We refer to all higher forces that have an interest in or influence on a human being as "The Powers That Be."
AddedJun 8, 2019
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We refer to all higher forces that have an interest in or influence on a human being as "The Powers That Be".
We do not know who exactly these "powers" are - they may be angels, a higher self, a soul group overmind, FRIENDS in high places, interested gods or deities and so forth - and any one may, or may not exist at all.
As this cannot be known by living human beings with any degree with accuracy, it is very simple to address the Powers That Be as a group of beneficial entities and leave it at that.
Some people believe in the powers that be, and some don't; it matters little one way or the other; for if they are not real, clearly it is immaterial; and if they are, they won't care if someone believes in them or not and still continue to act on that individual's behalf in the domains and energy dimensions over which they might have leverage or where they might have influence.
If there are any The Powers That Be, they will need to be addressed via the energy mind, which is the connecting device between human beings, and the Universe at large.
In order to get a better relationship with the Powers That Be, a better working relationship with one's own energy mind is therefore of the essence.
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