Addendum 3 – EMO Articles
In this section, you will find a number of popular published articles on the concepts and ideas of EMO which were originally written with the general public in mind.
I have included these because firstly they explain the concepts very simply and you might find the wordings, metaphors and teaching stories helpful when you come to explain EMO to others; and secondly because these articles highlight certain aspects of the main EMO concepts from different angles which is helpful in the context of learning the structure of the system, its techniques and applications.
Introduction To EMO Energy In Motion
After having worked for four years intensively with EFT and having observed, experienced and facilitated the very real miracles Meridian Energy Therapies can produce especially in the treatment of all things which have a basis in emotional "disturbances", I had developed a healthy respect for METs. I had also come to learn many things about the human energy system and the energy body along the way - and all of these things I learned entirely by watching and observing, making changes and testing the responses but NOT by studying acupuncture charts or ancient texts.
The original METs relied on a limited number of points to produce change in the energy system which by extension, leads to change in how a person feels, acts, behaves and experiences their lives after the treatments. EFT uses a "total redundancy" approach to clear all the major channels during a session which is extremely successful, especially if repeat treatments are used to catch aspects that were missed or address further energy blockages. I'm not sure why it took me so long but in 2002, I had an instant insight into the relationship between the energy body, emotions and the physical body - namely, that all emotions are nothing more (and of course, nothing less!) than simply feedback devices to alert us to the existing conditions in the energy body, just the same as physical pain is nothing more (and certainly nothing less!) than a feedback device to alert us to existing conditions in the physical body.
It is well known that repeatedly experiencing the same strong emotions has a very direct correlation to the onset of physiological symptoms and this was the bridge I used in the system I called EMO in order to show and demonstrate clearly to everyone concerned just exactly where in a person's body the disturbances occur at the energetic level.
Back To Physicality
When conditions change in the energy body, subtle feedback exists immediately which we generally are not aware of at all as we are too busy with our attentions elsewhere all through the day. It is only when these subtle sensations turn into strong feelings that we are made to take notice. We really only become aware of the strongest emotions as they turn into absolute physiological sensations.
A simple example would be like this. Someone gets told unexpectedly, "You are FIRED!" and they will report that "it felt as though they had been punched in the stomach".
That is not some kind of metaphor or a psychosomatic aberration, but a complete and correct recognition and diagnosis of a real and severe disturbance in this person's energy body. The physical sensation tells us exactly where this disturbance lies - in EMO, the one who is working on their problem or disturbance will be asked to "show me with your hands where that is" - "that" being the problem, the bereavement, the anger, the pain, or whatever label of emotion is causing the problem.
It is crucial to EMO to know that we work from the assumption that people's energy bodies are NATURALLY DESIGNED to handle just about any kind of existing energy in this World. That there are channels and pathways which, if they are clear and functioning properly, can and will channel even the most powerful of energies we can imagine into us, through us and out in an Even Flow movement.
Re-Establishing The Even Flow
EMO works to re-establishing a full and functioning flow of a very wide range of energy types in, through and out a person's body in three ways:
1. Firstly, by teaching and learning the basic EMO technique to find the pathways for energies that need to flow rather than be stuck, held on to or deflected out;
2. Secondly, by softening and releasing old energy blockages (which show up directly and uncontrovertibly through the medium of physiological sensations in a person's body);
3. Thirdly, by repairing channels, networks and areas of the energy body to enable these areas to once again allow a smooth flowing of incoming energies into, through and out of the system.
Repercussions & Energy Nutrition
When EMO was originally being developed, the intention was to reduce firstly the physiological sensations related to high stress emotions, secondly and as a direct effect of this, to entirely release the emotional experience and finally, to basically re-teach the energy body to begin flowing energy again in, through and out as it was always designed to be doing and to do so automatically and in reflexive response to the environmental conditions which we may expect to be challenging often and constantly as we live our lives.
But very early on it became apparent that there were unexpected "side effects" to working with the underlying energies in the energy body in this way.
Rather than simply "not feeling the negative emotion and pain anymore" from incoming or self generated energies, it turned out that when these energies were being taken into the system and "tranced through" their correct and requisite channels, it produced a huge increase in a person's actual energy levels - expressed through laughter, delight, pro-active ideas and thoughts; in other words, through the movement of energy from intake, through the systems and release something very important was being gained in the process.
As people were learning to once again, opening themselves to energies from people for example, such as can be found in expression of admiration, gratitude, praise and so forth ("You are beautiful." - "You are intelligent." etc), they finally were able to derive what can only be described as long needed "nutrition" for their energy bodies which expressed itself in very different mental states, body postures and thoughts after an EMO treatment.
But this extended much, much further than just "positive" energies. Allowing negative forms of incoming energies into the energy body too, to be moved through the requisite channels and systems, in, through and out produced even more profound state changes and shifts in return. Being able to handle an incoming (or self generated) thought form energy such as, "You are ugly." and to simply trance it through and out directly causes people to feel stronger, much more balanced, much less afraid of criticism and of failure, more determined and more resourceful.
Playing In "The Oceans of Energy"
Doing EMO, perhaps to begin with to release easily and without much ado (because we are working directly with the energy/physical body and NOT in the head with thoughts, metaphors or other logical contortions) old burdens, blockages, shards, hurts and pain, does a number of very beneficial things for a person.
Firstly, users and practitioners of EMO report that they become far more attuned to what is happening in their bodies and how their emotional states are actually expressed in their body. This is a very grounding and healing change of attention and for many, a first re-connection to how much their bodies have been crying out to them for help and release at last. Further, in the act of learning or re-learning to move these energies and to let them flow every person who practises EMO begins to learn about the actual realities of their own energy body - where the main channels are in their body, main centres and entry and exit points for energies and much, much beside.
Secondly, and once we start moving beyond immediate trauma and emotional drama reduction, it becomes very clear just how much energy there is around us for us to use to heal, grow, have, be and do.
