Gentle Touch & EFT - Free Healthcare For The 3rd World
This is a report of a demonstration program that clearly demonstrates
that alternative healing has a place in the Third World. It tells
what we have been doing in Mombasa, some of why we do it, and gives
some of the results. The emphasis is on the Gentle
Touch and EFT.
However these alone are inadequate. I believe that the only thing
holding back a much more intensive use of alternative methods in
developing countries is the lack of effective demonstrations.
Added Aug 21, 2002
| 16,254 Reads
Alternative Healing and the Gentle Touch in the Third World By
Paul R. Newcomb INTRODUCTION This is a report of a demonstration program that clearly demonstrates that alternative healing has a place in the Third World. It tells what we have been doing in Mombasa, some of why we do it, and gives some of the results. The emphasis is on the Gentle Touch and EFT. However these alone are inadequate. I believe that the only thing holding back a much more intensive use of alternative methods in developing countries is the lack of effective demonstrations. India’s incoming president Kalam and I have one thing in common. We both have learned that when you pursue your dreams the universe usually conspires in your favor. As a young man I was taught how to relieve pain after it had achieved its purpose of alerting us to the fact that the body required additional action on our part. After retiring I dreamed of a world where everyone knew the simple technique that I called the Gentle Touch. This is a world where chronic pain is a thing of the past. As a result the past fifteen years have been spent in pursuing that dream. This has been a period of mostly false starts and failures with just enough success to keep the dream alive. Both the military and industry employ small groups of scientists with varied backgrounds in the search for new products and improved procedures. These are often called “think tanks” and this is where I worked. A major portion of our time was spent in seeking lower cost solutions for our systems. We would search for everything our opponents and others did to reduce costs. And then we would try to find a way to implement these into our system. I was naïve enough to think that the healthcare system worked the same way. I ran into one dead end after another while still thinking that the world will beat a path to your door when you have a better mousetrap. Believe me when I say that it just does not happen in healthcare if you have a no cost or very low cost solution. At first I thought “I must be doing something wrong as it is obvious that the Gentle Touch works.” Then I started reading about alternatives and found that they all suffered from the same problem, which is “The refusal of the medical establishment to accept low cost solutions to human problems.” The proponents of low cost alternatives all have the same tale of woe. They just experienced it a little differently. The literature of low cost healthcare is filled with one classic instance after another of an Old Economy industry leveraging its power to kill a promising alternative. I reached the conclusion that the only solution to this problem was to go to the Third World that really needs no cost solutions and demonstrate its usefulness there. The military services all use test organizations to demonstrate usefulness of a weapon or system prior to releasing it to the troops. I decided that testing no-cost healthcare alternatives was feasible in the Third World using the same types of procedures as those employed by these test or operational evaluation groups. No research is involved. Either it works or it doesn’t. As a result of the study of this problem I also became aware of what is truly available through alternatives. It became obvious that what was needed to solve the problems of the developing countries was a combination of alternatives primarily because many of these can be effectively used in the home with minimal training. In order to have broad general use in the Third World the plan should be a preventative maintenance plan that is based on a limited number of alternatives. Each of the combination of alternatives should meet the following: Have a general use against a wide variety of injuries and/or illnesses.
