StarLabs with Silvia Hartmann
We are delighted to announce a wonderful opportunity to work with the creator of Modern Energy, Silvia Hartmann, in a small group of fellow energists directly for personal expansion and evolution, as well as to learn cutting edge new energy methods and techniques to share with clients and students.

2025 Modern Energy StarLabs
with Silvia Hartmann
Take part in a unique energy experience this year – Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy StarLab.
- Each StarLab has a maximum of 8 participants for individual time and attention.
- The StarLabs are for GoE Members and holders of a GoE Masters Certificate, which is specified for each individual StarLab experience. This creates a cohesive group of energists who are experienced in the modality, as well as personally engaged in discovering more.
- The StarLab meets once a week, on Monday, 8pm UK, for one hour. Each session will include personal exercises and homework exercises for that week.
- To gain the relevant StarLab certificate, participants must attend at least 3 of the 4 sessions.
- The StarLab sessions are recorded, and the recordings are available to review for the participants only.
Expect NEW insights, NEW experiences, NEW Star Events for your Book of Stars and your own personal Miracle Expansions!
Silvia Hartmann writes:

From MasterClass To Star Lab!
A couple of years ago, I ran a sequence of special MasterClasses with a maximum of ten participants.
Every one of those, and indeed every single session, was an amazing experience for us all, and we gained fabulous Star Experiences and transformations along the way.
I have always loved to work with the "MasterMind group," which happens when people come together, get energy high and form a group bubble where every one of us becomes more than the sum of our parts. Many of the most brilliant insights came spontaneously, and I was well aware that this happened because of this "MasterMind" effect.
This year, I want to take this further and instead of teaching a MasterClass, I will be leading Star Labs instead.
Here, we will put our combined wisdom and experience together in a round table format to discover NEW pathways, NEW methods, NEW techniques and NEW applications.
Modern Energy is a true paradigm shift; and Star Matrix particularly has unlocked our ability to find out what works, what works amazingly well, and how we can tackle our oldest problems from a brand new and highly empowered perspective.
I am looking for participants in the Star Labs who are as excited about the extraordinary potential of Modern Energy as I am; intelligent individuals who bring their own questions and a delight in the challenge of finding brand new answers, that are are transformational, evolutionary, and light the way for the Star Scientists of the future.
Star Matrix really does unlock our own life's wisdom and real experience learning. We put our minds together in the Star Labs, and we can do ... wonderful things!
Super excited to get started and push forward the frontier of human development and achievement with my Star Participants - this is going to be so much fun!
Join me for a Star Lab on a topic that excites you, and bring YOUR vast, vast knowledge and wisdom of life to the party - adventure, exploration, NEW IDEAS, exactly what the Soul Doctor ordered to keep on track in these turbulent times!
With lots of love and a big smile of excitement at the Star Events to come!
Silvia Hartmann
Creator, Modern Energy & Star Matrix
Prerequisites for participating in Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Star Labs:
- Active GoE Membership
- A stable and reliable internet connection for the live video sessions
- Being able to understand and speak English fluently
- Holding the prerequisite GoE qualifications as specified by each Star Lab
- Being personally interested in the topics of the particular Star Lab to contribute actively to the group bubble.
The 2025 StarLabs with Silvia Hartmann
Click to show/hide previous StarLabs

Star Coach: Creating Your Reality, Discovering Your Future Stars
Set up your new year for success, get inspired, gain clarity and discover your path into the future with this highly target focused, STAR MATRIX based Star Lab with Silvia Hartmann.
Coaching is all about creating reality in a practical, focused and organised way, step by step.
- Supercharge the coaching process with the power of STAR MATRIX to get wonderful results that are measurable and REAL.
- Use the beautiful and powerful Star Coach techniques for yourself and take charge of your future.
- Gain personal clarity and certainty in what you want to do next.
- Align heart, mind and soul to come into harmony - the most powerful resonance is born when we do.
- Set inspiring goals that will magnetically draw you towards your future Stars
- Unlock your vast wisdom and life experience to help you navigate these extraordinary times
- Connect with a highly focused, Star inspired, powerful group of intelligent and energy active explorers in the Star Lab who want YOU to succeed with all their hearts.
- Work with Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Modern Energy, directly for spontaneous discoveries of NEW ideas, NEW techniques, NEW methods, NEW solutions.