Opening oneself and "drinking in a sunrise" fully and completely, for example, is an extraordinary experience and not to mention, *physiological sensation*. Opening oneself fully to energies from plant life, from animals, from the sun and the sky, from the Earth and indeed, from every little thing around us makes every day quite extraordinary and provides literally ENDLESS and totally abundant sources of energy for life, work and play.
Learning to "take the energy from a thing" rather than trying to possess or ingest or own the thing itself is a wonderful gift in and of itself - it can satisfy needs and wants that were previously totally out of reach and even out of possibility and has inordinate applications for addictions of all kinds, and even radically reduce food and shopping bills into the bargain!
There is also the magical aspect of deliberately *raising energies* such as, "I am a healer" and being able to trace and track any blockages, smooth them out and have this - and basically, ANY - form of energy flow powerfully and very intentionally through our systems.
Endless Possibilities, Endless Applications
EMO is at its most basic level, an incredibly simple and intuitive method because it relies upon naturally existing systems of the human totality - the intention of the conscious mind, the feedback devices of emotion and sensation from the physical and energy bodies and the co-operation of the unconscious systems and the body mind. Simply put, bodies love EMO. Because it is entirely natural and following the direct evidence of physiological feedback, EMO is amazingly easy to learn and easy to do.
As EMO is entirely and strictly focussed on the movement of energy in, through and out the energy body, it is "content free" in the best sense of the word and can be applied to just about anything that humans can think, worry or feel pain about - this includes past resolution, forgiveness, bereavement, relationship issues, old wounds, burdens and pains, current instabilities, feelings "in the moment", and all things future related, including goal setting, planning, self identity and so much more besides.
For psychologists and psychotherapists, EMO can be the bridge into energy psychology and healing as it does not require touching, tapping, or muscle testing and although it is in effect, a *pure energy healing* modality it is also close enough to a "talking therapy" to be easily accepted and accessible.
For healers of any kind, EMO offers a new doorway to exploring energy healing with direct feedback rather than to have to guess or rely on intuition. It does not demand any special talents or abilities from either the healer or their partner in healing, and represents a beautiful, experientially based system for a healer to develop their natural healing skills which everyone is blessed with simply by having been born to be human.
The EMO systems and techniques are not at all an end product but rather, a starting point and learning tool to how much more we can all do, be, have, achieve and experience right here, right now - simply by re-learning to use the systems we already have and once again, stepping back into a true appreciation of The Even Flow.
First Published By The Association For Meridian & Energy Therapies, October 2002
Starving For Love Amidst The Oceans of Energy
People spend an absolute fortune on diet gizmos, pills and fancy foods.
They study nutrition in great detail, weigh their calories and exercise themselves into early arthritis. They have plastic surgery to keep looking young and spend £90 on a tiny tube of wrinkle cream. They take drugs to speed them up, mellow themselves out, have a bit of artificial ecstasy in their lives once in a while - and after all of that, end up starving to death in completely different way - quite literally.
For at least 6000 years it has been well known that the human energy system has the most profound impact on all levels of health, happiness, and fitness to live more than just a half-life of unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
Isn't it about time we turned our attention to the requirements of this total mind/body system, what it's resident energy immune system requires for maximum functioning, why it is that our energy systems are so disturbed, blocked, disconnected - rivers that churn but do not flow?
Isn't it time we would ask the questions of Energy Nutrition - what is it, how does it work, and what you can do to avoid the equivalent of "energy scurvy" across your mind/body systems which absolutely lead to cancer, all forms of degenerative diseases and the most serious of mental health problems?
No Even Flow ...
Any practitioner who deals with the human energy system - acupuncturists, Kinesiologists, acupressurists, energy healers, touch healers, Reiki practitioners, holistic healers working with chakras, with auras, and all the other disciplines such as the New Meridian Energy Therapies (EFT, TFT et al) - can tell you clearly that when they see someone, all is definitely NOT well.
Chakras are displaced and spinning backwards; they are distorted, disconnected, dried up, atrophied.
Meridians have major blockages all over their complex river networks with vast areas that have become nothing but a desert where any life is struggling desperately to even be able to make it from day to the next.
Auras and Energy Fields are disturbed, full of attachments, dirt and dust; with swirling vortices that drain energy the whole time, twisting and churning here and radiation-too-bright over there.
Even if you're not working with the energy systems, just take a look around. Look, really LOOK at people's faces in the street, on the underground in rush hour traffic, in the supermarkets, at Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals. Look at how they move and how walk - this is NOT dancing through life with eyes wide open and ready to find out what else there might be from one exciting day to the next!
So, this is how it is. We try to combat these dreadful states of existence with everything we can lay our hands on - with vegetables, with potions, with pills and with gurus, with illusions, with mantras. We overeat, we abuse substances, we try and trance out with movies and computers and work - in fact, anything - ANYTHING! - at all to remove the constant pain we're in, a droning, grating background noise that is ever present, always there, always always nagging, nagging, dragging us down, sucking our energy away no matter what we do and slowly over time, eroding first our will to live with joy, then our health, then our will to live, and finally take away our lives.
This is the half-life I mentioned earlier. This is the catastrophe of the Western World.
It is simply so that we have NO IDEA of how to feed ourselves correctly in the energetic sense.
We were absolutely NEVER TOLD how to take care of ourselves and our energy systems in any way, and what we WERE told is useless at best but far more often, intensely damaging instead.
How to USE YOUR ENERGY SYSTEM as it was designed was NEVER modelled for us or even acknowledged as something that's so incredibly vital to living successfully at all!
We have NO IDEA at the conscious level of how BADLY we are mishandling the currents and components of the "Oceans of Energy" of which we are a part and how much we are HURTING ourselves in the process.
I believe we have a deep remembrance of HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE deep, deep down inside our minds and bodies, and we have a tremendous anger and behind that, fields of sadness the size of Galaxies that pervade us all as we continue to live and act AGAINST the Even Flow, day in, day out, from moment to moment - whether we're consciously aware of it, or not.
