EMO in Germany with Silvia Hartmann PhD

To celebrate the launch of the German "EMO" book, Silvia has agreed to do a range of presentations at the forthcoming IAK kinesiology and energy therapies conference.

Here are the details:

Energie Psychologie Kongress, Freiburg, Deutschland Institut für Angewandte Kinesiologie GmbH Eschbachstraße 5 D-79199 Kirchzarten bei Freiburg

Telefon 076 61 / 98 71-0 Telefax 076 61 / 98
E-Mail in-@iak-freiburg.de
Web www.iak-freiburg.de

EMO Breakout Session & Post Conference Practitioner Training with Silvia Hartmann


EMO Plenary Presentation 10am-11.15am
Saturday, 06 Sep 2003

EMO Mini-workshop 10am-1pm
Sunday, 07 Sep 2003

EMO Practitioner Training
Monday, 08 Sep 2003 - Tuesday, 09 Sep 2003

Presenter: Silvia Hartmann


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