Dr. Mark Atkinson on EMO

Dr. Mark Atkinson on EMO

Dr Mark Atkinson, premier holistic health expert, recommends Energy Psychology and says of EMO: "I wanted you to know that of all the therapies I've trained in and approaches that I have used (and there's been a lot) none have excited me and touched me so deeply than Emotrance. It is quite simply the most beautiful, graceful and simple self-care approach I have come across. I have used it with a number of my clients and have witnessed how, within minutes, it allows unconditional love to pour into them from a source that minutes previously was causing them great pain. Everytime I work with it I am truly humbled (that's not something I would say lightly :)"

Dr Mark Atkinson’s Alternative Health Solutions
Now Magazine 27 October 2004
"Holistic Medical Secrets"



Cast your mind back over your life to a moment when you were told something that upset you. This could for example, be when someone told you that ‘you’re worthless’, ‘you’re fat’, or ‘you’re ugly’.

How does that make you feel now? Uncomfortable? Hurt? If the answer is yes, the shock to your system is still living inside you, but you don’t realise it as your attention’s been distracted from it.

What can I do about it? Silvia Hartmann, one of the pioneers of meridian energy therapy, has developed EMO, a simple self-help technique that allows you to release stuck emotions. Emotions like the ones you experienced when you did the exercise above are feeding back disturbances in our energy fields. Failure to let them flow freely, as we holistic doctors are discovering, can influence disease, fatigue and unhappiness.

Silvia Hartmann’s technique is based on focusing your thoughts on parts of your body and guiding energy. It can be used for everything from insomnia to stress. The good news is that EMO shows you how to free yourself from these stuck emotions and release the considerable amounts of energy that are lost to them.

To find out more visit http://emotrance.com

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Dr Mark Atkinson
Information about Dr Mark Atkinson
EFT Practitioner, EMO Advanced Practitioner & EMO Practitioner in London, England & ESHER, United Kingdom.

Contact details and membership information for Dr Mark Atkinson:

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