41 Receiving
receiving, attention, undivided attention, random thoughts, conscious mind, consciousness, calm down, produce new thoughts, natural spiral rhythms, learn something new, for a change The consciousness needs to learn to reverse the flow of data â instead of constantly trying to PRODUCE new thoughts, ideas, solutions, answers, decision and so on, it must allow data to flow INTO itself instead. 42 Question Streams
question, streams, who am I, is there a god, questions, answer machine, why doesnt anyone understand me, conscious mind, energetic construct, thought form, thought forms, thought ball There are millions upon millions of such questions the conscious mind simply cannot answer by itself. 43 Poster, Poster ...
poster, on the wall, thought forms, energy forms, energy mind, prosperity, rainbow connection, love and money, energy and information, creative order, real world, bedroom universe Thought forms are an amazing thing. 44 Energy Universe
energy universe, physical objects, energetic components, energy objects, material components, angels and souls, ideas and sounds, thoughts and ghosts, existing energetic realties, romans build town, sheep, internal organs, unnatural, third party experiment, effect energies organic systems All physical objects have energetic components, but not all energy objects have material components. 45 Unbound Thoughts
thoughts are unbound, energy forms, invisible realities, laws of nature, no time no space, no gravity, realm, plane, material plane, energy realms, energy levels, Thoughts and energy exist on a plane where the laws of nature are very different to those that we are used to, being trapped on the single plane of the physical by our own conscious minds and their contortions. 46 Mirror Enemy
mirror, enemy, mirror enemy, thought forms, comparison, energy posters, unconditional, undivided attention, plan of creation What do you see when you look into the mirror? 47 The Creative Template
creative template, template for life, DNA, beyond the physical, energetic components, energy mind, role models, mentally insane, evolution, conscious declaration I will stop forcing old times, other times, or other people upon my poor body as a role model which is driving me mentally and physically insane. Instead, I will make the goal on this day to grow up to be my own self. 48 Past Zero
zero point, final goal, piece, mystical peace, cessation pain, goal, a wonderful life, true enchantment, eternity, ancient wisdom, transformed, enchanted, enriched, magical world What we need to live lives of true enchantment and wonder is to reconnect ourselves to creation itself.
49 Body Meditation
body meditation, tap, echo, sensation, small loving touches, meditation for body, sleeping beauty prince metaphor It is a first step to awaken our bodies from their long sleep, and our consciousness is the prince who must arrive in order to take the sleeping beauty into their strong arms, to give it the magical kiss of attention and of love.
50 One Body
body, my body, one body, dissect the body, Frankenstein, monster, flow, data, energy, intervention, conscious thought, naked truth And so, over time, the consciousness re-builds a creation of its own making, from dead parts, and it creates a monster like Dr Frankenstein in his unnatural laboratory. Â
41 - Receiving
When we first start and try to give undivided attention, our untrained consciousnesses seem to get in the way with random thoughts and distracting ideas. But we must not get impatient with our conscious minds, or get angry at them â we must always remember that the poor conscious mind has worked so hard for all our lives, tried to do the work of four, and tried to compensate somehow and most desperately for the absence of the heart of energy, the energy mind and the soul. Our poor conscious minds are totally stressed out and overworked, and they are entirely unused to even the idea that there exists for them too a natural way of working, a calm and clear state of being where one works in harmony and with full support from all the other parts of the totality, and where the consciousness doesnât have to do absolutely EVERYTHING and all by itself any longer. The consciousness needs some time to calm down again, and to learn to trust the co-workers in the totality, to get to know them properly and to understand what its own tasks in the system really are, and which ones need to be passed on to the others. In the meantime it is very helpful to be sure to tell the conscious mind that it can help most of all if it starts to listen, pay attention, to collect new impressions and experiences, and to learn new things. It doesnât have to try and work out all the meanings right away or make any kinds of decisions â and especially not in circumstances when we are trying to give something or someone our UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. What is happening here is that the consciousness needs to learn to reverse the flow of data â instead of constantly trying to PRODUCE new thoughts, ideas, solutions, answers, decision and so on, it must allow data to flow INTO itself instead. In, instead of out. Now in truth a real well functioning consciousness produces AND receives, like ebb and flood in beautiful, natural spiral rhythms, just like the flow of our blood or breathing in and out. But like so many other things our poor consciousness doesnât understand as yet the concept of breathing and is constantly pushing and producing, and we need to begin very gently and very kindly to get it used to receiving AS WELL, so that it has a chance of rest and of course, gets to learn something NEW for a change.
42 - An Endless Stream Of Questions ...
