German Information - EFT Auf Deutsch!

German Information - EFT Auf Deutsch!

Dear Friends, I've put a package together which contains information in German about various aspects of EFT & BSFF. There is also a German EFT On A Page Protocol to download.

Other Links:

EFT Practitioners in Germany 

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques ™
  • Klopfroutine
  • EFT-Verfahrensweise
  • EFT – PR-Korrektursätze
  • Collar-Bone-Breathing-Technik
  • Tearless-Trauma-Technik
  • Be Set Free Fast™
  • Hemmende Glaubenssätze
  • BSFF-Verfahrensweise
  • BSFF – PR-Korrektursätze

    The material is part of my course handouts and is based on:

  • Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques; The Manual, 1999
  • Peter Lambrou and George Pratt: Emotionales Selbstmanagement (German translation of their book), 2000
  • Christine Sutherland: BSFF - The Fast Track to Personal Freedom
  • as well as on my own experience.

    I teach day and evening courses in EFT and BSFF in German and also in English. I also travel to other countries when I am invited over by a group of at least 6 people. My courses are small, never larger than 12 participants.

    If you have any further questions, please send me an email.

    With kind regards,

    Maya de Vries
    Muehlenhofsweg 5
    51069 Koeln (Cologne) Germany
    Phone: ++49-221-6803147
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