EFT Case Story: 30 Days of TappingWe are delighted to present a case-story from Tanya de Villiers from South Africa, who has been working with a young boy, Jamie, with cerebral paralysis, getting some fatastic results! Tanya has recorded her sessions with Jamie on her popular blog Tanya On Tapping. Read on for this wonderful case story...
Added Aug 6, 2013
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On the 30th of March 2009, 15 month old Jamie was rushed to the Stellenbosch Medi-Clinic hospital in the early hours of the morning after suffering from fever convulsions. Over the next couple of days, the doctors tried to bring his seizures under control and break the fever that was still spiking regularly, but to no avail. This necessitated medical staff to induce Jamie into a coma to cope with the painful seizures. At this point doctors were not able to determine the cause of Jamie's condition. They were still not able to bring his seizures under control and his condition was deteriorating. Jamie was admitted to the Red Cross hospital where he immediately received the necessary treatment that Medi Clinic was not able to provide. Another brain scan was done, but this time it was what Jamie's parents feared most. It showed that he had sustained the maximum amount of damage on both sides of the brain. Only his brain stem which controlled his basic functions such as breathing and heartbeat remained undamaged, whilst on life support. Doctors confirmed that he had in all likelihood lost his sight and hearing. Jamie also lost all control over his muscles including important functions such as swallowing, easy breathing and any controlled movements like walking or talking. Jamie's drug dosage was slowly reduced to wake him and establish whether he could cope without medical support. The first attempt did not go well as he would stop breathing when the respiratory support system was switched off. After numerous attempts the Red Cross doctors informed Jamie's parents that they would not be putting Jamie back on breathing support. They further explained that Jamie's brain damage was so severe that they could not guarantee any life expectancy. By now Jamie had lost the ability to swallow and had to undergo surgery to have a gastronomy tube inserted into his stomach to receive his food and medicine through the tube in future. The operation was once again followed by a difficult time with erratic spells of fever and discomfort. He eventually managed to settle down and on the 5th of May 09 Jamie left the Medic Clinic hospital... On the 21st of January 2013, the first of 30 days commenced and Jamie had his first EFT session. We were fortunate to have a seizure free session. On day 3 we focussed on eye functions and he responded very well. Day 4 was a revelation to me. It was the first time that I experienced an immediate result. We tapped on Wheezing and after 5 minutes the wheezing stopped and he gave deep breaths in and exhaled. His breathing was relaxed. I was so excited that I completely forgot what I wanted to do next. Over the next 30 days Jamie regained the ability to cough, sneeze and swallow. He responded well to instructions, thereby proving that there were signs of comprehension and hearing. He could lift up his arms, kick his legs and try to lift his head. The most beautiful sight was when he laughed when he achieved something. At first the sessions where only focussed and aimed at symptoms, later I started to focus on certain emotions. I studied his background and tried to fine-tune myself so that I could see when a feeling or emotion was relevant. The shifts came much quicker and had a longer effect than just tapping on symptoms. His epilepsy medicine was reduced to nearly a quarter of his original dosage. It has been 2 months since our last session. Some of his milk has been replaced by solids. His general health has improved dramatically. In the past where he used to be in hospital for weeks on end he has only been in hospital for 1 day this year for a minor infection. This journey that was inspired by an actual dream has been a miraculous adventure for me and for this beautiful brown eyed boy. I am excited to see all the continuous improvement that lies ahead for him. The whole 30 days is documented on my blog and all of the highlight can be seen on YouTube channel Tanya de Villiers.
Added Aug 6, 2013
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