15 - Healing
For starters, a disclaimer: should you be suffering from a life threatening illness, I would suggest you seek specialist advice on what visualisations are the most appropriate to overcome that particular malfunction.
Amongst the holistic practitioner's community, there's by now a vast body of knowledge and experience in the field of which you should take full advantage. Any such advice can, of course, easily be integrated into the sanctuary setting for overall harmony and ecology.
But now, let’s consider DIY healing and health related problem-solving in the sanctuary environment.
15/1 – Rest And Relaxation
My favourite all round healing and soothing tool in my own sanctuary is the healing pool you might recall from the "Water" section. I slip into it when I'm stressed out, have aches and pains, and I also use it for healing the various selves and parts that are injured and need such services. I am, however, generally very healthy anyway and so have no need for more specific healing tools and installations at this point.
What I do suffer from however is exhaustion and stress, overwhelm and tiredness because I work like a lunatic and always juggle with more balls in the air than an ace circus performer. Apart from the aforementioned healing pool I use sanctuary spaces to re-charge me, soothe me and slow down my hyperactive mind so I can get some sleep at night.
Very useful and very helpful to me is to simply go to sleep in various different kind of locations around my inner worlds. Sometimes I feel the need for sleeping in a hot place, in the shadow of some high cliffs, soft sand, near a slow waterfall. At other times, I seek a nest in a cold world, fine furs warming and absolutely snug whilst just outside, snowstorms are raging. I have gone to sleep in a birch grove on dry autumn leaves, in a forest grove by a beautiful sunlit pool and in many other locations and I do believe that these choices of places provide some form of very unique and balancing energy for my depleted systems that is most specific and “just what the doctor ordered”.
Apart from these very specific locations, I sometimes have sleeping companions too and this is regardless of whether I am alone in bed in the Hard. These may be various beings that keep guard or simply happen to be there, and sometimes animals are either around or lie down close to me – once again, this is quite specific and a response to my real energetic needs at the moment.
Using sanctuary in this very non-active fashion to simply soak up rest and relaxation is a very helpful thing in most circumstances. For actual illness, there are as many different ways of going about finding a healing solution as there are stars in the sky. In the following sections, there are some ideas on the subject.
15/2 – Healing Solutions
15/2/1 - Metaphorising The Body
Metaphorising the area of your body which seeks treatment is one of the oldest and simplest ways of beginning to find a healing solution. You could, for example, ask yourself to manifest a representation of your body - as a garden, a landscape, a plant, a house, a machine, whatever your mind will respond to.
I once dealt with a lady who had been told she was diabetic. As she wasn't really old enough for "old age diabetes" and far too old for it to have been hereditary, I asked a few questions and it turned out that it had started after a massive trauma which involved a number of bereavements and a complete "systems failure" type breakdown in her health - and that ever since then, she'd been on high prescription doses of insulin.
I told her the following story, "Well, imagine there's this worker in charge of blood sugar levels. He's had a nervous breakdown and couldn't work for a while. Now, he's beginning to recover, but as he's trying to get back to work, he finds they've hired some machine in his absence to take his job away."
She listened to that with interest and remarked that that was not unlike herself, that she had taken quite some time to be able to do things again, and if she didn't have to take care of her cat, she probably would have laid down and died altogether.
A little while later, she collapsed in a supermarket. It seemed that, quite miraculously, her pancreas had taken to functioning again and this, in combination with the pills she was taking, had caused her to faint. The hospital immediately withdrew the insulin prescriptions, and she has now learned to eat more carefully when she's very stressed, as "I don't want my little man to get too upset, I'm trying to help him out as much as I can."
This story is from way back when I had not yet understood that it's much more helpful to work with people's own metaphorical representations.
Luckily for the lady above, I had picked something intuitively that she could relate to - but you can imagine that this process is so very much more powerful when you use your own ideas instead.
Once you start deciding on how you would like to think of your body, as in: "My body is like a ....", it becomes very easy to spot just where the troubles lie and mostly it becomes just a matter of a bit of ingenuity of how to go about solving the puzzle.
Angela saw her body as a swamp, complete with toxic gases, crocodiles and long dead bodies in the murky darkness. Ouch!
You've probably heard the expression, "My body is a temple", often pronounced by those who try via plastic surgery to create an immortal marble facade.
Dean viewed his body as a cityscape, like Greater London from above, with obvious problems such as motorway congestion and inner city slum areas.
Wyn, on the other hand, saw a mostly natural landscape with few problems - he was fit and healthy at the time I asked.
