Modern Energy Dating with İpek ŞekerdilZoom Online (Turkey) | 8 Feb 2025 - 9 Feb 2025Congratulations to Canan Guney! Browse upcoming events or contact organiser.
![]() The training helped me to identify where I hold back from taking action on both personal and professional levels due to past experiences and also future fears with the opposite sex as well as possibly misreading signals when others have been 'interested in me' and my presumption of the intention behind the interaction may not always be true. It was helpful for me to note 'that it's okay to be an attractive woman, to welcome attention and to be confident and proud of my assets as such and still have the ability to say no if something doesn't feel right for me and that it is okay for me to be picky in terms of attracting the right people, situations and circumstances into my life. Both the training and the book I highly recommend if you want to move beyond hoping Mr or Mrs right will magically fall into your life. Using the techniques and tactics shared you'll bring the energy of attraction into your life and become a more attractive, more desirable and more social, if you want more sexual abundance too, there's nothing stopping you except yourself! Wendy Fry, Energy Dating Coach ![]() Alex provided brilliant understanding and insights into this specialised coaching. The expanded understanding of the Energy Chart and how to apply it to different situations is invaluable to working with clients in this field and can be applied to many different areas too. The Energy of Attraction book is truly a masterpiece and the exercises are brilliant and deal with practical problems that people face in their social life. I loved it and I am very excited by the possibilities this training offers me in developing my business as well as my leadership and social skills. Big thank you to Alex Kent for following his ideas and creating this training. Paul Grant Energy Dating Coach ![]() Sandra Hillawi GoE Trainer of Trainers ![]() Jorge Vence GoE Trainer ![]() Ilka Wandel GoE Trainer
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