The LOVE Project
Do you have a project you are currently working on?
Are you interested in new ways to energize, inspire and super-charge your project?
Would it be helpful to you and your project to make it stronger, clearer, more resilient and more exciting? Faster in its manifestations? Set it up for more success than you are currently allowing yourself to hope for?
If so, this a fascinating Star Lab for you – The LOVE Project.
In this project, we are going to apply the principle of LOVE to your project:
- From the high concept level
- In your project's relationship to you, the creator
- To the structure of your project
- To the details of your project
… to help your project become more exciting, more fulfilling, more harmonized and more successful.
Let's take out barriers, blockages and reversals based on past pain, trauma and negative experiences that are now irrelevant and block the straight path to success.
Let's find low energy components that bring the entire project down and apply the LOVE PRINCIPLE to transform them so they start to shine brightly too.
Let's learn from each other's experiences to discover blind spots each one of us have.
Let's find NEW WAYS to energize ourselves – and our projects.
I am super looking forward to this PERFECTLY PRACTICAL application of the highest spiritual principle – that LOVE is indeed, the greatest power in the Universe!
With lots of LOVE,
Silvia Hartmann, Creator, Modern Energy
PS: I know that even though each one of us will be working with just ONE project, our current project, what we learn here will be super useful for all FUTURE PROJECTS as well, of course!
PPS: I absolutely love bringing the power of LOVE, the truth of ENERGY, to bear on the most practical, “down to earth,” physical endeavours and manifestations! I believe that our PROJECTS are how we “bring more love into the world.” It's the connection between the planes!!!
PPPS: I LOVE working with fellow explorers at the cutting edge of Modern Energy. This is absolutely one of my all-time favourite things. See you in the Star Lab!

Crystal Energy Healing Certificate & Experience
Stressed? Exhausted? Confused? Challenged?
Activate the brilliantly clear, brilliantly pure power of CRYSTAL ENERGY to...
- Calm you
- Re-charge you from the ground up
- Re-connect you with the most perfect vibrations
- Remind you of your true path and purpose
- Bring life and love of life to your dear energy body
- Make your soul happy!
In this dual self help/professional Crystal Energy Certification workshop you will learn how to activate CRYSTAL ENERGY to raise your/your client's energy average by plugging into the endless, glorious power of the Crystal Kingdom.
And the best news?
You don't have to buy any expensive, mystical crystals - YOU ALREADY OWN THEM!
Your past aspects were directly attracted to certain messengers from the CRYSTAL KINGDOM and they took them home.
The time has come to unlock the power of YOUR CRYSTALS - and experience a journey of self discovery, self healing and self uplifting that is unique and absolutely PERFECT for you!
Built on Modern Energy & Star Matrix, this unique and beautiful CRYSTAL ENERGY course is light-filled, delightful and fun just as it is powerful, healing and uplifting.
Activate YOUR Crystal Friends NOW and let them help you be lighter, be brighter, be stronger - BE HIGHER!

Modern Energy Voodoo For Luck, Success, Profit and Fun!
"What you send out returns threefold to you!"
Well, well, well ... if that isn't an invitation to do some lovely proxy energy work, also known as shamanic energy work - for other people, organisations and entities who are in need of evolution!
Being angry and upset is really bad for our health; it disables our energy bodies, reverses our Heart Centres and that disempowers us and makes it harder to create the sort of reality we want to create.
Likewise, worrying about those we love and care for doesn't do a thing for them or for us.
But ENERGY knows no boundaries, knows no frontiers, nor time or space and stop us from doing some truly AMAZING energy work and change the world!
We can be someone else's LUCKY STAR and in so doing, gain the rewards for doing something right, something amazing - literally sending focused love into the world.
Join us for a truly inspiring, energizing trip into the realms of being someone else's healing angel, lucky star, fairy godmother (or father!) and experience sensations you have never felt before.
Star Magic is the way!

Rewriting The Laws Of Life!
We all seem to have our own personal laws that rule our lives - what can and can't be done, how long things take, what we can or cannot achieve.
In this StarLab, we are going to explore these "laws" and re-write them, evolve them, to bring about practical benefits that were out of reach before.

The Mysterious Missing Events - Awaiting Evolution!
The human energy system seems so complex, so inexplicable, but it's actually a natural system that has a structure, as all natural systems do.
People have been terribly confused by trying to study a system that is super stressed, malfunctioning, and chaotic - especially because they have insisted on studying systems in distress, may that be in psychiatry or in medicine.
When the energy body isn't so stressed, it flows better, and starts to reveal this structure in all its systems. it is beautiful, it is alive, and most importantly, our energy bodies are trying to EVOLVE.
And how do our energy bodies evolve?
They evolve through EVENTS - high energy experiences that catalyse whole new systems, or repair something, or bridge connections that were either broken, or got stuck in a juvenile state.
In my work with Energy Events, from 2000 - 2019, I came across the MISSING EVENTS - events that should have happened, but never did.
What is interesting about the Missing Events is that they never stop trying to complete themselves, and so we can see a lady who is 96 years old still trying to get her father's approval by acting in a certain way with her 36-year-old doctor.
We may laugh at her or call her silly; but she is doing the right thing in trying to complete a missing event that should have taken place 90 years ago, but for some reason, it never did.
On the strictly physical level, we can do nothing whatsoever about anything that DID NOT HAPPEN at the right time, but the energy system is non-physical, and non-temporal - it is right Here & Now, with us every step of the way, and therein lies the solution to the problems with the Missing Events.
We can create energy interventions to catalyse the Missing Events and help to complete our Star Matrix, and it isn't even hard, or harrowing in any way.
It's only energy!
In this StarLab, we are going to focus exclusively on the Missing Events, and will be using a variety of energy techniques to complete the circuitry, so that the lights can (finally!) come on and we get to move to the next stage in our evolution.
I would also like to explore the opportunity we have to help other people with their Missing Events as powerful Modern Energists.
I am really looking forward to this; it is a fascinating topic of exploration with many opportunities for evolution in hope, love, and joy.

