Energy Psychology Conference-EC, Toronto: Early Bird Extended
Sharon Toole writes: Dear Friends and Colleagues, Since many of you have been unable to meet the early bird registration deadline for the Fifth Annual Energy Psychology Conference-EC in Toronto - Breakthroughs In Energy Psychology due to the serious blackout which has disrupted the whole of the Eastern Seabord, I'm happy to inform you that the early bird deadline has been extended to August 30. For those of you who have registered and have not yet received confirmation, please be assured that we're doing our best at this time as intermittent blackouts still plague us.
Added Aug 21, 2003
| 11,214 Reads
This year we're excited to welcome Drs. David Feinstein, Eric Pearl, Gary Schwartz and William Tiller as featured speakers as well as presenting. We'll also be presenting some exciting research, in a panel moderated by Dr. David Feinstin on Research Models For Energy Psychology: Learning From The Discoveries of William Tiller and Gary Schwartz We are also pleased to have Dr. Dorothea Hover-Kramer, immediate past president of ACEP, presenting a very important and timely breakout session on Addressing Ethical Considerations for Implementing EP in your Practice: Watch Out for Quackwatch! For the full array of 36 Breakout Sessions, Special Evening Events and Pre and Post Conference Workshops, and to register, please visit our conference website Is seems that this year, more people than ever are discovering the wonders of Energy Psychology and want to learn more. These are exciting times. I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting this conference and in so doing, supporting ACEP. If you would like a brochure mailed to you, please let me know and I'll be happy to put one in the mail to you. If you would like a packet of brochures for distribution, I'd be happy to send that, also. If you're not yet a member of ACEP, please join by visiting their website We look forward to greeting you at what has developed into a world class conference. Best wishes from Sharon Toole, Conference Chair and ACEP's Board of Directors and Education Committee.
Added Aug 21, 2003
| 11,214 Reads
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