🏫 GoE Library - Latest Titles

The latest additions to the GoE Library.

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!

GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

Here we are, my dear fellow multi-dimensional beings, at this precise moment where we always are – always sliding along our personal timeline, always in the moment of unfoldment, and our futures always start right now!

GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve. 

GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

In "The Future of Modern Energy Therapy," Silvia Hartmann outlines her vision for the future of Modern Energy Therapy.

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their environments.

How I Escaped The Trauma Cult (And You Can Too, If You Want To!)

Break free from the past and embrace a future of hope and happiness with Silvia Hartmann's "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult." The Madness Of The Western World - An Exponential Curve Of Insanity has engulfed our societies. At the root of this tsunami of mental illness is the cult of childhood trauma, a fairy tale that came to haunt us all. In order to stop driving ourselves, our children and our fellow citizens crazy, it is of the essence to escape the fishtank of insanity - escape the Trauma Cult with Silvia Hartmann. Your journey to healing starts now! Watch & listen to Silvia Hartmann as she reads out her book "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult"

GoE Townhall Meet Up Live! News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY!

Watch the replays from GoE Townhall Meet Up Live with Silvia Hartmann, Alex Kent, Zoe Hobden and special guests!  

The Magician by Silvia Hartmann

The Magician - 28 Lessons In Magic; a novel by Silvia Hartmann.

MindMillion Exercises by Silvia Hartmann: The 60 Second Wealth Creators

Welcome to MindMillion by Silvia Hartmann: 365 modern energy exercises for wealth, money, abundance in its widest metaphorical sense, to de-stress, re-focus and improve energy flow fast. Each exercise only takes 60 seconds to complete, so they are perfect for anyone living a busy life!  

Bereavement Healing With Modern Energy - The Immortal Beloved Protocol by Silvia Hartmann

Help people with their bereavement with the Immortal Beloved protocol developed and written by Silvia Hartmann.

The Grumble Gnome Fairy Tale by Silvia Hartmann

A great traditional fairy tale to enjoy for the magical child within, or the magical child in your life in Silvia Hartmann's unique energy writing style. 

Mirror Charm Sanctuary - Evolving Metaphors Masterclass

For members of the Guild of Energists, Silvia Hartmann has gifted you a special members-only practitioner master class in evolving metaphors in sanctuary. It’s beautiful and advanced Modern Energy work in action!

The Golden Horse & Other Fairy Tales by Silvia Hartmann

Created by Master Story Teller Silvia Hartmann For Magical Children Aged 9 - 99, The Golden Horse is an anthology of absolutely original, highly creative stories told in traditional fairy tale format to enlighten, inspire and foster curiosity and delight in exploration. Modern yet ageless, hypnotic and enchanting, perfect for being read out and spoken aloud, these stories will speak to the magical child within us all.

GoE Modern Energy Foundation Course (The Energy Course), 2023 Edition

Silvia Hartmann's GoE Modern Energy Foundation is a free online certified video course for GoE Members. Presented over five hours of online training, this course covers: The Modern Energy Chart, EMO Energy in Motion , MET Modern Energy Tapping , SM SuperMind Enhanced Creativity, MSM Modern Stress Management, The Power of the Positives & SMX Star Matrix. Each course unit has a video to watch, exercises to do and an online test to complete. Once you have completed all the course units we'll email you your personalised certificate for printing. ⭐ This is the 2023 Edition of the course and contains new and updated units

The Orb of Prosperity by Silvia Hartmann

This Modern Energy Meditation is for anyone who wants to connect with the energy of prosperity, whatever that means to you. Inspired during the Energy Show "The Spirit of Prosperity," here is the story of The Orb of Prosperity. Pure Sanctuary magic by Silvia Hartmann!

GoE2021 - P12 - Closing Plenary: Tapping Into YOUR Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

For the finale, let's come together and TAP for our new miracles! The future is what we create, right here, right now ... let us together create a new field of miracles.

GoE2021 - P11 - Modern Energy With Children & In Daily Life with Alex Kent

Modern Energy is not isolated to therapy or self help, it's energy for life and all the family. Discover delightful stories and examples when the youngest energists start to play in the wonderworlds of energy!

GoE2021 - P10 - Energy AND Medicine with Dr Eric Robins, MD

Discover the insights from Dr Eric Robins on the treatment of chronic pain at the end of a referral chain and what happens when ENERGY comes into play in a conjunction of energy AND medicine.

