Modern Energy Healer with Sandra HillawiZoom Online | 29 Jan 2022 - 10 Apr 2022
The course is a beautiful experience and journey to learn the art of energy healing and the many ways we can touch and heal the energy body with our hands. Unlike other channeled energy healing, in Modern Energy Healing we recognise the unique gift of love that we each have in our hearts to offer and we teach how to transfer this energy of love through touch. In a Modern Energy Healing session the subject is allowed to be completely passive and in receive mode. This compares to other GoE courses where the client is actively engaged in the healing process with the practitioner. Targeted at specific injuries and blockages in the energy body, the Energy Healer uses The Gentle Touch, The Beautiful Touch and The Royal Touch to add energy and restore and improve energy flow. In this session the client is passive and simply receives, a beautiful and nurturing experience of the energy of love flowing into and through the energy body to re-energise and renew. After understanding the finer dynamics of working with energy we go on and mapping complex relationship onto objects, practice distant healing and finish with touching and feeding the soul energy system. Profound and beautiful. This course explores a new format suitable for distance learning. I have recorded the tutorial and demonstrations of healing in video format for each of the 8 modules and the participants receive the videos weekly, practice on friends and family and share feedback with me by either live zoom or email write ups at their own pace. The course leads to certification as a Modern Energy Healer with The GoE with 1 year standard membership or 6 months professional membership. I am delighted with the feedback, included some of it below, and the results students are experiencing and am planning my next group to begin in April. There are no pre-requisites to join this course. Anyone can join and learn to empower their healing hands of love. Some of the early feedback from the group: "I’ve really been enjoying your videos - they really bring everything alive and I love the energy of them and as always enjoying the simplicity of Silvia’s manual. Even when I watch you on video I can feel your energy touch as if I were there, so I definitely know there is no distance for love to travel. Thank you Sandra for these precious gifts, look forward to the next chapters" x JWhite UK "Wow what a course, I was at a bump in the road , and I heard about the energy healing course, I was not disappointed. It was a wake-up call, like an update healing software package lol with a few home truths and plenty of exercises. It left me feeling like I had been updated energetically, I recommend this course with Sandra, who is very understanding and an excellent practitioner. Cheers again. Brilliant! " P.Smith UK "It was a nice change of pace to not just follow the set hand positions taught in Reiki, and to just trust the process of following the client’s direction of where the hands need to go. The shift in energy was easier and more direct and the session was much quicker as a result. My partner noted and loved being more involved and having a say in the direction of the session. We noted that the healing felt more targeted and therefore more comforting and healing in a sense." CJooste South Africa If you are interested to join the next course the registration link is below. (you may need to copy and paste it to your browser) With love and thanks to all my group, including Corne Jooste, Tanya and John Davies, Jamesylvester Urama, Tom Schaepfer, Paul Smith and Jullie White in this initial distance learning course group. And of course thanks to the wonderful Silvia Hartmann for this most beautiful course in the GoE suite. Welcoming all new enquiries and enrollments. Sandra Hillawi International Master Energy Trainer Modern Energy Healer Course8 Weeks Online for a Journey of Love and Healing Retreat with Sandra Hillawi Starting Sunday 29th January for 8 weeks
Fee £297 for one person Special Offer 2nd person in the household has 50% off fee £150 To help you support each other during and after the training.
1. Your Extraordinary Energy Body 2. The Energy Touch 3. Giving and Receiving The Gift of Heaaling 4. The Beautiful Touch 5. Touching The Matrix and The Royal Touch 6. Healing in The Energy Universe and The Laying on of Hands 7. Energy Constellations and Distant Healing 8. Soul Healing and Soul Connection Addendum Healing with Love This course has 8 weeks of Video Tutorial content with time to practice with family and friends, plus a live 45 mins session weekly with Sandra to share experinces and ask questions.
