Money with Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu

Mavi Okyanus | 28 Jun 2024

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GoE'nin harika, meşhur, YENİ

PARA!!! Kursu ile

Para Frekansınızı !!! Bir ÜST seviyeye çıkarın!

Silvia Hartmann tarafından yaratıldı.

Önce Enerji!

Tüm değişimler, fiziksel dünyada tezahür etmeden önce enerji seviyelerinde başlar.

Dünyanın en deneyimli kurs yazarı tarafından özellikle sizin için yaratılmış özel bir dizi Modern Enerji teknikleri, kalıpları ve yöntemleri ile iyileşin, yenilenin, şarj olup Enerjinizi yükseltin.

Yldız Olayı Kazanın!

Gerçek değişim sadece Yıldız Olayları ile gerçekleşir - enerji sisteminizi bir üst seviyeye taşıyan güçlü, kişisel, tam beden deneyimleridir.

Tüm GoE PARA !!! Kursu tam olarak buna odaklanmıştır - SİZİN gerçek anlamıyla PARA ile olan ilişkinizi dönüştürecek olan kendi YILDIZ OLAYLARINIZI YARATILMASIDIR.

Mükemmel Egzersizleri ile Bir Hazine Mağarası!

Bu olağanüstü yeni Modern Enerji kursunda, Silvia Hartmann, son 35 yılda dünyanın her yerinden insanlar ile edindiği engin deneyimine dayanarak, kendi favori alıştırma ve tekniklerinin paylaşmaktadır.

KENDİ YILDIZ OLAYINIZI oluşturmak için favori egzersizlerinizi seçin!

YENİ Yöntemleri Öğrenin, Silvia Hartmann ile YENİ İçgörü Kazanın!

Modern Enerji Yaratıcısının Silvia Hartmann'ın “Enerji” ile ilgili egzersizlerini deneyimleyin. Bu basit el kitabı ve kurs boyunca uygulayacağınız teknik ve alıştırmalar ile para hakkında çok daha fazlasını öğreneceksiniz.

100% Pozitif, 100% Yükseltici & 100% İlham Verici!

Gözyaşı yok, travma yok, sadece% 100 olumlu, GÜÇLÜ Modern Enerji ile dünyanıza parlak, taze, temiz YENİ fikirler, ilham ve gerçek POZİTİF değişimi getireceğiz.

Fantastik, heyecan verici, eğlenceli -% 100 ilham verici ve canlandırıcı!

Kolay, Doğal, Pratik ve Mükemmel!

Bu muhteşem kursta kesinlikle normal bir insanın yapamayacağı hiçbir şey yoktur.

İşleri doğru yaptığımız zaman kolaylaşır!

Bu kursun size sağlayacağı doğal, basit ve inanılmaz derecede güçlü deneyimleri çok SEVECEKSİNİZ!

Bunlar başarmak ister misiniz?

  • Sonsuz PARA !!! Sorunlarınızı çözmek?
  • Finansal Enkarnasyonunuzu bir üst düzeye taşımak?iyiye doğru dönüştürmek?
  • Eski olan her şeyin üstesinden gelip yeni, taze bir başlangıç ​​yapmak?
  • Nihayet gerçek dünya başarısı için kendi potansiyelinizi anlamaya başlamak?
  • Daha iyisi için GERÇEK bir değişiklik yapmak?

Eğer cevabınız EVET ise!

O zaman GoE PARA !!! Kursu sizin için.

Bu oğlan üstü GoE PARA!!! Kursu neleri dâhil ediyor:

  • PARA Kursu El kitabı
  • Goe 3 aylık standart üyelik
  • GoE eğitmeni tarafından canlı veya on- line eğitim
  • GoE PARA Kursu Sertifikası

PARA Kursu Ünite 1: GoE PARA!!! Kursuna Hoş geldiniz!