GoE2021 - P09 - New Worlds Modern Energy Art Exhibition with Silvia Hartmann

Join Silvia Hartmann for a virtual Modern Energy Art Exhibition.

GoE2021 - P08 - The Galactic Crystal Healing Chamber with Susan Kennard

Learn about a fascinating research project in pure energy healing concerning recent events in public health and their effects on people's energy body health.

GoE2021 - P07 - Couple Bubbling With Your Angel with Ilka Wandel

Are Angels good for more than endless rescue missions for the hapless and helpless? What are these beings of light, and what can we do to engage in a new and different way? Let's talk about ... ANGELS!

GoE2021 - P06 - Energy Flow At Work with Ber Collins

Being energy enabled is the best competitive advantage in business and in life. Gain great insights, tips and experiences from the winner of Irish Business Woman of the Year, Ber Collins.

GoE2021 - P05 - SuperMind Healing in Sanctuary with Sandra Hillawi

Nobody knows us better than our own dear Energy Mind! Discover the wonderful effects of SuperMind healing and find your perfect Healing Habitat in time and space.

GoE2021 - P04 - Tapping Into Your Ancestral Star Matrix with Pavel Pozdnyakov

Imagine what would happen if your ancestors had your back - a combined Star Line of the survivors reaching back a million years and more? Tap into YOUR ancestral Star Line and expand your energy system across time and space!

GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim

Our bodies "talk" to us - and we "listen" with our 6th Sense. What can we discover?

GoE2021 - P02 - Stepping Into The Miracle Zone with Karen Aquinas

Discover fascinating insights, tips and experiences gained from helping clients in these difficult times as a professional Modern Energist in the USA.

GoE2021 - P01 - The Miracle Expansion with Silvia Hartmann

In this opening plenary speech to the conference, GoE President Silvia Hartmann presents on the The Miracle Expansion - a new definition, new concepts, new worlds and new possibilities!

23 Ways To Raise Your Energy Levels by Jorge Vence

Author, Life Coach, Mind Awakener and GoE Energist Trainer Jorge Vence will pass on his infectious zest for life and Energy Raising skills in his book  23 Ways to Raise Your Energy Levels,  which is now available for GoE members to read online for free in the GoE Digital Library. Personal stories and anecdotes will take you on a journey of enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of the importance of raising your energy. Energy is everything and when we feel happy and energised magical things happen, our stress levels fall and we become everything we wish we could be and more.So how do we unlock this amazing potential? We raise our energy levels! In 23 Ways to Raise Your Energy , you will be taken through a range of Easy Energy Raising ideas and techniques. Supported by a detailed explanation of the Modern Energy SUE Scale, how to read your energy levels and how to incorporate this into your everyday life. Suitable for both the Energy aware and those who wish to learn, 23 Ways to Raise Your Energy Levels will change the way you see the world and how you live within it. Gaze at the stars, climb that mountain and dance in the rain. Raise your Energy Levels and feel alive.

GoE2017 - P04 - Workshop Working with Children and Energy with Jacqueline Besseling

This workshop is aimed at strengthening the Explorer team from Jacqueline Besseling's 2016 GoE Energy Conference presentation . In this presentation, Jacqueline hosted an open workshop, open to all who want to be part of the Explorer adventure, to exchange information, skills and experiences about working with children and Modern Energy, EFT and EMO. In this workshop we'll be working together to reach more children, and to teach them these wonderful life skills. Jacqueline will do a short introduction and presentation, followed by an interactive exchange of experiences and ideas, with additional short presentations from other contributors. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the workshop, on a first-come, first-served basis, so please get in touch. ~ Jacqueline Besseling is a GoE Trainer, Energy EFT Master Practitioner and Modern Stress Management Professional based in Delft, Netherlands. Jacqueline has had over 18 years experience working with children as a therapist.

GoE2017 - P03 - Pain Relief through Body Messages - Inner Awareness Method (IAM) with Dr. Teresa Lynch

Inner Awareness Method (IAM) is a technique that draws on the consciousness of the body to guide the client to receive the messages hidden in their pain or disease that, when fully embraced, release the pain and allow for healing to happen.What was once pain or disease becomes a point of transformation for the client to live more fully into their own authenticity for a whole and healthy life. This exciting presentation from Dr. Teresa Lynch will include demonstrations and participant interaction to show both a hands on approach, as well as the ability to use the technique through internet or phone conferencing. ~ Dr. Teresa Lynch is a GoE Trainer and physical therapist who is dedicated to the exploration of mind, body, and spirit healing techniques. Her passion is a result of her own healing from an autoimmune disease.  Author of Stressfish Guide to EmoTrance, and creator of Inner Awareness Method, love is her guide.