I have researched this particular phenomenon all my life, in one shape or form or the other.
There is something so profoundly wrong about the way we conduct our lives that it hurts. All the time. All of us. And through us, all and everything we touch and thus, pass on the wrongness that seems so interwoven with our very beings that often, I simply stood in tears and didn't know anymore where to start, or if there was any point at all, any hope at all to do anything.
I have worked and studied and researched, endlessly and ceaselessly, for as long as I can remember because there IS A PART OF ME that KNOWS we can do better. It's not a feeling, a hope or a theory but it is an absolute, incontrovertible KNOWING - and that's what made me pick up the pieces, time and time again, and go on, after the dark hours had passed once again.
"Could Do Better ..."
We are structurally designed to do better. You could say, God made us with the potential to do better and to be able to change the experience of this World back into something altogether different, something so other than what we've been doing so far that truly, I don't think we can begin to have any idea, picture or conception of what this other might look like, be like, feel like.
In the olden days, people came up with lions sleeping with lambs and rivers full of milk as a representation of what that might be like - yes, it's pathetic, but the best they could do with what they had. But that's beside the point.
What is the point is that we now have a starting point in the right direction.
After 25 years of working with energy, one way or the other, I am beginning to see the patterns unfold, and as I do, I am beginning to see just where we are going wrong.
Going wrong as in "against the Even Flow";
Going wrong as in "mishandling our natural, God given systems through sheer ignorance, superstition and false indoctrination of the ages".
Going wrong as in "stubbornly refusing to replace the old illusions with EXPERIENCE, no matter how much it hurts us".
To find our way back to how it's all supposed to work requires, however, that we let go of just about EVERYTHING we've ever been told is right or true about the World, about people, and about the energy system and go right back to the drawing board, challenging EVERYTHING and demanding that EVERYTHING prove itself to be real, workable and effective - not as a faceless herd of statistics in a laboratory but FOR ONE PERSON AT A TIME, in their own World, in their own life.
Now, in this brief article there isn't the space to get into the details of what, how and why - all it is designed to do is to start your thinking and investigation into your own energy households, what you do with energy, where you lose it, what's REALLY going on WITH YOU, where there are shortcomings in vital nourishments in YOUR LIFE. I'll give you a tip though - if you start with the forms of energy I referred to in the title of this article and do nothing else but pay some attention as to what YOU PERSONALLY are DOING with those types of energy, you will gain some very interesting insights, right away.
I would like to leave you with one "little" exercise to back up my assumption that in order to make a brand new understanding, one person at a time, of how to work within the Oceans of Energy and experience this World, this life in a "first person", "you and me" LOVE AFFAIR with the Universe that NEVER ends, we HAVE to challenge ruthlessly what has gone before.
Kundalini ....
I went through a stage where, just for fun, I would do the exact opposite of what it said to do in a learned, dusty book of the ages.
You know about Kundalini, right?
Goes up your spine and when it rises, you're supposed to get instant enlightenment (and/or madness, just so we have some severe reservations and can't be congruently willing this occurrence any longer!).
Just for fun, try the following. First, try the standard "Kundalini Rising".
Start with the base chakra and try and make the energies go up and out to your star chakra.
Consider how that felt.
Take a break for a moment (walk around, drink some water, "break state").
Now, try Silvia's "Kundalini Falling".
Start at the top with the star chakra, connect it up with the Universe, and then let all that boundless, incredible energy run downwards through your chakras.
Compare the two experiences.
Especially, answer these questions on the following points:
Which is more "user friendly"?
Which is "easier to do"?
Which "feels better" whilst you're doing it?
Which "feels righter" whilst you're doing it?
What is your overall state of mind/body/spirit AFTER these two exercises, respectively?
Which one of the two would you do again, tonight perhaps, tomorrow and every time you need a boost?
Which one of the two do you reckon does your energy system more good, and which does more harm?
Which one contributes more to a sense of connectedness to the Universe?
Which one contains more aspects of information transmission and GAINING something from the exercise?
Which one would you show to a loved one, or a child?
Ok. It's a personal experience, what can I say.
JUST YOUR EXPERIENCE, not some holy guru's declaration straight down from Heaven or a hugely expensive "scientific" study by important people with heads the size and weight of those found on the Easter Islands.
Just what YOU felt.
I would tell you though that what you feel isn't right or wrong, it is what YOU FEEL and that is what is THE ONLY TRUTH AND THE ONLY REALITY for your own energy system.
Keep paying attention to the Oceans of Energies and your perceptions and experiences amidst their manifold currents but most of all, keep on playing.
That, as they say, is always a step in the right direction.
And the ONLY way to learn to KNOW.
First Published by The Sidereus Foundation 20. 05. 2002
Energy Nutrition – Essential Health For The Energy Body
What Is Energy Nutrition?
There are all manners of energies coming in to the energy body at all times. We live in a veritable “Ocean of Energy” which is generated by literally everything - from the ground beneath to the radiation from the sun, the moon and the stars; every living being exudes vast quantities of energies all the time on a very wide bandwidth and this includes people, animals, plants, insects.
Human beings are probably the only species on this planet who have the ability to actively and consciously “shield” themselves from certain types of energy and actually are able to reject energies that exist, and may very well be most beneficial to them.
This is specifically achieved by the mechanism of “thought” or “intention”.
Intention & Energy
A very common saying is, “Where intention goes, energy flows.”
Although we cannot move a rock by staring at it, we can indeed influence energetic realities with intention. This is because intention and thought and energy are of the same realm and structurally designed to work with one another.
This process is natural and in action all the time; humans sometimes turn deliberately to trying to shape energetic realities with their intention, for example in the act of prayer, spell casting, making a wish, or the more modern versions of affirmations, goal setting, visualisation and so forth.