Star Healing!
Have you ever actually healed someone or some thing? Let's explore your Star Healer events together and move forward to the next level of your healing powers unlocked.
Every Star Memory is meant to be a portal to the next level of our personal evolution - but we didn't know that!
We may have been shocked, surprised, confused by our own ability to heal for real, and may even have told others about this, but did not know what to do with such an "unknowable event."
In this Star Lab, we are going to fully re-connect with specific Star Events of actual, real life healing and not only activate these Stars, but take our self concepts to the next level.
Working directly with our Star Events in the context of "healing" we will discover how to evolve other types of such "unknowable events," and how we can integrate and activate our true Star Powers safely, wisely and in love.
We will learn so much from each other!

Creating New Star Events In Sanctuary
💛 Do you LOVE Project Sanctuary? If you know - you know!
Join Silvia Hartmann for an incredible personal journey as we explore and discover NEW Star Events through the breathtaking landscapes of sanctuary.
Flex your Energy Mind, tap into the akashic records and create a totally unique and SIX-SENSE experience for you, for whatever you need in your life, right here, right now.
Looking for a threshold shift? Looking for energy and spiritual healing? Want to be more creative? Looking for a personal evolution that you have long been waiting for?
Project Sanctuary is your connection to your Energy Mind, your fabulous gift of unlimited creativity.
Each week, you'll have the opportunity to talk with Silvia about your progress, explore your Star Memories and enjoy a unique and live energy induction from the creator of Project Sanctuary herself.
All sessions are recorded, so you can enjoy this live energy induction anytime you want to go back to that place of healing, adventure and discovery.

The Energy Symbols
Explore the power of the Energy Symbols, direct with the creator Silvia Hartmann!
The Energy Symbols create two-way communication with your Energy Mind for creativity, healing, Star Events and fun.
You'll be amazed what your Energy Mind is capable of.
Each week, you'll have the opportunity to talk with Silvia about your progress and gets tips & techniques for building powerful habitats.
All sessions are recorded, so you can enjoy this live energy induction anytime you want to go back to that place of healing, adventure and discovery.

Star People (To The Rescue!)
Modern Western society places a lot of focus on having to prove yourself as an individual and having to do everything by yourself.
This has led accidentally to a structural disconnection from our "friends in High Places" - our ancestors, our own Higher Selves (the part of us who knows!), our souls, and our Star People.
In this special StarLab, we are going to explore and rebuild the connections through which energy, information and love will flow.
Our Star People have so much to give us - powerful protection, quite literally "having your back," insights, guidance, inspiration, life giving energy we need to not just cope with the Hard, but to continue to evolve, grow up and move into our perfect flow in this incarnation.
In each of the four sessions we are going to call upon one of your own special Star People, a one who will stand for them all, to restore and revitalise these all important connections we need to stay strong, stay healthy and get on the right track - especially in these times of change and chaos all around us.
Four StarLab sessions, four wonderful opportunities to connect with your four most important Star People. Four experiences which together become more than the sum of their parts.
Join us for a journey never before taken, and restore the very real energy connections to your own Star People in the process, to set the pattern for ALL of your Star People to become far more actively and positively supporting you in this life.

Magic Words That Change The World with Silvia Hartmann
Join us for a four week exploration of Magic Words that change the world.
Words so powerful, they can cause Star Events and Miracle Expansions.
Magic Words that make your business grow.
Magic Words to bring about a flow of new dreams, new hopes, new opportunities.
Magic Words to heal the oldest wounds.
Magic Words to make right what once was wronged.
Magic Words we always needed to hear but no-one ever spoke them.
Magic Words that change lives in an instant.
Let us create beautiful words together which have the power to move us, to speak the truth and so much more – it's all about ENERGY.
Magic Words is not only about spells, prayers, songs, or poetry.
This StarLab has myriads of practical applications in real life as we communicate with our clients, our families, our friends, our social networks, our customers and especially with ourselves.
What might the right words at the right time be able to unlock for you?
Let's find out and play with the power of Magic Words, together in this StarLab!

