A BRAND NEW Psychology For The 21st Century: Bringing Hope And Relief To Those Who Suffer From Emotional Pain At LastPeople simply do not know that emotional pain and all sorts of other emotionally related problems can be cured now - for real, and in a healthy fashion, without the use of chemicals, without talking for hours, without having to re-live horrors from the past!
Added Dec 31, 2008
| 14,072 Reads
Since the early 1980's, and totally unbeknown to the medical and psychological establishment at large, a WHOLE NEW DISCIPLINE of psychology has arisen - energy psychology. This was brought to a new breakthrough conclusion and total re-definition of what emotions actually are, and how we can deal with them successfully, by Dr Hartmann in 2002.
If something hurts emotionally but there is no visible physical cause for this, it means there is an injury or a problem, a blockage of some sort, that NEEDS TO BE HEALED - and the energy body needs to be healed not with words, not with chemicals, but of course, with ENERGY HEALING. Before you laugh at that and say, "That's ridiculous - I have lived with TERRIBLE emotional disturbances, grief, shame and pain for decades! None of a thousand therapists have been able to help me - and you're telling me that you're going to heal this with - energy?!" I must tell you that this is exactly what's been happening in the last 30 years RELIABLY for the people who have had the good luck to come into contact with Energy Psychology - TFT, EFT, and EMO. The fact is that the injury you received on that day, in that moment when the emotional disturbances began, is NOT physical. It certainly isn't "all in your head" - you must be the first person to admit to that, because you know exactly what it feels like when your emotional problems literally overwhelm you. The fact is that the injury is IN YOUR ENERGY SYSTEM, and that's where it needs to be healed. It is true, has been proven over and over again in all major countries around the world, by literally hundreds of thousands of clients and practitioners, and this is something we can all rejoice about. There are MANY people who have cured themselves of their emotional pain and disturbances by themselves in self help, and many more others who have finally found relief from their pain with the help of energy psychology practitioners. Depending on what kind of person you are, you have this choice also. If you are not familiar with personal development techniques of the 21st Century, I would advise strongly to choose working with a qualified EMO Practitioner. Ask for a free taster session of 15 minutes before you decide so you can FEEL FOR YOURSELF what a difference THE RIGHT approach to your very real injuries is going to make for you.
If you prefer to work in self help, EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques, a direct descendant of the original breakthrough TFT from the 1980s, is a good way to start. Dr Hartmann's book Adventures In EFT will teach you all you need to know to start simple, profound and effective self help treatments you can do anytime, and anywhere and which will have a TREMENDOUS impact on your life, as so many other people have found out already. In conclusion, please be encouraged. Whatever treatments you have had and tried, and no matter for how long, they were NOTHING like the new energy psychology techniques. These techniques and methods are brand new, and represent a quantum leap in the understanding of how human beings work, and in their treatment too. You can take advantage of this new knowledge that was NEVER available to humanity before and free yourself from your emotional pain - forever, AND FOR REAL. Editor's Note: This article, and this site, were created to help let the people of the world know that there is a NEW form of psychology, with BRAND NEW theories, and outstanding NEW techniques that are remarkably easy to learn and to do. This is because the theory is correct and we are now working with what there really is, instead of talking endlessly ABOUT what there might have been.
This knowledge has been around for at least a decade and I think I speak for all of us from the EMO community when I say that we are getting more and more frustrated that this knowledge is not readily available in practice to the people who are suffering RIGHT NOW. People simply do not know that emotional pain and all sorts of other emotionally related problems can be cured now - for real, and in a healthy fashion, without the use of chemicals, without talking for hours, without having to re-live horrors from the past! It is our mission to put this NEW knowledge before the people of the world, so they can look at our theories for themselves; so that they can try our techniques for themselves and thus, LEARN FOR THEMSELVES that this is a correct form of describing the human condition, the causes and effects of human emotions, and most of all, a VALID TREATMENT FORM for emotional pain. To understand the principles of the new energy psychology we call EMO you do NOT have to study for years. EMO is logical, it is obvious, it is natural and extremely easy, and it is available to all human beings, regardless of whether they are educated or not. It doesn't matter if you who are reading this are a University Professor of Psychology, a well trained counselor, a physician who wants to help their patients more, a nurse who needs help to stay emotionally strong so she can help her patients more, or just any average person who knows what it feels like to suffer from emotional pain - be that sadness or grief, anger or shame, rage or depression, hopelessness or anxiety, terror, or fear.
If want to know about the simple, truthful principles of the new energy psychology, read the EMO Primer - and find out for yourself if what we say here is true. The EMO Primer - The REAL Principles Of EMO In A Nutshell
Added Dec 31, 2008
| 14,072 Reads
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