of course based on low self esteem and a society that teaches you anything other than that you are a free individual with the ability to respond according to your own beliefs, values and attitudes, that you are the absolute owner of your own body, your thoughts and feelings, the master of your own destiny, the creator of your own reality, the lord of your own domain.
The idea of taking responsibility for your entire life is also a bit of a big chunk - like eating the proverbial elephant. You can only get through the whole damn thing a piece at a time.
So, by starting to take responsibility for an imaginary inner realm, with perhaps just a little walled garden or even a small prison cell, that certainly is a first step towards the whole elephant-devouring business of stepping up to the knowledge that you have the ability to choose to respond, no matter what the situation - even if you choose to respond by doing absolutely nothing about it.
Also, as people experience this in action, they will also become much more aware of the benefits response ability has for the person who wishes to claim it as their very own right by birth.
See, it's a major way towards freedom. Without it, you remain a sad little whinger, forever reliant on counsellors, help lines, pressure groups and ever more restrictive legislation designed "to protect you".
Without it, you'll be like these sheep who just trustingly put themselves in the hands of whoever promises to relieve them of this response ability “burden”, and then bleat horribly when they found they've been led to slaughter instead - like the people I heard about on the radio just this morning, who chose a plastic surgeon from an advertisement they spotted in the paper and because he was cheaper than everyone else, failed to research his practise, ended up with horribly deformed features and now demand more legislation to protect others just as irresponsible as themselves and just as unwilling to admit their part in the tragedy from having to take responsibility for their own stupidity in the future.
The amazing turn-around from being a victim to being the master of your own destiny has been expressed most beautifully by Virginia Satir, who wrote this truly beautiful piece called “My declaration of self.” I recommend highly that you copy this into your journal or attach it to a wall so you keep it in mind. It’s easy to forget amidst our busy lives but truly, this encompasses the truth about response ability and our lives here in the Hard.
14/2/5 - Help, Gifts, Assistance & Miracles
In between the whingeing, "I can't do anything - won't you do it for me please 'cause I'm so stupid and useless?", and the arrogant, "I don't need anybody, I can do anything myself and at least it's going to get done properly" there lies somewhere a place, where calling for help doesn't mean your an idiot, but quite on the contrary, that you acknowledge realistically that there's some things you could use some help with!
I've met very few people who found it easy to ask for and accept help from a position of strength. Yeah sure there's lots who manipulate, hint, point, cough discreetly or blackmail you emotionally, but very few who can ask without embarrassment or aggression.
The whole area of giving and receiving in general is one of these weird places where human interaction in the western world seems to have gone awry in a bad way; and it's one of these things you can practise and explore in complete safety and total confidence in the sanctuary.
Many metaphysical teachers hold that the reason more people don't experience more miracles more often is that they block themselves off and won't allow it to happen. Here's an interesting fact for you. Do you know the experiment when you throw a coin fifty times and try to predict which side it'll land on? As there's statistically a 50/50 chance you guess it right, one would normally expect if it was chance alone at play, that you'd be right half the time - about 25 times in all.
In the '60s and '70s, thousands upon thousands of such kinds of experiments were performed in Universities up and down the globe - either to prove the existence of ESP, or to disprove it. A very small proportion of people predicted the right outcome way beyond the bounds of chance, and that is really what most of us have come to expect in life.
However, recently someone re-checked those studies and found that there were just as many people who predicted it wrongly so many times that it couldn't have been chance either! As these "never ever get it right" guys were previously lost in the statistics, having being lumped in with the 50/50 crowd, all of it had to be re-calculated and now the results prove, scientifically and statistically, that ESP must exist.
The moral of the story? It is just as unlikely to never have any good luck as it is to always have good luck - in both cases, there's reality creation at work, only in the first case, it's the negative, denying, and blocking kind.
Statistically, you should be able to expect some good fortune some of the time - half of the time, in fact. Statistically, and if you don't do anything to block it, you have a 50/50 chance of receiving miracles in your life. Miracles are invaluable gifts that you did nothing to deserve - a scary concept for many of us who have been brought up to believe that the only way to getting anything in life is by “working your fingers to the bone”.
In the context of reality creation, miracles are just one of the ways in which the Universe can help you if you let it.