Registration pages Enrol as two people with special offer
![]() Sandra is a great facilitator/coach/mentor through this process and her feedback was always supportive, encouraging and insightful. I would highly recommend this course. Ellen Epstein ![]() I have found MEH with Sandra is beautiful and amazing, adding a new dimension to my skills as a professional practitioner and Trainer. The weekly format, videos and live meet ups was great. I also had some realisations in the course of the heavy burden I have been carrying. My heart was broken 6 years ago and I ignored what was happening to my soul. I managed to lighten my load during the course of the journey. It's never too late to heal the energy body. Thank you Sandra for your patience, love and professionalism. Lorna Firth GoE Trainer Well I thought this beautiful course couldn't get even better, but the energetic content within each module is absolutely brilliant with practical authentic feedbacks demonstrating the beauty and simplicity of working with energy. So many easy and enjoyable ways to implement healing and make improvement in all areas of your life. So simple a child could do this. I certainly will be utilising this energetic beautiful powerful techniques again. Many thanks for the wonderful course, I have really enjoyed it! Robert McBeth Thank you so much for this course. It was amazing and even though I did not attend live I have watched every video and I shall watch them again to learn even more. I found this an invaluable tool for modern living, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn. With a lot going on in my life at the moment this knowledge and skills will be invaluable to me and I look forward to even more opportunities to use my new healing skills. It was wonderful to see you on the videos and to feel your soft and gentle energy. Saxon Knight It's been a lovely course Sandra, shame it has to end. And Module 8, The Soul, it was so beautiful to touch my soul and feel it expand. This Soul exercise feels like it solves all my problems. Its a short cut for Love of the Self. I'm feeling empowered, more complete, more whole. Every module was amazing simple tools to use and so gentle, so lovely and insightful. Esther McGaw A wonderful course to explore. I love every module especially the last one, healing our soul, a beautiful experience to have. Each module is guiding us to have our simple tool, our healing hands. The pace for the course is just perfect. We have one week apart to explore each module, to watch the video and practice before the live meet ups. Sandra is just wonderful, thank you so much Sandra! Christine Chari. I found the Energy Healing material groundbreaking and life changing. Just the concept of raising love energy and then "touching" another to effect healing is simple and profound. And you are wonderful in explaining and demonstrating concepts and warm and inviting to everyone to share personal experiences. Hearing how others are applying concepts and processes also helps in the learning. Thank you for a wonderful journey and experience, I welcome the opportunity to take the course again, thank you. David Ingvoldstad Sandra Hillawi's MEH Course Students ![]() It was my greatest honour to be taught by Silvia Hartmann. Who better to learn from than the creator of this marvellous course? Silvia’s passion for Modern Energy is contagious - I can ‘t wait to teach this course and use it in my practice. Thank you again, Silvia. ❤️ Brenda Dutertre, GoE Energy Trainer ![]() First time it was in September 2017 and second time in December 2017. Both times my trainer was Katerina Kalchenko. She is a wonderful trainer, very attentive and very openhearted. She goes deep into the topic and charges everybody with her +10 energy). It's a great pleasure to be her student. The most amazing thing is that I have got absolutely different experiences from both courses. But these experiences have fulfilled each other. On the second time i have noticed some things which i didn't learn first time. When i took course in September maybe I wasn't ready enough and was focused on terms and techniques more. But second time I was able to relax and could feel all the beauty and miracle of MEH. The most amazing experience for me is how we can feel the energy in our body and other people bodies, how we can heal the energy body with our energy hands. We have learned how to make beauty (beauty touch) and this technique had a great effect on me. I enjoyed such units as 'energy gifts' and 'energy entities' also. It was so exciting to give energy gifts to each other and receive them with gratitude. And it was very surprising that everyone of us have received exactly what we needed. And the unit "Healing with love" touched my heart a lot. In general MEH course has changed my life totally and it will never be the same. And i am very