EMO in Germany with Silvia Hartmann PhDTo celebrate the launch of the German "EMO" book, Silvia has agreed to do a range of presentations at the forthcoming IAK kinesiology and energy therapies conference.
Added Aug 31, 2003
| 8,518 Reads
Here are the details: Energie Psychologie Kongress, Freiburg, Deutschland Institut für Angewandte Kinesiologie GmbH Eschbachstraße 5 D-79199 Kirchzarten bei Freiburg EMO Breakout Session & Post Conference Practitioner Training with Silvia Hartmann Details: EMO Plenary Presentation 10am-11.15am EMO Mini-workshop 10am-1pm EMO Practitioner Training Presenter: Silvia Hartmann
Added Aug 31, 2003
| 8,518 Reads
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