Gene saw her body as a tree, blossoming out of season in winter and felt a strong sense of foreboding about the whole thing.
And each one of these, and many others beside, found their own various ways of dealing with the issues that presented themselves thus, just as you can deal with your own issues in this way should you choose to do so.
15/2/2 - Sanctuary Therapies
Another way of dealing with health related issues is to turn to internal therapists, healers and medicines.
As energy healing of one kind or the other is becoming more and more popular, and more and more people are attending workshops on the various healing arts, it's also becoming more popular for people to have a specific healing guide or to "channel" some amazing astral healer for their insight, knowledge and resources on the subject.
Although your general guides and helpers most certainly are of great benefit in this area, you might consider getting yourself the equivalent of a personal Chinese physician - over there, you don't go the doctor when you're ill, but pay a doctor a fee all through your life in order so he can advise you on how to remain healthy instead. Whether it's a Native American Indian medicine woman, a Celtic shaman, an Atlantean energy healer or one of the top consultants from Chicago Hope Hospital, having an internal advisor on health related issues can be very beneficial indeed. But it's not just good advice that you can thus acquire.
I once attended a particularly dreary workshop. As the day progressed, I became more and more uncomfortable in the horrid plastic chairs and by 3pm I had developed a stiff neck, sore shoulders, aching back and the beginnings of a headache. As the speaker waffled and mumbled on, and the rest of the group either sagged into themselves more and more, or shuffled around uncomfortably in their chairs, I called out my guide and asked him if he could massage my aching shoulders. It was great! I instantly begun to feel better, and after a few minutes I was virtually purring and stretching in my seat with a blissful expression on my face. If there'd been anyone around that day able to see auras, they would have noted in the next break that amidst 50 deflated people in grey, there was me, shining bright and chirpy - I think I was the only one who couldn't wait to get back to my seat ...
Was it all in my mind? Yes, I guess it was. I'm sure if the lecture had been more entertaining, I would have never experienced all these symptoms in the first place, because many's the day I've spent in identical plastic chairs and never even noticed because I'd been so riveted by what was going on up front.
I've come to the conclusion over the years that just about everything is "all in my mind". So if it is, then it makes a great deal of sense to me to cure it by using something else that's all in my mind - such as an extremely sensuous massage from my handsome spirit guide!
But all jokes apart - mind over matter really works. It really can reverse every single disease in the book and lessen the discomfort in many more cases. Here's some more ideas on how you could use sanctuary resources and therapies.
15/2/4 - Colour Therapy
This is one of my favourite therapies, because no-one sticks you with needles or tries to break your bones. I'm also a painter, and I love to look at colours in all their many splendoured manifestations both in nature and in artificial creations, so I admit I'm biased on that one. As I'm sure you know, there is a massive amount of scientific evidence to back up the fact that colour has a major impact on immune system functioning, well being and general states of mind.
Anyhow, bathing in light, shining a light on a particular problem spot, dressing in sheets of pure light, surrounding oneself with light, using shining crystals or flowers or foods of a particular colour, and any possible permutation on the subject you might care to imagine are amongst my favourite recreational sanctuary activities.
Having used colour therapy approaches in the past to back up other kinds of techniques in my professional work, I would suggest that whatever other kinds of healing you wish to engage in, do a little of that as well. Let go of any preconceived notions of what a colour "might mean" and allow yourself to follow your intuition - if everything in you screams out to wallow in puce, so be it!
This is a moment to also mention the wider realms of Project Sanctuary for the first time.
In the beginning stages, everything is much like you’d expect from the Hard – not too different really from what we are used to experiencing and what we already know, with animals and mountains, sunsets and houses, plants and so forth.
When you have a little more experience with Project Sanctuary and those realms where thought becomes manifest, this tends to loosen up and now we have manifestations which would be impossible in the Hard, they simply cannot exist or be conceived of as existing here.
A lightfall, for example, is an example of such a thing.
Light travels straight here in the Hard but in the Sanctuary realms, you can rivers of light that flow upward as well as fall just like a waterfall and in the context of colour therapy, you can imagine the benefits of such a thing, I’m sure, as well as a sense of its sheer beauty and the fact that standing beneath a lightfall might present an experience to you that you simply never expected to have had.
15/2/5 - Medicines and Medications
In the garden section, we've already met the lady who grew all manner of beneficial plants in a greenhouse for her various ailments; in the treasure rooms chapter, someone had a whole pharmacy full of pills, potions and healing herbs. There is umpteen different ways of creating that which will help balance the system in your mind.
