AMT Trainer Sandra Hillawi writes: "As a frequent flyer to Egypt and an EFT practitioner I am surprised that I haven't run into many opportunities in the air to offer assistance for nervous travellers. On my recent trip to the Red Sea, in March, I finally had the chance."
AddedApr 7, 2006
| 9,824 Reads
Alison, travelling with a friend was having real problems getting on the plane and indeed staying on it, and despite anxiety medication, was extremely stressed during take off. I had asked the cabin crew if I could swap seats to help her out and we succeeded in managing the anxiety during the flight to Hurghada. Still Alison was very anxious about the return flight so we agreed to meet at the airport prior to the return for a proper EFT session, to release a take-off trauma from 4 years earlier. Her plane had hit an air pocket, the engine noise changed and the plane dropped for afew seconds and in that moment they all thought they were going to die.
So there we were, sat in the busy departure lounge of Hurghada airport, in the midst of Egyptian Bazaars, waiting passengers and hovering flies, as it was very hot. We tapped for about an hour and a half on all the apsects of the earlier flight and anxious flights since then, much to the interest of onlookers, passengers and local tradesmen who had never seen anything like it. Alison reached a confident relaxed state in preparation for this flight back to the UK which she was delighted about, and actually marched on ahead confidently to board with no medication. There was still a small anxiety in take off about an engine noise change, as we hadn't cleared this trigger completely, but over all she was fine, and happy through the rest of the flight and landing. The local egyptian tradesmen came up to ask what we were doing and all were given mine and Gary Craig's website. So tapping in public is a good thing!
The letter below came from Alison a few days later which I would like to share with you. It really is a great privilege to have these techniques and skills to be able to help a person in need when the opportunity arises. as it did on this occassion.
Dear Sandra,
I don't really know where to start by thanking you for what you have done for me. I just cannot believe how fortunate it was for me that you were on my flight.
After my hypnosis sessions which were unsuccessful in curing my fear of flying, I believed there was no real hope and I would have to get by the best I could. I had never heard of EFT before and now I find myself telling everyone about it and how it works.
You really have made such a difference to my life, and although I know I still have a little way to go, I feel so confident about flying that I can't wait to do it again. Of course I'd feel better with you by my side to reassure me when things get tense but I know I have to learn to do this alone. Managing most of the landing while you were asleep proved to me that I can do it and it gave me such a great sense of achievement. The whole flight was one of my best ever, even if it was a bit bumpy and noisy at times.
Anyway I hope you are well and that you enjoyed your time in Egypt. I had a brilliant holiday, it really was one of the best holidays I've had and partly that is down to you. Thank you so much for what you did, words alone cannot express how grateful I am.
Kindest regards, Love from Alison XXX
First Published In April Edition Of Meridian Lines, Sandra Hillawi's ezine about EFT and energy healing.
AddedApr 7, 2006
| 9,824 Reads
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