The Child is an energy hypnosis meditation for the child within - a form of magical poem that raises energies and in doing so, creates an event in the energy system.
To get the best results with this inner child meditation script, read it out aloud and EVOKE the story with meaning and energy.
AddedApr 21, 2007
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Inner Child Poem/Meditation
The Child
Energy Magic/Hypnosis Script/Meditation The Child by Silvia Hartmann, 2003 from Heart Healing HypnoDreams
The Child
Blessed upon by the very stars in heaven, in silent reverie and once upon a time, a child came into being.
This child was precious beyond prize and beloved, yes it was, and of those who waited to receive this gift into their holy care there were a few who felt that they did not deserve this honour, that they did not consider themselves to be allowed to be here.
And yet they were, and the child, it came to them.
It came willing and with grace, to give its all to give its self to them, to us.
A great celebration ensued in return but it was a silent celebration that sang not with noise or the banging of the drums for there are times when all of that fades and a different kind of music is required.
A different kind of music that is never heard but known and felt.
A different kind of music not with notes you study scales you practice day on day but a music that is singing sweetly as the essence of itself - tones so pure and right.
This was the greeting and the moment of arrival, when the child had come to give the waiting ones just what they needed, what they dreamed of what they wanted, and they stood in holiness and deepest awe becoming whole the gift of gifts,
at last.
Silvia Hartmann, May 2003
The Child - Inner Child Energy Hypnosis Script/ Meditation From HypnoDreams 2, ย Heart Healing
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