How To Change Feeling A Failure Into Feeling Powerful And Energised
Maggie Noskeau Writes: I have been working with a client for a few weeks now on a variety of issues, using conventional therapy and ET. He likes the mixture of the two approaches.
The first time I introduced him to ET was when he arrived in a completely dejected state of being, as he felt a failure in an area of his life which was different to the one we had been working on in the previous sessions. He had a decision to make and was unable to make it.
He looked and sounded very miserable as he flopped down into the armchair for our session. So I listened as he talked about what was happening for him and what he was dealing with, then I summarised all the feelings he had identified that he was feeling. He said he felt: frustrated; guilty; dejected; depressed; worthless; lost confidence; dejected; and a failure!
So we talked about how the pain he was feeling in various parts of his body are as a result of energy blockages or build-ups and that he and I could enable these energy blockages to soften and flow and allow energy to flow in through and out so he would feel revitalised and light instead of dejected and heavy.
He struggled at first to get the energy to soften and flow, so he told me he was pushing the blockage out and said “I am determined it is going no matter what!” I watched him begin to smile as he was focusing on feeling the moving energies and his whole appearance began to change. Then he found he could actually get the energy to soften and flow and the smiles got bigger and bigger along with his sense of powerfulness as we checked out each of the feelings, to ensure everything was running smoothly and no blockages remained.
It was a joy to see and experience the smiles and laughter and look of amazement on his face as he realised that each of the ‘pains’ had now completely gone and he began thinking clearly, powerfully and discussing the pros and cons of the decision he needed to make.
Now he was smiling so broadly and had so much energy he literally bounded out of the chair as the session came to an end, and he was raring to go and discuss the decision with his partner.
We have already identified some more issues which he wants to ET in future sessions. In the meantime he sees the value of taking in nutritional energies from nature, letting them flow in through and out, to help him keep energised and prevent blockages.
As he also understands the sense in not hanging onto positive energies and experiences which he has, so there are no blockages, only even flow of energy.
We likened it to a memory stick for a computer, and how no matter how useful and positive the information you have on it, it will become full and not allow anything else to be downloaded if you don’t empty it as you go along. There is no need to hang onto the energy of positive and nutritional experiences and nature – in, through and out allows our energy bodies to take in all the nutrition we need without it becoming stagnant and blocked.
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