EFT Case Story: Silent & Invisible![]() Martina Konecna, an EFT Master Practitioner from Czech Republic, has written a case story about a grown woman who is reduced to feeling like a child when confronted. Martina writes: Marie looked me for help. At first sight pleasant and friendly woman, over 40, but somehow shy, frightened and constricted. I could feel it from her and her voice confirmed it when she started to speak. "The world is dangerous and unpredictable.", was her non verbal message for me. We started our collective work with destressing and tuning in EFTeam. She liked tapping on points, her six sense worked and answered very nicely. Her face released and Marie started to speak about her longstanding problem that brought her a lot of pain and feeling of personal failure. When she visited class meeting and wanted something to say during discussion with other parents and class teacher, she simply was not able. She stiffened at that moment, terrible fear and stress. Her heart started to pounding, vocal cords constricted, she couldn´t breath, her hands started to tremble and got wet. "I am at that moment as if I should die," stated Marie sadly. "And this happens in other situations too, when shall I something say and there are some authorities - adults. I feel like a small child before them."
Added Nov 15, 2012
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Marie agreed with general set up "speaking before people on a class meeting". This evoked unpleasant feelings in her body and improving of "energy flow" was needed. Marie decided for "freedom" and then "wings for my speech". After these two EFT rounds she released, started to breath deeper and she looked somehow surprised. Her body began to speak and sent our EFTeam a message: "My left ear is burning me.", we tapped together. Burning changed in pang in left ear. We tapped on it. I was very curious how it will be going on. Marie started to tune in her younger aspect. Someone screamed, when I was a child, she said to me. I explained to her the difference between "I" in present and her past aspects. We started to speak about her earlier experiences in relation to her younger aspect. Now we tapped together and I asked: "How old was your aspect? More then seven years or less then seven years?" "Oh, less then seven years, certainly." "More then five years or less then five years?" "Less then five. He was very small." Now I followed my intuition: " Three years old or two years old?" "O, yes, exactly two years old, I can feel it, it´s freezing me so heavy!" Then we together found out that it was at night. Marie´s aspect was lying in bed and something frightened him. But parents, brother, one sister, other sister – no reaction. Now I had an idea and asked: "Was this experience physical or nonphysical?" "Nonphysical!" followed with heavy reaction from her six sense and my too. "I had a nightmare!" cried Marie out. We returned to her younger aspect and tapped on this information. Marie had strong feelings of freezing, shivering and remembered more and more. "My aspect was sleeping in his cot and a terrific creature come to him and terrified him. He woke up and cried a lot and wept from horror." We tapped on these findings. Now Marie´s younger aspect needed support and nourishment in such stressing situation. We tapped pink colour and then mother love for him. Marie said: "This monster stretches his black claws on throat of my aspect. I can´t see face of it, face is covered with a headcloth." Now, she realized: "O, no! Polednice (the Noon witch)* was coming for my small aspect at night!" Very heavy reaction and cry. A lot of stress. "She came to strangle him! My aspect woke up, was very terrified and cried." Marie´s aspect needed help again to sleep quiet and in safety. He learned to do "pink magic" – big pink sphere around his cop and noon witch couldn´t inside. We left him quietly sleeping. Marie remembered again and told me: "When I was a child, I was very talkative. Adults around me were nervous from it and they frightened me with a Noon witch. She will come for me, if I won´t be silent at a moment. I was very fascinated by this Noon witch and when I could read, I read this ballad again and again. I also always had fear that someone strangles me." After this nightmare Marie on unconsciously level decided that it is deadly dangerous to speak out aloud and entice the attention of others on her. What if the Noon witch would come! So she grow up in a woman that had to be silent and "invisible". At the end of this session we worked together on improving of energy flow and agreed what Marie will be tapping at home, before we meet again. Marie felt huge relief and was very astonished how she could so exactly remember on the nightmare that she had when she was only two years old child.
*You should know something about the Noon witch to have this story whole: It is a ballad from the middle of 19.century, written by Czech historian, poet and writer Karel Jaromir Erben in his collection Bouquet – poems and ballads based on traditional and folkloric themes. The ballad starts: "There was a child, standing at a bank and full-throated cried...." The shape of the Noon witch comes from Slavic mythology. It is an old ugly woman, crippling along, horrible creature that comes at noon and takes children away. If you are interested, you can see this ballad with music and English subtitles on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csRvIUZ7TBY I recommend tapping during watching this video. Martina Konecna Czech Republic
Added Nov 15, 2012
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