Balancing Your Body with Earth Energy

Balancing Your Body with Earth Energy

Two of my favorite things are Earth Energy and EMO.  Put them together and you have instant magic ready to transmute anything that ails you.

Patricia DancingElk was a popular presenter at the 2011 EMO Conference. Read on for her full article on Earth Healing and EMO, which teaches a very useful Earth Medicine Exercise...

I was honored to be a presenter at the 2011 EMO Conference this year along with Terry Lynch, Kim Bradley, Ray Manning, Margarita Foley, Sandra Hillawi, Hannah Bradley, Elisabeth Schlaepher and the magnificent Silvia Hartmann. 

This was my first year to attend and I wasn’t sure what to expect.  What happened was majikal. I met so many wonderfully gifted energy healers.  There just wasn’t enough time to have all the conversations that needed to occur because the conference was wonderfully filled with exercises and exciting presentations.  I truly look forward to 2012 and I encourage you all to begin making your plans now to attend. 

My presentation was on combining shamanism with EMO for healing relationships.  Remembering that relationships is all encompassing.  It encompasses your relationship to yourself, your significant other, your community, your family, your career, the Earth you live upon and/or the multiverse.  What I work with is called Earth Medicine.  Earth Medicine is the feminine energy of Shamanism. As with most of the feminine teachings, to keep it from being polluted, Earth Medicine was buried for a very long time. I see it resurfacing all around me in different forms, such as EMO.   Earth Medicine is about working with and transmuting energy in all of its forms.  Silvia has encouraged me to write a book on the subject and it is proving to be quite a challenge to put all that I have experienced and learned into written form.  It will be exciting to finish it. 

I wanted to share some of that with all of my EMO family today.  I have been slowly working Earth Medicine into the EMO workshops.  Using EMO to soften different areas of our lives that work in conjunction with the earth energy and so hoping to teach people how to have a better relationship with the Earth Mother which, like humans, is another living, breathing, constantly evolving entity.  

So, now that I have rambled on sufficiently, put down your coffee, stand if you are able and play along with me for this wonderfully, rejuvenating exercise.  You can pre-record this exercise to play so that you can use it as a meditation or you can read it aloud envisioning the energy as it moves and dances.

Earth Medicine Exercise

Standing on Mother Earth now in bare feet
Cool earth, solid earth
Feeling the heartbeat of her
Feel her as she shifts, moves and dances beneath your feet
Imagine now that from your feet there begins to grow roots that move downward
Feel your roots moving down through the hair of Mother Earth (grass)
Feel your roots moving through the skin of Mother Earth (sand and dirt)
Feel your roots winding downward through the roots of grass, trees, shrubs
Feel your roots shrugging past the bones of Mother Earth (bedrock, stones)
Feel your roots pushing strong downward until they touch water
Feeling the cool inviting water that is the lifeblood of Mother Earth
Allowing the roots to linger there for a moment in that cool healing water, softening, softening
Quickly breathing the energy back up through the bones, skin and hair of Mother Earth
Breathing out the energy as it pools beneath your feet, softening
Breathing in the energy up through the bottoms of your feet
Breathing out energy spreading through your feet ….. softening
Breathing up the energy to your ankles
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy into your calves
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy to your thighs
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy into your hips.
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy to your stomach
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy into your ribs
Breathing out, softening any resistance, tiredness, energy blocks
Breathing up the energy to your heart
Breathing out, healing energy all around you, softening
Breathing up the energy into your throat
Soften your throat and release the breath through sound
Breathing up the energy to your face
Breathing out, relaxing and softening your tongue, your eyes, your cheeks
Breathing up the energy into your scalp
Breathing out, relaxing and softening any resistance, any tiredness, any energy blocks
Breathing up the energy to the top of your head
Breathing out imagining a shooting of energy out the top of your head
Dancing over you ever so gently back into Mother Earth, softening and softening

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