3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi

Zoom Online International | 20 Oct 2022 - 27 Oct 2022

3 Steps to Champion Energy

This was really more than an amazing workshop, it was a miracle!
Less than a week ago my energy was at a real low point. Not knowing how to face or solve the situation in front of me and with no-one to turn to, I had to turn within. After 40 minutes of tapping I was up into Champion Energy, striding around the room laughing and singing poetry flowing out of my flow state !

That was the impetus to do more than write an article but to create a workshop to help others to do get their own Champion Energy and regain their power to overcome and propel themselves forwards. So this was it! And it was amazing!
The replay of the workshop is available fro anyone who missed it. Access it here and join in with the tapping process to get your power back up to The Champion Within.

Access at bit.ly/championenergy (you may need to copy and paste to your browser)

Thanks to the lovely attendees who made a wonderful energised bubble.
We will meet again next month to keep that energy up!

"What a fantastic workshop!!! I was absolutely buzzing afterwards - my next client didnโ€™t know what hit her!"

Corah Clark

"What an amazing workshop! Well I am buzzing throughout totally energised and in my power I am the Champion of all my missions and achievement's and aim to continue touching many people's lives x I feel totally connected to source and now fully trust that all is going exactly as is right and eagerly awaiting my next mission"

Julie Wright

"That was brilliant and so powerful. I feel I am on a mission from God 100% !! Thank you so much! "

Kim Bradley

"I am absolutely buzzing! Can't keep still!! I am love, I am light, I am Divine, I am abundance!
Bless you Sandra and thank you so much! You are AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!"

Liz James

Just finished watching the Champion Replay as I missed the live workshop.

That was beautiful! Actually this Champion Energy workshop is a very special thing."

Dieter Maas

3 Steps to Champion Energy

Tapping Workshop

with Sandra Hillawi

Join Here for this Amaaazing Workshop!ย 


"What a fantastic workshop!!! I was absolutely buzzing afterwards - my next client didnโ€™t know what hit her!"

Corah Clark

"What an amazing workshop! Well I am buzzing throughout totally energised and in my power I am the Champion of all my missions andย  achievement's and aim to continue touching many people's lives xย  I feel totally connected to source and now fully trust that all is going exactly as is right and eagerly awaiting my next mission"

Julie Wright

"That was brilliant and so powerful. I feel I am on a mission from God 100% !!ย  Thank you so much! "

Kim Bradley

"I am absolutely buzzing! Can't keep still!! I am love, I am light, I am Divine, I am abundance!
Bless you Sandra and thank you so much! You are AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!"

Liz James

Just finished watching the Champion Replay as I missed the live workshop.

That was beautiful! Actually this Champion Energy workshop is a very special thing."

Dieter Maas






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