For the past five months I have been working with the Mombasa Catholic archdiocesan health program. I have been responsible for the introduction of some alternative techniques to this ongoing healthcare program that serves some 4,000 patients by a team of 200 volunteers supervised by 8 nurses under the direction of Brother John Mullen, RN a Maryknoll brother. I thought before I came that I would be working with just the Gentle Touch and EFT. It soon became apparent that a lot more was needed than just these two no-cost techniques. I found that there are a number of no-cost alternatives that will go a long way towards meeting the Third Worlds actual healthcare requirements, This is probably the most controversial paper of the conference. This is because it is recommending an entirely new approach to the healthcare system of the Third World. Anytime you recommend major change to a system you always get a lot of static. I am not a doctor and could probably not reach the conclusions I have reached if I had had medical training. While young my dad taught me an effective pain relief method using nothing but the hands. There are some in Mombasa that call me a healer because of the results we have been getting. These include relieving the pain from over 90% of more than 1000 patients in the slums. We found dehydration to be the major cause for disease of the diocesan patients. We restored restricted movement to over 30 individuals. I hesitate to say cures because I honestly do not know how many were cured, and I cannot consider anyone as being cured as long as they are seriously dehydrated. I spent my professional life in the “think tanks” of the military and industry as an Operations Analyst or Chief of Operations Research (OR). It started with five years in Naval Mine Countermeasures ending up in charge of the Office of Naval Research Mine Countermeasures Program during the Korean War. This got me interested in OR. From an OR standpoint the problems of a disease in the body or a mine in a channel are both the same type of classical countermeasures problem. There is something you should be aware of about OR. That is it seldom gets results on systems that are operating smoothly. But if a man-machine system is all fouled up, then OR will frequently be responsible for an order of magnitude improvement to the system. The Third World healthcare system lies somewhere between non-existent and all loused up. I believe that the slum dwellers of Mombasa are close enough to those in developing countries that similar results can be expected throughout the Third World. Among statisticians there is the saying that “when the results are obvious. You do not need a statistician.” I have a background in statistics that includes originating and developing “Statistical Mine Hunting” for the Navy and “Statistical Load Forecasting” for electrical utilities. When dealing with health problems you would like to consider only those methods that are obviously helpful. When we work on a wrist for three minutes that has been essentially immobile for six months and the patient now has full mobility it is obvious that what we did was helpful. One does not need a double blind experiment to prove it. Doctors do use alternatives. An example is Dr. James S. Gordan; a Harvard trained physician and clinical professor in psychiatry and family medicine at Georgetown University who suffered from allergies since childhood. He became allergy free for twenty years after trying a natural remedy. He said, “I didn’t try the remedy because there are good controlled studies on it. I did it because it is something natural healers have used for centuries. If it works and is harmless, in my view, you don’t need double-blind controlled studies to tell you so. I think people should experiment and see for themselves if it works.” He said in two sentences what I am trying to say. Everything that is recommended in this report is also obvious to anyone who will go out in the field and try it. If a method can do no harm and it costs nothing it is worthwhile trying. This is true if the success rate is only 5 to 10 percent. However I have learned the hard way, to not go out on a limb with an alternative procedure unless I am reasonably sure that the success rate is in excess of 50%. Our learning consists of both passive and experiential knowledge. I doubt that anyone will accept the passive knowledge in this report until they try it out and test it for themselves. When they find that “IT WORKS” for them they will have it experientially. The poor in Mombasa are not allowing their natural skepticism to deny the benefits of alternatives. They have experienced that they work. On any given day we would visit from 7 to 15 patients. The volunteer would take my interpreter Mary and I to the patients home. About half the time a nurse or teacher would be included. We were always pleasantly welcomed. The volunteer would get a report from the patient about the condition. She would give Mary a summation of the patient’s history. Mary would then tell me what was wrong in English. Almost all of these patients had a pain somewhere. If it was a simple case we would have the volunteer; the patient or the spouse remove the pain with the Gentle Touch. This would normally take about two minutes. We were trying to teach both the patient and the volunteer. If it was going to be a one shot treatment the volunteer would do it. If it was a condition that was going to take repeated treatments the patient or spouse would do the touching following Mary’s instructions. If it appeared to be a more difficult case then Mary or I would handle it. Most of the time the pain would be gone in from 2 to 3 minutes regardless of who did the job. This would leave the patients spellbound. As a result they would listen to us more readily and often do what we suggested. You must recognize that the only thing the poor have is their self-respect. Unless they believe that you are on their side they will politely listen to whatever you say about changing their lifestyle. They will not argue with you. After you leave they will go back to their old way. You can also forget about trying to change any ones attitude towards their sickness if they are in pain. As a result the first thing we always do is take away the pain. After this we may be able to help the patient with his serious problem. Naturally there are a number of conditions that are reversed when the pain is gone. The types of things where you can remove the pain in a few minutes with the Gentle Touch include:
You can also remove the pain from fractures and open wounds. However you have to stick with the patient until professional help arrives if there is a fracture or open wound. The patient can be taught to handle his own headaches, insomnia or genital problems including hemorrhoids. DEHYDRATION Once we have removed his pain, the patient is now receptive to any thing that we say that is reasonable. We are now ready to go to work and try to isolate the patient’s primary problem. Dr. F. Batmanghelidj in his book “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water” calls for an ounce of tap water daily for every two pounds of weight. This is 9 or 10 cups a day for a typical 150-pound man. A number of other authors require more water. Our initial visits were in the very poor slums of Magongo with its rented houses and the even poorer mud squatter’s huts in Bangledesh and Miritini. There we felt that almost all patients were dehydrated because they were only drinking 2 or 3 cups a day. Lately we have been working in the better neighborhoods of Chani and Bomu. The patients here appear to be drinking even less water. Only 12 drank the recommended amount, while 84 drank half or less of Dr. B’s criteria. He was right on when he said, “You are not sick, you are thirsty.” He was also right when he stated that many of the things we call disease are merely symptoms of dehydration. I did not come to Kenya to teach people to drink water, but that is really needed, so a good bit of our patient time was spent in this area. With some we used EFT. I first wrote on this following a day where we left three heavy set matrons tapping while stating in Swahili “I did not like to drink a lot of water but they say that my problems including the swelling in my legs are due to not drinking enough. I will drink my ten glasses today and every day from now on.” With others we had to get hard nosed. A number of the volunteers are convinced that they are wasting their time and precious drugs on those who refuse to drink an adequate amount. There are many others who would like to get into the program but can not due to lack of funds. I told several that I would not be back until they started drinking their quota. Some of the volunteers backed me up by saying that they will come back only if they drink. We were all surprised to find that this worked for many but not all of the dehydrated. It worked better than the old way that the program used of recommending that they drink a dozen cups a day in the hope that they would drink at least six cups. This did not work at all. Brother John will return from his mandatory state side leave about 10 August. He will have to make a decision on two very strong recommendations. One of these is to drop those who refuse to drink. One of the major effects of dehydration is the reduction of the volume of blood circulating through the body. The body’s natural defense against this condition is to reduce the flow of blood to selected areas and organs. When we are sick it is often due to a build up of toxins in a blood depleted area or because the antibodies to the problem are not being transported to the area by the blood. There are drugs and procedures that will correct these local conditions. However the defense system then selects another area to cut off and the result three months later may be worse than the original problem. Many of us have observed the following progression in friends or relatives due to dehydration. It may start with high blood pressure followed by angina and a heart bypass operation. Diabetes may then be discovered and then gangrene of the toes. A series of operations over the next three years has the patient sitting in a wheelchair with both legs gone. By the time the patient is planted in a stateside grave the combination of the government, HMO, health insurance, the patient and his relatives may have shelled out from one to two hundred thousand dollars or more for something that never would have happened if he would have been drinking ten glasses of water a day. It is true that almost all doctors will recommend to their patients an adequate amount of water to drink. But they do not get hard nosed and as a result the patient almost always disregards the recommendation. I praise the Lord for the surgeon that got hard nosed with me about smoking. He changed a three pack a day habit to cold turkey the next day. HIDDEN SPASMS There are also spasms that do not generate pain. The most important of these are found about an inch from either side of the center of the spine. These are associated with vertebrae being out of place. There are a number of chiropractors that eliminate these spasms by causing a rather violent local move of the vertebrae that returns the vertebrae to its normal position and erases the spasm. They call this an adjustment. This has been practiced in the US for about