What has been forgotten and this is proving to be perhaps one of the most major causes for ill health and unhappiness amidst a well fed, well sheltered and well supported population in the First World today, is that our intention is interfering with energy exchanges ALL THE TIME.
This is entirely unconscious; “energy awareness” is restricted to the few in our societies who make an effort to find out more about energy healing, come into contact with the powers of the energy system because of ill health or because they are studying martial arts perhaps.
Energy Reversals or “Saying NO To Healing”
In Energy Therapies there exists the concept of a “reversal”. Simply put, it means that a part of the energy system has gone into reverse and works against the rest of the system, much like an engine that has been switched over to run backwards instead of forwards.
Most often, this becomes apparent when there was a major trauma which caused such an occurrence. On the simplest level, it could be said that any time we say, “No!” to something, this is a command - a direct command! - to a part of the energy system to stop and go into reverse.
These reversals in the energy system express themselves always in something seemingly being stuck and unmovable - an injury that simply will not heal, no matter how much ointment and bandages are applied; a psychological reaction that simply won’t recede, no matter how much therapy and healing is given.
The Energy Therapists talk about “specific” and “massive” reversals, for indeed there are people who show in their bodies that they have said, “No.” to healing.
Many more people show in their behaviours, their bodies, their real lives absolute evidence that they must have said, “No.” to prosperity, to happiness, to success, to loosing weight, to living without an addictive substance - these are the people who endlessly and desperately try everything to overcome their problems but their problems remain, no matter what the treatment, no matter if it is successful with everyone else who has undergone it, no matter how precarious or even life threatening their situation is becoming.
The power of intention and decision over the behaviour and activities in the Energy Body is simply extraordinary.
A simple decision, once it has occurred as a by-product of trauma or experience, will remain untouchable and out of view for an entire lifetime, causing endless suffering and misery - in the Quantum spaces of energy, time is no healer at all and something that happened perhaps 75 years ago is as red raw and as “now” as it ever was.
However, in the Quantum spaces of energy, there also resides the possibility of even the most extensive trauma being healed right now, in an instant, but for the asking. Please note that this does not mean instant healing on the physical because we are talking about the Energy Body here; yet it is clear that when the Energy Body functions as it should, the physical body will be supported in its own self healing endeavours from the ground up and true healing has a chance to take place.
Particularly the “reversals” are of prime importance in Energy Nutrition, because it is in the simple act of saying, “No.” to an incoming energy, a barrier is created to that energy which keeps it out of the system - a malnutrition situation cannot help but ensue.
All You Need Is Love ...
It has been said by every great prophet, every great religious leader, across time and space of humanity, that love is the greatest healer and that the energy of love creates healing miracles.
There are, indeed, hundreds if not thousands of scientific studies conducted all around the First World to the effect of human attention - which is a precursor for human love - on healing, well being, symptom alleviation. One of the most famous of these had nursing staff withholding attention from newborn babies in an orphanage in the 1950s, yet giving these babies all the physical caretaking and food they could only require.
The babies began to fade and when they began to die, the experiment was abandoned as the staff refused to go on any further.
Attention energy relieves measurably the symptoms of every disease, every illness. It “makes people more intelligent”, calmer, more sociable, more resourceful. It helps them live longer, even if this attention energy is provided by non-human species such as dogs, cats and monkeys, even birds as studies conducted with the effects of having pet animals in old people’s homes and geriatric wards attest to.
Attention energy is an essential nutrient for the energy body and when people don’t get this energy, they fade away, go mad and they may even die.
With the population density of the First World, how can it be that this vital life energy seems in such short supply?
The answer is simple and profoundly sad. This energy is NOT in short supply; rather the problem lies in the fact that individual humans do not receive and process it correctly. Indeed, the ability to receive and process attention energy from other humans is probably the most likely and directly related factor that decides on any given person’s health and happiness throughout their lifetimes.
Shields To Joy & Ecstasy
When a man goes up to a woman in a bar, looks her in the eye and says, “You are very beautiful.”, what kind of response on the energetic level would you expect to see if energy exchanges could be made visible by a special video camera?
Would this energy travel across to the woman, be openly received, taken into her many systems, moving through these systems as the energetic equivalent of a digestion takes place, powering and re-charging all manner of sub-systems in it’s travel, and then smoothly flow out to leave the lady in question vibrant, happy and glowing?
Clearly, the answer to this is a resounding NO.
Indeed, the lady in the bar may have put her shields up before the man even got close enough to send his message to her. Her reaction to the energetic wave travelling towards her would most likely be more shields still, as she thinks, “He only wants X from me, he doesn’t know me, he’s lying, I don’t like him, he looks ugly, etc.” ... and many more thoughts of the same kind, all of which create an impenetrable barrier to what could otherwise have been a highly nourishing energy exchange.
This strong example was chosen to illustrate a basic point about energy exchanges in humans.
It also brings up the most common objections to “taking energies into the system” - would this not be a disaster? Would the lady in the bar not end with AIDs if she didn’t have all her shields to keep these energies at bay?
The answer to this is that such considerations are clearly coming from a very different place and NOT from considering the Energy Body and it’s requirements.
Allowing the energy from the compliment to pass into her system, through and out and as a result, feeling better, more nourished, more powerful, more energised does NOT lead to our lady in the bar becoming stupid all of a sudden - quite in the contrary. Someone with a balanced, energised system tends to experience great mental clarity, not to mention emotional stability which clearly, is a good place to make decisions about what courses of action might be for the best.
Human & Other Energies
One of the reasons that people in the First World often turn to pets for energy suppliers is that the barriers against love, affection and attention from other people are not in place and the energies can flow freely. There is, of course, the other side of the coin. Animals do not have barriers as a rule to incoming energies and they will actually accept attention from humans who are bursting to give these - but cannot find any fellow human recipients for their energies, only barriers upon barriers where their contributions bounce out flatly too.
But of course, there are other energies that are not received, to which we have said, “NO!” at some point and which are no longer available for the essential nutrition and widely varied energy diets our Energy Bodies require for full functioning.
