Great case story from EFT Master Practitioner distance learning student, Patti Payne. She writes about a case story on the benefits of using an object as a portal to enable someone to zero in on an event.
An object, artefact, is a very effective means of zeroing in on an event! It really is a portal!
My partner had an old sweatshirt that belonged to a former lover. They were now with someone else, but that sweatshirt still remained in their drawer, and they were unable to get rid of it.
When I held it and had them focus on it and do a round of EFT, the very first memory that occurred to her was of a fishing trip where they had gone with some of his cousins fishing for crabs on the coast, and the feeling that she was taken care of, and there was a part of her that felt like that was the only shot she had at feeling that in a relationship. It was this feeling of being taken care of that prevented her from giving up the shirt.
She realized that since she was in a very serious relationship with another man that it was time to release these feeling of security that she felt with the old lover, and live in the present, create it with the man she was with.
At first she was ambivalent about doing anything to diminish it or make this memory go away, since it was such a positive memory. After we talked about it she understood that it wouldn't make it go away, she wouldn't forget it, but it would allow her to stop living in the past and instead create that positive experience in the present.
We did rounds of EFT on the object until the past pull on this object diminished and the sweatshirt was just a sweatshirt. She found that she didn't lose anything by releasing the bond / energy with that sweatshirt. She felt very present in her life now, and was able to recognize how those aspects of security were already present within the relationship that she had now, but she just didn't see them. In addition, when she thought about the memories attached to the old boyfriend they were still fond memories, but they didn't have any pull any weight associated to them.
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