![Question Stream Illustration](https://goe.ac/files/library/books/books-non-fiction/zauberwelt/images/question-stream.jpg)
What should I do now? Where should I go? Should I do this, or that? How can I change that? Is something going to happen? Can I find love?
Who am I? What am I doing wrong? What donât I know?
All these questions, all this noise, every day and for some poor conscious minds, it doesnât even end at night. The questions are so endless because the parts of us which could indeed answer them have become structurally disconnected. To get our own personal âanswer machineâ back into action we will have do something new and different with our many questions. Whilst we are restoring and re-wiring our totality systems, we need to re-route our questions for a while in order to give the conscious mind some room to THINK. Especially the kinds of questions which have been asked many times before, sometimes a whole life long and which have never been answered are going in circles, over and over again, will have to be passed over for a while.
Why didnât my mother love me? Why did my father die? Why doesnât anyone understand me? Whatâs wrong with me? Why is my life not working? Is there a god? Why is there so much suffering in the world?
There are millions upon millions of such questions the conscious mind simply cannot answer by itself. Every question is a real energetic construct â when we think with our consciousnesses, we create a thought form. If we think something just the once, we create a fine, light form which blows away quite quickly, but if we think the same things over and over and over again, then these thought forms become stronger, more defined, more real and indeed, they become HARDER. But for beginners, this has its advantages. These old, old thought forms are so noticeable and so dense, so real, that even someone who has done very little energy work before can catch them in their hands and throw them quite physically over their own head and behind themselves. This is a signal for the energy mind to start DOING SOMETHING with these thought forms, and a strong signal from the consciousness that it is willing to let go of these kinds of questions and let them be dealt with by the others. One can in this way quite easily pass over all sorts of old thought forms â unfulfilled wishes, needs and desires, old memories, outdated dreams and fantasies, and even thought forms that were made in response to a certain person can be streamed down into our own open hands, caught and then like a thought ball, lifted up and over the head to simply slide down the back and into temporary oblivion.
43 - Poster, Poster On The Wall ...
Thought forms are an amazing thing. The consciousness, which didnât even know that energy forms must be passed over to the right part of the system for processing, namely the energy mind, has taken these forms and plastered them all around itself like the posters in the bedroom of a teenager. So, we can say to a person, âTell me, where do you keep PROSPERITY in your consciousness? Show me, point to it with your finger.â Even those who react to this with surprise or amazement will have already raised their eyes to âlookâ right there as soon as you asked that question, and so you get to know just where they have stuck their own prosperity poster thought form to their internal walls. Show me where you keep love. Or sadness. Or beauty ... Often you might find that love is attached to the inside of a great globe which surrounds the person, over there on the one side, and money for example is right over on the other side, and naturally, there exists no connection at all between one poster and the other. And of course and just as naturally, such a person would live that conflict â where should I go? Left towards love, or right towards money? When you get to know just where your own energy posters are situated in your consciously constructed bedroom-universe, we can do things with them. One would be to make a rainbow connection between love and money, with will and intention, just painting it between one and the other with an outstretched fingertip. As soon as the two thought forms become connected, energy and information is exchanged between them and both become more logical, more well rounded and most importantly, they are no longer in direct conflict with one another. But the best thing is to make these posters less important, to turn them see-through or to let them disappear altogether, at least for a time, or to switch to a channel where they donât even exist at all. When we do THAT, we get to perceive the real world instead, reality itself, and we get to contact the enchanted world directly. When we do THAT, we get to make contact, give attention, receive information, true and straight, directly from the creative order itself.
44 - The Energy Universe
![Ice River Energy Universe Illustration](https://goe.ac/files/library/books/books-non-fiction/zauberwelt/images/ice-river.jpg)
All physical objects have energetic components, but not all energy objects have material components. Thoughts and ghosts, for example. Ideas and sounds. Angels and souls. Such existing energetic realities are not bound to the physical. Now this doesnât mean that a ghost canât throw a picture from the wall, or that ideas donât have the power to give you a heart attack or start a global war. Energy occurrences and energy streams can very practically sour the milk of cows in the pastures, make birds drop from the sky and give people who sleep each night on such invisible radiation centres serious and âinexplicableâ illnesses. Before the Romans would build a new town, they would first graze a herd of sheep in that place for one year. At the end of that year, they would butcher the sheep and take a good hard look at the internal organs. If any âinexplicableâ or âunnaturalâ deformations or diseases were found, they took that for a sign that it wasnât a good idea to make people graze there, either â not if you want your children to grow up strong and remain healthy. Thatâs the very opposite of stupid, unscientific superstition. The Romans were at least smart enough to know that they didnât know everything. They were smart enough to know that there are invisible realities, and that if they themselves could not perceive them accurately or reliably, to put a third party experiment in the middle which would show the EFFECT of the invisible energies on organic systems clearly and precisely, and in a very real and material sense.