Para Neden Önemli - Para Stresinden Para Başarısına - Enerji Ortalaması - Yıldız Olayları – Enerji Şimşek Deneyimi - Aktif Olarak Değişim Aramak - PARA !!! Kurs Kurulum Cümlesi - Altın Kalbi – Önce Enerji!

PARA Kursu Ünite 2: Pozitiflerin Gücü

Pozitiflerin Gücü - DAHA FAZLANIN GÜCÜ - DAHA FAZLA ENERJİ! Akış Egzersizi - Üç Adımlı Enerji Akış Egzersizi - Enerji Pozitifleri ile Enerjiyi Yükseltme - Pozitif Anılar: Hazineleriniz & Zenginlikleriniz - Enerji Tapping: Bir Yıldız Anıyı Etkinleştirme - Eksik Olaylar – PARA Sevgi Korkusunun Üstesinden Gelme - Yüksek Pozitif olarak PARA - PARA Enerjisi ile enerjiyi yükseltme!

PARA Kursu Ünite 3: Enerji İlişkileri

Ünite 3: Enerji İlişkileri - Güzel Para Egzersizi - PARA Çizelgesi: Suç & Utanç Ötesine Gitmek - Enerji İlişkileri - Balon Ortalamaları - Balon Enerjisini Artırmak - Balonlar İçin Enerji Pozitifleri - DAHA FAZLA Vermenin Gücü - PARA Hediyesi - İş Varlığınız - Adım 1 – İşiniz ile Bağlantı Kurma - Adım 2 - Olumlu Pozitifler ile İşinize Enerji Verme - Adım 3 - Harika İş Enerji Akışı - EMO Enerji Dansı - Neşeli PARA !!! Dansı

PARA Kursu Ünite 4: YÜKSEK Çözümler

Yıldız Nehri - Ruh Çözümleri: EMO Düşünce Akışı Tekniği - Bilinçli Düşünce Döngülerinden Kurtulma - Algının Kapısını Açmak - Başarı İçin Ruh Çözümleri - İyi Fikirlerin Gücü - Akışı Açmak İyi Fikirler - Fantastik PARA Fikirleri! - Yaratıcı Enerji – Fontan/Çeşme Alıştırması - SuperMind Çözümleri - PARA Bahçesi - Gelecek – Mucizelerin Kutsaması - Alkış! - PARA !!! Kurs - Son İpuçları

GoE PARA!!! Kursu Kapsamlı El Kitabı

Pırıl pırıl, tamamen renkli PARA !!! Ders Kitabı.

Daha fazla bilgi edinin, tüm kilit noktaları anladığınızdan kesinlikle emin olun ve tüm ders materyallerini ve alıştırmalarını derinlemesine anlamak için ihtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm diyagramları bulun.

GoE PARA Kursu Sertifikası

Kurs Bitiminde PARA Kurs sertifikanız GoE Eğitmeni tarafından verilecektir!

GoE'ye ÜCRETSİZ Üç Aylık Üyelik

GoE Enerji Kütüphanesine erişim ve daha fazlasını içerir.

Harika geri bildirimleri!

Bu kursun ilk defa satışını Ocak 2019’da başladık.

İşte katılımcıların söyledikleri:

  • PARA!!! İle ilgili hayatını bir ÜST seviyeye götür!
  • SİZİN İÇİN GERÇEK Yıldız Olayına Doğru Çalışın!
  • Şaşırtıcı yeni bilgilerini Modern Enerji Yaratıcısı Silvia Hartmann’dan öğrenin!
  • SİZİN için çalışan mükemmel YENİ enerji tekniklerini keşfedin ve uygulayın!
  • PARA Hayatınızı bir üst seviyeye çıkaracak Yıldız Olayını kazanın.


  • Çıkış yolu olmayan döngülere hapsolmayın ve burada bir dakikanızı bile geçirmeyin.
  • Sonsuza kadar PARA stresine hapsolmayın!
  • Daha fazla PARA için daha fazla çalışman gerekmiyor!
  • Başarılı olabilmeniz için Yıllarca terapiye ihtiyacınız yok.

