Art4Energists: My Art Exercise![]() Here is a beautiful, moving introduction to Art for Energists from the 2015 Energy Conference by Silvia Hartmann. Evoke the power of the magical artist within and free yourself from old injuries, blockages and reversals so that your art and creativity can blossom.ย
Added Jun 8, 2016
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Art4Energists - The Energy Art ExerciseLet's talk about art. Three little letters, not four. That's important, that's a stART. You can find these three little letters in many places. In my name, for example. Silvia HARTmann. I giggled for a day when I noticed this. You can also find it in heART. In smART. Set apART. Let's make a stART. I'm playing word games to soften up the silliness, the sheer madness, the bizarre powerfield of the ages, the many personal memories, of that thing at school that was called something, but it actually wasn't that at all. We have been taught many things that are wrong and counter-productive to leading wonderful, experience and event rich lives; but it may be so that what we have been taught about ART is amongst the most damaging entrainments of all. Let's play some games of an energy nature and find out what happens next. That's what energists do, that's what we love - we love to learn, to expand, to rise above "the cages of entrainment" and that's where you think outside the box. Where you get smART. Properly smART. Streetwise, reality creating, success achieving, world changing smART. Let's learn to think outside the box. Rise with me, lay down all old entrainments and expectations, just as you lay down your handouts manuals and all your other bits and pieces now. Stand up straight in freedom; all that old stuff is behind you now and you are here, as am I. We raise our crown of lights, unfold our radiant wings, we own both day and night, and do such splendid things ... :-) Put your hands on your heART, close your eyes for a moment, and breathe deeply. Breathe in powerfully, the breath of life that travels into you, into all of you, with nothing left behind now, nothing right behind, and nothing either up, or down, or all around - you are here, you are breathing, you are strong. Together, we are even stronger still and that is yet to come, and more and more as we breathe deeply one more time and now, evoke that word, those worlds that lie behind the portal when we say, "My art." ย My art, my most beloved art, I want to know you, come to me, now teach me and uplift me, free me, let me now regain and now re-claim my art, my birthright, my most wonderful of gifts from the Creative Order, my art, my dearest, I embrace you and accept you, fire up my heart, my soul, my life, let me reach out and touch the world, and change the world, and let the worlds know I am here. ย Now very gently, with the lightest touch, place one hand to touch the top of your head, whilst the other remains on your heart of energy, and repeat after me, My art, I want to know you. Breathe in deeply, let that thought flow right inside you, through you, breathe again - My art, I want to know you. Now gently touch your eye of night and breathe deeply, freely as we say, My art, now help me see beyond. Breathe deeply, let the energy, the information and the love flow through you, awakening you, raising you in a whole new way as we breathe deeply, in and out - My art, now help me see beyond. Now gently touch your brow and breathe so deeply as we say, My art, I want to understand you. Breathe deeply as you feel the old now flow away and new fresh streams of information like the finest water filled with light begins to clear your mind, expands in all the reaches of your mind, and re-connects so many things, so many things. Let us breathe deeply as we say, My art, I want to understand you. Let us now gently touch the corner of the eye as we breathe deeply, rising now with every breath we take into our power, truth expansion, all is safe here and together, we can make what once was wronged to rights, right here and now as we breathe deeply and we say, My art, I want to feel you. Breathe deeply, move with the sensations, know that being moved is wonderful and right, the greater the movements, the greater the truth, the truth of love and power, now revealed - let us breathe deeply as we say, My art, I want to feel you now. And now we're ready to most gently touch beneath our eyes, and we breathe deeply once afresh, more oxygene and so much more, a sparkling ocean that renews us, brings us life and love of life, and we breathe deeply as we say, My art, I want to see you. And we may cry at all the beauty of the world, and those are clensing tears that flow and spark a transformation, summer rain in diamond blessings, bring life to all today as we breathe deeply and we say, My art, I want to see you. With clarity and with conviction, and a spreading smile that now begins to radiate and touch your body, mind and spirit all at once, let's breathe in deeply, rising with the breath as we now touch above our lips and now, we say, My art, I want to taste you. Delicious tingling, tastes and textures, so, so nourishing on levels deep and deeper still, with every breath we taste the world, we taste the beauty that awaits each one of us, a luxury of banquets fresh and bright with every rising of the dawns as we breathe deeply and we say, My art, I want to taste you. And now we touch beneath your lips and we breathe easily and move so freely, letting now our bodies flow and make it so that we are stepping into wondrous river flows as we breathe deeply and we say, My art, I want to hear you. We listen with all senses, hear the stories in the wind of young and old, of here and now, the messages in river runs and ocean waves, the truth of life, and love of life, a secret song unlocked today, as we breathe deeply and we say, My art, I want to hear you. And so we place our loving hands once more upon our living body, to connect all levels and all layers, to affirm our place within the worlds, right here and now we are, we stand in grace, in awe, beauty and in joy as we breathe deeply, and we say, My art, I love you. Art is your birthright.Every human child is born to be an artist, and to be an artist is a grace of unbound, endlessly renewing riches that will never, ever leave you, never run dry, never run out - art is the great gift from the Creative Order. It is art that elevates the human soul to fly amongst the stars and touch the very fabric of reality itself. If you are an energist, then you are an artist. It is no human doing that can make that so; it is no human piece of paper that gives you that grace, that state, that freedom. There is nothing human beings can do to give this gift, nor to take it away - it is inside your very fabric, it is at the very core of your being. I am the artist. Now, make it your own. Step into that space of freedom of creation, that is only between you, your own soul path, and the Creative Order. The truth is a pathless land - it is your land, your path. I wish you from the very bottom of my heart, from the very well of my soul, that you should go forth. Unimaginable treasures await you. Silvia Hartmann September 2015 ย Art4Energists Facebook Group - All energists welcome! Silvia Hartmann's Energy Art at ย Magic HeART by Silvia Hartmann
Added Jun 8, 2016
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