happy of this. Now I know how to help myself and my relatives and friends. I would recommend everybody to take MEH course more than once. You could go deeper and discover all the breathtaking miracles of energy healing. Olga Yakovleva, student of GoE Trainer Katerina Kalchenko ![]() Well, it was my first experience in such kind of events and it was extraordinary!!! As for the first day I felt some inner confrontation and resistance I guess because the training was groundbreaking!!! But then everything was just fine and I felt peace deep inside. And the main thing is that I felt like the time just stopped and it was generous ever-lasting present moment and it was the most profound experience I have ever had. It is indescribable! Katerina was at her best ,10 out of 10 , she is such an amazing woman, she is very committed! She is the best! Alyona Krymskaya, MEH Student of GoE Trainer Katerina Kalchenko ![]() Katerina Kalchenko ![]() Highlights: blimey, so many: connecting with beautiful people from all over the world; and probably the creative template….that connection with the “true, authentic person”; the royal touch….that physical feeling that my neck had stretched and that my body was actually in the position it should be in and feeling taller with my shoulders back. And after another insight I got from a childhood memory connected tomy shoulder pain, my shoulder is now free from tension too" Debra Byers ![]() It was truly a beautiful experience and I'm honoured to have shared the loving, healing space with some amazing people and energies. I experienced a number of significant shifts over the 2 days and am so thankful to you and the other wonderful souls who helped to facilitate those shifts. It was a very powerful course that has undoubtedly made such a positive impact on my energy body For me, I have made such invaluable connections within myself as well as with some Beautiful people and I know that this will only strengthen as I practise the skills learned from this course. So much of the course has touched my soul and made a huge difference to me. The beautiful touch helped me to heal some painful blocks, which was then enhanced by further work on day 2 with the royal touch and the inner child to facilitate a huge healing shift for me personally. As an EEFT practitioner, I can really see how the hands of power can enhance the tapping and bring some fast, long lasting results for my clients, I will definitely be looking to integrate the techniques into my practice. Please pass on my thanks to Clare and John for their hospitality at Sedgwick Park, I'm sure the environment we were able to practise in, added to the experience of healing and love. I truly feel priveleged to have met, participated and connected with you all. It was a very special love energy bubble which I will never forget. Emily Pearson ![]()
Sandra Hillawi GoE Trainer Trainer ![]() Inspirational, motivational, uplifting and totally empowering - what an amazing way to spend a weekend - just wish it could have been longer! Su Martin ![]() Lynda Aiken GoE Professional Member ![]() Thank you Sandra Hillawi for your passion that you shared this course from, Silvia Hartmann for sharing your creative spirit and Clare Davison for creating such a place of love that only love can be experienced. Love allows all things, accepts all things, embraces all things, love trusts all things and therefore transcends all things. Janet Deane ![]() This event took place 13th & 14th May 2017 at Sedgwick Park UK.
![]() Easy and beautiful to teach, the trainers videos are also excellent preparation, and I also had a chance to participate myself... so I got some nice healing events and special moments working with participants too. I especially liked the Beautiful Touch with Energy Hands.. and the Energetic Entities Constellation Experience ... and The Royal Touch was awesome and... and ... it was all beautiful. How could it not be... with Hands and Hearts of Love. Sandra Hillawi GoE Trainer Trainer ![]() The units I enjoyed the most were ‘Giving and Receiving the Gift of Healing’, best of all Receiving Nature Energy. Touching the Matrix and working with ‘The Creative Template’ showed me all I am capable of when I step into the future aspect of myself and all she can achieve. Energy Constellations and ‘The Healing Relationship Experience’ offered many insights into my relationship with money which really did need some spring cleaning as well as healing. I’ve come away not only receiving what I feel to be deep healing of a personal bereavement, I also feel empowered to share this beautiful training with others. Modern Energy Healing will blow your mind with its simplicity and ease of use for yourself, by yourself and or with others.’’ Wendy Fry, GoE Professional Member, soon to be Trainer Wendy Fry
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