a hundred years. Chiropractors have found that there are specific vertebrae that are almost always out of position for various diseases and have maps of the spine showing the area that is responsible for various diseases. Those that practice Logan Basic Chiropractic use an alternate approach. Logan removes the spasm and the vertebrae go back into place. The only substantive difference between BTT and Logan is the polarity. We now have to call it BTT because somebody else beat us in registering the name Gentle Touch. Logan uses the right hand at the base of the spine as the trigger point and searches with the left. The Touch uses the left on one of the trigger points on either side of the head and searches with the right. The volunteer goes up and down the spine stopping between each pair of vertebrae and pokes the right index finger into the patients back with about 5 pounds pressure. If the patient does not feel pain go on to the next point. If he feels pain back off to about a pound of pressure for eight seconds at the same point then poke again. Most of the time the patient will say gone and you go on to the next point. If the pain persists you may have to go through 4 or 5 cycles to get it all out. This is a method that should be tried every time that there is a sickness. A few husbands and wives are using this on each other here in Mombasa. It is simple, easy to learn and effective. With practice you will be giving a treatment that is every bit as good as that given in the average chiropractors office. I would much rather have Mary work on my spine than most chiropractors. Eliminating back spasms is one of the things to be done with the Third World Plan at the first sign of a possible disease. SKIN PROBLEMS Urotherapy has been used for skin problems for more than 5,000 years. There are more than 300,000 reports on the Internet about this technique that appears to clear up almost all types of skin problems. Many have a psychological block stemming from their childhood about using this self generated antiseptic that contains trace amounts of whatever the immune system is producing to alleviate our skin problems. These produce a homeopathic effect when massaged over affected areas. Our patients are told to put about a sixteenth of an inch of their own urine on a plate. Put the hand on the plate to wet the palm and bottom of the fingers. Massage the affected area until dry. Repeat for 20 minutes. Repeat three times a day until the problem is cleared up. EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (EFT) Many psychiatrists have recently started using EFT as an important technique in their treatments. This is because they are getting more cures in less time. This is particularly important on those cases where insurance policies limit patient time. In Kenya we are using a simplified version of EFT developed by a New Jersey clinical psychiatrist. In this version we have the subject cross his arms and tap his upper arm. This simple method is much easier to teach and we get the same results as we would with the more complicated procedure proposed by Gary Craig who is primarily responsible for the advances made by using EFT. There are three parts to the use of EFT. The patient states a personal problem area. A statement of a possible solution called an affirmation follows this. While making these statements the subject is tapping his body somewhere. When I was questioning the many areas of tapping that seem to work, I saw some Orthodox Jews praying on the TV news. Their heads were really bobbing. It instantly came to me that this was EFT. As a result I have gone to the masters of affirmation, King David and Saint Paul. In the Bible we can find all kinds of affirmations. The Psalms and the book of Ephesians are loaded with them. The symptoms of a disease are used rather than the disease itself in the problem statement. For example we tell a malaria patient to state, " Although I have some of the symptoms of malaria, nevertheless it is written by his stripes I am healed." EFT acts on the subconscious that in general believes the last thing that you speak about a particular area. It is written means to our Bible believing clients that this is the absolute truth. The stripes refer to those Jesus received before being crucified. The tapping seems to me to be a method that causes the subconscious to reject anything in the future that is counter to the message delivered by EFT. Most of us have experienced feeling real good about something that lifted us up. And then we have destroyed it by complaining about some little ache or pain. I am convinced although there is no proof that the major effect of EFT is to cancel the many negative messages that we all make throughout the day. You get what you say. But if you have used EFT in an area and then make a foolish mistake like saying I feel lousy today, the past EFT will not permit that message to get through to the subconscious. I am sure that there are many that will disagree with this rather simple concept. But it seems to be working for me. We also use this to get them to drink their water. "I did not like to drink a lot of water but they say that I am dehydrated therefore I will drink my nine glasses today and every day and like them." We had to do something to get them to drink their water I was in an Islamic home and didn't know it. After getting rid of the pain I started to give her an appropriate Christian affirmation in English. The nurse interrupted and said she is Moslem. Recovered by giving her the affirmation "I love myself and Allah loves me." She continued tapping as we were leaving. Since becoming aware of EFT I am convinced that God had these placed in the Bible for us