Weather is a good example of this. Storms, rainy weather and cold weathers are tremendous energy providers - if one would open up to this. Current group consensus in the First World, however, is that anything other than a sunny, warm day with a cloudless sky is “bad weather” and must be avoided, bemoaned, and shielded against in every way possible.
The very act of saying “NO!” to “bad weather” in and of itself reverses and disables parts of the energy system and this leads to people who hold these views to becoming more acutely affected by cold or rainy weather in return - with mental depression or psychosomatic flare-ups, for example.
There are many other naturally existing energies that are blocked by individuals. Many people have strong colour preferences - someone might say, “Orange is not my colour.” or, “I don’t like the colour orange.” which is the equivalent of saying, “NO! to orange.”
Thus instructed, the energy body deflects that particular vibration and we are very literally, in scurvy conditions.
It is important to note that the processes which have been described in this article are not an addition or a new invention, but simply represent an observation about naturally occurring exchanges in reality.
It is impossible to repair a person’s self esteem, for example, who hold it to be the truth that they are worthless, with counter-examples or by sending them (telling them, showing them, demonstrating to them) that this is a false decision IF this person is INCAPABLE of receiving the energies associated with this sentiment.
Thus it is possible that the most beautiful model on Earth is in tears because she is convinced that she is ugly; the most beloved person who has innumerable family members and friends who all care deeply about them is entirely convinced that “No-body loves me.”; and the most talented and gifted people can state with absolute conviction that, “I am worthless.”
It needs to be clearly understood that it is not the meanings of such words or phrases which will heal and put a great many things to rights, but the energies these words and phrases contain and carry.
These energies go to the Energy Body and there, fulfill tasks of repair, of healing, of renewal. In doing so, they correct at the underlying energetic level what is wrong which then becomes reflected in psychological and physiological changes too.
In the case of psychological changes, as a person “takes readings” of their internal energetic landscapes, this translates directly into self concept understandings and realities.
The Essential Flow Of Energies
If we go back to the example of the lady in the bar, who was told, “You are beautiful.” we will remember also the resistance to let such energies into ones system for fear that they might be believed and thus, become a reality.
Many of the human energy exchanges suffer from this false understanding, namely that if one was to open oneself and accept such incoming energy or information, one would necessarily become that in turn.
This is the fear and misunderstanding about energy exchanges of the “You are beautiful” kind just as well as about energy exchanges of the “You are ugly” kind - either way, it must not be “believed” because that would be a very bad thing.
It is of the essence to really understand that energy exchanges have absolutely nothing to do with believing something, thinking one is something or another as a result.
Indeed, a catastrophe for many people is that at one point, someone might have said something positive which on that occasion actually did enter the energy system. It felt so good that they attempted to hold on to the energy involved to keep feeling like that for longer.
This causes the most severe forms of disturbances in the Energy Body as it instantly blocks the channels designed to transport this kind of information - no further energy can come in from other sources in the future.
Also, as the energy is not passing through the system as it should, behind the blockage lie veritable wastelands of empty channels and the energy organs they were meant to supply, causing severe disturbances which will firstly manifest in emotions and if they go on for long enough, physiological sensations, pain and then actual illness.
This process is also in action with forms of energy that were stopped halfway through the system as they were being perceived as damaging, and energies that never get to enter the system at all because they are being blocked off before they get into the central Energy Body at all.
But apart from the damage to the energy system, there is another aspect to this and this is best explained by example. This is the report in my own words, written down only a few hours after it had happened.
Here is an extraordinary case story about a moment of intense love, experienced 30 years ago, a moment which should have been an instant transformation of the person who experienced it but was not because they took the energy and "enfolded it within their heart", keeping it there as a keepsake of the best moment in their lives. And there, it remained and it stopped any further flow or experience of something similar or even better - ruining this person's life entirely in the process and keeping them stuck in the past. What happened when they understood that they must complete the process that was started all those years ago?
Re-Learning To Process Energy Correctly
We are indeed, energy beings in an Ocean of Energies.
All we find in the Universe, all life on Earth and that includes human beings is structurally designed to process the flow of energies and to take part in the vast, vast cycles of life.
Energy needs to flow to be naturally correct and doing as it is designed to do. What we need to do in order to move closer to what is called The Even Flow of natural balance, is not learn something new, but to re-learn to correctly use the systems we were given.
We all have the ability to block energy and we have used this to our own disadvantage as a species for many thousands of years at least.
By definition, we all also have the ability to remove these blockages that were simply a side effect of living in a culture that seems blind to the Oceans of Energy.
We all have Energy Bodies, and within these Energy Bodies the channels and systems exist to truly feast in the Oceans of Energy.
What it takes to make this happen successfully, and easily, is firstly and foremostly to pay attention to how energy exchanges work and manifest “in the real World”.
Energy manifestations are simply everywhere and once one starts to open ones awareness of such straightforward examples as energy exchanges which exist between humans, and between a single human and their environment, a great many things become very clear and obvious that never made any sense at all.
Energy nutrition, i.e. the understanding and realisation that our energy bodies have absolutely nutritional needs, is one of the aspects of this.
Further, even a base insight into this extraordinary realm will very quickly reveal which kinds of energies are missing, sorely needed, in desperately short supply in a person’s body.
It is simply amazing how many previously insoluble problems become not only understood as to how they structurally function, but also how easy it is to find “energetic solutions” to what were in essence, always “energetic problems” in the first place - and thus could not be solved from other places and with physical/mental approaches at all.
Addictions, weight problems, identity problems and replacement activities of all kinds begin to make sense at last when viewed from the Energy perspective - here are people trying to use physical means to compensate for an injury, deficiency, disturbance in their energy systems which is absolutely and structurally doomed to failure.
In Conclusion
A wider understanding and experientially based exploration of the human energy body is of the essence if we wish to solve human mind/body problems that have been out of reach entirely for as many as 2000 years or more.
