Energy In Hospital - A Life Saver!

Energy In Hospital - A Life Saver!

Here Modern Energy Trainer Lorna Firth shares how a range of Modern Energy Techniques helped her to cope when on New Years Eve she suffered a sudden and unexpected heart attack.

Read On to find out more ....

Silvia Hartmann asked me to write about my experiences and provide some helpful information which may help others, who might be admitted to hospital. So here we go!

Modern Energy has helped me so many times in the past especially Star Matrix, but recently they helped me when I needed them the most.

On New Years Eve 2021 I suffered a Heart Attack and was admitted to hospital. Right from the start of my admission to hospital whilst being driven in the ambulance I started to use Modern Energy, and began tapping for Positive Energy. The crew asked what I was doing and at that point I started sharing Modern Energy with them.

One of the most useful experiences (when first admitted) was whilst the surgeon was trying to explain why open heart bypass was recommended rather than stent procedures. This recommendation filled me with fear and anxiety which I felt in my physical body as a pressure. This is where I used EMO which helped ease these feelings. However it felt wrong to me (the surgery). The Star Matrix language patterns helped me to forward my case against surgery and for the stent procedure (how many people just go along with what the medics suggest?).

I put my argument forward eloquently, clearly and concisely (Star moment at how well it was accepted). The result was they happily agreed to the stent procedure.

Post procedure, the medics agreed the stenting "was just as effective as open heart surgery". Star Matrix enabled me to use language to my benefit and explain MY point.. So a useful technique for others.

On another occasion the Project Sanctuary model came into its own. When I was in hospital I needed to have 2 angiograms (one to investigative and the other for the stent procedure). These where carried out in a place called the cath lab. This is a very strange place!!...... Alien! Strange machines and surgeons working under plastic sheets.

Under the state of sedation the Energy Mind can create amazing Habitats of other worlds, which for me on this occasion made the aspects want to laugh! But you're not allowed as the aspect has to stay still! But my energy was raised and the experience was made more bearable.

During the second angiogram, I felt a light chest pain and indicated to the surgeon. The surgeon then relayed to the attending nurse who asked that they " Please give Lorna more GIN!!!" Was the aspect having a Star Dream??

Another Star Moment for the Aspect was during her trips to her many scans . She noticed the porter was looking really fed up. So, again using Star Matrix words having asked her Energy Mind "what does this person need to feel happier" To which the answer was "positive conversation Energy". So I said "your hair is beautiful. So shiny and I love the colour, who is your hairdresser?" Immediately this person started to smile and chat!! This happened a lot with staff and patients alike and people 'changed'.

On the ward with fellow patients we started a Book of Stars and created sleep habitats. Even though we can be physically challenged and low in Energy, it is so important to attend to our Energy Body. Time and time again I have proved how it is possible to get through what most people would have called 'Traumas' without it being traumatic, with the help of Modern Energy.

I know that everyone in my ward from the medics, to the assistants, to the patients, all benefited from Modern Energy.

I mention once again, what exactly is trauma? Most people would say to me "Have you had a big trauma" "Was your Heart Attack traumatic?". To their surprise I reply "no".

These experiences have been expansion of miracles, where when I look at the before and after, and how many so called traumas I had, there so many Star cascades. They bring along with them the powerful Energy behind the casades. which in turn kicked those traumas into obscurity. People need to know this these techniques, they are Life Saving!

My stay in hospital was explorative and positive (which might sound crazy to some) but it's the truth. I was grateful for all the kindness and professionalism from all the staff, and the nourishing food I had which was tasty and plentiful!!! (who said hospital food was horrible). I am grateful for my family, friends and my aspects. Grateful for Modern Energy skills.

Conclusion: ALL Modern Energy techniques WILL help during any hospital visit. From simple Positive Energy Tapping to the Sanctuary model, from EMO to Star Matrix. These techniques were there when I needed them the most, and they delivered at every step.

Much Love

Lorna Firth

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Lorna Firth
Information about Lorna Firth
Energy EFT Master Practitioner, EMO Master Practitioner, Modern Energy Tapping Professional, Modern Energy Coach, Modern Energy Healer & Modern Stress Management Professional in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland & Longside, Aberfeeshire, United Kingdom.

Lorna Firth has kindly contributed the following titles to the ๐Ÿซ GoE Library:
Star Matrix Summit 2020

Star Matrix Summit 2020

Posted Feb 18, 2021
We're delighted to make the complete inaugural Star Matrix Summit available to members to enjoy. In this video series, Silvia Hartmann interviews key members on their own personal breakthroughs...
view in library โ–ถ

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
view in library โ–ถ

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
view in library โ–ถ

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
view in library โ–ถ

Contact details and membership information for Lorna Firth:

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