to use and to use frequently. Poverty is the major problem here. I have mentioned tithing to several and suggested that if they tithe they also test God as He suggests in verse 10 of the third chapter of the book of Malachi. I just do not know what would happen if all Kenyans did this. I would not be surprised at anything good that happened to those who took God up on the challenge he gives to mankind in this verse. Tithing is dear to my heart as it enabled me to recover from burnout. It is an effective countermeasure because it greatly improves the patient’s attitude towards his problems. I try to dream up an appropriate affirmation for those who elect to use it. One went “The rent is due and I have no money. However I have accepted God’s challenge and I am now tithing and He is raining down on me a blessing that will enable me to always pay the rent on time.” I know that he paid his rent a couple of days later. Most Kenyans have been put down rather severely by others in their past. This includes the volunteers. When we give a seminar for the volunteers we finish up with more than a dozen affirmations from the first three chapters of Ephesians substituting I for we, us, our and you as appropriate. We start them with verse 3 of Chapter One. "I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." These volunteers are truly the Kings Kids. Hopefully we will get them to start acting and believing deep down in their subconscious the way that God looks at them through the use of EFT. We are using a number of no-cost solutions in the diocesan program. If you examine our work in detail you will probably conclude that EFT is the glue that holds our approach together. RELIGIOUS SERVICES A Duke University study shows that those who attend services regularly require only half the number of hospitalizations as those who do not. In addition the stay required is halved. This program describes the differences in attitude between churchgoers and those who do not attend. It encourages participants to take advantage of available churches and to form neighborhood study groups where none are available. Harold G. Koenig, M.D. is the author of “The Healing Power Of Faith” that reports this study. It is almost impossible to beat the cost effectiveness of going to church as the first element of your healthcare plan. The preceding tells it like it was supposed to be. Once you get out in the field you find many things that you did not anticipate. One of these was that we almost always had an audience. The audience frequently had aches or pains that needed to be removed. One was a little four-year-old boy who had been resting in bed with his AIDS patient mother. She was covered with open sores. Two weeks later these were all gone except the ones on her right foot. The kid was coughing a lot and had no energy. I checked his back for pneumonia and got terrific feedback of both pulsing in the fingers and vibration of the web of both hands when making contact with the right in the middle of the kids back. Years ago my parents told me there is no excuse for losing a pneumonia patient as they always have a spasm in this area. Remove the spasm and the pneumonia will go in a few hours. He was OK when we saw his mother two weeks later. My interpreter Mary had a cousin present when we removed her fathers headache due to malaria. The cousin had not used his arms for months because of pain in the elbows. Both arms were restored in about three minutes. We took away the pain from many infections and open sores.of the audience. Earaches and headaches were relieved. At one seminar that we gave to teach the Touch we invited those who had aches or pains to come forward and try it. In the next hour Mary and I removed the problems of over fifty people with 100% success. We each needed help on two occasions so we did what my parents did when they were stuck. We traded off patients. And the other was able to handle the firsts problem. This points out that the Touch is not an absolute science. We really do not know how it works. But that is not important as long as IT WORKS. I am sure that some of the pain removal on this day was do to the placebo effect and some was due to rather trivial pains. From 20 to 30 of these were probably for real including two cases of restricted movement and the one that developed the new earache procedure. A number of changes have been made as a result of the more intensive use here in Kenya. Perhaps the most important is the use of the palm of the hand on the trigger point rather than the index finger. This contact is easier to both find and maintain. Patients frequently move and you can maintain contact when this happens with the palm. The right index finger was always used in the area of the pain in order to get feedback from the muscle spasm. We are now often using the right palm. There is seldom any feedback felt by the operator when the right palm is used. This is sometimes the only way to remove the pain. Massaging while maintaining trigger point contact is also new. The use of the up-down method of restoring restricted movement was developed as well as the procedure used for earaches. We made one serious mistake in the development of the diocesan program. That is we allowed volunteers to use the Touch on patients before they were fully trained in its use. We wanted people to learn the use and it is just too easy to take away simple pain. As a result a number of the volunteers now think that they really understand the Touch but they do not understand all the nuances that can only come from a little formal training. My primary recommendation to Brother John when he returns about 10 August is that he insist upon a one day training program for