Silvia Hartmann writes:
Around 2000, my aspects were beginning to see major patterns in people's experiences and how this related to their behaviour now. In particular, a massive breakthrough was understanding the Guiding Stars, incomplete events that cause a person to do the same thing over and over and over again.
The Guiding Stars were the first massive chink in the Trauma paradigm bubble and let in the light properly for the first time, and they were also the start of the question, "What other kinds of Events are there?" which eventually became Events Psychology in 2008 and then Star Matrix in 2019.
As fascinating as this is, I wanted to tell a Star Story this morning, a breakthrough moment that gave the aspect the idea of 1=INFINITY, which is such a core concept of Modern Energy, the genesis of the Aspects Model, the Modern Energy Art manifesto and the Modern Energy Chart & SUE Scale.
This is not a Star Dream or some kind of mystical thing; and it didn't happen whilst studying the great philosophers of the ages, but it was a Star Light explosion.
So around that time, the Interweb was young and my aspects loved making websites. To share the joy, she offered a course for fellow energists to make your own website, learn a bit of html and so forth.
So that each participant could have a practice website to play with, she purchased a domain which promised "unlimited subdomains," and went ahead to set up about 30 such subdomains, one for each participant of the course.
She sent out the links to the students, but they all came back with, "It's not working!!!" She couldn't find out what was wrong, so she phoned the ISP and told a man of her troubles with the subdomains.
And here, the guy admitted that they had never for one moment expected anyone would try to set up 30 subdomains, and that, in fact ...
"I know we said infinite but we meant ... two ..."
Infinity equals ... TWO ????
The aspect just melted down and laughed and laughed until she cried, couldn't talk to the guy anymore, ended the phone call and couldn't stop laughing for ages.
She put this mathematical statement of Infinity = 2 on her research board and told the story to everyone who would listen, including all the students.
Yes and not long after that someone said, "Well that's wrong, isn't it. Infinite does not equal two."
And there it was! Total breakthrough, INFINITY EQUALS 1.
One event. Which can never, ever be repeated, which is never, ever the same, which cannot be erased, which, once it has happened, stands like a resonant pulse FOREVER.
We need not be afraid that any bad thing will happen "again" because it simply can't. And we can stop trying to repeat happy events because likewise, we cannot and can never.
All events are unique and precious. Wow.
Yes, and that's the story of 1=INFINITY. With many thanks to the poor ISP back in the early 2000s, who promised me infinity but actually meant ... two.
1=INFINITY: Nothing Is The Same
"1=Infinity: Nothing is the same" is a core principle of Modern Energy that asserts every moment or event is unique, carrying infinite significance in shaping our lives. This article explores how this concept underpins Modern Energy, detailing the implications of non-repeating energetic and biological states on the sequential aspects of the self. It also discusses its applications in Modern Energy research, psychology, and emotional well-being, providing a new perspective on human experience.
Modern Energy represents a groundbreaking approach to understanding personal energy and development, grounded in the principle that each moment is singular and infinitely influential. This philosophy, "1=Infinity: Nothing is the same," revolutionizes our perception of life, self, and growth, suggesting that every experience affects us in a way that can never be exactly replicated.
The Reality of Non-Repeating States
In the realm of Modern Energy, every experience creates a unique condition in our energetic state. Emotions, thoughts, and reactions are not static; they evolve with each unique moment. At the same time, our physical/biological states are in constant flux due to aging and the body's daily adaptations to life's myriad stimuli. This principle recognizes that our physical responses to the world around us are as unique as the moments themselves, highlighting the dynamic nature of our existence.
Sequential Aspects of the Self
The "1=Infinity" principle gives rise to the Aspects Model in Modern Energy, where each aspect of our identity is a distinct, sequential phase of our personal journey. Rather than viewing life as cyclical, this model sees it as a spiral, where revisiting themes or experiences happens at new levels of understanding or maturity, promoting continuous growth instead of mere repetition.
Applications in Modern Energy Research
Researchers within the field of Modern Energy can leverage this principle to map out individual energy patterns, understanding that each moment is a unique event in one's life chart. This approach influences energy healing practices, which focus on addressing the unique energetic state of an individual at any given time, rather than attempting to revert to or repeat past states, which is structurally impossible.
Implications for Personal Development
"1=Infinity" recognises a dynamic process where personal development is an ongoing narrative of unique experiences. Therapeutic methods can evolve to emphasize the journey through these singular moments, fostering acceptance of change and recognizing that healing involves moving forward to new aspects of self, not backward to old ones.
Enhancing Emotional Well-being
This principle fosters mindfulness and presence, teaching us to value each moment for its uniqueness. It leads to emotional resilience by framing life's challenges as unique learning experiences, not as echoes of past difficulties. This perspective can significantly enhance our emotional well-being, encouraging us to live more fully in each moment, learn more profoundly, and adapt with greater ease.
The "1=Infinity: Nothing is the same" principle is more than philosophical; it's a practical guide for living within the Modern Energy framework. By embracing the uniqueness of each moment, we can appreciate the journey of life in a new light, where every experience contributes to an infinitely diverse tapestry of self. This understanding invites us to engage with life more deeply, fostering growth, healing, and a profound sense of well-being through the recognition of each moment's singular impact.
Added Aug 9, 2019
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