A teenage girl called Allie who had been sanctuarising for a while told me that one of her main pleasures was to go back and check out what new gifts had turned up - she giggled and said it was like an Easter egg hunt - a diamond bracelet on the branch of a tree, a pretty little statue sitting on a lily leaf in the pond, on one occasion she found a book of poetry. This rather intrigued me for many reasons, but mainly because no one else I'd ever talked to had considered the idea of somehow creating little surprise gifts for themselves.
It's such a thoroughly nice thing; one would have thought it to be more common!
See, I don't see reality creation as something you do all by yourself, grimly planning, laboriously creating, studiously affirming, spell casting, symbol empowering and deadly seriously acting in accord. I think of reality creating more like a dance that weaves together your desires and abilities, resources and opportunities, with co-incidences, synchronicities, as well as a little help from other people, situations and the Universe at large, all held together and given form and shape by the intention of your mind.
14/3 - Reality Creation - Step By Step
Just by building a new house in your sanctuary, does that mean you will automatically get a new house in real life?
I don't know - why don't you find out?
This kind of thing certainly happens an awful lot in some form or the other as the result of internal planning and re-structuring - like in one case, a lady had lived in a place for twenty years and then "somehow" got the desire to become involved in home improvements - with the result that the house ended up "as though it was a different house altogether". No-one who knew her could get their heads around the depth of transformation - new extension, new windows, walls knocked out, loft extension, totally different interior decoration, the lot.
Certainly I have found in the past that there is truth in the metaphysical principle of "where attention goes, energy flows".
14/3/1 - What Your Heart Desires
The one thing that saddens me about the author/reader relationship is that I won't get to hear what you decide will be your first reality creation target. It's just amazing what people want, and how they go about getting it!
So, whether it's something very big like wanting to own the equivalent of the Microsoft Corporation, or something very little, like a stranger giving you flowers, that in itself can be a gauge for you as to how much you believe you can do this, and how much disappointment you're willing to let yourself in for!
No, I'm just joking. Let's be serious here - you can have whatever your heart desires.
If you've got an enormous shopping list, you can chunk up a bit - sorting things into categories and finding the underlying resource. So, if you want a new house, and a new stereo, and a new car, they can all be bought with money and so you might save a lot of time by manifesting more money instead of each item one by one. If you're miserable and lonely, you might go straight for "more love" than doing friends, casual acquaintances and lovers separately.
If that's too overwhelming, start smaller. Always remember, you're calling the shots. And please, please trust your intuition. If the thought of trying to create something massive worries you in the slightest, don't try to convince yourself to attempt it just because "you should be able to by now, after 25 years of Transcendental Meditation".
There's no-one in your sanctuary to judge you, you've got all the time in the world, and ice skating judges give higher marks for a single jump that was executed to perfection than an ambitious triple toeloop that landed the skater on his ass.
John had dreamed of owning a fishing boat all his life. Not a little rowing boat, mind, he already had one of those, but a real ocean going sea fishing vessel that could take passengers and which required a boatman's license. These things are not only extremely expensive to buy (in the range of a super luxury motor car, I was amazed to find out), but also need a lot of money to maintain, to buy petrol for, and for birthing fees, and so John had more or less resigned himself to never being able to afford one.
Still, he kept dreaming.
I met him on the beach whilst taking my dogs for a walk and we just got talking. He made the serious mistake of asking what I do for a living, and about twenty minutes later, he had told me that his internal sanctuary was nowhere near the sea and only contained a little lake just big enough for a small rowing boat.
By the time I went home, the lake had acquired a river connection with the Big Blue and a gorgeous mariner with a fishing boat with John's wife's name on it.
I met him again recently, using a massive winch to drag his ocean going vessel up the beach. It had his wife's name on it. I waved and he came running to tell me what had happened - and the interconnections of various bizarre circumstances that had led to him acquiring this boat were so unbelievable, I kept laughing and shaking my head.
There's still parts of me, it seems, that in spite of all the things I've seen and done still won't believe that miracles do happen, each and every day, some big and some small ones as well. But in a way, that's alright too. It means that you don't have to congruently believe to be able to manifest. John didn't, and I still don't, and yet we both do it. There's hope for all of us.