Gerçek bir kalp değişikliğine ihtiyacınız var - SİZİ bir üst seviyeye çıkarmak için gerçek bir Yıldız Olayına.

Kendine bunu gerçekleştirme şansını verin.

PARA!!! Kursu ile I enjoyed this course and it was well worth the money I spent on it. This is my 1st time through the entire course and I will take it again and most likely a few more times after that to pick up on things that I missed the 1st time through.

I would recommend this to others who are on the fence and are thinking about taking it because Silvia is a great presenter and you will learn some good information about energy and you'll learn some valuable techniques for working with your energy body. Highly recommended!

Edward Warnock

PARA!!! Kursu ile Thanks To Silvia and The GoE for the amazing Money Course, I enjoyed every second.

Senem Şahbudak

Oksana Chabot Interestingly enough, after starting the course and doing the exercises, I got a desire to do a part-time work (I am a stay-at-home mom and in school currently). Then I received a small scholarship (my star event) and then I got a message from the creator of a business school that I went through over a year ago who all of a sudden got interested in what I'm doing.

We'll see where that goes, but it all seems to be working together at the moment. Definitely feeling inspired. I did sign up for MET training and want to do it professionally on the side!

Oksana Chabot

PARA!!! Kursu ile The course was a good value. I really learned a lot about energy. I enjoyed the course because it was interesting, easy to follow and fun. Yes I will recommend it to others. Silvia thanks for all your effort to help us.

María Piedad Perrone

PARA!!! Kursu ile This is a wonderful course for not only raising money energy and creativity but appreciating and creating wonderful energy flows in relationships and life. The Energy Garden is a wonderful part of this course where you can create Wealth in the true meaning of the word..well being in all areas of your life.

Natalie Ross

Richard Hyams This course is wonderful! Especially when taken with the Modern Energy Intro Course. Even though the focus is money many, if not all, of the exercises can be used an any topic. The techniques have become part of my daily practice as I am adding more each day. The whole approach is so positive and energizing. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to take their money game to the next level. I do not think there is another course out there like it.

Richard Hyams

Martina Konecna A very discoverable course for me! I had many Star Events! The first one was a +10 Event - where Money Flow was synchronized with a real storm and heavy rain outside our house! As the 'Money Flow' increased inside me to +10, immediately it started to rain and then a storm with lightening outside!

I will never forget this surprising gorgeous experience! I know, I´ll be repeating this course more times. Maybe the storms will come again :) You can apply these exercises and techniques to many other topics you are interested in. Very nourishing learning! The 'Expansion' - this is in one word what my energy system with happiness has learned during this course. And it continues... Thank you very much Silvia!

Martina Konecna

PARA!!! Kursu ile LOVED this course! So many beautiful and illuminating techniques and teachings from Silvia. Thank you sooooo much Silvia! I will be returning to this again and again.

Janine Hunt

PARA!!! Kursu ile Really enjoyed the course! Great value for money and really do feel the exercises working on a vibrational level. Made loads of notes and will be using these techniques regularly for many situations. Thank you Silvia!!

Ady Swain

Lori Bryson-Harbin Excellent course both Energetically and Spiritually! I would recommend this course to anyone with a desire to change their lives for the better.

This course was monetarily reasonably priced. For the wealth of life changing information that one gets, I know personally that you would pay far more elsewhere! Since the onslaught of the Pandemic World Wide, most would not be able to afford what other Agencies charge. For this I am grateful, that it was made affordable. I believe we can create positive change.

Lori Bryson-Harbin

Paul Smith, GoE Member This course is spot on what i needed ...with a great new upgraded snow globe model! Brilliant and truly inspiring and helpful. The exercises are really great. I always yawn when we do them, not because i'm bored, but that's the sign that my energy system is reactivating, and energy is moving for me.

I recommend this course big time!! It's very good value for money.