45 - Thoughts Are Unbound ...
Our thoughts, and the energy forms we create that way, have a direct influence on the invisible realities. Thoughts and energy exist on a plane where the laws of nature are very different to those that we are used to, being trapped on the single plane of the physical by our own conscious minds and their contortions. For a thought, there is no time, there is no space. There is no up and down, no left and right, because all things are there at the same time and no gravity pulls things constantly âdownwardâ. This absence of time in those realms is the reason why wounds in our energy body cause the exact same emotions even after 70 years or more have passed; and if they are not healed at some point, this will cause someone who is a hundred years old to cry as bitterly over the loss of a lover as they did when it first happened and they were 15. The laws of this realm have sincere and extreme advantages we can use. As there is no time, on that plane it is immaterial when something happened, and so we can treat the oldest injuries just as well as the latest. Things also donât tend to get any âharderâ, the older they become. This is another limitation from the material plane which simply doesnât exist in the energy realms. Nothing is hard and every flows, or at least it tries to flow and would be flowing quite nicely if we didnât get in the way with our homespun thought forms. What I like the best is that at the energy levels you donât find any âhard to solveâ problems, or âdifficultâ problems or injuries. They are just problems and injuries and they can be mended like one would mend a sock. As quickly as possible, logically, lovingly and most importantly â simply. On the topic of human emotions we can experience first hand how this works. For physical changes it takes a while longer, and that is NOT because the energy hasnât changed right away, but because the cells in the body take a while to organise themselves different, to flow differently, or to work in a different way.
46 - The Enemy In The Mirror
![Mirror Enemy Illustration](https://goe.ac/files/library/books/books-non-fiction/zauberwelt/images/mirror.jpg)
What do you see when you look into the mirror? What do you think, and what kind of thought forms do create? Is your nose too big? If you could only see your own face and nothing else, you couldnât possibly formulate such a sentence. That is a direct comparison with ANOTHER NOSE â and whose nose is that, anyway? Or perhaps you think that you are too wrinkly. Compared with whom, or what? What are the energy posters on your reality walls that you use as comparisons for what you see in the mirror? What do they show? Is it another person or perhaps even a poster of your own image when you were 16 years old? In order to start seeing ourselves at all so that we can give ourselves attention at all as well, we need to take the energy posters of skeletal models, over painted movie starlets and pumped up steroid men from the walls, one after the other, and concentrate on our own mirror image for just as long as it takes and we begin to see only that which is really there. That is unconditional, undivided attention, and with through the bridge of attention flows understanding, compassion, and then love. You can only change that which you love. Not change in the sense of trying to make it better according to the latest fashion lunacy. But change in order to help so that it may grow, and develop and blossom according to its inbuilt master plan, the plan that God itself wrote for this one unique creature. We have no idea who or what we might be. We only know of a VERSION of ourselves that is conflicted, sad, full of doubt and often despair as well. A version who remains essentially unloved, untouched, unwarmed and undernourished. Unknown. Unrecognisable. Unrecognised. And in spite of all of that, the plan of creation for each one of us is always here, right here inside of us, inscribed deep, deep in every structure of our being and what we need to do is to call this plan into action, to make it into our role model for development, so that we know at last where we are trying to go, who we want to be when we âgrow upâ and what we may achieve when we do.
47 - The Creative Template
In every cell of our body there exists our original template for life, our DNA. The scientists have been wondering for many years how this simple organic device can store so much information, but of course they are not looking beyond the physical yet again. Of course, our DNA also has energetic components and the information which resides right there contains a million times more information that are further a millions times more complicated and far reaching than the physical version could structurally be. We can read those original templates which were given to us directly by same authority who made the stars, the galaxies and all their many world within, and we can read them for ourselves. Of course we cannot consciously read these templates or with that 5% of the capacity of even our physical brains we are using at this point. For these kinds of complex operations we need the energy mind. It all sounds pretty complicated, doesnât it â well at least for our poor overworked and underpaid conscious minds, it would, but actually, it is really very simple. All we consciously need to do is to declare:
âI will stop forcing old times, other times, or other people upon my poor body as a role model which is driving me mentally and physically insane. âInstead, I will make the goal on this day to grow up to be my own self. âI wish to repair myself with all love and attention, and I will learn how to get those things my totality really needs, to firstly heal what once went wrong and secondly, so that my evolution towards my own true self as I was designed to be may now begin.â If one should get so far as to make such a conscious declaration as often and as furiously as one might brush oneâs teeth, then a number of good things will begin to happen.