I once felt unhappy and out of sorts for no apparent reason, and asked for a remedy for this. Duly, on the entrance table of my sanctuary dwelling there appeared a pretty blue glass bottle with 3 large, shining golden pills inside, and instructions to take one each week. I took the first one and felt better immediately, then forgot all about it. But just before going to sleep about a week later, the picture of the bottle appeared before my mind's eye - I was being reminded that there were still two doses to go. Well, I took them, and although it's interesting to idly speculate what it might have been that I never got in the end, it doesn't get us anywhere, as usual, and so I simply thanked my unconscious mind and decided to use this again if necessary.
All the sanctuary resources can also be employed to help you pick out a relevant remedy in a shop or from a catalogue. Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Gemstones or their essences, Aromatherapy and all such like complimentary healing aids have a lot of use, and work on very subtle levels - and as you cannot make mistakes with these remedies, seeing the wrong one will simply fail to work, rather than kill you as can often be the case for allopathic or herbal medicines, it's a safe way to involve your unconscious mind in a healing process.
15/2/6 - Contacting The Body Mind
Perhaps you are already familiar with Dr Deepak Chopra and his views on healing - if you are not, and you are at all interested in healing approaches, I would recommend you look up his bestseller "Quantum Healing". He basically suggests that the nervous system contains a "body mind", a part of the overall neurology that remembers a blueprint for how to be healthy. Further, as the body is constantly re-cycling itself - we take in food, water, air and light and convert it into new blood, bones and tissues - there is, in truth, not a single atom left after a few years of the you that existed at that time.
This idea throws the possibility of reversing absolutely any disease wide open, and explains how, for example, people with massive cancerous tumours can simply make them disappear just like magic, and how the various medical miracles we've all heard about in our time could ever happen.
From this view point, it just becomes a question of how to contact the body mind, and how to assist it in it's task to follow the basic blue print to health that existed at one time. If you were to start talking with your own body mind, what do you think it would look like/be like?
Some see it as a person, others a system, a symbol, a machine or a city - it matters not what you choose to represent the body mind to you.
You may like to explore the following issues:
- Has there something gone wrong with the basic blueprint at some time in the past? This could be a single significant emotional experience of a traumatic nature, a nice post hypnotic suggestion by a well meaning family doctor such as, "Well in your family, no-one ever lived past 55." or simply many little stacked beliefs over time along the lines of, "of course, once you're over 25, you're over the hill".
- What can you do in real terms to help the current functioning of the body mind, to relieve some of the stresses in some areas so that it may function more smoothly throughout? This, by the way, is a very interesting thing. One lady who asked the question fully expected her body mind to tell her off about her excessive coffee consumption, but that, apparently, wasn't a problem. Instead, her body mind wanted her desperately to stop eating fish! She tried it for a fortnight and couldn't believe how much better she felt.
Another lady had a much harder time with her body mind's request - it wanted animal based protein and she was a vegan. After some lengthy negotiations, they agreed on a few free range eggs here and there, and the odd piece of free range chicken cunningly disguised in a broth, and once again, the lady in question found herself to be more energetic, and more resistant to the many colds and coughs which had plagued her previously, and with a much more sympathetic attitude to her body in general.
- Is there any kind of gift or metaphorical resource the body mind would like to make it feel happier or more comfortable? Most body mind representations, whatever form they took in the first place, responded to this question with the same degree of enthusiasm a parching man in the desert exhibits when asked if he'd like a drink. I've known them to ask for a colour, a plant, a gemstone, a new source of water, all kinds of things; I think that's a particularly nice gesture to make whether you're ill or healthy, because it shows for once how much we appreciate what the body mind does for us, all through our lives, 24 hours a day.
15/2/7 - Chakra And Energy Healing
Just in case there's still anyone left out there who doesn't know the basic chakra system, here goes:
Chakras is the name given to energy vortices which exist within the overall force field that is the human body. There are very many of them, but the main big eight are as follows:
Base Chakra - Tail Bone - Red
Second Chakra - Lower Abdomen - Orange
Third Chakra - Solar Plexus - Yellow
Fourth Chakra - Heart Centre - Green Or Pink
Fifth Chakra - Throat - Blue
Sixth Chakra - Third Eye - Purple
Seventh Chakra - Crown Of Head - Indigo
Eight Chakra - Above The Crown - White
In a healthy, fully realised, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically present person all these are drawing in and distributing energy not just through the physical body but also through the astral bodies. When they all come on line together and connect, one is said to experience a tremendous rush of energy and instant enlightenment.
