Star Lab - Star People (To The Rescue!) with Silvia Hartmann

Online | 7 Oct 2024 - 28 Oct 2024

Silvia Hartmann StarLabs 2024

Star People (To The Rescue!)

Book StarLab

Modern Western society places a lot of focus on having to prove yourself as an individual and having to do everything by yourself.

This has led accidentally to a structural disconnection from our "friends in High Places" - our ancestors, our own Higher Selves (the part of us who knows!), our souls, and our Star People.

In this special StarLab, we are going to explore and rebuild the connections through which energy, information and love will flow.

Our Star People have so much to give us - powerful protection, quite literally "having your back," insights, guidance, inspiration, life giving energy we need to not just cope with the Hard, but to continue to evolve, grow up and move into our perfect flow in this incarnation.

In each of the four sessions we are going to call upon one of your own special Star People, a one who will stand for them all, to restore and revitalise these all important connections we need to stay strong, stay healthy and get on the right track - especially in these times of change and chaos all around us.

Four StarLab sessions, four wonderful opportunities to connect with your four most important Star People. Four experiences which together become more than the sum of their parts.

Join us for a journey never before taken, and restore the very real energy connections to your own Star People in the process, to set the pattern for ALL of your Star People to become far more actively and positively supporting you in this life.

  • Note: This group is a safe space, so these recordings are only available to the lucky eight voyagers on a trip of a lifetime

Please note that there are only three places remaining! If you want to set-sail with Silvia and this group, please book now or register your place with the office ASAP!

  • 4 weekly full length group video sessions
  • Replay recordings
  • Lab notes transcripts
  • Private forum for ongoing monitoring & support after the Star Lab completes.
Silvia Hartmann
  •  The Guild of Energists
  •  East Sussex, England
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