48 - Past The Zero Point
For many, the thought that one day they might be completely healed of all their problems is a final goal, and they never think beyond it. This is understandable because if we are in pain, we want nothing more than that it should stop, and we long for that moment of peace and quiet where we can take a long, slow, deep breath and we know we have made it again, we have survived again. But this mystical peace and quiet of pain cessation is only the Zero point. It isnât a goal or an aim but indeed only the pre-requisite base line in order to start doing anything at all. Many long distance runners motivate themselves to uncover hidden reserves by imagining that the goal is five miles beyond the actual finish line. But in fact, the real goal is actually many thousands of miles beyond the finish line, for next weekend the runner will run another race, and then another, and another, and the final outcome is in reality the entire career of the runner, and including their participation in the Olympic games. To be healed is not a goal, it is a pre-requisite. A starting block. We have the possibility and some say even the duty to live most wonderful lives. And please let us be really clear that in order to live a wonderful life, blond hair isnât required, or even any kind of hair at all. One doesnât need strong legs or gigantic breasts or a massive penis. We donât need the arms of Hercules or the brains of a genius. We donât need a huge family, not children, not lovers, no money, no possessions and you donât even need to be able to see. What we need to live lives of true enchantment and wonder is to reconnect ourselves to creation itself. And if we should only manage one percent of connection, then ... ... a single breath of air on your bare arms can make you shiver with pleasure; ... you can feel a riotous festival of joy dancing inside a single drop of rain; ... we can see eternity itself and feel it in our hearts every single time we think to raise our eyes and watch the sky; ... we can feel the ancient wisdom of a tiny pebble in our hand;
... and then we are immediately and absolutely transformed, enchanted and enriched by the incredible beauty, holiness of this magical world which we have been granted that highest of all honours, namely to be allowed to experience this directly through our own bodies.
49 - Body Meditation
Take your fingertip and stroke very gently and very, very carefully across the back of your other hand. Pay the closest attention to how that feels. Now tap gently and lightly, as you would tap a drum to produce the first and finest resonant sound. Can you feel this? Can you feel how these pulses of sensations flow out, ripple out like the rings a small pebble makes when you throw it into a flat, still pond? Tap again, very carefully, and feel the echo of sensation that sound and rings throughout your whole body. Try it on your chest, or on your leg, small loving touches, and learn again how to trace these resonant sensation into the smallest, finest experiences with your attention. This is a meditation for your body. It is a first step to awaken our bodies from their long sleep, and our consciousness is the prince who must arrive in order to take the sleeping beauty into their strong arms, to give it the magical kiss of attention and of love. This is a first step in the right direction.
50 - One Body, My Body
Before a human child learns that it has clumsy fingers and feet that stink, and a dirty bottom, and untidy hair and an ugly face, they have only one body and that is ME. The consciousness is then trained to dissect the body and to evaluate the bits, to compare them and to judge them. And so, over time, the consciousness re-builds a creation of its own making, from dead parts, and it creates a monster like Dr Frankenstein in his unnatural laboratory. For some this becomes so bad that they cannot perceive their own body behind all the horror posters of their own making any longer. So now we must retrain our conscious minds to think differently and to make different images, to make a whole new map of our own bodies, and this time, we have to make a map which isnât created out of lies and deceit, harsh judgements and rejection, illusion and make belief, but of the naked truth so that we might find out at last what our bodies are really like and what we can do to help them out. Look at your own hands for a moment. We can start right here with an exercise in truth. Take off all rings, all bracelets and your wristwatch, roll up your sleeve and letâs take a closer look at this one living part of our body. Now we can stroke carefully and attentively from a nail to the back of the hand and think to ourselves, âThis is actually not a separate nail, finger, back of hand but ONE BODY.â âMy body.â We can continue on across the back of our hand, across the imaginary divide between hands and arms and think again, âOne body, MY body.â That is a tiny re-unification, a tiny completion, and as small as that is, it feels good to do that, and it feels so right. The body is not a lump of meat which can be hacked about in any way we choose. It is a flowing, living organism where everything is shared, everything flows, everything constantly communicates with everything else in order for it to work as it is designed to work. The demarcation lines and boundaries we have consciously created block this flow of data and energy, of communication even in the physical body but far more so in the energy body which is so highly sensitive to the interventions of conscious thought.
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