Heart Of Gold

Heart Of Gold

The Heart Of Gold is a meta pattern (meta-metaphor) used in modern energy work.

The Heart Of Gold is a meta pattern (meta-metaphor) used in modern energy work.

Large golden heart

The heart centre is the main power centre for the energy body and as such, hugely important in all attempts to improve the conditions or health of the energy body. See also Heart Healing.

In the Heart of Gold, we have a conscious conjunction - a meta metaphor - which combines power, light, health but also wealth - material success. For many people who have a spiritual orientation, and modern energists are no exception to this, being materially successful, rich and healthy seems to be at odds with being "of a good heart" or spiritually successful.

The Heart of Gold takes care of this and combines all desires to be a better, more loving person with other existing needs and desires for health and material health and success as well as wielding earthly power, because power is not dangerous, nor is the ownership of much money and gold, when the owner "has a heart of gold."

Numberous different modern energy approaches can be used to strengthen and evolve The Heart of Gold, including Modern Energy Tapping for gold as a Positive, Heart centred meditations, hands on healing, self healing and more.

"My heart of gold shines like the sun!"


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