Not everyone, however, has such a clear and long standing, and let's face it, simple dream as just owning a fishing boat. John was lucky there, I thought. For many of us, it's hard to say what would make us completely happy, what would complete us, in a way. What is specifically that would make all the difference?
A lot of people just sigh at that point and say, "If only I knew. If only I KNEW! Then I could go out and get it!"
If that sounds like you, find the section on "Mythical Quests". For now, I would suggest as a practise matter, to choose something you'd quite like to have in your life.
I mean, if you had just started out as an architect's apprentice, you probably wouldn't be looking to re-build the Great Pyramid Of Giza as your very first project. A project of such magnitude is too awe inspiring, with too many possibilities of your own inexperience to lead you to make mistakes; plus, the pressure would be such that you'd probably make some where it wasn't even strictly necessary. So choose something now, take it easy and let's look at the next step.
14/3/2 - Inner Feng Shui
Just in case you haven't heard about it, Feng Shui is a Chinese system for allowing energies to flow harmoniously in and around your home, to make living easier, more abundant and more joyful.
This is achieved by firstly finding out what kind of energy there is, and then working with this energy to create maximum benefit. There are all kinds of different energies - fast, rushing ones, negative and disturbing ones, tranquil gentle ones, and old stuck energies that assemble especially in corners. There are the basic energies inherent in the earth, that of the building itself in context of it's environment, and the energies that are brought in by people and objects.
In the system, there are all kinds of ways to channel, re-direct, harness and clear these different kinds of energies, using natural materials, shapes, mirrors, plants, water features etc. and their placements to create balance and harmony.
I am by no means an expert on the subject, which I can highly recommend to you as being very positive, powerful and good fun to boot; however one specific Feng Shui idea has benefited both me and many of my clients most tremendously.
See, before you go ahead and manifest something new, there's got to be a space for it, else you just clutter up your life with many negative effects. Also, the very existence of a welcoming space makes it certainly easier for something new to turn up that wishes to occupy it - if you've ever had a brand new cupboard in your house and rejoiced in the potentiality of it's emptiness, you'll know how quickly stuff appears that wishes to move in and in no time at all, it'll be just as full as your older cupboards.
So, I suggest the first step on the way to creating something you require or desire is to sort out the old first. Sometimes this might involve clearing something out or throwing away old unwanted clutter.
In the real world, this doesn't always work so well on all levels. It's ok for closets and drawers, but not so easy on the major manifestations. After all, if you had to sleep in a ditch for six months before you were allowed a new house, or get rid of all your money before you can manifest more of it, practical problems of all sorts would arise.
In sanctuary space, this is of course not a problem, and so we can go ahead and sort this inner space deeply and completely for "maximum pull" in metaphorical - and metaphysical! - terms.
This step often gets somewhat overlooked and is in my opinion a major stumbling block to flawless reality creation on the inner plane.
A neat example was a client of mine called Jake who wanted desperately to own a nice car. He didn't have much money, and this, by the way, wasn't the problem he came to see me about, just something that cropped up during the conversation. In spite of his desires in this direction, Jake had driven old and worn out cars all his life; once, someone had given him a really nice car but within a couple of months, he'd had a couple of accidents and the car had been vandalised by a gang of youths and it had turned into a knackered old wreck yet again.
It occurred to me to ask what had happened to all these old cars he'd previously owned in sanctuary terms, and duly, he manifested a car park for me as a response to that question. Ok, so I'm guilty of installing it in the first place simply by asking about it I presume, but sometimes this has it's uses, as you will see.
In this internal car park, not only did he find his own old jalopies, but also some that his parents had owned as far back as he could remember. He was quite emotional at looking at all these dusty and sun bleached old cars, as they were tied to all kinds of fond memories. He had, he said, always a hard time taking them to the scrap yard or selling them on in the real world, because he had grown fond of each one, in spite of their various problems. He would have told me each one's little quirks and foibles, if I'd let him, along the lines of, "Oh, this one never ever started in the wet, god, all the times I had to bump her to get home!"
I really felt that these poor old cars needed to be let go of in some shape or form, so that they might move on to wherever it is that beloved old family cars go, and he wholeheartedly agreed with me.
