31 3rd Super System
human physiology, anatomy, energy mind, soul, organ, physical level, physical body, immortality, immortal, energetic data, eternity As a functional energy system, the soul is our practical, and absolutely REAL ticket to personal, individual, functional, structural IMMORTALITY.
32 Immortality
immortality, immortal, soul, energetic data You have the potential, really and practically, to become immortal.
33 The Angel Child
soul, angel child, heart, mind of energy, energy consciousness, experiences, nourishment, consciousness, chaos The soul, like an unborn child, is hungry and needs to be fed, constantly. With energy, of course!
34 HEROS Journey
heros journey, angel child, soul, totality We must turn around and the consciousness must start the journey BACK to its own totality.
35 Creator Totality
creator, totality, consciousness, body, energy body, heart of energy, energy mind, unborn, angel child, soul, human being, reunification, eternity One creator made totality. 36 Totality Prayer
totality, prayer, heart, energy, soul, mind, power, patience, receive Please assist me in all ways so that I may know once more the true reality of my soul.
37 Fantastic Gift
gift, love, immortality, body, energy body, conscious mind, human consciousness, angel, creative order In order to make an angel, you need a HUMAN BEING.
38 Ask Questions
conscious mind, love, attention, heal body, energy mind, respect, creative order, judge not, discipline We must not judge, or prejudice, but ask respectfully. 39 Discipline
discipline, useless, pointless, stupid, boring, meaningless, obedience, personal torturer, encourage, inspire, goals, love, beautiful spiral Discipline is simply to remember WHAT we are trying to achieve, and then to find ways and means to ENCOURAGE AND INSPIRE OURSELVES to keep on track so we may reach our goals. 40 Attention
attention, energy action, bridge, energy wing, intimacy, connection, energy flow, love, senses Real attention and the greatest experience of intimacy happens when ALL THE SENSES of a complete human being are concentrated at the same time onto the same place.
31 - The Third Super System
This third super system has some very, VERY interesting qualities. The most important of these is that is has NO EQUIVALENT IN THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY OR ANATOMY. For example, the heart of energy is roughly comparable to the physical heart; it has roughly comparable functions, only in a different dimension. The energy mind is comparable to the physical head and brain; it has its own eyes, ears and feelers and functions roughly similarly, only on a different plane. The soul, on the other hand, does not have an ORGAN in the physical body to which it is related AT ALL – it ONLY exists on the other planes and NOT at the physical level. And this means that the soul is not dependent on the physical body for survival. It means that the soul does not need to die when the systems of the physicality go down, and those systems which are tied to physical systems. The soul can exist INDEPENDENT of the physicality. As a functional energy system, the soul is our practical, and absolutely REAL ticket to personal, individual, functional, structural IMMORTALITY.
32 - Immortality
![Soul Angel Illustration For Immortality Chapter](https://goe.ac/files/library/books/books-non-fiction/zauberwelt/images/soul-angel.jpg)
You have the potential,
really and practically,
to become
You cannot take
your body with you,
but you can take
of your entire life with you.
These are stored
in the form of
in the soul -
for all eternity, at that.
33 - The Angel Child
It is the soul which tells the heart what to do. The soul tells the heart what kind of experiences it needs to grow and to become big and strong enough to be able to go on after the demise of the body. The soul is the angel child within each human being which is born when the body dies. But a soul needs to be fully formed, or else it will not survive the birth. If it isn’t fully formed it will dissolve, blow away, dissipate and return to source. The soul, like an unborn child, is hungry and needs to be fed, constantly. With energy, of course! And this energy comes from the human body and that is the only source, just as an unborn child receives a steady stream of nourishment through the placenta of the mother. The soul tells the heart what it needs, what it wants. The heart tells the mind of energy. The energy consciousness moves the body and the human totality gets into action in order to collect the EXPERIENCES which become the nutrition for the little soul. This is balanced out with the needs of the physical part of the human totality, the body, because without a body, the soul cannot get anywhere and has no chance to be born the angel child eventually. To protect the body from death and to make sure it continues to thrive is thereby the first rule of the totality system. And then humans developed a consciousness that interceded in the flow of these systems, which didn’t and couldn’t understand its complex, multidimensional functioning, and so consciousness created absolute CHAOS from which we all still suffer.
34 - The HEROS Journey
I have learned that it is not the LENGTH of a life or even how painful it may have been which determines whether or not a soul gets to grow satisfactorily. We need to re-learn how to listen to our hearts. How to use and understand our energy minds. And first of all, to STOP believing that ANOTHER human being, no matter how many millions of “followers” they may have or how long they may have been dead already, could EVER tell any one of us, what WE specifically need and need to do in order to rise upon death as the angel child. Exactly WHAT any one individual soul requires exactly, from moment to moment and from day to day, is completely INDIVIDUAL and the only one who can tell us what that would be IS OUR OWN SOUL. We must turn around and the consciousness must start the journey BACK to its own totality. And thus begin to build our own, individual immortalities.
