Riversmooth Energy Shield plus developmental history incl. excerpts from RHW, VS & Riversmooth music.
AddedJun 8, 2019
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Riversmooth is a simple energy shield that can be evoked quickly.
Riversmooth - Digital Art by Silvia Hartmann
Shielding With Riversmooth
I call this movement "Riversmooth" - it is a protective energy bubble that completely encompasses me, and the surface is smooth, and flowing like a river, so it doesn't act like a "hard barrier" against which the incoming energy forms explode like canon fire, but so that it takes those incoming forms AWAY, flows them up and away from you, like water off a duck's back, if you will.
Because of the flowing nature of this shield-bubble, it adds a touch of invisibility to the wearer. It doesn't represent a target, or a counter energy form, and doesn't draw attention to itself; it is like a round mirror in a forest, reflecting the trees and so you can hardly see it if you don't go looking for it, or you know it's there.
The energy form, the sphere that is Riversmooth is perfectly brilliantly clear from the inside. I often have the experience that it even seems to sharpen what's on the outside, so it is not a disconnect; it protects you but doesn't interfere with your ability to send energy forms, perceive them, or act in any way.
Evoke the Riversmooth sphere for practice every so often, make it strong and stable. It's very easy to do, feels very natural, and has surprising effects on people in the hard, so do practice it in many different places and situations, so Riversmooth is ready to go when a real need arises, and pops up like a reflex and without having to think about it much.
The Riversmooth sphere is also useful when you feel frazzled, emotionally "in pieces" or displaced; it can help CONTAIN YOU in this sphere of protection and keeps your wits about you too.
From Rich & Healthy Witch by Silvia Hartmann, 2010
Riversmooth Original Pattern
The original pattern comes from Vampire Solstice, 2005
As my discomfort grows, Burrows becomes more nervous and uncertain.
He can see that Satari and Alexandra are light and at ease with their potentials, drinking and talking, movements in harmony and familiarity.
I can see that my Cestra sisters are very skilfully engaging in polishing their people, aligning and removing any left over disturbances, to make them more attractive still, a last minute intervention right here in their own house, with their own Docem lending insight, wisdom, strength and support at the other levels, so that the potentials should be as attractive as possible and represent the house of Adela Bach with dignity, and splendour.
I, on the other hand, sit in the far corner with my strange potential and I second guess myself, spiral about inside myself and question whether he should even be here.
This will never do.
That night, I made the decision to go outside. I wandered around and entered the exhibition. I had a sense that I should be there, and when I saw Burrows, I couldn’t help myself, I had to pick him. I didn’t even think about it much at the time. Adela was very surprised when I related the incident to her on my return but accepted the entire situation immediately as an unfoldment. I often wonder if I will ever flow as freely as she does, swim in time so elegantly, forward she moves so easily and not like I, who seems to spiral back and back and back again before I gain any distance at all.
I force myself to steady down and to become clear, clean and flowing, inside and out.
The first and simplest of all Cestra invocations. I am supposed to be Ta Docem and I really need this child’s device to keep my balance on this night.
As I begin to ripple and to flow into the perfect state alignment beneath a shield of flowing silver water, a sense of peace and safety begins to enter the entire room just the same, begins to spread across the house and everyone responds – I can feel Adela sigh with pleasure in her rooms above, Satari and Alexandra relaxing, even the two old human waitors who have been in this house on many previous occasions shift down and stand more comfortably.
From Vampire Solstice by Silvia Hartmann 2005
Riversmooth On Altar Ego
To write Vampire Solstice, special energy music tracks were composed first. This is the first occurrence of the concept of Riversmooth.
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