Paul Smith, GoE Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile This course has been transnational, inspirational and wondrous. Thank you Silvia for the treasure trove of energy exercises it contains - all of which are so wonderful to experience. I feel my energy self has been revived and rejuvenated - and I still have work to do, which is fine, and the tools with which to continue! I feel it was very much value for money - and gives me a real sense of hope for the future. Thank you :)

Jennie Harding, GoE Member

Erica Weeda, GoE Member Enlightening, thought provoking, uplifting & worthwhile! Love it!

Erica Weeda, GoE Member

Bulent Altinkaya, GoE Member Perfectly energising, very informative and transformative course.

Bulent Altinkaya, GoE Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile I very much enjoyed the Money Course! The exercises were simple and effective - raising my energy standard and really taking me to +10. I would recommend this course to anyone who would like a fresh perspective and relationship with the beautiful - money - energy. Very innovative and compelling concepts and I'm eager to practice more and see what new and beneficial experiences unfold for myself, my relationships, my business and Money. Thank you Silvia! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Georgia Atsaves, GoE Member

Elif Acar, GoE Professional Member The course was perfect for me and I strongly advise it for everybody. I learned so much good information and really enjoyed it. I thank you very much Silvia Hartmann.

Elif Acar, GoE Professional Member

Samuel Mansaray, GoE Member Brilliant information about money and the energy body system. More importantly is the unblocking the money blockages in our energy body systems. I learnt a lot of new things did not know before. Good value for money and i would recommend it to any one who wants to enjoy life to the fullest. Thank you very much Silvia Hartmann.

Samuel Mansaray, GoE Member

Sebnem Koral, GoE Energy Trainer This course is really good. It was an amazing experience for me... Thank you...

Sebnem Koral, GoE Energy Trainer

PARA!!! Kursu ile The course was good value for money. I will be repeating it more than once. I did enjoy the course. I am reminded of how I love a round of applause.

Joanne Simpson, GoE Member

Diana Sturm, GoE Energy Trainer Great course! There are a variety of exercises and information so that whatever may be blocking your money success, you will have energy sent to it to evolve the issue. I definitely had some star events and will go back and re-experience specific sections.

Diana Sturm, GoE Energy Trainer

Janet Anderson, GoE Member I enjoyed the course. Lots of useful tips and exercises to raise my energy or get unstuck. I would highly recommend it.

Janet Anderson, GoE Member

Emily Tuck, GoE Professional Member Brilliant Course I look forward to using this with my clients friends and myself to continue to constantly improve my relationship to money!!! Constant forward movement!! I highly recommend this course.

Emily Tuck, GoE Professional Member

Alper Akbaş, GoE Professional Member The course was good value for money. I learned a lot of thing and also i enjoyed the course very much. Thank you...

Alper Akbaş, GoE Professional Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile The course was an awesome value for the money. I learnt how to raise my energy concerning money. I think I really made peace with money and welcomed money into my life with open arms. I found out more details on a surprising block I had concerning making more money. I laughed, I cried and was just so amazed about what I found out. I came out of this course with a list of things I really want in my life.

This came out as part of a star event. I had many star events that ticked me. I was able to think about money in a light and happy way. And, to tell you the truth, this is the very first time I felt so relaxed and joyful about my finances. Silvia Hartmann, thank you so so much! I don't remember ever having so much fun learning. I am not done either. I'm going through the course again. I recommend this course to everyone. They will not be disappointed. Change your relationship with money by taking the course.

Marlene Taylor, GoE Member

Dieter Maas, GoE Trainer Absolutely worth the money, way to low in price. I learned a lot, and I enjoy the course so much, that indeed my energy level average got to a new level. I immediately recommended the course to my own training participants and they got so inspired that I had to offer them a form of the money course, to do with them, which got them highly satisfying results.

I can't recommend the course highly enough, even given the high quality of all the GoE courses. This one is so special!!