"You know," he said reflectively, "I never realised how much I appreciated their individuality."
As cars were not the point of the session, and I felt that he had understood fully how to take it from there, we said goodbye and he promised me to let me know what happened. I must confess that with this kind of work, I'm like someone who has started to read a really interesting novel and can't wait for the next instalment. God, I love this job!
He duly rang and told me that he had realised a couple of things. Firstly, that his relationship with each car was a personal relationship and had nothing inherently do to with them being faulty; that was just something that got tied in to the whole thing by mistake because of the first few jalopies he had owned. Secondly, he had found out that it all had started when he was about three and his dad's car was taken to the scrap yard, where the whole family watched it being lifted by a crane, dropped into a hole and then crushed, and he remembered crying bitterly and desperately begging to try and make them stop it.
Jake did not want to get rid of the old cars in his mind; he'd tried and it had felt awful. Instead, he had made the decision to enlarge his internal car park to provide space for any new car he would own in the future; further, he'd found an inner mechanic for whom he manifested a fully equipped work shop and unlimited spares department who would repair and restore each one of the old cars already there to full shiny glory, and also look after the new ones that he would acquire in the future.
I thought that this solution was really neat, and congratulated him on his discoveries and choices. When I saw him again a few weeks later, he came in grinning like a Cheshire cat, "I've got something to show to you!" Yes, you've probably guessed it. Outside stood a shiny classic car - a Triumph Stag, as he told me proudly. He'd got it really cheap and a friend had helped him do it up; his father had given him the money for the re-spray. He's still got that car, it's been about ten months now, and it still looks as good as new.
The moral of the story is four-fold.
- Firstly, it illustrates nicely the principle that if there are recurrent problems in any department you have chosen for your first attempt of direct reality creation, there's some clearing, tidying and "making room" for the new to be done first.
- Secondly, you don't have to chuck things away in the sanctuary space as you would do in real life if you don't want to - as long as it's all neat and organised to your satisfaction, there's no limit on how much you can have. Your internal world is not a closet that can only hold 4 shirts, 6 pairs of socks and 3 drab suits.
- Thirdly, as Jake's example shows, when you go ahead and suit yourself, taking all your own feelings and motivations into consideration, you can end up satisfying all parts of yourself in a way you never contemplated as a possibility.
- He had always thought of a "really nice car" being something that costs hundreds of thousands and not only being completely out of his league in financial terms, but also being out of his league in self identity terms. He's got a car now that cost him next to nothing, that's both old and quirky as well as gorgeous, flash and shiny, and it fits the bill of "a really nice car" to the degree that he can't help but smile proudly every time he sees it.
- Lastly, Jake's car problem, how he overcame it and how he came to own his Stag, was, please remember, accomplished entirely by himself, in his own world, in his own way, in his own time, to his own satisfaction. And that, as far as I am concerned, is the most encouraging thing of all. If Jake can do it, so can I - and without having to find me a Guru first.
So, to back up, with anything you would like to have a go at manifesting for yourself, go inside and visit the place where it will be represented when it comes to move in with you. Clearing may be in order. Like in gardening, a weed free nicely dug border of rich soil will help any kind of plant to grow.
So, now that we've tidied up our treasure rooms, enlarged the jewellery boxes and released all the monsters from the attic of the old house, we can begin creating what we want in the sanctuary.
14/3/3 - The Desire In Context
There are loads of inner journeys available in books, tapes and workshops that let you manifest desires in metaphysical terms by working on the non physical planes and with symbols and metaphorical representations.
Sanctuary work is different, because here we are faced with an interactive, ecological system where every part affects every other - just as is the case in nature in general and in your neurology in particular.
Something that you might like to consider therefore is: where does it fit in?
Sally wanted more "Personal Power" (yes, of course you can have attributes or resources as well as material objects!). She represented this by a huge, magical mountain with a castle on the top.
Unfortunately, it kind of squashed the rest of the sanctuary and cast shadow on most of it; and I shudder to think what would have come out of this in practical terms if she'd just let it stay like that. As it was, the mountain didn't "fit in" anywhere with the rest of the landscape; some major re-structuring work was in order to create a pleasing and functional whole.
