An Introduction To EDxTM
Founded by Fred
P. Gallo, Ph.D., energy diagnostic and treatment methods is the most advanced
energy causal diagnostic and treatment system available, incorporating
principles of applied kinesiology, bioenergy, consciousness, and cognition to
efficiently treat a wide array of psychological problems. EDxTM involves manual
muscle testing, enhanced intuition, and techniques to assist practitioners in
tailoring interventions to rapidly alleviate psychological problems, including
anxiety, panic, PTSD/trauma, depression, personality disorders, addiction,
overweight, relationship problems, physical pain conditions, blocks to peak
performance, and a wide range of other conditions.
Embedded in the
assumption that bioenergy operates at the very essence of physical and
psychological health, EDxTM offers means of assessing bioenergy information,
thus aiding the practitioner in applying precise interventions to efficiently
alleviate the affective and cognitive components of the targeted condition.
EDxTM also involves elevating thought recognition and consciousness so as to
promote ongoing well being.
EDxTM includes power tools that can be used in concert
with many other therapeutic approaches. Many practitioners have integrated EDxTM
with psychodynamic approaches, transactional analysis, cognitive-behavioral
therapy, couples and family therapy, etc. EDxTM significantly enhances the
practitioner's effectiveness and efficacy in providing therapy, consultation,
peak performance enhancement, and education.
For more information, please visit
Added Feb 24, 2003
| 7,520 Reads
Added Feb 24, 2003
| 7,520 Reads