Dieter Maas, GoE Trainer

Jorge Vence, GoE Trainer This course beautifully and succinctly puts together what is possible with energy work, it has enabled me to shine the light in areas of stress I wasn't aware of, and at the same time helped me to evolve them and transform them into star events.

Jorge Vence, GoE Trainer

Jerome Johnson, GoE Member This course was priceless to me and everyone should go through it. I learned tons about how energy and lack there of really does affect us.

Jerome Johnson, GoE Member

Joyce Hue, GoE Professional Member It's an amazing course! Encourages me to do better in life.

Joyce Hue, GoE Professional Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile Great value for money and so inspirational! Fantastic exercises most of which I am sure to do on a daily basis. Thank you for this course!

Angelika Hüting, GoE Member

Özgür Kara, GoE Trainer Worth it's weight in gold. I had many star moments during this course and it stirred up thoughts and beliefs in me that I was unaware of.

I will use the exercises over and over, for myself and with others. Ultimately, it leaves me with more freedom and illumination than I had at the start.

I look forward to a flow of money that I can do wonderful things with. Thank you Silvia, you were fun, wise and inspirational.

Özgür Kara, GoE Trainer

PARA!!! Kursu ile This Money course, was for me like A Star Event, a Golden Star event! Thanks to Silvia and her colleagues.

Kyriakos Petrou, GoE Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile This course was very surprising and refreshing. I've learned a lot about energy and money. Thanks dear Silvia for this great course!

Carmen Obernosterer

PARA!!! Kursu ile I enjoyed the course. My favourite parts are the Power of Energy Flow and the Money Garden. A heart warm thanks to Silvia for suggesting and encouraging everyone to keep going over the course and listen with afresh.

Catherine Bradley, GoE Member

Christa Nebel Curran, GoE Professional Member This is such a beautiful course which I really do recommend to everyone! I have learnt a wealth of things; it is absolutely fascinating to listen to you, Silvia, and also to watch how exactly you are doing the exercises!

I will do the four units and all the exercises again and again - the experience gets better and better every time! Thank you SO much, dear Silvia, for this wonderful gift!

Christa Nebel Curran, GoE Professional Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile I really learned a lot from this course. I think I can use all the techniques here not only for money but for many other issues in my life.Thank you vere much Silvia Hartman and the GOE💕

Özlem Öğüç, GoE Member

Wendy Fry, GoE Energy Trainer What an amazing, experiential course this is. I had such fun working through the units, identifying with positive star money memories and doing the expressive money energy dance.

I gained fabulous new ideas, personal and business insights as well as gaining new clients, new students and new income.

I'm currently thinking about money in a good way and having a far better relationship with wanting it and being open to receiving it. If you have any doubt about doing this training, get out of your own way and let the magic of money flow in. It will be worth it.

Wendy Fry, GoE Energy Trainer

Anne Beck, GoE Professional Member There was much more to this course than I could have ever expected from a course with this title. Now I can see myself using what I learned both while facing the inevitable aspects of life and when things I really want to endeavour for are on my mind. Experiencing more positive energy is for everything!

My participation during this course was filled with high positive experiences so even if I never used a single exercise again it would have been worth taking. But that won't be the case. I will use them all.

One of my favourite exercises was the future one. I could perceive myself across time and that's something I could never do before. It was easy and it felt so optimistic. If only I had this information years ago. I am so grateful to have it now. Thank you, Silvia.

Anne Beck, GoE Professional Member

Jana Nemcova, GoE Professional Member This course is very practical with lots of information and exercises - especially unit 4. I enjoyed it. I can recommend it to every person.

Jana Nemcova, GoE Professional Member

Ilka Wandel, GoE Energist Trainer A fantastic , beautiful and inspiring course to raise energy and to learn how to raise the energy, in the perspective of creating a beautiful connection with money, so that more money can flow into your life.

It helps how to get better money and business ideas in an elegant and playful way.

