"Netflix for Energists" - GoE Digital Library Now Open!We're excited to announce a huge new benefit for GoE members - the Guild of Energists Digital Library. This wonderful new resource comes at no extra charge and is similar to a "Netflix for Energists" where you can enjoy as much content as you like.
Already the library contains a wealth of modern energy content for learning, relaxing and to help live life at the positive end of the SUE scale.
Added Apr 27, 2017
| 5,558 Reads
The GoE library is feature packed and content rich to help you find the perfect title for you right now:
We've got hundreds more titles to add to the library over the coming months including conference presentations, modern energy inspired music, energy hypnosis and more. You'll going to love it. Anyone can browse and search the library but only subscribers can view content:
Added Apr 27, 2017
| 5,558 Reads
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