ACEP International Conference Call for Proposals 2005
Gloria Arenson writes: Dear Friends, please, mark your calendars
NOW and plan to attend this awesome conference.
Those of you who have been at this conference know the warm, caring people that
are there and the stellar workshops and plenaries. (Conference tapes from 2004
are still available on the website if you have any doubts!)
I always leave feeling so enriched, and my clients benefit immensely.
Added Aug 25, 2004
| 15,274 Reads
Don't forget the Toronto Conference is November 11-13. Registration
info at
Gloria Arenson
ACEP Past President
(EPC-I 2005)
Transformational Tools for the 21st Century
Sponsored by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
Main Conference: April 28-30, 2005
Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops: April 27, and May 1-3, 2005
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
300 South Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phone (410) 962-8300 Fax (410) 962-8211
It's time to submit your proposal to give a breakout presentation at The
Seventh Annual Energy Psychology Conference, (EPC-I 2005) Transformational
for the 21st Century. This conference, sponsored by the Association for
Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) will be held at Sheraton Inner Harbor
Baltimore, Maryland from April 28-30, 2005; with Pre and Post Conference
programs on April 27, and May 1-3, 2005. The Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
first-class amenities and offers rooms available with spectacular views of
city and harbor. It is located in the heart of downtown Baltimore, only 1
block from the Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Baltimore Inner Harbor is one
America¹s oldest seaports with fun and educational attractions including:
Gallery (Four levels of shops), The USS Constellation (The last Civil War
Afloat), Harborplace Amphitheater, Maritime Museum, National Aquarium,
Columbus Monument and many other attractions as well as dining experiences.
are activities for all ages and interests so make a vacation of it and bring
the family!
There will be room for a maximum of up to 50 breakout sessions. Proposals
must be submitted by the deadline of September 30, 2004.
In addition to most of the outstanding presenters from last
year, we are expanding our circle by inviting new talent, influential in
interrelated with Energy Psychology. This conference continues to provide an
unparalleled chance to network, build connections and share your
innovations and wisdom.
Conference Goals
1) To keep participants at the forefront of the latest developments in
Energy Psychology, including strong research and theory basis for the
discipline of Energy Psychology.
2) To deepen participants understanding of Energy Psychology as a
developing complementary
modality within the mind/body interaction framework.
3) To explore specific means of addressing emotional/psychological
distress, as well as peak functioning, by using a range of energy-oriented
4) To continue the conference's tradition of meeting these objectives in
an atmosphere of collegiality, collaboration, compassion, and fun.
Criteria for presentation selection:
Each proposal must relate to Energy Psychology and will be reviewed by
Education Committee. Proposals will be selected on the following basis:
1. Purpose and relevance to the goal(s) of the conference.
2. Originality and innovation.
3. Completeness of your packet
4. Relevance to a multidisciplinary audience.
5. Organization and clarity.
6. Appropriateness for the skill-level indicated.
7. Note: Preference given to ACEP members.
Important Information:
1. All breakout sessions will be two hours in length and MUST relate to
Energy Psychology.
2. We presume that your presentation is original work, however if you are
presenting someone else's material other than by short reference, we
a statement in writing that authorizes you to do so.
3. This year we are requesting that you email a copy of your proposal (do
not email your resume). Be sure to indicate your name on your proposal
Stern/ Proposal 2005). E-mail the proposals as an attachment in Times New
Roman 12pt. Font.
4. We are requesting that you proposal be categorized (i.e. research,
clinical application etc).
5. To help you with your proposal writing, please go to the ACEP website and download an article written by David Gruder on
proposals. It is strongly recommended that you read this article before you
write your proposal, and it is especially critical to read it if you intend
have your proposal considered for CE for psychologists by California's
Continuing Education Program for Psychologists.
The Seventh Annual Energy Psychology Conference, Transformational Tools
We invite proposals on a wide range of topics that address one or more of
the stated conference objectives. Our overall goal is to more fully define,
establish and promote the evolving discipline of Energy Psychology through
Theory, Application, Innovation, Ethical Use, and Research.
Item I. - Cover Page
· Presentation title - Make it descriptive and engaging, as brief as
· Presenter info: Each author's full name, title, degree, professional
licenses, and affiliation, as you would like this to appear in the
brochure if selected. Include complete mailing address, daytime and evening
telephone numbers, fax number and email for the designated contact person.
addition, state whether or not you're an ACEP member. (preference will be
given to
· Presentation methods - lecture (didactic), demonstration, case study,
interaction, discussion, experiential, video, etc.
· Audience skill level needed - beginner, intermediate, or advanced
· Primary Audience target: Beginners, Research, Clinical Application
(skill/knowledge you can take home and use immediately), Demonstration only
further training needed to use this method).
