Energy Psychology: Theory, Indications, Evidence
New To The Downloads Section: A paper by Joaquín Andrade, M.D., and David Feinstein, Ph.D., which appears in the current version of the Energy Psychology Interactive CD, summarizes clinical observations involving energy-oriented psychotherapy treatments with 29,000 patients from 11 allied treatment centers in South America during a 14-year period.
Added Oct 23, 2002
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The paper, "Energy Psychology: Theory, Indications, Evidence," also offers preliminary guidelines regarding indications and contraindications for the use of energy-oriented psychotherapy, based on early clinical data. The paper, "Energy Psychology: Theory, Indications, Evidence," also offers preliminary guidelines regarding indications and contraindications for the use of energy-oriented psychotherapy, based on early clinical data. In addition to the large sample of clinical trials, a number of randomized, double-blind pilot studies were conducted. One of these compared approximately 2,500 anxiety disorder patients who were receiving energy therapy treatments with 2,500 receiving the established treatment for anxiety disorders---medication combined with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The energy psychology treatments were superior to the medication/CBT protocol in the proportion of patients showing some improvement (90% vs. 63%) and the proportion of patients showing complete remission of symptoms (76% vs. 51%). In a related pilot study by the same team, the length of treatment was significantly shorter with energy therapy than with CBT (mean = 3 sessions vs. mean = 15 sessions). The authors emphasize that these were pilot studies and any conclusions must be considered preliminary and tentative. Nonetheless, the findings are impressive, and they constitute the most persuasive empirical support for the efficacy of energy-based psychotherapy to date. The entire paper may be accessed via The Downloads Section. Also available from Energy Psychology Interactive ... is an internationally acclaimed program designed to teach psychotherapists and psychologically-oriented energy healers the basic principles of energy psychology. Click HERE to learn more about this unique product.
Added Oct 23, 2002
| 9,320 Reads
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