Ilka Wandel, GoE Energist Trainer

PARA!!! Kursu ile This course was well worth the money. It was full of ways to positively connect with energy. I learned many great exercises to share and grow energy. It was fun to tap and do the exercises with Silvia Hartmann videos.

Katrina Davis, GoE Member

Sonia De Juan Gonzalez, GoE Professional Member I really enjoyed the course. My energy rose to a very high levels besides that I was suffering a really difficult and painful situation. I had some star events that make me feel in a different level about money and with a lot of peace and hope about money and other things of my life as well.

I was Emo and SuperMind Master but this course has opened my mind to another energy beautiful world, a very easy one.

I learn lots of new things and really recommend it. Thanks Silvia for your generosity. I receive much much much more that expected. Much Love for you

Sonia De Juan Gonzalez, GoE Professional Member

Nimet Özkan, GoE Energist Trainer The money course is far beyond the expectations. It was a great course that accelerated the flow of money. I was impatient to offer it to my students and those interested.

Nimet Özkan, GoE Energist Trainer

Susan Saloom, GoE Professional Member Worth it's weight in gold. I had many star moments during this course and it stirred up thoughts and beliefs in me that I was unaware of.

I will use the exercises over and over, for myself and with others. Ultimately, it leaves me with more freedom and illumination than I had at the start.

I look forward to a flow of money that I can do wonderful things with. Thank you Silvia, you were fun, wise and inspirational.

Susan Saloom, GoE Professional Member

Linda Kinsella, GoE Professional Member I was totally unaware of my blocks and shields around having more money, and this money course not only highlighted them to me, but quickly and effectively dissolved them!! A very joyous and energising course with practical self-help techniques. Highly recommended!

Linda Kinsella, GoE Professional Member

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member Thank you Silvia Hartmann for creating this amazing course. I thought it was extremely good value for money. I learned a great deal of very interesting stuff and KNOW that my money energy aspect has evolved as I feel so different now about money.

I thoroughly enjoyed doing the course and highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. The course has opened my eyes to how we think and feel about money and has helped me get more of the stuff!

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member

Olga Yakovleva, GoE Member Thanks a lot for this wonderful course! It have changed my experience and thoughts about Money deeply! The more we give the more we have! Giving more creates high energy flow. I've created high energy relations with my business entity and its just amazing experience!
The idea that I've liked most is: ENERGY first! It's became my motto.

We can create really fabulous Star Events only at the high energy levels! I'd strongly recommend the MONEY!!! Course for all people! Its not only about Money, its about living happier life!

Olga Yakovleva, GoE Member

Aynur Apaydin, GoE Energist Trainer It was a great experience for me. I enjoyed it very much. A lot of fun and energy-laden, knowledge-laden training. Great work for us and our clients. Thanks a lot Silvia!

Aynur Apaydin, GoE Energist Trainer

Joanne Johnson, GoE Professional Member I have really enjoyed this course. It was very clear and easy to follow and I really resonated with the concepts taught. It was very good value for money and this makes it accessible to more people.

I have to say since becoming self- employed last year, this month I made the most money which did seem to flow toward me with greater ease - I think discussing money and really looking at your relationship with money actually makes you more comfortable with the idea of having more money because its perfectly natural and as it should be.

Joanne Johnson, GoE Professional Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile It was a wonderful course!

Judy Hoyt, GoE Member

Sevgi Şahin, GoE Energist Trainer I am very happy that i have completed this wonderful course. I am happy to have completed this brand new GoE money course and happy to be one of the first people who have completed it!

In all the training's I have done so far, this was one of the surprising, deep, and fun ones. Thank you Silvia Hartmann

Sevgi Şahin, GoE Energist Trainer

Prabha Nagaraja, GoE Energist Trainer I enjoyed the course very much and learnt so much in every unit! The course is packed with information, tips and exercises that are fun and practical.

I thought that Unit 3 was the best for so many reasons and I see myself revisiting it again and again :) The ideas of 'energy first', the 'money chart', the EMO dancing were some of the highlights for me.