all volunteers followed by home visits with the nurses or teachers as observers. The bulk of the pain problems are handled in a few minutes. However there are others that take considerably longer. We would stick with the patient until the pain was gone or until we could not see any improvement. There was a case of a woman who could not walk for over a year. She had a large vertical muscle sticking out on the right side of her spine that was as big as a good big cigar but harder. It took the volunteer, Mary and I working on that muscle for an hour and a half until we got it back to normal. After about a ten-minute stretch your arms get tired and this is why we were trading off. After it was back to normal we had her walk about twenty feet. And told her to try to increase the distance every day. Her daughter lived with her and we taught her what to do for this muscle that would probably be bad on the following day. There is something about the Touch that can only be explained if one believes that we are all much closer connected than we normally consider. Mary’s hands frequently go right to the trouble spot without any indication of where it is by the patient. I can sometimes do this but Mary is much better at it than I. My dad would do the same thing but mother seldom would. Their maid Mrs. J. had hands that also seemed to know just where to go. There must be something that tells the subconscious what to do. Perhaps we are mutually interdependent in ways that we do not realize or understand. As a result of my experience training people in their use I am convinced that with a simple adequate training program the developing counties can have a healthcare program that will satisfy the bulk of their injury and illness problems. The program assumes that:
Both prevention and treatment will be by a combination of no-cost methods augmented by conventional methods where alternatives do not work well or where the patient is mot responding to the treatment. Only those no-cost methods that are safe to use and have demonstrated their usefulness are considered. The technician will have access to a database, doctors and can call for emergency transportation if needed through a satellite communication system. There are a number of alternative treatments that are being effectively used by small numbers of people that have become aware of their benefits. There are many reports on some of these. With few exceptions doctors do not explain these no-cost alternatives to their patients. Instead a high cost treatment or testing program is recommended to the patient. The medical establishment claims that they have not been scientifically proven because there has been no double-blind test of the method. And none will be conducted because there is no money available for the testing of methods that will cost the patient nothing. Is it really unreasonable to ask that the no-cost methods be tried first or at the very least simultaneously. Demonstration programs designed to determine if a method works or not are very inexpensive if conducted in Kenya. Only one out of thirty two or less rejections will be found If the alternative naturally works half the time or more for a simple test with five subjects. If one or more subjects are improved then test fifteen more subjects to get a feel for the actual success rate. Before computers there were many worthwhile advances in agriculture made with just twenty trials. It is my contention that methods that are safe, cost nothing to use and can demonstrate their effectiveness should be included in health planning. This is how advances are made in most other fields of endeavor. It is unfortunate that demonstration programs of these alternatives are almost impossible in developed countries because of legislation that is supposedly designed to protect the public but instead discourages the evaluation of cost Saving procedures. These impediments to progress are not yet found in the Third World. In my home state of Florida I could be subject to judicial punishment for lightly touching a 60 year old grandma and restoring full movement to her right wrist that she had not moved for six months. The Third World seems to be begging for more money for more drugs that they cannot use effectively rather than looking at what they can do for themselves. I believe that the results found in Mombasa can be duplicated anywhere at essentially no-cost. The results here are just the opening phase of an approach that will make many more alternatives available to the world. Some of us sing, “What so ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto Me.” Helping those in the Third World to become familiar with what they can do with no-cost health methods is doing it to the least of His brothers. The alternatives considered all have a history of effective use, some going back as far as 5000 years. Of course these could all be used in developed countries. But they are not because most doctors do not recommend no-cost procedures. The developing countries need help now. They are facing tremendous economic problems that keep them from really benefiting from modern medicine. There is now no viable route to effective Third World healthcare other than making the maximum use of no-cost alternatives. A large proportion of the Third Worlds problems are found in rural areas that do not have doctors available to make the diagnosis required to make effective use of drugs. One of the things that you learn in the military is that a poor plan well executed is better than a good plan poorly executed. In working with developing countries healthcare planning you must use the KISS approach where KISS means Keep It Simple, Stupid. If it isn’t simple it will not