Temel Modern Stres Yönetimi

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Silvia Hartmann tarafından oluşturulan GoE'nin Modern Stres Yönetimi Vakfı kursu, stresten kontrolü geri almak ve kendinize, arkadaşlarınıza, ailenize ve gruplara yardım etmek için gereken temel teknikleri öğreten dört üniteli, bir günlük canlı veya Skype eğitimidir. ** Bu kurs, Modern Enerji çalışmasına mükemmel bir giriş olarak şiddetle tavsiye edilir! **

Modern Stress Management Foundation Course

Modern Stress Management Foundation - Information


This four-unit qualification may be taught by live training or Skype and features a full-colour manual. Participants will learn the fundamental Modern Stress Management techniques to help combat the stress epidemic.

On completion of this course you will be presented with your Modern Stress Management Foundation certificate and be awarded a years GoE Standard Membership, which gives you access to the members group, valuable learning resources and also receive the magazine The Energist.

Modern Stress Management Foundation - Course Units

Unit 1: Measuring Stress

  • Welcome to Modern Stress Management!
  • What Is Stress?
  • Emotional Stress
  • Where Do Emotions Come From?
  • It's All About Energy!
  • Measuring Stress
  • Very Low Energy
  • Emergency Energy
  • Stress
  • The Zero Point Of Nothing
  • Low Positive Energy
  • Positive Energy
  • High Energy - The Even Flow
  • Many Aspects
  • Energize Your Life!

Unit 2: Energize Your Life!

  • Recognizing Stress
  • What Raises Your Energy?
  • Start With The Heart!
  • Energy Breathing
  • The Here & Now Exercise
  • Energy EFT
  • The Perfect Place
  • Energy Is Free!
  • Positive Energy For You!

Unit 3: De-Stressing Other People

  • Good And Bad People
  • We Are Not Alone ...
  • Group Bubbles
  • The YES! Principle
  • Your Happiness Matters!
  • Modern Leadership
  • The Master Mind Group

Unit 4: A New Energized Future

  • YES! You Can!
  • Positive Futures
  • From Problems To Solutions
  • Energizing Aspects
  • Protecting The Future
  • Modern Stress Management In Conclusion

Find out more about the MODERN Stress Management Foundation distance learning course here:


Temel Modern Stres Yönetimi  Trainers

Karen  Aquinas Karen Aquinas (Oregon, United States)
Gökhan  Ayar Gökhan Ayar (İzmir, Turkey)
Jacqueline  Besseling Jacqueline Besseling (Netherlands)
Kim  Bradley Kim Bradley (Pembrokeshire, England)
Estefanía  Carretero Mancheño Estefanía Carretero Mancheño (Tenerife, Spain)
Ber  Collins Ber Collins (County Clare, Ireland)
Tanya  Davies Tanya Davies (Wa, Australia)
Peter  Donn Peter Donn (Hertfordshire, England)
Brenda  Dutertre Brenda Dutertre (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Jamila  Jamie Jamila Jamie (Maryland, United States)
Katerina  Kalchenko Katerina Kalchenko (Turkey)
Isaac  Lim Isaac Lim (Selangor, Malaysia)
Michael  Millett Michael Millett (Lincolnshire, England)
Tom  Schaeper Tom Schaeper (Texas, United States)

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