Thank you Silvia for this wonderful course!

Prabha Nagaraja, GoE Energist Trainer

PARA!!! Kursu ile This is a superb course that never stops teaching new things the more times it is repeated and the power grows each time. It was excellent value for money, highly enjoyable.

I would recommend wholeheartedly

Llanfairpg Jones, GoE Professional Member

Dawn Rivera, GoE Member An exceptional value! Transformative on money perspective. Highly recommend! Many thanks to Silvia and the GoE team!

Dawn Rivera, GoE Member

Murat Aydın, GoE Energist Trainer Since the course started, there was a spectacular increase in my work and money flow. My income increased by 40% compared to the previous month. This enabled me to do my work in a more fun and efficient way, and helped me feel safer when I increased the flow of energy. I am excited to share this course with my clients. This course was also excellent in terms of seeing the synergy that came into being when I used the techniques together I knew. Thank you Silvia for this inspiring course, love :)

Murat Aydın, GoE Energist Trainer

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member I have had many, many star moments - a river of star moments - so grateful to Silvia Hartmann for creating this course and fully recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member

Rania El Tahtawy, GoE Energist Trainer This course was really beyond my expectations, I had a stream of star events that shifted my relation with money to happy, easy and loving level. I do recommend it to everyone. It's a life turning point

Rania El Tahtawy, GoE Energist Trainer

PARA!!! Kursu ile A fabulous course which has shifted my negative mindset about money to understanding the concept of Happy Money. Loved especially Treasures and Riches exercise, (super star event surprises and insights) EMO thought flow, EMO Money Dance, YAY! Clearing Doors of Perception, Super Mind Money Garden. Feeling inspired, energy rich and now open to receiving golden flows, in, through and out of Happy Money. Amazing Silvia. Good Job. Thunderous Applause.

Denise Godfrey, GoE Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile Silvia Hartmann offers so many fun, out of the box activities in this money course. Not only was it an absolute joy to participate in, but more money came my way!

I'm already half way through repeating the course, and I get the sense that more money will come with each repeat. I feel big shifts in my energy, and know that the money will follow.

Thank you Silvia, for sharing your heart of gold with us!!!

Gina Mongiello, GoE Member

PARA!!! Kursu ile I really enjoyed the course. I am very thankful for letting all of us benefit from this course by doing it via distance learning.

The course helped me to get a new approach of my money values, to see it as less stressful. The exercises are very energising, full of interesting content and set ups I would not have thought about in connection with money issues.

I am very excited to continue the exercises even though the course is over for now.

Joelle Hoffmann, GoE Member

Darlene Two Trees Cannon, GoE Professional Member Delightful, wonderful and magical!

Darlene Two Trees Cannon, GoE Professional Member

David Caldwell, GoE Member Excellent value!! And excellent introduction & overview of GoE Modern Energy techniques to put Energy First in solving hard-world challenges. Thank you much!

David Caldwell, GoE Member

Corné Jooste, GoE Professional Member I LOVED every single exercise throughout this course. Each one opened and flowed more energy through systems and pathways that clearly didn't received this much attention in forever... I'm literally buzzing, with so many star moments, connections and insights still pouring forth.

I look forward to keep working with these exercise going forward and my future aspects are so excited to see the money garden grow and bear fruit.

Absolutely amazing course and highly recommended!

Corné Jooste, GoE Professional Member

Paul Grant Woo-hoo! I am so happy to have completed this astonishing new course. I have the honour of being the first person in the world to complete the brand new GoE Money course! It is the most profound, amazing and fun course I have ever done. Thank you Silvia Hartmann for this incredible gift to the world. It is a huge paradigm shift in our understanding of and relationship with money. Wishing everyone a weekend of money magic. 😀💛✨

Paul Grant

Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu
  •  Mavi Okyanus Eğitim Danışmanlık
  •  Beldibi Marmaris, Mugla, Turkey
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