Another example of the same nature was a lady who wanted more money and thus created an empty ready-to-receive strong room in her sanctuary house. Once again, it didn't really fit in very well with the existing oldie worldie cottage with roses round the door - and the solution lay in finding a harmonious combination that would enhance both instead.
I have much trust in the fact that humans are absolutely capable of figuring out the underlying harmonic principles of the Universe - a bit like the temple designed by Leonardo Da Vinci is universally pleasant to the eye, and when you change the proportions even ever so slightly, it looks unbalanced and becomes uncomfortable to behold.
This, by the way, is an important safety check not just for your new structures and manifestations, but also for existing ones. If it's pleasing and harmonious, then it's probably right. If it isn't, consider how it can be arranged differently, or better; an interlacement of function and form, which may serve you outstandingly in the overall context of the whole.
14/3/4 - Roadblocks To Desire
It is very possible that, like in Jake's case with the cars, once you've started clearing up and creating the space, the new manifests itself automatically and without any further help or planning.
Sometimes, however, there are further stumbling blocks to overcome first.
Gill, a teacher, wanted a romantic relationship and to this end had cleared a part of her garden and planted a potentially beautiful red rose just as you would get from a gardening centre; the idea being, that as the plant grew and developed, so would a new love arise and when the rose started to bring forth her first flowers, love would be there, growing stronger and becoming more full and complete as the years go by - in theory, a good idea and a gentle, natural unfolding process which was much more suited to Gill than being "swept of her feet by violent flood waves of emotions", as she put it.
However, the damn thing refused to grow. She'd plant it, water it, feed it, and every time she came back to check on it, it just lay there again, floppy and dead. Rightfully, she recognised that there was obviously something very wrong, a major stumbling block within the system that would not have this rose thing happening. So she began trying all kinds of things - changing the soil, changing the place, trying a different species and colour of rose, trying it in a planter, in a greenhouse - nothing worked. No matter how healthy and well cared for the plant was when she left it, every time she got back, it was dead yet again. As there was no help forthcoming from inner guides or advisors on how to deal with this, Gill started to read books about how to care for roses, and in the end, went to a real gardening centre in the real world and asked advice from a lady who worked there! (Now that's what I call acting in accord - I must confess that I wouldn't have thought of doing that).
Any rate, the lady listened to the story, Gill obviously pretending they were talking about a real garden and real roses. In the end, the lady shook her head and said, "I don't know, but it surely reminds me of something that happened a long time ago, on my father's allotment. He had leek plants dying mysteriously like that, and it turned out it was another man from the allotment society poisoning them at night because he wanted to get rid of a competitor for the annual prize giving."
Gill told me later that she virtually ran back to her car, locked herself in, closed her eyes and planted another red rose on the spot.
This time, she found herself a watchman in the form of an old owl and asked the owl to keep an eye on the rose until she came back. And right on, the owl reported that from the surrounding trees, a black shape had emerged as soon as Gill's back had been turned, and stomped viciously around on the plant until it had died.
Now here's neither the time nor the place to go into the ins and outs of how Gill first entrapped, then sorted out the black shape; the point is, in the very idea of a problem there lies the pre-supposition that there must exist a corresponding solution, as surely as the idea of night can only make sense in the context of there being also a day.
No matter what obstacles you encounter to your creation, no matter what goes wrong or what weird things happen, it's all a part of the overall process and it just means that there's a puzzle to be solved, or a detective novel to be written, if you will. The interesting co-incidence - if that's what it was - that the particular woman Gill asked about advice had had a father whose experiences led to Gill solving the puzzle, is a common theme.
Sometimes, it's a question of hearing a song on the radio, flicking across the television channel, or even a chance remark overheard in passing, that holds the key to a particularly bugging problem and triggers an instant revelation.
I love learning. I love all of it. From the excitement of first hearing about something, to the first tenuous contacts with the subject, then rolling up your mental sleeves and really getting stuck in; to the plateau of frustration that tells you the good stuff is j-j-just round the corner; to the marvellous feeling of "Oh my god! I understand!", to the maturing of the subject and the realisation that you are able to do it yourself, right to full integration and being able to use what you've learned with elegance and ease, I just love the whole process and every single step within it. I don't know if you feel the same, but even if you don't as yet, I'm pretty sure you must be catching some of the excitement of the chase that exists when a really good puzzle or problem presents itself.