be well executed. This means that you can only have a very limited number of alternatives in your plan. They all have to be easy to teach. They have to be countermeasures that are useful against a wide variety of problems. This is why we usually select alternatives that strengthen the body’s immune system. The proceeding is prevention oriented. It does very little to provide cures for the pressing problems of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. These present problems are not being met. This is particularly true in the rural areas of the Third World where those that live there are dying like flies. It is common in operational evaluation to make a preliminary test in order to determine the actual testing requirements and develop an analysis plan. We conducted a small seventeen-day test ending on 29 July. This test was designed to determine the instrumentation I should bring back when I return this winter. There were five subjects who were HIV positive. The most significant result of this test was how it changed the way these subjects intend to work in the future. Two of the five will be spending the next two weeks with Mary as she visits the diocesan sick. They will be getting experiential knowledge of the diocesan program that will enable them to use and teach it. They will then return to their homeland in rural Kenya. Carol will be going to Kisuma near the Ugandan border and Meshack to Bondo north of Lake Victoria..They will also be teaching how to live with HIV and get better as a result of what they learned in the test program. These are not naïve enthusiasts from another world. These are natives that know the people and HIV. They have been living with HIV and not improving. Carol’s husband died three years ago with AIDS. Meshack had been living with the problem and without hope for two years. They now know experientially that a very tough no-cost three-week program will most probably lead to eventual remission of HIV. If it does not their bodies and immune system will be in such good shape that they can continue to live and work a normal life without the fear of either AIDS or TB as long as they continue a reasonable follow-up plan. I am absolutely convinced that the only hope for the developing countries is to find no-cost treatments to these scourges that can be taught to and by the local citizens. I did not believe that I would find teachers qualified, ready, willing and able to go out into the rural areas of the Third World this soon. It is great to watch the universe conspire in your favor. These two will make lots of honest mistakes and that is OK. An honest mistake is far better than doing nothing. We will all learn from them so that these do not continue to adversely affect others that follow in their footsteps. The other three subjects want to teach the HIV program here in Mombasa as they are not free to move for personal reasons. If Brother John gives permission this will start with diocesan HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria patients with Mary as instructors around the first of September. Two of the two outstanding candidates for no-cost alternative treatment for HIV/AIDS are Hulda Clark’s parasite and pollution program and John W. Armstrong’s approach to urotherapy. The pollution program requires the elimination of benzene from the body as it is believed that the virus makes its home in the thymus and bone marrow only when benzene is present. Armstrong’s urofasting program eliminates oral ingestion of trace particles of benzene. As a result the two approaches were combined in this preliminary test plan. On 12 July the subjects started the diocesan plan. This calls for drinking a lot of water. By 15 July the subjects started urofasting. When adequately hydrated the urine becomes a nearly colorless, odorless and tasteless substance. This is important at the start of a fast. For the next two weeks they ingested nothing but urine and tap water. No foods, medicines or liquids. This was really tough on the second day and one had to return to eating some food on the ninth day. Now Rose, the oldest subject, says I just tell my neighbors that I have to take my medicine. Urofasting was just part of the program. The subjects were to use the zapper to electrically remove parasites daily. They also took each other’s back spasms out daily. They were expected to massage themselves with their own urine for two hours a day. We met daily for prayer and EFT to help their attitude. By the tenth day they were all absolutely enthused about the program. Their main comment was that it should have been performed in isolation in order to eliminate those times when they failed to follow the program. They all failed in some minor ways. They seem to believe that if there had been no failures on their part they would now all be in remission. This was reinforced by John’s test on the tenth day. John has worked with HIV/AIDS programs that were nowhere near as aggressive as this for the past three years and has had dozens of HIV tests. These normally took about two minutes to declare him positive. It now took 19 minutes and he and the others were convinced that this was due to a partial remission. After two weeks on the complete program three of the subjects took an entire hour to be declared positive. This included a retest of two of these when nothing was happening after 30 minutes. All of these subjects had about four or five little problems at the start of the test. All but the last of the following were gone by the fifth day and this was noted on the tenth day. The removal of these problems was essentially the same as that experienced by AIDS patients when the drugs start to have an effect. These included:
One of the results is that all five now have hope for a complete cure. They appreciated the aggressive approach that was used. They had all experienced easier programs that did nothing for them. When they teach others they will not pussyfoot around. It will be like it was here, if you want to be helped without putting yourself out try some other program. They also know that there are dozens of other alternatives to be tried if these fail. As a result these five do not suffer from the fatalistic resignation to the HIV problem that is so prevalent. They will fight instead. HIV PROGRAM SUMMARY These subjects were treated in many simultaneous ways. We do not know which of these or which combination was responsible for the improvements seen. This is not important because they were all no-cost methods that are simple and easy to perform in the home. Their attitudes were improved by pain removal, churchgoing, tithing and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). They became hydrated. Any muscle spasms in their backs that could possibly interfere with their protective system were removed. Their skin problems were eliminated. Pollution that may have been responsible for their HIV was reduced. Parasites were removed. The normal loss of antibodies to HIV was greatly reduced as these were reingested. These subjects now have a core program that they can follow at no-cost with a minimal investment of less than two hours per week of their time. They will not vacillate by trying a number of other methods that may or may not work but would ultimately result in losing their primary core program. They can always go for all of the conventional treatment that they can afford in the rare event that they are still in trouble after using this plan as their comprehensive healthcare countermeasures program. Old men are allowed to dream. I dream of healthcare systems where some 80 to 90 percent or more of the problems are handled within the home by no-cost alternatives. This would be the bulk of the problems. It would require effective supervision that would also provide ways of handling those problems that were not being helped by the basic core program. The system would cover both urban and rural areas. It appears that there is a requirement for a team of supervisors that perform the same functions as the volunteers in the diocesan system. The US Navy provides medical services to small ships that have technicians but no doctors. Its system provides a model that can be adapted to the needs of the Third World. These supervisors or technicians could be local healers or teachers who are in remission from HIV. They would require a short period of training in the use of alternatives and drugs that are used in areas that the alternatives are not effective. Their training would be a modest extension of that given to our subjects that are going back to the rural areas. They will require salaries, local transportation, access to a database and doctors through a satellite communication system. As a perpetual optimist I believe that a foundation can be set up that will insure that 90 per cent of the funds received will go directly towards meeting the legitimate expenses of the Third World teachers. Lack of education is causing many unnecessary deaths in developing countries daily. The world can continue to do virtually nothing about this or it can do the best it can with what is available. The problem is similar to the mine warfare problem the British faced early in World War II. They realized that the mine problem had to be beaten or they would perish. They met the problem head on by requisitioning fishing vessels and assigning them the task of keeping the channels free of mines. They did not wait for a perfect solution. This was a learn as you go operation. And the British were able to supply their needs throughout the war even though Monday morning quarterbacks can find many ways to criticize their early countermeasures program. Those in the Third World may not know it but they are facing health problems where the only out is to fight or die. Any way you cut it making alternatives useful in the Third World will also be learn as you go. This is what we have been doing in Mombasa and we are nowhere near the perfect solution. But we are getting results because the alternatives work. Many fail to realize that the systems that are perfect on paper almost always require extensive modifications to operational procedures when first employed. A system can be developed that uses no-cost alternatives for the bulk of the problems and supplements this with conventional practice where the alternatives fail. It will be cost effective if based upon the diocesan program plus the Navy’s small ship system and it makes the most of available no and very low cost alternatives. This is what developing countries need. Their research should be directed towards demonstrating more and more no-cost approaches. That is the easy and inexpensive task. The primary effort would be educating the masses on a limited combination of effective alternatives. A seed has been planted. The volunteers, Mary and the five subjects watered it as it was sprouting. No-cost alternatives may be God’s solution to the bulk of the Third World’s suffering. If this is so it will grow and become available to all men. If not it will wither and die. There are a few of us who will do everything we can to cooperate with God by fostering this growth. Perhaps some of you would care to also walk down this less traveled road. Maybe we will see how the universe conspires in our favor. 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Added Aug 21, 2002
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