GoE2017 - P02 - Beyond +5 Work: Energy Coach Professional with Jorge Vence

An Energy Coach Professional is a resource available to those clients we have helped from the minus side of the scale to the positive, these clients already understand Energy, how it works and we have shown them how to manage their stress by themselves. Now, we get to help them work on those goals that will most definitely transform their lives and create a new paradigm, taking them from strength to strength and truly living a life they love and Energy rich. ~ Jorge Vence is a GoE Trainer, Harley Street coach, poet and author of " Growing Confident ". Jorge has been in the personal development field for almost 2 decades, the worst day of his life was certainly the best day of his life, when he finally awoke to his greatness and discovered his true purpose in life to empower and help stressed people to transform their lives, by growing in confidence and achieving success in their professions so they can fulfil their true potential.

GoE Visibility Course: The Modern Energy Way with Silvia Hartmann

Silvia Hartmann's "GoE Visibility: The Modern Energy Way" is a free video course for GoE Members for increasing confidence in being heard and seen on YouTube, social media, video calls and more.

Star Matrix Summit 2020

We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs with Star Matrix. Inspirational and educational, the Star Matrix summit is a must watch for anyone interested in this fabulous breakthrough personal development technique.

GoE Energy Protection Course

Silvia Hartmann's GoE Energy Protection is a free video course on energy/psychic protection for GoE Members to enjoy, be inspired by and stay protected.

Sunday Live with Silvia Hartmann

Watch the complete collection of live streams with GoE President Silvia Hartmann including energy exercises and latest news from the GoE.

EMO Beauty T Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

Members are invited to listen the complete audio recording of the 2004 BeautyT live training with Silvia Hartmann in the UK. This is a unique opportunity to listen to the complete set of LIVE presentations on Beauty T, which must surely be one of the most ambitious and far reaching PRACTICAL APPLICATION of Energy Magic at the cutting edges available to the public today.

Energy EFT Master Practitioner Live Recording with Silvia Hartmann

In March 2012, Silvia Hartmann (President & Founder of The GoE) conducted a three day Energy EFT Master Practitioner live training near London Gatwick and we took along our cameras to record the magic which was to unfold. All 12 units are now available for members to watch in the GoE Library and contains over 8 hours of training and exercises.

The Star Matrix Story with Silvia Hartmann

What is Star Matrix? Where did it come from? Why is Star Matrix so important for the people of the 21st Century? Why do we need to escape the brainwashing of the Trauma Trap? What are Star Events, and why are they so important? These and many other questions find their answers in "Star Matrix: The Story" told by Silvia Hartmann.

Easy EFT, Adventures in EFT, The Advanced Patterns of EFT and EFT & NLP - Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann

Classic EFT Tapping by Silvia Hartmann is a compendium of some of the most important and influential classic EFT books available, including: Easy EFT by Silvia Hartmann -  Introductory guide to Classic EFT tapping, including 'How To Do EFT in 7 Easy Steps'. Adventures in EFT by Silvia Hartmann & Gary Craig (foreword)  - Was the first major book published on Classic EFT in the 1990s and is now in its sixth edition. This title has been cherished over the years by beginners and advanced practitioners alike for its content rich and easy-read style where Silvia’s inimitable humour and incredible knowledge shines through. Also included is the thorough A-to-Z reference guide, encouraging you to try classic EFT on a multitude of problems and situations. The Advanced Patterns of EFT by Silvia Hartmann -  This book was written in 2004 to improve the elegance and effectiveness of advanced EFT practitioners. The first part concentrates on the treatment flow and describes essential patterns, techniques and variations on the Classic EFT process which moves an EFT treatment into the realms of true quantum healing. The second part consists of the advanced patterns themselves - treatment guides, techniques and approaches for guilt, bereavement, high end addictions, parts healing, shamanic applications and the original Guiding Stars patterns, released for the first time. EFT & NLP   by Silvia Hartmann  - A special report for practitioners and students of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). EFT & NLP was first written in 1999 as a part of a project by The GoE, designed to educate professionals in the fields of human change and development to the merits and usage of Classic EFT tapping.