Also, of one thing you can be sure, once you've thoroughly dealt with your equivalents of Gill's black stomping shadowy thing, you're certain to share her feelings of relief, joy, pride in having overcome it, and the unfolding of future possibilities.
I've done it myself and I can tell you, it feels great - and that's quite apart from the practical repercussions for your self and your projects, dreams and plans.
14/3/5 - Acting In Accord
Once you've figured out what you want, cleared the space for it, manifested it to your satisfaction and sorted any possible problems, you might like to do a bit of "acting in accord". We have mentioned it before quite a few times, but I'd still like to take this opportunity to remind you that the inner world and the outer world are really part of the same interdependent system, and the more you are aware of it and learn to transfer resources and communications freely around the entirety of this system, the better both of them have the opportunity to become.
I do my "acting in accord" in many sneaky ways that by-pass people who don't know me very well completely. If I had been Gill the romantic rose lady, I would have either painted a corresponding picture of the rose and hung it in a prominent place, or actually gone out and planted a real one in my garden. I might have bought a T-Shirt with a rose on it, or, even sneakier still, might have acquired rose scented perfume or worn a bit of rose quartz jewellery.
Does that begin to sound like good old kitchen magic?
Yes, I suppose that's exactly what it is! And that's ok, because it's a pretty ancient tradition, energised by billions who have gone before us, and honoured by everyone excluding the western society in the last five hundred years or so.
Which ever way you want to look at it, bringing a symbol out of your unconscious mind and having it be real in your daily life, certainly works as a reminder and an affirmation of what you want, every time you look at it, and every time you think about it.
It's a proof to your unconscious mind that you're finally taking it seriously; and it's simply got to help bring about the desired changes - where your attention goes, energy flows.
14/3/6 - The Result Materialises
Metaphorical change work is not like hitting someone over the head with a hammer.
It's more complex than that, and has the added intriguing dimension in that the observer and the observed are one and the same. In order to make any kind of rational evaluation on how you're doing and on how you've done (which, by the way, is amusing and encouraging to start with and then becomes less necessary as you learn to trust in the process), you've got to freeze the current you in some shape or form in order to be able to make the comparison at a later date.
It's like living with someone every day - you kind of don't notice that they're growing, or getting fatter, or getting greyer, because it's such a gradual process; only, when we're dealing with ourselves, this "not noticing" is even more pronounced.
Making a quick written testimony on how you currently feel, your plans, your problems and your views in the form of diary entries, or even better, letters to your future self, is one possibility. Being of somewhat artistic persuasion, I use poems I wrote and pictures I painted as such reference points to show me what I've gained in the interim.
What happens to many of the people who have done sanctuary work, as has happened to myself, is that reality starts to shift gear on you and things start to happen really quickly, taking your attention away from the inside because there's so much going on the outside.
At one point, after a major breakthrough type of puzzle solving and "ghost laying", I found myself putting together a CD, getting my paintings ready for an exhibition, re-writing some old books for publication and, on top of that, finding the time to fit a gorgeous new man into my life! Ok so it might be said that that wasn't quite what I'd had in mind - but I can tell you honestly and from personal experience, people can find they've unleashed a whirlwind of opportunities once a particular underlying problem has been resolved.
So, if you're in the internal planning stages at present, moping about your abode and whilst you still have the time, write down who you are, so you can pick it up in six months time and amaze yourself at what you used to be, and what has come about since then.
To round up this short treatise on learning the basics of reality creation in the safety of sanctuary, a few words about a commonly asked question.
14/3/7 - The Dream Weaver
If, so the questions goes, my thoughts do indeed create reality, do all my thoughts go out and create something? What happens to my negative thoughts? Does this mean I can never contemplate something bad happening for the fear of creating that bad thing instead?
Now I'm not an enlightened Zen master or a major metaphysical teacher, but I see it like this.
Imagine, once more if you will, that there's this little man in your mind, whose task it is to weave tapestries out of the thoughts you think. But his job is very frustrating - as you think about one thing, he weaves that, and then as you think about another, he has to stop the first one, run across the room, and then start weaving the other instead. A new thought is a brand new tapestry just started, an old, recurring idea a tapestry in advanced stages.