· Audio-visual needs anticipated - an overhead projector, a flip chart and
one microphone per presenter is standard, with further options of stools and
extra microphone for demos -- please specify if you will have needs above
beyond this, knowing that you'll need to foot the cost of any additional AV
needs beyond those mentioned here. Note: projectors for power point are not
Item II. - Narrative and Outline Descriptions of Presentation
· Introduction - State the purpose and rationale for the presentation (this
is a nutshell summary of what you will be presenting and how this is
to one or more of the conference objectives.
· Presentation Content Outline - An outline is a Roman numeral or bulleted
skeleton of what you will cover and how much time you plan to spend on each
section [e.g., I. Define Energy Psychology (5 minutes); II. Identifying
Psychological Reversals (15 min); II A. Global Reversals (10 minutes); II B.
Issue-Specific Reversals (15 minutes); etc. -- time total should add up to
two hours!]
· Publicity Description - Provide a concise and engaging 40-60-word
description of your session (subject to editing) as you would like it to
appear in the
Conference Program if selected.
· Abstract - Provide a dry, professionally worded 40-60 word technical
description of your workshop, to be used for CE documentation purposes only,
NOT for
· Objectives - State 2-3 objectives in behavioral terms for continuing
education purposes (example: "Upon completion of this session the
participant will
be able to: 1) Name 3 aspects of the human electromagnetic system; etc.")
· Evaluation - Develop 5 questions you can use to test if learners have
achieved the objectives (example: "Three aspects of the human
system are 1)_____2)______3)_____.")
· Bibliography of relevant books or articles that pertain to your
presentation, in APA format.
1. Two typed, collated copies of Items I and II using Times New Roman 12
point font size with a maximum of 3 pages.
2. Two self addressed stamped envelopes for the education committee to
you of being accepted to present, and send final evaluations to you.
3. Two copies of resumes for each presenter.
4. If you have not presented for us before, include a history of your
presentations and 2 letters of recommendation.
5. Please also send as an attachment (in Times New Roman 12 pt. font) an
email copy of your proposal (not including your resume) to
You will receive an email confirming your proposal has been received.
Submit by September 30, 2004 to:
Carole Stern
110 S. Arch Street
Connellsville, PA 15425
(724 626-9941)
Benefits of presenting at this conference will include:
Registration at a discounted rate.
Your name and description of your work will be circulated to thousands
You'll be our honored guests at a special Presenters' Welcome Reception.
The most popular and highly rated conference presenters will be considered
for future pre- and post conference workshops
You may sell your books at our professionally run bookstore.
You will receive a complimentary professional audiotape of your
Most importantly, you'll share your knowledge with a highly skilled,
influential group and play a significant part in the advancement of this
expanding field.
You may also bring brochures or other announcements of your workshops
other products to display at the back of the room during your breakout
presentation. Some previous presenters have lined up training opportunities
conference contacts (as well as increased enrollment in their training
programs, and we're more than happy to support this in professionally
ways.) Please note: you may not sell your products or trainings during
Thank you for choosing to be at the forefront in helping this expanding
field mature by participating in this flagship conference and by being a
member of ACEP. Please encourage your colleagues to attend and to also
ACEP's efforts.
ACEP is US Internal Revenue Service a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and
Publicly Supported Foundation (Tax ID 33-0832999), and this event is in part
important fundraiser that helps underwrite ACEP's activities, such as:
Supporting much-needed empirical research
Humanitarian Activities to alleviate suffering in the world by providing
Energy Psychology Training and/or therapy gratis or at low cost.
Costs of maintaining a website
Expanding continuing education opportunities
Gaining professional credibility for our field through developing and
Educating licensing bodies about the responsible uses of Energy Psychology
As such, please be aware that conference breakout presenters do not receive
an honorarium.
The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) is an
international organization that promotes collaboration among Energy
practitioners and researchers, and enhances this field's credibility with
consumers and
professionals. Energy Psychology is a rapidly developing field within
psychology that explicitly, directly and methodically treats the human
vibrational matrix. This matrix includes the biofield that envelops the
body, the
energy centers (chakras), and the energy pathways (meridians and related
acupoints) as well as a number of other interrelated energy systems. Energy
Psychology treatments are increasingly used to alleviate psycho-spiritual or
distress, and promote high level psycho-spiritual or mind-body functioning.
ACEP was founded in 1998 by psychologists Drs. David & Rebecca Grudermeyer
Dr. Dorothea Hover-Kramer
as a non-profit charitable organization. ACEP is a nationally-approved
Continuing Education Provider in the USA for NBCC, ASWB, BBS, NAADAC, and
For more information, contact ACEP:
Web site:
ACEP Administrator: Tamra Rutherford,
ACEP President: Mary Sise, CSW-R,
ACEP President:-Elect: Pat Koestner, Psy.D., LMFT,
ACEP Education Chair: Carole Stern, MS,RNC.,
Added Aug 25, 2004
| 15,274 Reads
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