It is not suggested that caring for the energy body take precedence over care for the physical body.
What is suggested, however, is that there are many aspects of human health and well being that simply cannot be solved AT ALL from any other place or using any other means.
The human energy body exists. It is real and many hold it to be the very foundation of all physiological functioning in the long term.
The topic of “Energy Nutrition” is one of the most exciting avenues of exploration to make true, lasting changes in any individual’s health, happiness and levels of satisfaction and achievement in their lifetime, that has been discovered in many years.
We might just find that, after all, we really do live in a Universe of total abundance that really does supply everything we need and more beside, and that’s it there for everyone - simply for the taking.
First Published by Om Place December 2002
Heal Your Energy Body
In human healing in the First World, we have a clear distinction between the fields of healing the body and healing the mind. Indeed, practitioners who seek to heal the mind in many officially acknowledged modalities are not allowed to touch the body, literally and metaphorically both, at all unless a problem is held to be “psychosomatic” – not really physical at all but just “all in the patient’s mind”.
Holistic practitioners have been seeking for a long time now to overcome this mind-body division because it is so obvious that the two are not separate, that one causes another and that they are inter-related, intertwined and to treat one in the absence of another is basically non-sensical and less efficient than it should be.
One thing the First World allopathic and holistic approaches have very much in common still, however, is the drive to symptom reduction.
First World inhabitants do not consider health unless there is a problem.
There are aspects of First World behaviour which seem as though health is being considered – health food, fitness and dietary supplements are indeed a thriving business – but it isn’t health people are after, but to look healthy and to function with efficiency and as though there actually was underlying health.
This, of course, is putting the cart before the horse as people who had an understanding of what health and healthy living is all about as far back as the Yellow Emperor.
When someone is actually healthy, it is then that they:
look healthy (appropriate body proportions, muscle tissue where there should be, shiny hair and eyes, glowing skin, warm and supple body)
think clearly (logic and intuition working together, creativity, problem solving skills);
are emotionally balanced (able to experience the widest range of human emotions and being energised by the process; being able to approach life without fear and in the knowledge that they can experience);
live pro-actively (being focussed and joyful, effective in one’s actions, relating successfully to others, having the energy to build your dreams).
All these things arise from an underlying state of health quite naturally, without any struggle or hassle, without having to spend hours in the gym, grimly counting the calories at each meal, doing “mind gym” exercises or seeking personal development in therapy, courses and classes.
When the underlying state of health is absent or the underlying state of being is one of non-balance, chaos, disturbance and non-cooperation between the many systems that comprise the totality of a human being, no amount of fire fighting the symptoms can do more than mask the problems for any length of time.
Energetic Bodies, Energetic Health
Take any First World person, at random, from anywhere out of their busy lives and sit them down in a white room, on a white chair, right in front of you and look at them carefully.
Chances are, they are not getting enough exercise of the right kind. The right kind of exercise for a human body being NOT strapped to some machine which makes a part of the body move backs and forth repeatedly to build muscle or to lose weight; and it is also not running around on concrete surfaces for hours on end.
The right kind of exercise for a human being is to run some then jump and dance, to stretch and flex, to move fluently in many different ways, many different positions throughout every moment of every single day.
Clearly, they are not doing that.
No matter how dedicated to health this person would declare themselves to be, they are not moving around like an unfettered three year old would and it shows in their body – the older they are, the more it shows.
Now, we could tell them about that, show them the evidence, explain it all and surely, they would nod most earnestly, may make a resolve or two to re-organise their lives to “do more exercise” but there we are.
The cart is once again, before the confused looking horse and we already know that nothing will change.
This person is going to right back to their lives as they had previously; doing their eight hours in front of a computer screen, lying on a couch or whatever it is they do and returning to their lives exactly as it was.
Thus it is with the legions of dieters, health seekers, exercisers and all those other First World folk who want to make changes for the better in their lives because their lives hurt to live the longer it goes on, but in the end, simply can’t.
But WHY? That is the question I have been fascinated with for as long as I can remember.
WHY are we like this? Why don’t we stop hurting ourselves with our daily lives and do something else instead?
In my quest to find the answer to that particular question, I turned to the mind as the driving force for behaviour – I looked into psychology.
A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body ....
When I began to investigate what happens with health of mind, or the absence thereof, how it was treated and how it came about, I noted right away that exactly the same processes were in action as were happening with the body.
People would have real problems with their mental functionings, and as with physical fitness, it is as easy as pie to spot where things are going wrong and what they should be doing instead. Instead of being nasty to themselves, they should be more supportive of themselves, for example. That would work with just about every form of problem, just as eating a healthy diet would work with about every physical problem to bring about a real and noticeable change for the better.
So simple and so obvious the solutions – but once again, here is the vexed question of WHY yet again. The mind holds the answer no more than the body, being engaged in exactly the same kind of inverted happenings as the physical body was also.
And then, there was the matter of “emotions”.
Emotional “Freedom”?
Roger Callahan, a Californian psychologist, began a true human revolution in the early 1980s by discovering that emotions could be made to disappear by treating the human energy system.
He had patients tap on major meridian points which were disputed by First World science as to whether they existed at all but had been in use by other human cultures for at least 10,000 years at that time and this resulted in emotions, such as fear, anxiety, stress, anger, sadness and so on simply “disappearing”.
From this groundbreaking discovery, the whole field of Energy Psychology began to grow at a rapid rate almost immediately, as the First World inhabitants jumped with desperation on the idea that you could “simply tap your emotions away”.
If you were not afraid anymore, then you could do all sorts of things that were out of reach before – just as someone who might have lost 100 pounds in weight might all of a sudden have access to public swimming pools, glamorous clothes and the approval of their friends and neighbours.