GoE2015 - P06 - Family Constellations With EFT with Tamara Donn

Tamara Donn is an Energy EFT Master Practitioner, trainer and presenter specialising in women’s issues, including; body image, fertility, pregnancy and motherhood. Tamara is also founder of the Birth Art Café – a holistic approach to childbirth preparation through creativity and relaxation. Tamara combines Classic EFT with family constellation style processes to create a powerful synergistic tool. Her passion is to support women in releasing obstacles to radiating their brilliance. Tamara writes: "In this presentation I will be discussing how the flow (or lack of flow) of love from past generations can influence how we experience life and focusing on how this affects our ability to create what we want in our lives. This is an experiential session for both men and women."

The Prevention Dimension with Wendy Birse

Being an Energist and becoming "energy aware" is benefit to many practical daily applications. In this online video, GoE Trainer Wendy Birse has kindly recorded a presentation on what actions can energists like us take today, which will have future benefits for both ourselves and our communities in areas such as health, behaviour and relationships.

Video Clips From - Modern Energy Foundation 1 - Your Happiness Matters: Introduction to Modern Energy with Silvia Hartmann

Video clips from Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Foundation  online course: Unit 1: Why Your Happiness Matters - An Introduction to Modern Energy These are made available to you to watch for your own interest and also to share with your students, clients, colleagues and friends.

Modern Energy 101 - The Modern Energy Chart In A Nutshell - Video by Silvia Hartmann

Never heard of Modern Energy? Check out this 5 min intro that might just change your life! Here is how to do "emotional wellness" "emotional intelligence" and how to get from stress to success in the real world. Please share with your friends!

The Real Secret How To Become A Millionaire - Video with Silvia Hartmann

Do you want to be a millionaire? Check out these amazing Top 5 Tips from GoE president Silvia Hartmann

GoE2016 - P20 - Supermind: A New Intelligence For Energists?

For the last 23 years, brave souls have been venturing into Project Sanctuary, the original universal sandbox designed to learn the mysterious, fascinating and enchanting ways of the energy mind. In this explorative presentation, GoE President Silvia Hartmann will be outlining the journey from Project Sanctuary to SuperMind, what was learned, and discuss what this might mean for the future of modern energy. 

How A Child Sex Abuse Survivor Healed 1 MILLION Hearts - Video with Silvia Hartmann

The extrordinary story how a distraught child sex abuse survivor triggered a chain of events that has helped to heal a million broken hearts - so far! - Video with GoE president Silvia Hartmann

GoE2016 - P19 - Creating Ongoing Mentorship for Your Students

I’ve just trained someone to become a practitioner of modern energy, now what? Many energy practitioners need following up and support to gain confidence as a professional energist. This presentation will provide an opportunity to brainstorm on ideas to bring energists together and provide this ongoing support.  Dr. Teresa Lynch will also personally present the experience of forming the New Jersey Energy Healing and EFT Meetup Group, topics covered over the past two years, the steps to forming a Meetup group, and the positives and negatives when forming a group. 

4 Cool Energy Hacks For Procrastination, Anxiety & Self Doubt - Video with Silvia Hartmann

Raise energy FAST with these 4 quick and easy techniques to overcome procrastination, anxiety and self doubt presented by Silvia Hartmann: Heart Healing, EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping & SuperMind's Perfect Place.

GoE2016 - P18 - Lead Your Business Effectively, Efficiently and Profitably

Using cutting-edge skills from Excel at Business, Jimmy Petruzzi will empower you with the techniques you need to get the best out of yourself, and how to turn your passion and what you love, into a fully-fledged career. What business are you really in? Do you have a business? What do your clients really want, whether they know it or not? What's your legacy? This presentation will provide you with the answers to all of these, and more!

GoE2016 - P16 - New Aspects Model, Timelines, Essences and Homeopathy

In this presentation Fiona Dilston covers and explains the use of the new Aspects Model as a way of supporting Homeopathic Treatment. In addition she explains the importance of a Timeline, extremely detailed questioning, and what she calls "digging" for information to get to the root cause of the situation. Cases will be described to show this methodology in action and how it works along with the use of accurately chosen Homeopathic remedies, or Essences which can be intuited and accessed by means of Essence cards.
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