EMO & Spirituality
How To Use EMO To Enhance Our Relationship with Spirit
with Sister Margarita Foley
What Could You Do If God Was On Your Side?
Are you surprised by the title? Perhaps you are not surprised since Emotrance has to do with the health and well-being of our Energy or Spirit body. Emotrance is the perfect tool to lead us to a greater awareness of our Creative Template, and to the Creative Source. For some people religion is their first introduction to the idea of a Creator or a Creative Source. For many others there may be no such introduction. We are all aware of being in a body and of this mysterious energy or life force that keeps us in being. For this reason it is easier to think about spirituality.
What is your definition of spirituality?
For me the spirit or energy body is the working of the soul through the body. The soul is the interface between the material world and the invisible world. It is the soul that guides and informs the spirit or energy body.
The words of the late poet John O Donohue are very enlightening. In a poem called “A blessing of Solitude” the poet wishes that each of us would recognize the ‘presence, power and light of our soul’. He says:
May you realize that you are never alone that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
May you have respect for your own individuality and difference
May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique
That you have a special destiny here
That behind the façade of your life there is something beautiful, good and eternal happening
May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride and expectation with which God sees you at every moment.
So even if we have some shields against the idea of religion and even spirituality Emotrance is the perfect tool to enable us to get past our doubts and resistances and it enables us find what is hidden behind the shields we may have built.
One of the emotions associated with resistance to spirituality and religion is fear. Religion means linking back to life. That is what Emotrance aims to do when it brings us into ‘Even Flow’. Religion is meant to be the celebration of all that nurtures the life of the spirit.
Different religious groups are formed around a person or groups of people with a certain perception of the origins of life and the reasons we are in the world. It also requires each person to be aware of and connected to their own source so that they will find the nourishment and joy in the religious celebrations and rituals.
Some people may find that organised religion does not correspond to what they need and experience.
For each of us however the need to flow from our Source is what gives us life and joy.
The purpose of this exercise is to open to Source and allow the Energy Body to be cleansed and refreshed and allow the pathways of the spirit to be opened up.
Opening Up To God
Exercise 1: The Word God
First, find for yourself the word or words that you use when you think about Source. What is that for you? Spirituality, Religion, God, Divine Love, Love, Forgiveness, Thanksgiving, Creator, Father, Mother, Lover, Friend or any other words that evoke uncomfortable or disturbing feelings in relation to Source or Spirituality. We may even feel repelled by the whole idea especially of thoughts and feelings around religion. I am going to use the word “God” in this exercise; please use your own word throughout.
When you think of or say the word “God”, where do you feel that in your body?
We can Emotrance each of the feelings as they arise. We may need to use the Snow Globe to release all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories that cause us to have a blockage with this word.
Continue until there are no blockages left and the word God is in Even Flow.
Exercise 2: Shields Against God
Where is God located for you? Point to where “God” is for you.
Are there any shields? If so, make a tiny hole and let that energy come into you.
Do EMO on any blockages until the energy flows freely in, through and out.
How has your relationship with God changed as a result of this exercise?
Exercise 3: Your Immortal Soul
Now take the word ‘soul’ and notice how this impacts on your energy. What are you feeling? Where do you feel this word? Use the Emotrance process or Dissolving the Shields process in order to bring us into Even Flow.
Where is your soul located? Are there any shields or blockages? Can you improve the energy flow between “you and your soul”?
When there are blockages that take time we can remember that we are in Quantum Time and with the Emotrance Process we can clear so many emotional disturbances and blockages.
After the blockages are cleared the energy of the words, “I honour the God of my being” is evoked and again Emotrance as needed.
Using the Shushumna Nadi pathway I can request healing/forgiveness or whatever I need to be reconciled in my inner spirit or soul with my Creative Source
Heart Healing & Spiritual Energy
“ I now allow the loving energy of God to flow through my hands and to reach deep into my heart, to comfort and console me, to strengthen and encourage me, to soften what is hard and frozen, to melt away all pain, to allow my spiritual energy to be released and to flow freely through my body and my whole being. Let your light, your love and your joy shine through me so that I may be the shining star I am meant to be.”
Take a few moments to do this and tune into the wonderful energy of your Source building up above your head and flowing through your body cleansing, refreshing, renewing and healing your whole being.
We each have a secret place in our own hearts where we can be with ourselves and converse with our own personal source. So I invite you to join me in the prayer Jesus taught to his followers when he was asked to teach people to pray. I have adapted the prayer for our use here.
Let us go to our inner secret place and make ourselves at home here. I will say one phrase at a time and you can allow it to flow as energy through your body.
Love of my God flowing through me,
Filling my being with your power
Your abundance is flowing through my heart, transforming the world
Your loving desires and your dreams for all people are growing in me and in all
Your generosity is flowing each day giving what is needed to nourish and heal
Your love is overflowing and melting my hardness, allowing me to reach out in compassion to all of creation
True home of my heart delivering me from all that keeps me from you, setting me free to be who I am.
This is my dream too.
Take another shower of this life giving Energy as often as needed.
Praying With Our Whole Being
When our spirits are cleansed by the flow of the Spirit through us our prayers and wishes can be transformed as we make them our own. Repetition of these from the depths of ourselves causes them to become part of who we are. All religions have used rhythmic litanies of prayers. The following is a litany appropriate for today. I use the word Source to include all people. People from different faiths and beliefs and none can insert whoever they wish in the place of Source. It can be God, Trinity, Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh, Allah or whoever each person identifies as their source of being.
We can Emotrance our blockages and discover new depths in ourselves.
The energy of God flowing through our world filling all hearts and transforming all lives
Peace flowing from God filling our being and calming our lives
The love of God flowing through us healing us in all ways and setting us free
Spirit of Forgiveness flowing through all people freeing us from hatred and transforming relationships
Energy of Compassion flowing everywhere showing us freedom that we need to share
Pain of the world flowing through our hearts softening and flowing and transforming us
Reconciliation and forgiveness flowing through our hearts drawing us together in unity
Infinite creativity of God flowing through me filling my being and inspiring me
Joy of creation flowing through our lives, transforming our grief and setting us free
Spirit of companionship flowing all around us building community and making us free
Dreams of God flowing through us lighting our spirits and leading us to freedom
Dance of Life flowing through us drawing us to the Dance and leading us onwards
Music of life flowing through me/us vibrating with my/our spirit and drawing me/us into harmony
Energy of confidence flowing through me filling me with contentment and transforming me
Energy of Passion flowing through me bringing my dreams to reality
The pure Energy of God is flowing through me!
Sister Margarita Foley
EMO Trainer
London, United Kingdom
First published in the EMO Conference Manual 2008.