35 - The Creator Totality
The consciousness. The body. The energy body. The heart of energy. The energy mind. And the unborn angel child, the soul. One single system. One creator made totality. One human being. One incredibly complex, incredibly LOGICAL system in which all parts have to co-operate in order to ACTUALISE what became a POTENTIAL POSSIBILITY at the moment of conception. All these parts – and most especially, the desperate orphan of the totality, the CONSCIOUS MIND – want to CO-OPERATE, want the REUNIFICATION. We, and let us be clear about this, we ARE the consciousnesses, must build the bridges from OUR SIDE and fast, before the physical hour glass has run out of time, and we have wasted the incredible opportunity to experience eternity directly, yet again.
36 - A Simple Prayer For The Totality
Good morning. I don’t really know who this is I am talking to, who hears me today. But I would truly like to find my way back to my self. Everything I’ve done wrong wasn’t done because I wanted to things wrong, but because I didn’t know any better. And all that is now no longer important, because the here and now is all I have left. Please help me, so that my heart of energy begins to shine for me. Please help me to understand my energy mind better. Please assist me in all ways so that I may know once more the true reality of my soul. I will do everything that is in my power from my end here to find my way back. I am very sorry if I do things wrong still because there is so much I have to learn to do differently, so many things I still don’t understand but I am willing to learn and I will do what I can. I beg you for your patience, and your forbearance and whatever help you can give me now, I will most gratefully receive. Thank you very much, sincerely and always yours, Silvia.
37 - The Most Fantastic Gift
You can only connect with that which you love. So many religions try to cut off bits of the human totality and think immortality can be achieved that way. There are those who will try to get by without a body. There are the scientists, who try to get by without an energy body. But the most popular option is to try and get rid of the conscious mind. If it didn’t constantly get in the way, the rest of the systems would work perfectly, wouldn’t they? Wrong! A soul that was created WITH A HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS is something altogether different from the diffuse group souls of animals, grasses or rocks. Consciousness is a fantastic and totally awe inspiring GIFT we have received directly from the creative order itself. It new to us humans and we don’t know yet how to deal with this correctly, how to use it correctly; we misuse it at the moment, in order to make our own hell on earth – but that is NOT the purpose or why the creative order gave us this gift. In order to make a new angel, you can’t use a cat. A stone won’t work and even a star or a whole galaxy will not do. In order to make an angel, you need a HUMAN BEING. A real functioning totality being who has learned and understood what an astonishing and truly ENCHANTING gift the consciousness really is.
38 - Learning To Ask Questions
If we were to stop beating up on our own conscious minds for a moment and we were to begin to treat them with love and attention, we would begin to understand ourselves a little bit better. That is the same principle which decrees that one cannot heal one’s body whilst one still hates and rejects it. And the same principle exists yet again for the energy mind. All these systems must be shown the same respect, the deepest respect that must be given to ALL manifestations of the designs of the creative order, and we must step up to them with many questions, a wide open mind and the courage to admit that we don’t know yet what’s going on, and probably made many serious errors and mistakes in the past. “Hello? Who are you? What is purpose, your function? What do you need from me so that you can fulfil your function better, more efficiently?” We must not judge, or prejudice, but ask respectfully. And in order to do this, we need a little discipline, especially at the beginning.
39 - Discipline
My whole life long I have carried a major misconception about the nature of “discipline”. I really thought this meant some complete idiot shouting at you, beating up on you, so you are forced to do all sorts of things you hate, and which are absolutely useless, pointless, stupid, boring and meaningless. I got to thinking this because that used to be my exact experience of half-people who couldn’t make natural connections through love, attention and respect and who then had to grab a stick to beat some kind of obedience or reaction out of others. And it is unfortunately true that I took the cruel example of my own so called “teachers”, became just like them, and used the same INSANE STRATEGIES back upon myself. It is true, it is more than sad indeed, how I have treated myself over all those many years. I was my own personal torturer who would never stop, never sleep, for whom no answer or endeavour was ever good enough, and who was with me always, no matter how far I ran, how deeply I hid, how silently I lived or how shallow I tried to breathe. Slowly thing are getting better. Slowly I am learning new ways, and I am beginning find new ways of re-educating myself. Ways of love, which lead to new connections, through which more energy may travel, so that I feel better, stronger and I react to that by WANTING to do more of the same. Discipline is simply to remember WHAT we are trying to achieve, and then to find ways and means to ENCOURAGE AND INSPIRE OURSELVES to keep on track so we may reach our goals. With loving and attentive, intelligent DISCIPLINE we can get a little further each day, learn a little more each day, and we move closer into harmony with our own totalities and the person we were conceived to be. This is a beautiful spiral which is in truth, never ending, and each forward movement, each swing and turn is more beautiful, more enchanting than the previous ones.
40 - Attention
When we direct our gaze upon a something, we give this something our attention. Attention is an energy action, a first and irreplaceably important movement in order to make a connection to something, or to someone. Attention is the first bridge through which information, data, nutritious energies may be exchanged. The simplest way to find out if someone is giving us attention is to check if they are watching us with their physical eyes. If they are listening to us with their physical ears. And if they are feeling us with their physical bodies. If someone is still reasonably sensitive, we can feel the touch of attention from another person, or even that of a lion, straight through our skin. This is because attention is like an energy wing we can extend to touch another, explore them, to feel them, to know them. Real attention and the greatest experience of intimacy happens when ALL THE SENSES of a complete human being are concentrated at the same time onto the same place. That makes a connection which is entirely complete, and because it is complete, enormous amounts of energy flow through this both ways, and when that happens it feels so much better than anything else we know. You might as well call that ... Love.
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