Energy Cone Case Story: ECT for Scar Tissue

Energy Cone Case Story: ECT for Scar Tissue

Ray Manning, a director of Accomplish Change Clinic and presenter at the 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference, has put together a two part case study on using Energy Cone Technique on scar tissue.

Read on for the full case study...

Part 1

Female Age 39 – Session 1

Attended clinic to reduce scar tissue on right breast - related to breast surgery and discomfort to area particularly around time of each menstrual cycle.

Client agreed to ECT using touch location.

Background: client had a lump that was negative, removed just in case it was malignant which resulted in a scar that was protruding when menstruating.

Format of Session:

Client placed her right hand into my hand and then touch located her scar on the right breast through her top with her other hand. Focusing in on the scar and associated emotions (frustration, annoyance,) I examined the palm and focused in on a particular “spot/cone” then with my middle finger gently applied pressure to the area/cone.

Within seconds a pulse arrived under my finger and her rhythm had stopped – when I asked where she felt it in her body, she could feel it in her scar tissue, on right breast. She did not know what caused the sensation other then the obvious (operation).  She then focused in on the feeling and we used ET to move, soften and flow the feeling out from the body as she was already familiar with this technique, we repeated the process two more times.

The cranial rhythm started back up again and there was no more pulsing under my finger, while still in contact with her hand to check if totally cleared, I asked client while still touch locating breast and focusing in on the associated emotions and event, whether there were any remaining feelings there.

She said no and felt pretty good about herself and her wellbeing as the rhythm remained on and no more pulsing was taking place under finger, I know that all associated energy blockage were gone.

I asked her how she felt after the session: She was sceptical at first and then surprised at how easy it was to work with and asked me if I could work again with her breast congestion at a later date.     

Part 2

Session 2

Client agreed to ECT therapy as she was already seeing improvement in scar tissue   

Background: client suffers from breast congestion particularly during menstruation. Asked client had she looked at being professionally fitted for a new Bra, as too tight a bra along with the wires can led to congestion, she said she had.

She had previously received treatment from a Kinesiologist practitioner who had rubbed her neuro-lymphatic points from the outside of the knee to the top of the hip. Even though working with neuro-lymphatic’s had helped greatly, it was painful during the correction and did not last long term.    

Format of Session:

Client placed her right hand into my hand and touch located her soreness on breast with other hand through top again. Focusing in on the soreness and associated emotions (irritation, overwhelming, annoyance,) I examined the palm and focused in on a particular “spot/cone” then with middle finger gently applied pressure to that area of the palm.

Within 20 seconds a pulse arrived and rhythm had stopped – when asked where she felt it in her body, she could feel it moving to and fro in her breasts.
A memory came up about her being at school and being teased that if she is not careful she will end up with boobs bigger then her mothers. Also a thought came up about being embarrassed in the school changing room while changing in to her gym gear and also another event when changing in front of others.

She focused in on the feelings in the body and we used ET to move, soften and flow the feelings out from the body a number of times.

The cranial rhythm started back up again and I asked client while she was still touch locating her breast and focusing in on the associated emotions and each and every event that came up one at a time, whether there were any remaining feelings there. She said no and I then asked whether she got any congestion in her other breast. She said that the feeling was now gone from both.

So I asked client to touch locate other breast and focus in on the above emotions the rhythm stayed on and no pulse was present under finger which is a strong indication that both breasts were clear of all blockages. 

Client response:  She could not believe the difference in her breasts, they felt more relaxed and less tense. Contacted her a month later and she reported no breast congestion during last menstruation.

Have been in contact with this client over the last 6 years and the scar tissue has now faded  to a level that she is comfortable with and is flat and no longer pronounced and she has not had breast congestion since.     

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