Over a period of time, the ones he's allowed to spend the most time on will become complete, and when they do, the reality manifests.
A distant relative of mine told me long, long ago and before I ever got to hear about metaphor therapies, that they had this recurrent idea of themselves sitting lonely and friendless on a battered old suitcase on a railway station in the middle of nowhere in the rain.
This idea haunted them and so they worked like a mad person all their adult lives often twenty hours a day or more, backed up by hoarding and scrimping and saving.
Somehow or other, and this is hard to believe, they managed to accrue hundreds of thousands and then managed to get rid of it all in the most amazing ways you could begin to imagine so that by the time they died, they were poverty struck, friendless, and their possessions would have easily fitted into a small and battered suitcase.
This person has been dead a good long time, but if anything could convince me about the "real life" value of internal metaphorical representations and pre-teach the whole subject many years before I came to consciously meet it, that was it.
If those are the kinds of instructions you give to your dream weaver, over a period of forty years or more, then he will manifest just that outcome for you. He doesn't know any better. And fleeting dreams and fancies that only cross your mind every so often won't be enough to offset the end result or even influence it greatly, they might just slow down the inevitability of it all to a minor degree.
Then, one day a client came my way, we shall call him Garth, who was a very "witchy" person, a talented Tarot reader and local healer of some renown. His problem was that he had a long, long history of "predicting" all kinds of disasters, which, no matter how mundane or bizarre, would come true in the end.
He could buy the most reliable of washing machines, then one day look at it, think to himself, "Oh dear this is going to flood the entire kitchen," and, surprise surprise, so it would come to pass.
What amazed me was that it had never occurred to him that rather than predicting these disasters, he might be creating them instead!
When I pointed this possibility out, Garth had what I call "the goldfish moment" - that's when the look in the eyes goes vacant, and the mouth opens and closes involuntarily.
"Oh my god!", he said. "Just this morning on my way out here I was driving behind this truck piled up high with bits of fire wood. I was looking at it and had this really strong picture of the binding breaking loose and all the wood bouncing down on the bonnet of my car! As I was thinking that, the whole load started to vibrate weirdly, and I slowed right down to give him more room, and then the logs really started falling off the back! Do you really think I could have made that happen?"
You know what I'm going to say - I've no idea!
But, let's face it - predicting the wood falling is ESP (extra sensory perception) just as much as causing the wood to fall without touching it. Even if there's only a ten percent chance that it was telekinesis rather than precognition, I should think it might be wise to get a hold of what you're so vividly imagining - just in case!
I suppose the more talented you are in the field of reality creation, the more important it is to open some lines of direct communication to the Dream Weaver - at least to let him know what you want creating, and what you're just kind of idly thinking about.
We do need to think of unpleasant outcomes sometimes in our lives; it's one of the great advantages of being a human that we are able to play out an imaginary scenario and thus testing it for hidden dangers or side effects before we go ahead and act. It's a warning mechanism and can be very useful in it's proper place.
So, Garth had a little communication with his Dream Weavers (he had many more than just one), and came up with a kind of code to allow him to contemplate problems without compounding the problem or creating it: as he dealt mostly with pictorial representations, he would frame the ones he wanted to come true in green, and the ones he didn't want in red; the red framed ones were just put down some kind of astral rubbish chute and bypassed the weavers entirely. He said that it was a bit of an effort at first, but became quite easy and automatic after a few days; further, he now realised that his negative thoughts out-numbered his positive ones by at least one hundred to one, and that he was glad to be made aware of it and to be able to start to change that. Last thing I heard, his previously continuous and unbroken string of disasters had noticeably declined in severity as well as in frequency, and "he seemed a lot happier in himself, too."
If this approach sounds far too complicated to you, another client of mine, who was also a member of the British Union for Disaster Creating Specialists, chose to instruct her dream materialisation team to give preference to instructions which would be written down and repeated three times, over all others.
Yet another had an even better idea - a fully trained and highly enlightened liaison manager who would decide what was to be created and what was just a passing fancy, thus sorting out the work for the dream weavers to get on with, for the good of all and harm of none.