Now, it’s true what I just said, namely that the First World inhabitants “jumped onto the idea in desperation”. Of course, they were and are desperate to find a cure for emotions. Emotions are inordinately powerful pains and pleasures that can rip you apart, turn your life upside down or simply condemn you to a hell of nothingness and suffering until you die.
I, of course, was one of these “First World inhabitants” and I tapped to destroy my emotions just as desperately as the others who got hold of a pain relief at long last and after decades of suffering.
And I do believe it was because I was able to remove the most intense of these pains which caused my mind and body to live in a constant state of confusion to one day, wake up and look around with amazement and to say, “Wait a minute. What are these emotions we are removing? What is it that we are tapping away so happily here? Why do we have emotions at all? If we are natural systems where everything has a place and an important function, then what is the function of emotions?”
It took me a while but I do believe that I can answer that question now – what emotions are and what their function is and from that starting point, a whole new idea of health and health care was beginning to emerge. New, you should say, to me – what I found was echoed across the ages by those who had worked with the human energy system before, and it was this which finally convinced me that I was right about my assumptions.
What Are Emotions?
Simply put, emotions are the feedback devices through which the energy body communicates with the conscious mind, just as physical pain is the feedback device through which the physical body communicates with the conscious mind about its states of being.
These “feelings” which I prefer to call “sensations” because they always have a physiological component too, whether we recognise this at the time or not, are cries from the invisible dimensions of our own self, that actual reality which I call the energy body.
This energy body does actually exist; it has systems not unlike the organs of the physical body; pathways not unlike the veins and arteries of the physical body; nutritional requirements, an immune system, and all of that is true and real in spite of the fact that all knowledge or occurrence of this has been edited out of awareness by the First World medical science for the past 500 years or so.
When we “tap an emotion away” we are not actually tapping a pain away – to be able to make a pain go away, you have to heal the underlying injury which caused it in the first place.
The Energy Psychologists and especially the ones who use the tapping techniques to stimulate the main energy body meridians, often talk of “removing blockages” in the system. You could think of the emotions resulting from these blockages as the equivalents to the inordinate physical pain one would feel with thrombosis – a blocked flow causes the entire surrounding erea to go on red alert and the pain is spread far and wide, much further than the original seat of injury that may only be the size of a pinprick.
The Progression Of Disease
The ancient systems of Indian and Chinese medicine clearly say that any disease starts with the energy body being out of balance. Now I never really understood this properly and like most if not all First World inhabitants, gave it little thought beyond that it sounds nice in theory but hey, I’ve got a raging toothache, pass me the painkillers!
This is the cart before the horse again, or rather should I say, that is the Caesar and Jupiter confusion.
The Romans, a very practical people indeed, used to say, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to Jupiter what is Jupiter’s.”, thereby acknowledging that there are times and places for the energetic and the hard and you shouldn’t get them confused, or else nothing good can come of it.
What we have been doing is giving only to Caesar and paying attention to Caesar only, leaving Jupiter quite out of the equation and that is a very costly mistake indeed.
There is a completely clear and logical transition between the happenings at the energetic level and the manifestation of physical disease in the Hard (my term for physical reality).
It really does all start with the energy body.
When this energy body is getting stressed or injured, the warning calls and warning signs are put out and they are our emotions – small fleeting ones at first, then building up in direct correlation with the severity of the imbalance which tends to get worse when no action is taken to put right what went wrong.
Think of it like this – you step on a small thorn. It hurts and you know it is there, you have sustained an injury. The natural response would be to stop, to sit down, extract the thorn, lick the wound (or engage in some other activity to stop infection), then favour the foot for as long as it takes for the wound to heal when walking is of the essence, and when it isn’t, to sit down and keep the foot off the ground.
But that is NOT what we First World folk do.
When we step on the metaphorical thorn, we ignore the pain. If we happen to be on the warpath, we will manfully walk on and on, even run into battle. When the pain gets worse, we will exert our will power to think of something else. If it gets worse still, we go and take some painkillers, then stronger painkillers, and it is only when the whole foot has become so infected that walking has become entirely impossible and our entire life is filled with nothing but the pain of this is that we finally STOP and seek some treatment.
This is so for metaphorical thorns in our psychology as well as it is in our physicality.
We may accuse our allopathic healers of throwing all this heavy duty, nasty war based stuff at our injuries and that they are not really proper healers and so forth but look what we are presenting them with! How can they possibly be healers in the true sense of the word if all they see is rows upon rows of people who should have sought help with the tiny thorn a year ago when it was still easy to heal – we have literally left them with no other choice now than to cut off the entire leg to save our lives.
This is how the unsubtle and seemingly brutal First World health care systems have come into being, namely as a response to a population which doesn’t understand that you need to understand health first and that living follows suit from there, and not the other way around.
Our injuries start in the energy system.
From there, they show up by the means of emotions which get successively worse and more profound. Now, these emotions turn into sensations – physical sensations like the proverbial “being punched in the stomach” as someone might describe the emotional feeling of having being told, “You’re fired” only there was no physical fist involved at all, at least not one that anyone else could see.
These physical responses, if repeated often enough, just simply become physical disease, just the same as if the person who was fired indeed was physically punched in the stomach repeatedly – the stomach will become damaged and physical sickness manifests.
That is the simple, direct, cause and effect progression between the energy body, via emotions into physical disease – there is nothing metaphysical about it, there is nothing spooky about it, there is nothing weird about it; it is a simple, plain fact and the evidence is there for all to see who wish to open their eyes to it.
Healing The Energy Body
And now, we come to a simple result of the above processes which is entirely logical and for many, will bring a huge sigh of relief, may they be healers or suffers, or most probably, both.
We cannot force ourselves to lose weight with willpower alone over a lifetime – what a struggle! What an energy expenditure! What a never ending battle! What an outlook – a nightmare that never stops, can never stop and will wear us down, more and more as time goes by.
But what we can do is to heal the systems of the energy body that are causing the malfunctioning thoughts and behaviours that arise directly from the injuries of the energy body.