WonderLand with Silvia Hartmann
- Monday 8pm December 2, 9, 16 & 23 (London Timezone)
- Price: £297.00 GBP (GoE Members, ask about our subscription offer!)
- Prerequisite: Certificate In Modern Energy Foundation (FREE for GoE Members)
The season of lights is here!
Let's give our light bodies a FANTASTIC holiday and unlock the pure power of joy, delight, laughter and love.
Give and receive The Gifts like never before.
Visit the glorious power and beauty of the crystalline winter lands where extraordinary installations and gorgeous rays of heavenly lights await us.
Take a shopping trip to the light market in Pertineri - the most wonderfilled magical objects from all dimensions are right here, and money is no object.
Bring superb toys to aspects across time and space - the angel child within needs to play in order to unfold its wonderwings.
This really is and always has been the most magical time of the year. Here and now, things are possible that can't be done in any other way, in any other place.
The WonderLand awaits!

Goal Mastery: Remove Blocks and Succeed with Silvia Hartmann
- Monday 8pm January 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2025 (London Timezone)
- Price: £297.00 GBP (GoE Members, ask about our subscription offer!)
- Prerequisite: Certificate In Modern Energy Foundation (FREE for GoE Members)
Imagine stepping into the new year with clear, energised goals—and the tools to achieve them effortlessly. Silvia Hartmann’s next StarLab, "Goal Mastery: Remove Blocks and Succeed", is designed to help you break through barriers and start the year on a high note.
Join Silvia Hartmann and a small, exclusive group of energists for four weekly live sessions where you’ll unlock the power of Modern Energy to make 2025 your best year yet.
Note: This group is a safe space, so these recordings are only available to the lucky eight voyagers on a trip of a lifetime
StarLab includes:
- 4 weekly full length group video sessions
- Replay recordings
- Lab notes transcripts
- Private forum for ongoing monitoring & support after the Star Lab completes.

PARTNERS with Silvia Hartmann January 2025
- Monday 8pm February 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2025(London Timezone)
- Price:
£297.00 £197.00 GBP February Special Price GBP (GoE Members, ask about our even better subscription offer!)
- Prerequisite: Certificate In Modern Energy Foundation (FREE for GoE Members)
In this months StarLab we will explore the energy of partners and partnership. Inspired by this concept, a poem emerged...
PARTNERS by Silvia Hartmann January 2025
Partners in time, partners in crime, partners in love, partners above,
Partners who stay, help on our way, partners outside, and partners within, partners for play, let us begin!
Being alone is always too hard, our partners, our friends will give us the start, Beginnings unfold, new stories untold ...
Make the connections! Together we rise, out of the chaos, into starry skies.
Together we play, in laughter and light, together we're MORE, we will win the fight,
As partners together, let's stand strong and tall: We evolve together,or never at all.
Note: This group is a safe space, so these recordings are only available to the lucky eight voyagers on a trip of a lifetime
StarLab includes:
- 4 weekly full length group video sessions
- Replay recordings
- Lab notes transcripts
- Private forum for ongoing monitoring & support after the Star Lab completes.

Energy Hypnosis with Silvia Hartmann
- Monday 8pm March 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2025(London Timezone)
- Price:
£297.00 £197.00 GBP March Special Price GBP (GoE Members, ask about our even better subscription offer!)
- Prerequisite: Certificate In Modern Energy Foundation (FREE for GoE Members)
Step into the Energy Hypnosis StarLab, a four-week transformational experience with Silvia Hartmann, the visionary creator of Modern Energy! In this exclusive small-group journey, you’ll unlock the hidden wonders of your inner world, exploring new realms of consciousness, creativity and energy flow.
Guided by Silvia’s pioneering Energy Hypnosis methods, each session is an adventure of discovery, where you’ll effortlessly connect with your highest potential. With no deep trance required, this is a fully conscious, exhilarating exploration designed to help you gain clarity, insight, and powerful personal breakthroughs.
Over four weekly sessions, you’ll join a select group of fellow explorers to access deeper states of awareness, awaken your natural genius, and expand your personal energy field in ways you never imagined possible.
Are you ready to ignite your inner universe and step into a world of pure inspiration, energy, and limitless possibilities? Secure your place in Silvia Hartmann’s Energy Hypnosis StarLab today!
Note: This group is a safe space, so these recordings are only available to the lucky eight voyagers on a trip of a lifetime
StarLab includes:
- 4 weekly full length group video sessions
- Replay recordings
- Lab notes transcripts
- Private forum for ongoing monitoring & support after the Star Lab completes.
Dates For StarLabs of 2025 with Silvia Hartmann
Topics To Be Announced in due course:
- Monday 8pm April 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2025

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