How to Grow CONFIDENT!

How to Grow CONFIDENT!

Energy EFT Master Practitioner & Modern Stress Management Professional Jorge Vence shares with us the 10 simple steps to becoming a more confident and popular person in his new book, Growing Confident

Read on for the full article...

Good day energist.

Today is a very important day to me, it's my third birthday (metaphorically speaking!). It's the birth of a great part of me, as a chain of aspects came together and spoke up, shared their story with me, and the world. That is how my first book, Growing Confident: 10 Simple Steps To A More Confident You, came to be.

As an energist I understand laws and concepts new and alien to many, and often my aspects and myself are caught up in the middle of it all. Self-doubt, self-worth issues, lack of vision and the past all came to haunt me.

“Every story starts with a decision, a choice having to be made. Sometimes it is a conscious decision, other times it is an unconscious one.

"Whether you are aware of it or not, when that decision is made, it is for the better.”

The above extract opens the book in chapter one, and although writing the book was 'easy', that was a decision which was made by an aspect for the better, and trying to make this world a better place.

Growing Confident is a self-help book, where I share with the reader how I became a confident young man, and the easy steps I followed to do just that. The book (especially the paperback version,) would make the perfect holiday gift for friends and family who might need help, and are too 'embarrassed and/or ashamed' to either admit it. or do something about it.

As I write this newsletter I can clearly see the similarities between Growing Confident and The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution (available early 2016) by Silvia Hartmann. They both invite you to tap into your inner fountain of resources, where you are in control and only you call the shots, moving you up gradually, but surely in The SUE Scale, towards your true self, a congruent, logic and loving being.

“Confidence is about helping others, empowering them to see their real potential, and overcome their fears, limitations and obstacles.

"Being confident is having off-days, and feeling doubtful and fearful because it is in our DNA. The real evidence is when you say to yourself: “It is OK to feel this way and I will get on with what I want to do. I will just do it anyway.”

"Being confident isn’t about wealth or riches. On the contrary, it is about being humble and true to your roots, to who you are, a loving being.”

The above quotes form part of the conclusion to Growing Confident, confidence is about helping others, empowering them to see their real potential and overcome their fears, limitations and obstacles. This is a concept we understand, yet oftentimes we 'forget' or 'neglect' to put into practice.

I invite you to take action today, and get your copy of Growing Confident, in fact get a copy for every person you know, and show them how much you care by giving them hope, breathing life back into their lives, and empowering them to be their true selves.

I firmly believe this is how we can make this world a better place, by being courageous, and by being a caring a giving person.

The moment I understood that I had to be the evidence of change I wanted to see in this world I learned a valuable lesson, Confidence, Love, Growth, Evolution, Care, Empowerment, Wisdom, they all start with us, with you.

Remember, you are important, you count, you just need to realise it and Grow in Confidence; so then and only then, you can accomplish and fulfil your dreams. You can BE the real you and as a result you will be able to do and have anything you want, the world will truly be your oyster.

“What is it you can do, when you live confidently?

"The answer is plain and simple.


Thank you for your time dear friend, I appreciate and love you.



Growing Confident - 10 Simple Steps To A More Confident You! - Book by Jorge Vence

In the wonderfully inspiring Growing Confident, author, life coach and poet, Jorge Vence, shares his insights and his journey of discovery of how he become a confident person, someone who is in charge of their life, and has the energy to go out and make the world a better place.

Click here for more information about Growing Confident, and how to get your eBook or paperback copy TODAY

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