When we do that, there will be no more malfunctioning thoughts and behaviours.
They will simply cease to exist, just like those emotions that were simply tapped away because the basis for their existence has been removed – the original energetic injury has finally been healed and now, the pain simply STOPS.
If you recall, I said that the progression was:
Energy Body Injury -> Emotion -> Pain -> Physical Disease
Along the same lines, we have this progression:
Energy Body -> Emotion -> Pain -> Psychological Disease
... because the energy body underlies of course all health for the totality (the mind/body/spirit unit a human being represents).
Now, it is my desire to not so much heal what is already fully fledged and broken out disease. There are many who do this professionally and they are good at it – be it the last resort allopathic healers who amputate that leg because their owner failed to seek help when it was still just a thorn in the sole of their foot, or the holistic healers who point out that the likelihood of infection would have been a lot less if they had eaten a proper diet, taken care of the wound properly in the first place and have remedies to re-stimulate the systems of the body that might be able to cure this still; or be it the psychologists who would try and make a change to the person believing that it was a good thing to walk around for a year with a thorn in their foot or that winning the war was more important than losing a leg.
What I want to do is something else entirely.
I want to talk about true health – about healing and restoring the energy body from the ground up, to repair the energetic injuries that cause all the psychological and physiological suffering which is already there and to prevent any further suffering in the future.
I want to do this because repairing the energy body is so easy – all it takes for it to happen is to have the will to health, because the energy realms are absolutely responsive to thought and intention.
Healing In The Quantum Realms
You might have heard me say this before, but I will repeat it because it is so centrally important.
When you stare at a wound, you cannot will it to close. Well you can, and it might make the wound close in statistically, 15% - 18.5% less time than if you hadn’t stared it at solidly for a week but that is just basically a huge waste of time of energy and effort, because the effort expended is in no relationship to the results achieved.
Energy healers across the ages have driven themselves mad because of this – it does a little so there must be something there that works but there seems to be no proper cause and effect between effectiveness and mental energy expended (as in praying for a sick person, hands on healing and so forth).
The fact is that actually, energy healing isn’t supposed to heal the physical body at all. That is the wrong tool for the wrong job – like trying to hammer in a nail with a fine screw driver.
Intention (as in spells, prayers, wishes, attention, sending love and so forth) MOVES ENERGY.
That is what it is for, that is what it is designed to do, and it is incredibly efficient at doing just that.
The energy body exists in a kind of quantum space – no time, no distance, that kind of thing. Here and if attention is focussed HERE, the energy body responds immediately and instantly to intentions of restoration, of healing, of re-establishing the Even Flow.
Here, and ONLY HERE, we can heal the most complex injuries for the price of a simple thought.
Here, and ONLY HERE, we can heal what lay broken and fallow for decades in a single instance.
That is the most marvellous thing imaginable.
If we focus our attention where it belongs, namely on the energy realms and the energy body, cause and effect is restored and effort and reward work smoothly, quickly and with immediate results.
This does NOT mean that when we focus on the energetic injury underlying a physical disease, that the physicality is instantly repaired, please let us be clear about that in all ways.
What we repair is only the energy body – that is my only desire and outcome for the system which has been called EMO.
It is a healing system that does NOT seek to alleviate psychological or physical suffering; it is not a symptom remover, not a response to a pressing practical need of the “Please take this sensation away so I can go on with my busy life.”
EMO is a healing system without direction or cause other than that it is logical and sensible to restore that which was broken, to heal that which was injured, to bring back to flow that which was perverted and blocked, and to have the energy body be what it should have always been – a glowing functioning entity of such perfection and beauty, it shines in all ways in the realms where it resides.
It is not that I am not aware of how much suffering there is, nor that I lack compassion for the suffers.
It is not that I don’t want to help people who are in pain.
But the fact is that there are millions who do this far more effectively than I can.
What I want to know is what happens when you repair the energy body and bring its systems back online, back to a true state of health.
I can’t begin to know or imagine.
We are talking about a state of being that might never have existed before in human history, that might have never been sought because it has never been modelled.
A fully functioning, fully nourished energy body, with all systems on line and exchanging energy freely with the Universe at every level is something that I have never seen or even thought to seek – before now.
But it is something that we can have – and I for one, would want to experience what that would be like, for the possibilities inherent beyond our current states of being and not just so the pain will stop.
In magic, there is a principle which states that when you need something, and you ask for this from a state of neediness, you cannot ever get it – the very state of neediness precludes the flow of that exact thing you need towards you and blocks you from being offered it at all.
This “law of magical nature” has been the greatest headache, despair and conundrum for all and any across the ages who were desperate for help and begged for it on their knees; it has brought so many to magic and to healing who otherwise would have never given these states of existence the time of day in the first place and left them bitterly disappointed in the process.
I believe that when we work in the energy realms, with the intention of restoring our own energy bodies, not from a state of neediness but from a true desire to bring back to being an Even Flow we have never experienced before, we will open the doors to a form of magic we never had within our reach before.
This is a kind of magic that cannot be found by searching with intelligence; by disciplined study or self deprecation; not by following a guru or a teacher but only by experiencing it first hand, one human being at a time.
This is the magic I seek and for which I have developed the EMO system that reminds us of the basic principles of true healing from the ground up.
I know that it is used primarily at this time to alleviate suffering and to repair symptom based problems of one kind or the other and that is fine too, because any repair work you do, any steps you take towards restoring the Even Flow in your energy body is a step towards that state of being we don’t know yet what it might be, what it might feel like, what it might be like to experience.
Heal your energy body.
With volition and just because you want to bring it back on line in all its potential perfection and beauty, as an end in and of itself and not just so you can make a few extra bucks, work a few hours a day more, get rid of that headache, find a new boyfriend or impress the neighbours.
That is nothing compared to what just might be within our reach to do – at the energetic levels, for the asking and for the focussed desire and intention that it should be so.
First Published by Positive Health, January 2003