EFT Case Story: Treating long-term pain

EFT Case Story: Treating long-term pain

This Case Story comes from EFT DL Master Practitioner student,ย Positive EFT Practitioner & EMO practitionerย Jamie Streett. Here she writes about using EFT to deal with pain as part of her EFT Master Practitioner Training. Jamie is no stranger to the wonders of EFT but even she was amazed at the results achieve by this patient who had suffered for years from complex long term pain.

Read on for the full story....


John came to me to see if we could alleviate some of the Lyme arthritis pain he has been having for 3 years now. He had an extremely bad case of Lyme disease that almost killed him. It took 2 ยฝ years of treatment to remove the bacteria and other co-infections caused by it. He was told that the lingering pain is just residual and something he will have to live with. John is only 33 years old and said that this is not an option and he will clear this up as well. The 1st thing I asked was if he was still under medical care for this, was his doctor aware of the pain, to which he said yes but they were only treating with pain relievers and arthritis medicine that wasn't doing much. I asked John to tell me about the pain and describe it to me. He said that it is in all of his joints. He described it as a constant achy and swollen feeling.

To begin we started with tapping for the symptoms themselves, the "achy and swollen joints" this "Lyme arthritis". We also described the pain in other terms and tapped on it. "The weights in my knees", "The creaking elbows and wrists". We tapped on "the residual pain", "the pain I have to live with forever", this stirred some emotion in the client, so I encouraged him to continue, this was very good and a sign we were moving some energy. He was doing such great work and I made sure to let him know so.

We then started to shift the session to prepare for the positive end state. We tapped on "The Lyme bacteria is removed", "the Lyme is healed", "I no longer have Lyme", "I no longer have any co-infections", "I am free of any bacteria from this time". I felt this important to tap on to let his energy system know that the physical body no longer carried the bacteria and that it could release the cellular memory as well.

Once we felt another energy shift, it was time to bring in the positives. Some of what we tapped on were; fluidity, agility, free flowing movement, health, harmony, and strength. What happened by the end of the session was amazing! John was in shock, the pain that had started at a -5 was now at a +5. Although I was hoping to get him higher on the scale, for 3 years of pain and just over an hour of tapping, the evolution was amazing. John could not believe it, and I have to admit I was in awe myself. To see the way he came in so stiff, to moving with such ease and grace was miraculous in my eyes. He said he not only felt better with the physical pain but mentally. Like he could see clearer for the 1st time in years. There was life back in his eyes, his face looked younger.

He wants to continue working on it to see it to a +10 and to for once and all be completely rid of the pain. I look forward to updating the progress made. My eyes are wide open from this experience, and I can't wait to help others be free of pain that is simply a memory stored in the energy system.


** Further Info **

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Jamila Jamie
Information about Jamila Jamie
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer, Energy Dating Coach Trainer, Modern Energy Healer Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Westminster, Maryland, United States.

Jamila Jamie has kindly contributed the following titles to the ๐Ÿซ GoE Library:
The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
view in library โ–ถ

Contact details and membership information for Jamila Jamie:

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