In chakra visualisations, usually one or more are not functioning properly in some way - this may be expressed as a dimness of colour, an absence of the spinning movement that would be natural to a vortex, or damage, blockage, or deficiency of any other kind.
There are some who feel that dealing with these vortices is not just repair work for the actual body, but works to re-balance the astral bodies as well, thus leading to long lasting and very profound healing in all areas and not just the physical.
I'm sure you must have seen an acupuncture chart somewhere, with all the lines drawn on the human body to represent the meridians, i.e. the channels through which life energy flows around the body. You can make a representation of yourself made of glass, if you will, and this makes all these meridians clearly visible.
Then, you might like to do whatever feels right to you to balance them out, harmonise them, and get all flowing freely and efficiently.
If you felt like it, you could also work with the various astral bodies, which form what is generally called ‘The Aura’. Practitioners who can see auras can see disturbances, black spots, low energy fields etc which will eventually cause physical disease to manifest. In your sanctuary, you too can see auras - all of them, if you wish! - and use whatever means come to mind to make them more to your liking. Just a quick general note on such work: look for balance and harmony in whatever you're looking at. If it's pleasing to the eye, it's probably right; if it's uncomfortable to look at, it's probably not right and could do with some help.
Healing energy work in more general terms, whatever the way you would like to visualise or experience it, can all take place and, apart from the very real physical repercussions on your illness, most definitely will help your immune system, by reducing stress, relaxing you, giving you something practical to do in between visiting real world physicians, and generally speaking keeping your mind alert and occupied, whilst all the while your self learns how to communicate more successfully with it's self in all it's different forms and guises.
EFT and Meridian Energy Therapies
Meridian Therapies are the state of the art choice for mind body healing amongst professional healers right now. Extraordinarily effective yet simple to apply, meridian energy therapies such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are sweeping the globe.
I cannot recommend this therapy highly enough; it is a superb healing and change technique. In the context of Sanctuary interventions, EFT can unstuck you if you are stuck like nothing else I’ve ever learned and can also tremendously improve your general visualisation/lucid dreaming/conscious-unconscious communication and intuitive skills.
You can use EFT on aspects of the self and other in the Sanctuary. This is known as surrogate or proxy EFT, and is the most effective distant healing method known to mankind.
You can also use it to change entire mindscapes; I have personally used it to ecologically resolve a problem I had with towering mountains that cut off access to an ocean and a whole realm beyond. During the EFT treatment, I could see the mountains melting away as thought by magic. If you are not familiar with the new Meridian Therapies yet, go ahead and find out about it now at http://theamt.com
EmoTrance & Sanctuary Approaches
My own energy healing system, EmoTrance has a great deal to do with Sanctuary realms and spaces, because it was here that I learned the things I needed to know in order to understand the energy body on a whole new level and open my mind to both new observations and new thoughts on how things might be working.
EmoTrance recognises that emotions are nothing but the pain system of the energy body; emotions become apparent when the normal energy flow in the energy body changes.
In order to target healing interventions, ET simply asks, “Where in your body do you feel this (problem, sickness, bereavement, emotion, pain, unhappiness, stress etc)?” Where it is felt physically, that is where the energy body has a problem even though we can’t see it with our eyes. It may be a blockage, or an old unhealed injury of some kind; once it has been localised, we treat this with healing energy and the intention to restore the “Even Flow” in that part of the systems of the energy body (which extends way beyond the skin barrier of a person).
Project Sanctuary deals absolutely with energy – with energy disturbances, energetic occurrences and a person’s energy matrices of memory, body, future and past in the quantum spaces – and it does so by creating a custom made interface device between these energy patterns and our own conscious understanding by coding the metaphorical languages, pictures and happenings as the bridge to these other realms where there are no symbols, no language and too much information for simple linear speech. The lesson from EmoTrance applied to Project Sanctuary is this, namely to know that the mountain or the monster in your sanctuaries are not mountains or monsters, but forms of energy and as such, under your control, under your command and at your disposal in every way. To remember when faced with a ruined landscape or a towering demon that “it is JUST an ENERGY” and find the correct leverage to deal with this so the Even Flow is restored in this area takes a great deal of uncertainty and fear from all the processes; and to channel the energies raised in sanctuary work cleanly and clearly is a huge contribution from EmoTrance.
As with the EFT protocol you can use EmoTrance as the problem solving tool and Project Sanctuary as the device which shows you what is wrong where, and to give you feedback on the success of your treatments and changes to be sure you are going in the right direction towards restoring health, potentiality and happiness.